Acta Medica Alanya
2021;5(2): 190-194
Does Race Have a Role in The Effect of Fingerprint on Gender?
Parmak İzinin Cinsiyete Etkisinde Irkların Rolü Varmı?
Seda Avnioglu1*, Rumeysa Dikici1, Halil Yılmaz2
1.Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Antalya, Turkey
2.Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University, Kozakli Vocational School, Department of Therapy and Rehabilitation, Nevsehir, Turkey
Aim: Fingerprint is one of the personal and reliable physical features. The fingerprint
has an important role in forensics, and it is used in the detection of criminals and
identity checks. Studies on different races have been conducted, but no interracial
comparison has been found in the literature. In this study, we have investigated the
effect of race on finger ridge using the same method on 5 different races.
Methods: In our study, the right thumb prints of 355 (148 female, 207 male) students
aged 17-25 years in our school were taken with an ink pad (stamp) and recorded
along with their ages, sexes, and races. Data were analysed by sex and race.
Results: In the comparison by sex, the finger ridge counts of male (11.94±2.08) and
female (12.76±2.02) participants were found to be statistically significantly different
(p<0.001). Participants were classified as Turkish, Arab, Russian, Turkmen, and
African. The difference in finger ridge counts between Turkish-Africans was found to
be statistically significant in the comparison by races (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Comparison of finger ridge counts by sex has been studied on many
races, but each study has been conducted with a different method. In our study,
we aimed to contribute to the literature by examining how the finger ridge counts of
men and women differ in 5 different races by using the same method. Although the
data we obtained are compatible with the literature for the Turkish race, there are
differences for other races.
Giriş ve amaç: Parmak izi, kişiye özgü ve güvenilir fiziksel özelliklerdendir. Adli
vakalarda önemli bir görevi olan parmak izi, suçluların tespiti ve kimlik denetiminde
kullanılmaktadır. Literatürde farklı ırklarda çalışmalar yapılmış; fakat ırklar arası bir
karşılaştırmaya rastlanmamıştır. Biz bu çalışma ile 5 farklı ırk üzerinde aynı metodu
kullanarak parmak izi tepe noktasına ırk faktörünün etkisini belirlemeye çalıştık.
Method: Çalışmamızda, okulumuzun 17-25 yaş aralığındaki 355 (148 kadın, 207
erkek) öğrencinin sağ başparmak izleri mürekkeple boyama yöntemi ile (ıstampa)
alınmış, yaş-cinsiyet ve ırkları sorgulanarak kaydedilmiştir. Her kişinin parmak izi tepe
sayısı Bayes yöntemi (Acree) ile hesaplanmıştır. Veriler cinsiyet ve ırka göre analiz
Bulgular: Cinsiyetlere göre karşılaştırmada erkeklerin baş parmak halka sayısı
(11.94±2.08) ve kadınların başparmak halka sayıları (12.76±2.02) istatistiksel
olarak anlamlı derecede farklı bulunmuştur (p<0.001). Katılımcılar Türk, Arap,
Rus, Türkmen ve Afrikalı olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Irklara göre karşılaştırmada
Türk-Afrikalılar arasında parmak halka sayısındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
bulunmuştur (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, birçok ırk üzerinde parmak izi tepe sayısının cinsiyetlere
göre karşılaştırılması çalışılmış fakat her çalışma farklı metodla uygulanmıştır. Biz
çalışmamızda 5 farklı ırkta kadın ve erkek cinsiyette tepe sayılarının nasıl değiştiğini
aynı metodla inceleyerek literatüre katkı sağlamayı hedefledik. Elde ettiğimiz
veriler Türk ırkı için literatür ile uyumlu olmakla beraber diğer ırklar için farklılıklar
Keywords: Finger ridge density, Fingerprint, Sex determination, Turkish population
Anahtar Kelimeler: Parmak izi tepe yoğunluğu, Parmak izi, Cinsiyet belirleme, Türk
Received: 15.08.2021 Accepted: 26.08.2021 Published (Online): 30.08.2021
*Corresponding Author: Seda Avnioğlu, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Anatomy, Antalya, Turkey. +902425106060,
[email protected]
ORCİD: 0000-0003-1719-4190
To cited: Avnioğlu S, Dikici R, Yılmaz H. Does Race Have a Role in The Effect of Fingerprint on Gender? Acta Med.
Alanya 2021;5(2):190-194 doi:10.30565/medalanya.983035
Acta Medica Alanya MAY- AUG 2021 Open Access
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Avnioğlu S et al. The Effect Of Fingerprint On Gender
iometric characteristics such as fingerprint,
face, ear, iris, retina, hand geometry, voice,
signature, and gait are physical characteristics
that are unique enough to be different for each
person and are too reliable to be passed on from
family [1]. Fingerprint is a valuable identification
tool with its uniqueness, immutability, and
classifiable features. It is estimated that there is 1
in 64 billion chance that the fingerprints of any two
randomly selected people will be the same [2]. It is
possible to argue that the same fingerprint did not
occur twice throughout the history of humanity [3].
Fingerprints are formed between 13th and 19th
weeks of pregnancy. Fingerprints do not develop
on the skin, they occur due to the protrusions in
the flesh under the skin [4]. Genetic and racial
factors play a role in the formation of fingerprints.
There is a possibility that genetic problems during
the formation of fingerprints may also change
the structure of fingerprints [5]. In addition to
genetic factors, the mother's diet, chemical intake,
hormone levels, and environmental radiation can
also have an effect in fingerprint pattern [6]. The
position of the fetus in the womb and the density
of the amniotic fluid also affect the formation of
the fingerprint [3, 6].
Fingerprints have a very important role in forensic
cases, and they are successfully used in many
areas from detection of criminals to identity checks.
They have started to be used not only in criminal
identification, but also in access control, user's
computer login, polling, and similar applications.
Fingerprints are frequently used in identification,
as fingerprints do not change even as people age
Fingerprint image is the image obtained by
scanning or taking a picture of the fingerprint.
When we look at a fingerprint image with the
naked eye, the protruding areas are represented
with a colour close to black, and the recessed
areas are represented with a colour close to
white. The near-black protruding areas are called
the "ridges," and the near-white recessed areas
are called the "valleys" [4].
The fingerprint minutiae are distinctive in
fingerprint analyses. Identification is carried out
by using the fact that the distance between these
points is different for each person. In studies
examining the finger ridges, it has been argued
that the finger ridge count differs by sex, and sex
estimation can be made using this characteristic
The Bayesian method, which Acree used in his
study with 400 people in a police station in the
USA in 1999, has been generally accepted,
and this method started to be used. With this
method, Acree showed that fingerprints with
11 ridges/25mm2 or less in a given area may
belong to a male individual, and those with 12
ridges/25mm2 or more may belong to a female
individual [6].
In the literature review on determining sex from
fingerprints, it was concluded that women had
more finger ridges than men. So, sex determination
could be made from fingerprints [1, 6-8]. Studies on
different races, although limited in number, have
been conducted, but no interracial comparison
has been found in the literature. In this study, we
have investigated the effect of race on finger ridge
using the same method on 5 different races.
Our study started with the approval of Alanya
Alaaddin Keykubat University Clinical Research
Ethics Committee (Number: 2019:12-5). In our
study, fingerprints of students at Alanya Alaaddin
Keykubat University Faculty of Medicine and
Dentistry Faculty and of foreign students at
Turkish and Foreign Language Application and
Research Center were used. The age, sex, and
race information of the students between the ages
of 17-25 years was inquired and recorded. The
details of the study were explained in detail to
each student, and an informed consent form was
signed by the participants. Right thumb prints of
the students were taken with an ink pad (stamp).
This process was repeated three times, and the
fingerprints were meticulously preserved.
In order to find the finger ridge count of each
person, a method found by Acree was used.
For this purpose, first of all, a square section of
5 mm x 5 mm in the upper left part of the right
thumbprint, starting from the core, was extracted
from the fingerprint. The lower right corner of the
Acta Medica Alanya 2021:5:2
Avnioğlu S et al. The Effect Of Fingerprint On Gender
square region taken from the right hand fingerprint
sample shown in the figure is defined as the core
point (Figure 1). The valleys and ridges in the 5
mm x 5 mm region obtained from the upper left
part of this point were calculated.
package program.
Of the participants in the study, 148 men and
207 women. In the comparison by sex, the thumb
fingerprint loop count was found to be 11.94±2.08
for male participants, and it was found to be
12.76±2.02 for female participants. This difference
is statistically significant (p<0.001) (Table 1).
Table 1: Comparison of the fingerprint loop count by sex
Mean Loop
Independent Samples t-test (*p<0.05,**p0.01,***p0.001), Data are
represented as mean±standard deviation, Variables are shown as
***The difference in the fingerprint loop count between the sexes is
statistically significant (***p<0.001).
Figure 1: Core point and Bayerian Method
In the study, the sample size of 355 people who
complied with the criteria determined as 1/1
sample also gives the sample size. Eighteen
students were excluded from the research due
to the predetermined criteria (absence of thumb,
scarring, bandage due to temporary wounds,
etc.). The demographic information (age, sex,
nationality) of the participants in the study was
recorded, and the loops on the thumb were counted.
Data were analysed by sex and nationality.
It is stated in the literature that the thumb fingerprint
loop count is more than 12 for women and less
than 12 for men. In order to test this information,
frequency analysis between the sexes was carried
out by making a cut-off value of 12. In the ChiSquare analysis, there was a difference between
the sexes according to the cut-off value (p<0.05)
(Table 2).
Table 2. Frequency Analysis by Sex
Loop count
below 12
Loop count
Above 12
Sig. (p)
Value: 4.29
Pearson Chi-Square test (*p<0.05, **p0.01, ***p0.001)
Statistical analysis
a; The loop count of 12 or above is significantly higher in women than in
In this study, the normal distribution was tested
with skewness-kurtosis, histogram, Q-Q plots,
standard deviation/mean, and KolmogorovSmirnov tests. Pearson correlation was used in the
Independent Samples T-test correlation analysis
in pairwise comparisons of normally distributed
data. Kruskal-Wallis H test with Bonferroni
correction was used in multiple comparisons of
groups that were not normally distributed or had a
small amount of data. In the statistical evaluation,
α=0.05 was accepted, and p<α was considered
statistically significant. In this study, statistical
analysis was carried out with IBM SPSS 22.00
men (p<0.05).
In our study, the demographic difference in
the thumb fingerprint loop count was analysed
by grouping the participants according to
nationalities. Participants were classified as
Turkish, Arab, Russian, Turkmen, and African.
Due to the insufficient amount of data in some
groups, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis H
Test was used with Bonferroni correction in
multi-group comparison. In the comparison by
nationalities, the difference in the fingerprint loop
count between Turkish-Africans was found to be
statistically significant (p<0.05). There was no
Acta Medica Alanya 2021:5:2
Avnioğlu S et al. The Effect Of Fingerprint On Gender
significant difference between the other groups
(p>0.05) (Table 3).
Table 3. Loop count analysis by nationality
Mean Loop Count
Median (Min-Max)
12 (8-18)
13 (9-17)
13 (9-17)
13.5 (9-17)
14 (11-16)
(Min: Minimum; Max: Maximum), Kruskal-Wallis H Test post hoc
Bonferroni test (*p<0.05, **p0.01, ***p0.001), Data are represented as
Median (Min-Max), Variables are shown as Median (Min-Max)
a; The difference in the loop count between Africans and Turks is
statistically significant (p<0.05)
In order to distinguish fingerprints from each
other, the fingerprint minutiae on each finger are
examined. The frequency and arrangement of these
fingerprint minutiae is different for each person.
Since women have more detailed and specific
fingerprints than men, when a certain area of the
fingerprint is examined, it is seen that women have
a higher ridge count than men. Accordingly, it can
be stated that women's fingerprint images contain
much more fingerprint minutiae [9]. Numerous
studies have been conducted to examine the
relationship between fingerprint and sex using
these minutiae [10-14]. This information is used to
save both time and energy in identifying the owner
of the fingerprint by estimating their sex in legal
cases and investigation processes [10].
According to the studies examining the relationship
between fingerprint and sex in the literature, the
average finger ridge count differs by sex and race,
and the average finger ridge count of men is lower
than that of women in any racial group [8, 10-17].
In our study, the average finger ridge count was
found to be significantly different between sexes,
the thumb fingerprint loop count was found to be
11.94±2.08 for men and 12.76±2.02 for women,
and these values were found to be consistent with
the findings in the literature.
In the study of Krishan K. et al., conducted with a
total of 194 participants, 97 men and 97 women,
aged between 18-25 years, a total of 1.940
fingerprints were taken, and the ridges in the
epidermis in the upper left, upper right, and lower
areas of these fingerprints were counted for each
finger. Finger ridge densities were statistically
compared by these three areas and by sex using
t-test. The results showed that women have higher
finger ridge density than men in all three areas.
They reported that the finger ridge density in the
upper right and upper left areas of the fingerprint
had significantly higher values than the lower area
In Acree's study on finger ridge on 100 AfricanAmerican women, 100 African-American men
and 100 Caucasian women, 100 Caucasian men
with criminal records, it is reported that if the
ridge count is 11 ridges/25 mm2 or below, the
fingerprint is more likely to belong to a man, and
if the ridge count is 12 ridges/25 mm2 or above,
the fingerprint is more likely to belong to a woman
Nayak et al.'s study on 200 people of Chinese
origin (100 men and 100 women) and 100 people
of Malaysian origin (50 men and 50 women)
revealed that there were significant differences by
sex in the finger ridge count. They reported that
those with a finger ridge count of 12/25 mm2 or
below were male, and those with a finger ridge
count of 13/25 mm2 or above were female [12,
Gutiérrez-Redomero et al. reported that the
average finger ridge count in the population
of 209 (99 male and 110 female) Caucasian
Hispanic people was 17.91 in women and 16.23 in
men [13]. Nithin et al. analysed fingerprints from
550 volunteers (275 male and 275 female) from
the South Indian population, and reported that
individuals with a finger ridge count of 13/25mm2
or below were most likely male, and those with
14/25 mm2 or above were most likely female [14].
In the study conducted by Oktem et al. on the
Turkish population, the average finger ridge count
taken from 206 students (118 female-88 male)
was found to be 14.52 in females and 12.92 in
males [8].
Eshak G.A. et al. conducted a study with 752
participants from Egypt (380 male, 372 female)
in which they examined ridge count, square area,
finger breadth and finally ridge density through
Acta Medica Alanya 2021:5:2
Avnioğlu S et al. The Effect Of Fingerprint On Gender
finger photographs, and reported that women had
smaller finger breadth and square area but had
more number of ridges and higher ridge density
When the studies conducted around the world and
the races used in these studies are considered, it
is seen that the average finger ridge count of men
is 12.68 ridges/25mm2, while the average finger
ridge count of women is 14.88 ridges/25mm2. It is
predicted that women have a higher finger ridge
density than men. So, sex determination can be
made using this characteristic. It has been seen
that, in addition to the finger ridge density, the
ratio of the ridge thickness to the valley thickness,
the ridge count and the ridge width values can also
be used in sex determination [10]. On the one
hand, many studies in the literature are similar
to our study, on the other hand, Mustanski et al.
[20], Van Oel et al. [21], Ekanem et al. [22], and
Wang et al. [23] reported higher finger ridge count
in men than women.
As a result, the comparison of the finger ridge
count by sex on many races has been studied, but
not every study has used the same method. In this
research we presented, we aimed to contribute
to the literature with a different perspective by
examining the differences in finger ridge count in
women and men in 5 different races by the same
researcher and the same method. Our study is
a first in this respect. Although the results we
obtained are compatible with the literature for the
Turkish race, there are differences for other races.
In a conclusion; since our study is the first in this
respect, it has some shortcomings. In particular,
the inequality in the number of men and women
and the low number of foreign racial fingerprints
are among the limitations of our study. This study
should be replicated with more people of a foreign
race and by ensuring the same number of men
and women.
Conflict of Interest: The author declares no
conflict of interest related to this article.
Funding sources: The author declares that this
study has received no financial support
Ethics Committee Approval: Alanya Alaaddin
Keykubat University Clinical Research Ethics
Committee (Number: 2019:12-5).
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Authorship Contrubition
Seda Avnioğlu
Consept, design, interpretation, literature search,
manuscript writing, final approval, critical review
Rumeysa Dikici
Materials, data collection, literature review,
manuscript writing, final approval, critical review
Halil Yılmaz
Analysis, final approval, critical review
Acta Medica Alanya 2021:5:2