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This paper evaluates the English language teaching textbook "Essential Grammar in Use" by Raymond Murphy, focusing on its alignment with syllabus specifications, methodology, suitability for learners, physical attributes, and overall learning-teaching content. The evaluation employs a checklist assessing various criteria, including the book's effectiveness in promoting language skills such as speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. The results highlight strengths such as engaging tasks and good grammar coverage, while also noting areas for improvement, such as the lack of listening tasks and cultural considerations.
English is the language of the global village on this planet of the globe. The school and colleges teach English as one of the subjects. In some of the state, teaching of English is introduced from fifth and in some eighth. For most of us English is second language but there are some problems in teaching and learning this language in India. The main concern of researcher in this area has been to find out the merits and demerits and then to criticize the textbook of English of standard VII published by Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks. For that investigator selected 75 teachers teaching English subject in Primary schools of Sabarkantha district using stratified random sample as sample for the present study. For data collection Content Analysis Instrument, Opinionnaire and Interview techniques were used. Findings about the content of the textbook, evaluation of the textbook and teachers' and students' opinions concluded that all the lessons should be interesting enough to capture the student's attention. The teacher should discuss the importance of given values using the illustration from real life. At least one lesson should be added containing the knowledge about new technologies and computer. The teacher should explain forms of different new grammar structure and provide more illustrations The new vocabulary items should be repeated to consolidate the use of the new words. Textbook writers should prepare the lesson of the textbook in such a way that the new grammar structures and new vocabulary items happen to be repeated for practice to students. More emphasis should be given on the language aspect than to subject matter while preparing the textbook.
RESUMEN: El studio investiga la asimilación de los libros de texto de inglés con el diseño de materiales y el proceso de aprendizaje de idiomas. Este studio considera fortalezas, debilidades y sugerencias para los cambios necesarios de los libros de texto, considerándose como material didáctico el libro de texto de inglés de novena grado publicado por "Punjab Textbook Board", donde cada unidad fue explorada por una lista de cotejo relacionada con objetivos, contenido y la secuencia de habilidades lingüísticas: escuchar, hablar, leer, escribir y la gramática, tanto cualitativa como cuantitativamente, resultando que los libros de texto de inglés deben revisarse de acuerdo a patrones de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua comunicativa.
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.
Language which has been considered man's most remarkable achievement, is so much a part of our lives, like the air we breathe, that very often we take it for granted and as often are not aware of its characteristic features. There are many things about language that are still a mystery and will probably remain so. However, there are aspects we do know. The past several decades have seen a tremendous amount of linguistics as a language, a description of its basic characteristics would make a better understanding of linguistic science. Language is a system. It is not a random collection of items. Patterning is all important. Each language has its own structure, its own system. It has its own unique way of organizing its units into an internal structure.
The 2006 Curriculum has been implemented. The changing curriculum has consequently brought new paradigms in learning and teaching activities. The different teaching methods may affect all aspects of learning language. The genre-based approach is adopted in the curriculum as the basic for English learning. The texts become the main material in learning language. Teachers get difficulty in providing materials with the new curriculum. They rely on the textbooks available in bookstores. Some teachers with their marginal positions have no power to select the best textbook for their students. Meanwhile, some other teachers find difficulties to find textbooks that really implement the 2006 Curriculum suitablely. This study tried to describe teacher's evaluation of textbooks based on the 2006 Curriculum. The study was qualitative, which required narrative data from the participants. To gain the data, in-depth interviews were employed as the main instrument. Meanwhile, the interview data were exploring by having interview with students and document check to maintain trustworthiness. The research was conducted in three Senior High Schools in Sleman. Three participants, who have taught for more than ten years, were purposively selected. The data were systematically categorized through coding process and continuously interpreted during the course of the research in order to make significant categories. In general, some aspects of the textbook have already been suitable with the 2006 Curriculum. The content-wise was suitable with type texts required in the curriculum, the social and communicative functions have been elaborated, and also gave suitable level of difficulty to students. The language of the textbook was on the students' level, providing standard and non-standard languages. The textbook also implemented two cycles i.e. spoken and written cycles using four Hammond stages; and the tasks were designed with studentcentre approach in presentation of materials. The cost and availability were not the problem for students and teachers. Nevertheless, teachers had to improve the content of the textbooks by adding some materials to give more exposure and guidance in producing texts. The topics of texts have not touched much in students' sense. The balance in presenting material was not suitable; teachers should modify some materials that were too much and add some limited models of short functional texts. Besides, they should also make a grand mapping of material presented to avoid redundancy. The illustration and graphic layout of the textbooks were not so interesting for students. In conclusion, the textbook was applicable and suitable with the 2006 Curriculum. Teachers could use it in their class as many aspects have already implemented from the current curriculum. Even though, they should make some improvement in it.
The textbook is an essential component that supports the educational process. EFL tutors can find a suitable and appropriate textbook in the educational process by analyzing the textbook. This research is intended to discover whether the materials in the English textbook implemented in SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin fulfil the good textbook criterion based on rubric assessment from Cunningsworth. This research applied a mixed method. The object of this research was an 11th grade EFL pupils textbook entitled "Bahasa Inggris." The writer implemented herself, rubric assessment of textbook analysis that has adapted, and documentation as the instrument. In analyzing the data, the writer applied descriptive elucidation and interpreted it into a numerical percentage form. The result indicated that 70.58% of the materials and exercises in the 11th grade EFL pupils textbook entitled "Bahasa Inggris" fulfilled the rubric assessment of textbook analysis by Cunningsworth (1995) that has adapted. Based on the result, the writer categorized the "Bahasa Inggris" textbook as "fair" with an average score of 70.58%. The score did not reach up to 100% because the textbook was a lack of listening material. There were no materials or exercises in terms of listening skills for EFL pupils to practice. In conclusion, the textbook content was suitable to be implemented in the educational process. In terms of listening skills, EFL tutors should use another source to add additional elucidation to complement listening material or exercise in the textbook.
The aim of the present study is to examine an EFL textbook that is used in a private secondary school in Ankara, Turkey. First two units of the Oxford University Press textbook Solutions were evaluated in terms of their appropriateness, completeness, and utility for 23 false beginner English language learners. The evaluation was carried out in two steps: (1) external evaluation, (2) internal evaluation via semi-structured interviews with the classroom teacher and student questionnaires. The evaluation results have revealed that the students and the teacher were satisfied with the textbook; however, they criticized the following points: (i) the same order of presentation of the units, (ii) the cultural contents were biased, (iii) the aim of the book was not appropriate, (iv) the high-speed of native speaker talks in the CD's. In addition, the classroom teacher reported that she would quit using the textbook with false beginners. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk ye'de özel b r ortaokulda İng l zce öğret m nde kullanılan b r ders k tabını ncelemekt r. Solut ons ders k tabının lk k ün tes , 23 adet İng l zce b lg s olan ancak başlangıç sev yes nden yen den başlaması gereken öğrenc ler ç n uygunluğu, eks ks zl ğ ve faydası açısından değerlend r ld . Değerlend rme k adımda gerçekleşt r ld : (1) Dış değerlend rme, (2) Sınıf öğretmen ve öğrenc anketler yle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla ç değerlend rme. Değerlend rme sonuçları, öğrenc ve öğretmen n ders k tabından memnun olduğunu ortaya koymuştur ancak öğretmen ve öğrenc ler aşağıdak noktaları eleşt rm şlerd r: ( ) Ün teler n hep aynı sırayı tak p etmes , ( ) Kültürel çer kler n önyargılı olması, ( ) K tabın amacına uygun olmaması, ( v) CD'lerdek seslend r c ler n hızlı konuşması. Ayrıca, sınıf öğretmen , söz konusu ders k tabını bu grup öğrenc lerle kullanmaktan vazgeçeceğ n b ld rm şt r.
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