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Switching light on a time scale below 1 ns is a core building block of many photonic devices. However most optical communication applications are not required to do this in a polarization independent manner, and can tolerate large insertion losses. For implementing quantum logic operations using the polarization of photons as information carriers, a low loss switch leaving the polarization of the photon untouched opens a new range of applications: conditional measurement schemes, combined polarization state, time bin encoding and quantum computing with optical qubits[1]. The obvious choice of using a simple mechanical mirror for phase shifting is limited by the inertia of the optical element, making this approach impractical for switching times below one microsecond.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2016
We present a complete optoelectronic unit for polarization visualization, switching and control. The system is based on an FPGA unit and comprises: an acquisition unit containing an analog polarimeter and digital-to-analog converters; an FPGA capable of implementing an optimal algorithm for three-stage arbitrary polarization tracking; and an electronic driver with analog-to-digital converters capable of interfacing with Lithium-Niobate-based Polarization Controllers. The results, determined via simulation of real-parameter devices, show that fast polarization switch is achievable.
Nature Communications, 2011
Integrated photonic circuits have a strong potential to perform quantum information processing . Indeed, the ability to manipulate quantum states of light by integrated devices may open new perspectives both for fundamental tests of quantum mechanics and for novel technological applications . However, the technology for handling polarization encoded qubits, the most commonly adopted approach, is still missing in quantum optical circuits .
Optics Express, 2020
An essential component of future quantum networks is an optical switch capable of dynamically routing single-photons. Here we implement such a switch, based on a fiber-optical Sagnac interferometer design. The routing is implemented with a pair of fast electro-optical telecom phase modulators placed inside the Sagnac loop, such that each modulator acts on an orthogonal polarization component of the single-photons, in order to yield polarization-independent capability that is crucial for several applications. We obtain an average extinction ratio of more than 19 dB between both outputs of the switch. Our experiment is built exclusively with commercial off-the-shelf components, thus allowing direct compatibility with current optical communication systems.
We present experimental results of deterministic linear optical Controlled-NOT and SWAP gates for single-photon two-qubit quantum logic. In our implementation one qubit is encoded in the polarization degree of freedom of the photon and the other is encoded in the momentum. Momentum-and polarization-controlled NOT gates are demonstrated. They are then combined to form a SWAP gate to convert pairs of momentum-entangled photons into polarization-entangled photons.
Physical Review A, 2005
A SWAP operation between different types of qubits of single photons is essential for manipulating hyperentangled photons for a variety of applications. We have implemented an efficient SWAP gate for the momentum and polarization degrees of freedom of single photons. The SWAP gate was utilized in a single-photon two-qubit quantum logic circuit to deterministically transfer momentum entanglement between a pair of down-converted photons to polarization entanglement. The polarization entanglement thus obtained violates Bell's inequality by more than 150 standard deviations.
Frontiers in Optics 2014, 2014
Physical Review Letters, 2010
The emerging strategy to overcome the limitations of bulk quantum optics consists of taking advantage of the robustness and compactness achievable by the integrated waveguide technology. Here we report the realization of a directional coupler, fabricated by femtosecond laser waveguide writing, acting as an integrated beam splitter able to support polarization encoded qubits. This maskless and single step technique allows to realize circular transverse waveguide profiles able to support the propagation of Gaussian modes with any polarization state. Using this device, we demonstrate the quantum interference with polarization entangled states and singlet state projection.
Photon Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing Iii, 2011
The emerging strategy to overcome the limitations of bulk quantum optics consists of taking advantage of the robustness and compactness achievable by the integrated waveguide technology. Here we report the realization of a directional coupler, fabricated by femtosecond laser waveguide writing, acting as an integrated beam splitter able to support polarization encoded qubits. This maskless and single step technique allows to realize circular transverse waveguide profiles able to support the propagation of Gaussian modes with any polarization state. Using this device, we demonstrate the quantum interference with polarization entangled states and singlet state projection.
Large optical nonlinearities occurring in a coherently prepared atomic system are shown to produce phase shifts of order π. Such an effect may be observed in ultracold rubidium atoms where it could be feasibly exploited toward the realization of a polarization phase gate.
Livro | PDF | 193 páginas | 2.663 Kb
PARTE 1: A CARACTERIZAÇÃO DA PSICOLOGIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 1: A PSICOLOGIA OU AS PSICOLOGIAS Ciência e senso comum O senso comum: conhecimento da realidade Áreas do conhecimento A Psicologia científica A Psicologia e o misticismo Texto complementar: A psicologia dos psicólogos- Hilton Japiassu ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 2: A EVOLUÇÃO DA CIÊNCIA PSICOLÓGICA Psicologia e história A psicologia entre os gregos: os primórdios A psicologia no Império Romano e na Idade Média A psicologia no Renascimento A origem da Psicologia científica A Psicologia científica As principais teorias da psicologia no século 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 3: O BEHAVIORISMO O estudo do comportamento À análise experimental do comportamento Behaviorismo: sua aplicação Texto complementar: O eu e os outros - B.F Skinner filmes Indicados: Meu tio da América; Laranja mecânica ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 4: A GESTALT A psicologia da forma A teoria de campo de Kurt Lewin Texto complementar: Chaves da vaguidão - Fernando Sabino filmes indicados: Vida de solteiro; Rashomon ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 5: A PSICANÁLISE Sigmund Freud A descoberta do inconsciente psicanálise: aplicações e contribuições sociais texto complementar: Sobre o inconsciente - Fábio Hermann filme indicado - Freud, além da alma ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 6: PSICOLOGIA EM CONSTRUÇÃO Psicologia em construção Vigotski e a Psicologia Sócio -Histórica Texto complementar: Pensamento e palavra - L. S. Vygotsky Filmes indicados: A guerra do fogo, kids ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 7 A PSICOLOGIA DO DESENVOLVIMENTO Uma área da psicologia O desenvolvimento humano Aspectos do desenvolvimento humano A teoria do desenvolvimento humano de Jean Piaget O enfoque interacionista do desenvolvimento humano: Vigotski Vigotski e Piaget Texto complementar: As diferenças dos irmãos - Elias José Filme indicado: Esperança e glória ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 8: A APRENDIZAGEM COMO OBJETO DE ESTUDO CAPÍTULO 9: A PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL CAPÍTULO 10: A PSCOLOGIA COMO PROFISSÃO. ************************************************** PARTE 2: TEMAS TEÓRICOS EM PSICOLOGIA. CAPÍTULO 11: A Multideterminação do Humano: uma visão em Psicologia CAPÍTULO 12: A inteligência CAPÍTULO 13: Vida Afetiva CAPÍTULO 14: Identidade. CAPÍTULO 15: Psicologia institucional e Processo Grupal. CAPÍTULO 16: Sexualidade ************************************************** PARTE 3 -- Psicologia: UMA LEITURA DA REALIDADE CAPÍTULO 17: Família... O que está acontecendo com ela? CAPÍTULO 18: A escola CAPÍTULO 19: Meios de comunicação de massa CAPÍTULO 20: Adolescência: Torna-se jovem CAPÍTULO 21: A escolha de uma profissão CAPÍTULO 22: As faces da violência CAPÍTULO 23: Saúde ou doença mental: A questão da normalidade
Storia Della Storiografia, 2017
… on monitoring and …, 2009
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019
Documenta Praehistorica, 2017
Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad-Revista …, 2009
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2012
Cuadernos geográficos de la Universidad de Granada/Cuadernos geográficos, 2024
Arctic Anthropology, 2021
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2005
Forest Ecology and Management, 2007
Value in Health, 2012