Hierarchical Multithreading: Programming Model and System
Guang R. Gao1 , Thomas Sterling2,3 , Rick Stevens4 , Mark Hereld4 , Weirong Zhu1
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Delaware
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science
Louisiana State University
This paper addresses the underlying sources of performance degradation (e.g. latency, overhead, and
starvation) and the difficulties of programmer productivity (e.g. explicit locality management and scheduling, performance tuning, fragmented memory, and synchronous global barriers) to dramatically enhance the
broad effectiveness of parallel processing for high end
computing. We are developing a hierarchical threaded
virtual machine (HTVM) that defines a dynamic, multithreaded execution model and programming model,
providing an architecture abstraction for HEC system
software and tools development. We are working on
a prototype language, LITL-X (pronounced “little-X”)
for Latency Intrinsic-Tolerant Language, which provides the application programmers with a powerful set
of semantic constructs to organize parallel computations in a way that hides/manages latency and limits
the effects of overhead. This is quite different from locality management, although the intent of both strategies is to minimize the effect of latency on the efficiency
of computation. We will work on a dynamic compilation and runtime model to achieve efficient LITL-X
program execution. Several adaptive optimizations will
be studied. A methodology of incorporating domainspecific knowledge in program optimization will be studied. Finally, we plan to implement our method in an
experimental testbed for a HEC architecture and perform a qualitative and quantitative evaluation on selected applications.
1-4244-0054-6/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
[email protected]
Center for Advanced Computing Research
California Institute of Technology
With the rapid increase in both the scale and complexity of scientific and engineering problems, the computational demands grow accordingly. Breakthroughquality scientific discoveries and optimal engineering
designs often rely on large scale simulations on HighEnd Computing (HEC) systems with performance requirement reaching peta-flops and beyond. However,
current HEC systems lack system software and tools
optimized for advanced scientific and engineering work
of interest, and are extremely difficult to program and
to port applications to. Consequently, applications
rarely achieve an acceptable fraction of the peak capability of the system.
To radically improve this situation, the following
key features are expected to be supported in the future HEC systems: (1) Architecture support for coarseand/or fine-grain multithreading at enormous scale (up
to millions of threads). (2) Architecture support for
runtime thread migration, and (3) Architecture support for large shared address space across nodes. These
features can be observed in the IBM Bluegene L [6]
and Cyclops architectures [5], Processor-In-Memorybased architectures [17], fine-grain multithreaded architectures like HTMT [10] and CARE [14].
In this paper, we propose a hierarchical threaded virtual machine (HTVM) that defines a dynamic, multithreaded execution model, which provides an architecture abstraction for HEC system software and tools development. A corresponding programming model will
efficiently exploit the ability of the execution model by
users. We will perform research on programming model
and language issues, continuous compilation and runtime software that are critical to enable the dynamic
adaptation of the HEC system. We propose a method
to enable domain-expert knowledge input and exploitation, and runtime performance monitoring mechanism
to support the above continuous compilation. Finally,
we report the current status of the implementation,
performance analysis, and evaluation of the proposed
methods under an experimental HEC system software
An Overview of the Hierarchical
Threaded Virtual Machine Model
This section gives our overall vision on the HEC
system software/tools. A major challenge is to accommodate dynamic adaptivity in the design due to the
complex and dynamic nature of ultra-large scale HEC
applications and machines. Under a real HEC program execution scenario, millions of threads at various
levels in the thread hierarchy may be generated and
executed at different time and places in the machine.
Each thread should be mapped to a desirable physical thread unit when resources become available and
dependences are resolved. We identify four classes of
adaptivity critical to the performance of the system:
• Loop parallelism adaptation. Scientific applications tend to have computation-intensive kernels
consisting of loop nests. Exploitable parallelism in
a loop nest, and the grain size of the parallelism,
are runtime dependent on the machine resource
availability and data locality, which change more
drastically in a highly threaded environment with
deep memory hierarchy.
• Dynamic load adaptation. The computation
load may become unbalanced and a large number
of threads may need to migrate to balance the load
of the machine.
• Locality adaptation. Data objects may need
to migrate, and copies be generated and moved
in the memory hierarchy to achieve high locality,
while copy consistency needs to be preserved.
• Latency adaptation. The deep memory hierarchy usually found in an HEC machine makes
the memory access latencies vary more drastically
during the execution, depending on the locality
of references, the number of concurrent accesses,
and the available memory bandwidth. The system
needs dynamically adapt to such variations.
A main task of our research is to study the key system software technologies that support the above dy-
namic adaptiveness of the HEC system. Fig. 1 shows
our overall system software architecture. At the core is
a Hierarchical Threaded Virtual Machine(HTVM) execution model that features dynamic multi-level multithreaded execution. HTVM includes three components: a thread model, a memory model and a synchronization model. This design focuses on adaptivity features, as will be discussed in detail in Section 3.
The functionalities of HTVM will be supported and explored through the HTVM parallel programming language (called LITL-X), compiler and runtime software.
The compiler has two parts: a static part and a dynamic part. As shown in Fig. 1, the dynamic compiler
is responsible for the adaptation of loop parallelism,
dynamic load, locality and latency. Since the dynamic
compiler closely interacts with the runtime system and
will be called during the execution of the HEC applications, its functionality extends smoothly to the runtime
system as well, as indicated by the boxes that span
across the dynamic compiler and the runtime system.
To take advantage of the adaptivity features of
HTVM more effectively, a domain-experts knowledge
base is provided. Domain-specific knowledge is expressed as scripts, which give specific annotations to
the source of the HEC applications to guide the compilation process of the static compiler. To assist adaptivity, a system of structured hints guides the dynamic
compiler for selection and completion of the partial
schedules generated by the static compiler, and for selection of runtime algorithms, based on the dynamic
facts such as memory access patterns found by a runtime performance monitor during the execution of the
HEC applications. The flow of the mapping process of
an HEC application under our proposed research software and tools is indicated by the big shaded arrows
in Fig. 1. The components of the software infrastructure have been annotated by the corresponding section numbers. The HTVM compilation and execution
process is an iterative process with the assistance of a
feedback process as shown in the figure.
Hierarchical Multithreading: Programming Model and System Software
A Hierarchical Threaded Virtual Machine Model
One of our primary objectives is to define the hierarchical threaded virtual machine (HTVM). We first
outline our research in the HTVM execution model,
which consists of a thread model, a memory model and
Figure 1. An Overview of the Proposed HEC Software/Tools
a synchronization model. We then outline research issues and tasks for HTVM programming model.
HTVM Execution Model
A novel aspect of our HTVM model is to provide a
smooth and integrated abstraction that directly represents these thread levels and provides an integrated
thread hierarchy. We will target future HEC architectures - they provide rich hardware support for a hierarchy of threads at different grain levels, as discussed
Intuitively, the following levels of threads are to be
defined under HTVM.
• Large-Grain
HTVM. Large-grain threads are a universally
supported feature of many HEC architectures.
These threads normally perform a substantial
computation task, building up their state, of
considerable “weight”, during the course of their
execution. There is usually considerable cost associated with such a coarse thread invocation and
management, even with architectural support.
Examples of LGTs are the high-weight threads
under Cascade architecture [4] or coarse-grain
threads under PERCS architecture [1], and the
threads under Cyclops-64 TiNy threadTM [7].
• Small-Grain
HTVM: Small-grain threads are another
feature of certain HEC architectures interested
in this proposal. These threads normally expect
to perform a much smaller computation task,
building some state but with substantial less
“weight”. Therefore, cost of their invocation
and management is much lower when comparing
with large-grain threads. An example of SGTs is
the threaded function calls under CILK [9] and
EARTH[19], parcels under HTMT [10] and Cascade [4], and asynchronous calls being considered
under PERCS [1].
• Tiny-Grain Threads (TGTs) under HTVM:
threads with much lighter weight than SGTs will
be supported in some future HEC architectures.
The partition of TGTs and their resource usage
(e.g., registers) are done by automatic thread partitioning [18]. Examples of TGTs include fibers
under EARTH [19] and strands under CARE [14].
An important research task is to provide a solid definition and specification of the three levels of threads
under a unified thread hierarchy. The specification
needs to be general enough to capture the features of
a family of future HEC architectures to ensure portability, while simple enough for compiler and/or programmers to generate efficient code, and to facilitate
runtime optimization.
Figure 2. A Case Study of Hierarchical Thread Execution Model: Large Scale Simulation of Brain
Neuron Networks
Our current plan is: An LGT has its own private
memory space, and all LGTs share a global address
space. A group of SGTs invoked from an LGT will see
the private memory of the LGT. An SGT invocation
will have its own private frame storage, where its local
state is stored. The TGTs within an SGT will share
the frame storage of the enclosing SGT invocation, but
may communicate efficiently by using registers under
the compiler control. To illustrate our thoughts, Figure
2 shows a mapping of the computation of a multi-level
neural system simulation onto our HTVM hierarchy of
threads. We hope the figure should be self-explanatory.
For developing the parallel programming model for
HTVM, we leverage our own experience in participating recent on-going research on new parallel programming models and languages such as the language
proposal X10 under the IBM PERCS project [2] and
Chapel under the Cray Cascade project [4]. All are
seeking a potential alternative programming model
that is more aggressive in addressing the combined
challenges of latency and overhead.
To be more concrete, We are working on a prototype
language, LITL-X (pronounced “little-X”) for Latency
Intrinsic-Tolerant Language, which provides the application programmers with a powerful set of semantic
constructs to organize parallel computations in a way
that hides/manages latency and limits the effects of
overhead. This is quite different from locality management, although the intent of both strategies is to
minimize the effect of latency on the efficiency of computation. Locality management attempts to avoid latency events by aggregating data for local computation
and reducing large message communications. Latency
management attempts to hide latency by overlapping
communications with computation.
LITL-X will incorporate the following classes of parallel constructs for latency tolerance and overhead reduction:
• Coarse-grain multithreading, with thread contextswitching built in the application’s instruction
stream (rather than in the operating system) for
keeping the processors busy in the presence of remote requests. This is connected to the LGT under HTVM.
• Parcel(intelligent
splittransaction computation [17], to reduce communication and to enable the moving of the
work to the data (when it makes sense). This is
connected to the SGT under HTVM.
• Futures [11] for eager producer-consumer computing, with efficient localized buffering of requests at
the site of the needed values. This is connected to
the TGT under HTVM.
• Percolation [12] of program instruction blocks and
data at the site of the intended computation, to
eliminate waiting for remote accesses, which are
determined at run time prior to actual block execution.
• Synchronization constructs for data-flow style operations, as well as atomic blocks of memory operations.
System Software: Compiler and Runtime Solutions
In this section, we describe how the compiler and
runtime software to address the challenges of efficient
execution under the HTVM model. Our solution is
moving from static analysis and optimization toward a
hybrid scheme, combining both static compilation and
runtime adaptation. The compiler and the runtime
system software are intimately connected under our
adaptive/continuous compilation strategy, where some
key functions of runtime system software can also be
viewed as an extension of the compiler. As mentioned
in Section 2, the HTVM system software addresses four
types of runtime adaptation: loop parallelism adaptation, dynamic load adaptation, locality adaptation,
and latency adaption. In this paper, we take the loop
multithreading and parallelism adaptation as an example to illustrate how the system software should be
Scientific applications heavily rely on loop nests to
compute their results. Often, more than 90% of the
execution time is spent on some computation-intensive
kernels composed of loop nests. It is of extreme importance to schedule these loops effectively to improve the
overall performance of the application. Loop scheduling on a parallel distributed system can be broadly divided into two classes: static and dynamic scheduling.
Static scheduling tends to cause load imbalance, since
the exploitable parallelism, and the grain size of the
parallelism, vary with the machine resource availability, data distribution and the latency of memory accesses, especially in the context of the highly dynamic
and threaded HEC machines. Consequently, dynamic
scheduling has been developed and shown promising
performance improvement.
The dynamic loop scheduling methods, however,
target only Thread-Level Parallelism (TLP). In contrast, there is another important technology, namely,
software pipelining, aims to exploit Instruction-Level
Parallelism (ILP) from loops. Software pipelining is
a most widely and successfully used loop parallelization technique for existing microprocessor architectures
(e.g. VLIW or superscalar architectures) [13]. Traditionally, software pipelining is mainly applied to the
innermost loop of a given loop nest. Recently we have
introduced a new approach, called Single-dimension
Software Pipelining (SSP) [16],to software pipeline a
loop nest at an arbitrary loop level with desirable optimization objectives such as data locality and/or parallelism. The SSP method has been successfully tested
on a uniprocessor architecture (Intel IA-64 architecture) and shows significant performance improvement.
In this research, we will further extend SSP from
single-processor single-thread environments to multiprocessor multithreading environments, by combining
the strength of software pipelining (a static scheduling)
and dynamic scheduling. The basic approach can be
described as follows: First choose the most profitable
loop level [16], which may have its own inner loops and
therefore a loop nest itself. This loop level is software
pipelined first. After that, the software pipelined code
is partitioned into threads, each thread composed of
several iterations of the selected loop level. The approach is unique in that it exploits instruction-level
and thread-level parallelism simultaneously.
There are several issues we need to study: (1) What
is the performance and cost model for such partition
of the software pipelined code into threads? (2) How
to integrate this approach with runtime optimization?
Software pipelining uses a machine resource model, including the memory access latencies, to scheduling the
loop. The available resources and actual memory access latencies, however, are runtime dependent in an
HEC machine, as explained before. (3)What semantics constructs can be provided in LITL-X specifically
for SSP and multi-threading? For example, a pragma
may be presented to indicate the most beneficial loop
level, or indicate the scheduling strategies. The static
compiler acts according to the pragma and generates
some (partial) schedules, and stores this pragma as a
structured hint in appropriate format if it is dependent
on runtime statistics.
Efficient Interaction between Applications and System Software
In this section, we outline the solution strategies for
the efficient interaction between applications and system software. There are two important aspects: the
first is developing the methods, models, and tools to
facilitate mapping complex domain application codes
to the HTVM model; the second is developing a mon-
itoring methodology and interface that will help the
adaptive compiler and runtime system to optimize execution and resource utilization on the fly.
Domain-Specific Knowledge Input to
System Software
Today, it is a widely accepted belief that some ultralarge scale scientific applications targeted by the HEC
machines are so complex that efficient mapping of such
applications to the architecture will require application
scientists/programmers who are domain experts. The
gap between expressions of domain-specific computations and expressions tailored to efficient execution on
a given system architecture is widening. Domain experts are and will continue to be challenged to write
high performance codes.
ming model and runtime system software are under the
guidance of the domain experts’ knowledge. It shows
the progression from a domain-specific script-based description of a simulation to HTVM code. The domain
expert’s knowledge is built into the script language
and/or idiomatic modules that augment the script or
other programming language. Pseudo-code distills the
simulation down to its key structural and computational components, and includes hints to be used to
guide optimization. This code is then translated to run
on the HTVM. The resulting code is ready for compilation and execution.
Guidance from the application programmer, and
more generally available from domain-specific idioms
and algorithms used explicitly or implicitly by the application programmer, must be passed to the adaptive
compiler, runtime system, and monitoring system to
enable them to efficiently optimize the execution of
the code. We plan to define and implement a system of
structured hints to capture and apply the combined expertise of the domain specialist and the compiler. Our
notion of structured hints embodies the idea that the
compiler and the domain expert can collaborate to reduce the number of possible optimization strategies to
a modest and manageable set of options which are most
likely to produce high performance code in the context
of a complex and adaptive system architecture.
• The compiler will identify points in the code which
present the potential for optimization, but for
which it has insufficient information to proceed on
its own.
Figure 3. Mapping pNeocortex to system
HTVM embodies a model that we believe expresses
effectively the low-level idioms and interfaces required
by future ultra-large scale computing platforms. But
programming at the HTVM level will require expertise
well outside the domain of typical application specialists. To bridge this gap with as little compromise as
possible we present a layered architecture that we will
implement manually first, with an eye toward later automation as relevant technologies mature. Fig.3 illustrates the basic idea as it has evolved in the context of
the EARTH project [19] and a particular application: a
simulation of electrical activity in the neocortex. With
the assistance from the domain specific knowledge embedded in the neocortex simulation, a test model of the
PGENESIS neocortex is designed and the code mapping and optimization on the EARTH base program-
• The domain expert, led by the structured list of
opportunities generated by the compiler, will add
priorities and rules to this list of opportunities that
will aid the compiler and runtime to streamline
code execution.
The resulting organized and expertly culled guide to
optimization, the structured hints, includes data structures, dependencies, weights, and rules. In addition to
focusing the compilers attempts at optimization, the
resulting structured hints will be an integrated part
of our Program/Execution Knowledge Database, providing the runtime system with an informed and tailored set of options around which to make its choices.
Each hint can be expressly targeted at some part of the
execution model: the adaptive compiler, the runtime
system, or monitoring system. For example, informed
choices about which pieces of the code to instrument,
and how, will become part of the metric suite used by
the adaptive compiling and runtime system to adjust
resource allocation and compilation strategy during execution. As another example, the domain expert can
identify critical parameters to be adjusted by the compiler for its adaptive optimizations, thereby narrowing
the parameter space to be searched. Without reference
to the underlying hardware architecture, or even to the
HTVM software architecture, the hints must address,
in a general way, issues of: 1) data locality, 2) monitoring priorities, 3) data access patterns, and 4) computation patterns. These will be mapped directly to
specific actions, weighting schemes, and optimization
strategies in the HTVM system software.
The adaptive compile and runtime system will require feedback derived from the execution and resource
allocation monitoring. The hints discussed in the previous subsection will drive both static and dynamic
optimizations of the program execution. In this later
context, they will provide the system with guidance on
degrees of freedom most likely to affect performance,
likely bottlenecks in the code, unpredictable aspects of
data locality and computational work patterns to steer
monitoring resources to develop heuristic models.
Our plan is to implement a hint schema that is fed
by the application programming and domain-expert interactions. It will be used by various stages of the code
translation process, the HTVM system, and the runtime monitoring system.
system for a threaded virtual machine at LGT level,
a thread communication and synchronization library,
a OpenMP compiler and runtime system, a functionaccurate simulator, a cycle-accurate simulator, a Gccbased compiler, the binary utilities (assembler, linker,
etc.), and the libraries (e.g. libc/libm). We also continue develop the EARTH and CARE software infrastructure at SGT and TGT levels. We have re-targeted
the Open64 compilation infrastructure from the 64-bit
Intel IA-64 architecture to the 32-bit Intel XScale embedded architecture [3], and recently we have successfully implemented the SSP scheduling [16], register allocation, and code generation [15] in this compiler.
Based on the above infrastructures, we are constructing an experimental testbed in the following way.
First we are modifying the current virtual machine that
is for large-grain threads under C64 software infrastructure, and implement the HTVM small-grain and
tiny-grain threads. Second we are implementing runtime system software support for both, leveraging our
experience with the EARTH and CARE software infrastructures. Third, we are extending and modifying
the function-accurate simulator to include the support
of relevant architecture features. We are also extending the above runtime system, compiler and simulator to implement the algorithms developed during this
research for continuous compilation and runtime optimization, as introduced in Section 3.3.
Monitoring of Application Execution
Infrastructure and Experimentation
Plan and Status
In this section, we report the current status of
the implementation and experimentation of the system
software and tools.
The Infrastructure of an Experimental Testbed
For the implementation and experimental study of
the HTVM system software, we continue to develop
and refine our software infrastructures. As the starting point, we choose the system software infrastructure for IBM Cyclops-64 cellular architecture, a petaflops supercomputing chip-multithreaded architecture
under development at IBM Research Laboratory, featured with 160 thread units and a number of memory
modules interconnected by a high speed on-chip interconnection network [8]. We will leverage an system
software infrastructure and tool-chain for this architecture being developed jointly by a collaborative effort between ETI and CAPSL at University of Delware.
The system software infrastructure includes a runtime
Experimentation Plan and Status
The primary goal of the experimentation is to validate the proposed HEC system software and tools
in addressing the needs of selected HEC applications.
Have we created a practical methodology, ultimately
amenable to automation, that enables efficient application programming by domain experts while producing
codes that perform well? We have selected two codes
for our study: the computational neuroscience, which
simulates large networks of biological neurons, and the
fine grain molecular dynamics, which simulates relatively modest sized molecules, a single protein or protein complex in water with multiple ion species. Both
codes are representative HEC applications, therefore
they are important for the research and development
of HTVM execution model, programming model, and
system software.
Our proposed experimental methodology comprises
five major tasks enumerated below. We will use our
Neuroscience code to blaze the trail and follow the task
list for the molecular dynamics code with a delay. In
this way we will begin the development and testing of
the process and tool set with one code, and use the
second code to validate the process and provide opportunity for refinement.
• Instrument and characterize the application codes
on existing machines to establish base performance
• Develop performance models for each code in
terms of the proposed HTVM model.
• Develop a new implementation of each code to use
the proposed HTVM model using the application
mapping methodology.
• Validate on the simulation testbed.
• Project performance and impact of the proposed
new HEC software and tools.
We acknowledge the support from the National Science Foundation (CNS-0509332) and Laboratory Director Research and Development funding, IBM, ETI,
and other government sponsors. We acknowledge
Hongbo Rong, who has been instrumental in the development and documentation of some key ideas in this
paper. We would also like to acknowledge other members at the CAPSL group, who provide a stimulus environment for scientific discussions and collaborations,
in particular Ziang Hu, Juan del Cuvillo, and Ge Gan.
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