Single-photon two-qubit SWAP gate for entanglement manipulation
Marco Fiorentino,∗ Taehyun Kim, and Franco N. C. Wong
Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
arXiv:quant-ph/0407136v2 27 Sep 2004
A SWAP operation between different types of qubits of single photons is essential for manipulating hyperentangled photons for a variety of applications. We have implemented an efficient
SWAP gate for the momentum and polarization degrees of freedom of single photons. The SWAP
gate was utilized in a single-photon two-qubit quantum logic circuit to deterministically transfer
momentum entanglement between a pair of down-converted photons to polarization entanglement.
The polarization entanglement thus obtained violates Bell’s inequality by more than 150 standard
PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.67.Lx, 42.50.Dv, 03.67.Mn
Linear optical quantum computation (LOQC) has recently attracted great interests following the demonstration [1] that a scalable quantum computer based on linear
optical components is possible. It has also been known
that linear optical systems could achieve non-scalable
quantum computation by encoding multiple qubits in
several degrees of freedom of a single photon [2]. Experiments in the latter were limited to a few qubits due to
the complexity of the optical setup [3] and they did not
use entanglement resources. Recently, however, several
groups have proposed the use of deterministic logic gates
in conjunction with sources of entangled or hyperentangled (i.e., entangled in more than one degree of freedom)
photons to execute simple quantum protocols. The combination of deterministic logic and entangled photons can
be used for one-shot demonstration of nonlocality with
two observers [4], complete measurement of Bell’s states
[5], cryptographic protocols [6], and quantum games [7].
These proposed experiments rely on the ability to create
hyperentangled states and successively project them onto
suitable sets of basis states for measurement. Manipulation of entanglement would benefit significantly from
efficient deterministic one- and two-qubit gates thus permitting hyperentangled photons to be used as essential
quantum resources.
In the case of hyperentanglement in the polarization
and momentum (spatial) degrees of freedom of a single
photon, single-qubit rotation can be accomplished using wave plates and beam splitters. We have recently
demonstrated a single-photon two-qubit (SPTQ) implementation of a deterministic controlled NOT (CNOT)
gate that operates on the momentum and polarization
degrees of freedom of single photons [8]. It is well known
that any arbitrary unitary operation can be generated
using CNOT gates and single-qubit rotations, which can
be used to manipulate qubits of single or entangled photons. In this letter we apply SPTQ logic to manipulate entanglement between two photons. Specifically, we
have built a SWAP gate and transferred the entanglement in the momentum degree of freedom of a pair of
∗ Electronic
[email protected]
FIG. 1: Schematic of the SWAP gate logic circuit.
down-converted photons to their polarization. This type
of transfer is fundamentally different from “entanglement
swapping” as described in Ref. [9]: our SWAP operation
involves two different qubits of the same photon, whereas
conventional entanglement swapping is between the same
type of qubit of two different photons. Our experiment
is both the first application of SPTQ logic to entangled
photons and a verification of the momentum entanglement of down-converted photons. Compared to similar
proposals [4, 5] our implementation of SPTQ logic has
the advantage of relying on gates that are robust and require no active path length stabilization, therefore simplifying the optical layout. The ability to swap two qubits
constitutes an important step toward the realization of
proposed SPTQ protocols [4, 5, 6, 7]. For example, some
single-qubit operations necessary to implement these protocols, such as single-qubit rotations and projections onto
the (|0i+|1i, |0i−|1i) basis, require phase-stable interferometers for the momentum qubit. With the SWAP gate,
one can implement these operations in the polarization
domain simply with wave plates and polarizers.
For the quantum resource in our experiment we exploit the intrinsic momentum entanglement of downconverted photon pairs. This type of entanglement has
been demonstrated by Rarity and Tapster [10] and is
based on the conservation of momentum in the parametric down-conversion process. The state of the downconversion output can be derived from Eq. 7 in Ref. [11].
For simplicity we assume the pump to be a monochromatic plane wave propagating along the crystal’s principal x axis. The state is given by
|ΨiIN ≃
dqS dωS Le−i 2 sinc
â†H (qS , ωS ) â†V (−qS , ωP − ωS ) |0i,
where the integral is a triple integral that extends to the
whole plane spanned by the transverse (with respect to
x) component qS of the signal wavevector and over the
range of positive frequencies spanned by the signal frequency ωS . The creation operators refer to the horizontally (H) and vertically (V ) polarized signal and idler,
respectively. L is the crystal length, ωP is the pump frequency, and ∆ is the phase mismatch as defined in Ref.
[11]. Equation (2) shows the correlation in momentum
between signal and idler photons. We now restrict our
attention to two propagation directions: one on the top
qT and its conjugate at the bottom qB = −qT . We take
the signal frequency to be ωS = ωP /2 and assume the
phase mismatch ∆ to be zero. In the experimental setup
the single frequency and single direction constraints were
enforced by the use of interference filters and irises. The
state then becomes
|ΨiIN ≃ â†H (qT , ωP /2) â†V (qB , ωP /2) +
+ â†H (qB , ωP /2) â†V (qT , ωP /2) |0i.
Equation (2) describes two photons that can be in four
orthogonal states: horizontally polarized top (HT ), vertically polarized top (V T ), horizontally polarized bottom
(HB), and vertically polarized bottom (V B). Each photon is therefore described by a state in a four dimensional Hilbert space. Following Ref. [4] we rewrite each
four-dimensional Hilbert space as the tensor product of
two two-dimensional Hilbert spaces (i.e. qubits). In this
formalism the normalized state (2) can be rewritten as
|ΨiIN = √ (|TS BI i + |BS TI i) ⊗ |HS VI i
≡ √ (|0MS 1MI i + |1MS 0MI i) ⊗ |0P S 1P I i ,
In the final expression we identify the H and T states
with the logical 0 and the V and B states with the
logical 1 for the four qubits designated as polarization
(P ) and momentum (M ) of the signal (S) and idler
(I). From Eq. 4 it is clear that the photons emitted
by the crystal are not polarization entangled in general, unless signal and idler photons are indistinguishable
spectrally (frequency degenerate) and temporally (timing
compensated) [12, 13], in which case the T and B beams
are polarization entangled, as demonstrated in Ref. [14].
In the present experiment we ensure that the photons
are not polarization entangled by not compensating the
birefringence-induced time delay.
Manipulation of the four-qubit state of Eq. 4, two for
each photon, can be achieved using SPTQ logic. We have
previously demonstrated a high fidelity polarizationcontrolled NOT (P-CNOT) gate for SPTQ logic [8] by
use of a polarization Sagnac interferometer with an embedded dove prism that flips and rotates the input beam
by 90◦ . A momentum-controlled NOT (M-CNOT) gate
can be realized with a half-wave plate (HWP) oriented
at 45◦ relative to the horizontal position and inserted in
the path of the B beam. The SWAP we present here is
a more complex quantum gate that can be obtained by
applying three consecutive CNOT gates [15] as shown in
Fig. 1. A SWAP gate exchanges the values of two arbitrary qubits without the need of measuring them. For
example, when applied to the arbitrary two-qubit product state (α|T i + β|Bi) ⊗ (γ|Hi + δ|V i) a SWAP gate
transforms it into the state (γ|T i+δ|Bi)⊗(α|Hi+β|V i).
Note that a SWAP acting on a qubit that is part of an
entangled pair of qubits transfers the entanglement to
the other qubit, which may be more conveniently manipulated. In the case of hyperentangled photons, for example, swapping the entanglement from the momentum to
the polarization qubit allows a complete and unequivocal
proof of the successful generation of hyperentanglement.
In our logic protocol applying a sequence of a M-CNOT
followed by a P-CNOT and another M-CNOT realizes a
SWAP gate. A SWAP gate applied to both photons in
the initial state |ΨiIN yields the polarization-entangled
|ΨiOUT = √ |0MS 1MI i ⊗ (|0P S 1P I i + |1P S 0P I i) . (4)
Observe that if we omit the last M-CNOT gate the output state is
|Ψ′ iOUT = √ |0MS 1MI i ⊗ (|0P S 0P I i + |1P S 1P I i) . (5)
which is also polarization entangled. Signal and idler
photons in |ΨiOUT and |Ψ′ iOUT are in a definite momentum state (signal and idler are on opposite sides). Therefore they can be separated with a mirror that reflects one
part of the beam and not the other. It is worth noticing
that the entanglement swapping presented here is deterministic, i.e., in principle all the momentum-entangled
photon pairs are converted into polarization-entangled
Figure 2 shows our experimental setup. We used pairs
of down-converted photons from a 1-cm-long periodically
poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) crystal that
was continuous-wave pumped at 398.5 nm for type-II
phase-matched frequency-degenerate parametric downconversion [12]. The crystal temperature was adjusted
so that signal and idler photons were emitted in two
overlapping cones with an external full divergence of ∼13
mrad. The momentum modes were chosen with two apertures after the gates instead of a two-hole aperture mask
placed before the gate as was done in Ref. [8]. We observed a higher gate fidelity with the separate apertures
after the gates, probably due to slight size mismatch of
the two-hole mask. In our experimental realization of entanglement swapping we used the same physical gates to
manipulate both photons of the pair. The two photons
crossed the gates at different times owing to the delay
accumulated in the PPKTP crystal and therefore no interference between them took place. The M-CNOT gate
was a HWP cut in a half-circular D shape with the fast
axis forming a 45◦ angle with the H direction. The plate
circuit. The photons were detected with single-photon
counting modules (PerkinElmer SPCM-AQR-14) and we
measured signal-idler coincidences through a fast AND
gate with a 1-ns coincidence window [16]. Given the short
coincidence window and the observed count rates (singles
rates ≤ 100, 000 counts/s), accidental coincidences were
103 coincidences/s
FIG. 2: Schematic of experimental setup. PPKTP: periodically poled KTP crystal. PBS: polarizing beam splitter. DP:
dove prism. HWP: half-wave plate. IF: 1-nm interference filter. M: mirror. P-CNOT: polarization-controlled NOT gate.
M-CNOT: momentum controlled NOT gate.
was aligned so that it only affected the bottom section of
the beam. A second HWP, identical to the first except
for the fact that its axis was parallel to the H axis, was
put in the path of the top part of the beam to compensate for the time delay introduced by the first HWP. The
compensating wave plate was slightly tilted to obtain optimal visibility in the entangled state analysis. This tilting changed the length of the top beam path thus allowing one to correct for path mismatch. The P-CNOT gate
was a polarization Sagnac interferometer with an embedded dove prism [8]. The input polarizing beam splitter
(PBS3) of the P-CNOT gate directed horizontally (vertically) polarized input light to travel in a clockwise (counterclockwise) direction. As viewed by each beam, the
dove prism orientation was different for the two counterpropagating beams. Therefore the top-bottom (T –B)
sections of the input beam were mapped onto the rightleft (R–L) sections of the output beam for H-polarized
light but onto the L-R sections for V -polarized light. If
we identify |Hi, |T i, and |Ri with the logical |0i and |V i,
|Bi, and |Li with the logical |1i it is easy to recognize
that this setup implements a CNOT gate in which the
polarization is the control qubit and the momentum (or
spatial) mode is the target qubit. After the P-CNOT
gate the state of the photon pair is described by Eq. 5;
we separated signal and idler photons using the mirror M
shown in Fig. 2 that reflected only the right section of the
beam. Signal and idler beams were then separately sent
through a 2.2-mm iris, a polarization analyzer formed by
a HWP and a polarizer, and a 1-nm interference filter
centered at 797 nm. Besides being used for polarization
analysis, wave plate HWP2 in Fig. 2 assumed the role of
the second M-CNOT gate, thus completing the SWAP
Analysis angle θ2 (deg.)
FIG. 3: Coincidence rates as a function of the polarization
analysis angle θ2 in arm 2 when the analyzer in arm 1 was
set at an angle θ1 = 0◦ (solid squares) and 45◦ (open circles).
The lines are sinusoidal fits to the data.
To test the performance of the SWAP gate we analyzed
the resultant polarization entanglement. Figure 3 shows
the coincidence rates versus the polarization analysis angle θ2 in arm 2 of Fig. 2 when the analyzer in arm 1 was
set at 0◦ (solid squares) and 45◦ (open circles). The visibility of the sinusoidal fits is V0 = 97±2% for 0◦ data and
V45 = 88 ± 2% for the 45◦ data. The difference in visibility is due to the fact that V45 is more sensitive than V0
to the imperfections of the source and the gate interferometer. A measurement of the S parameter [17] for the
Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt form of the Bell’s inequality gives a value of 2.653±0.004 that violates the classical
limit of 2 by more than 150 standard deviations. These
results clearly show that our SWAP gate had a good fidelity and that the down-converted photons were indeed
initially momentum entangled.
The V45 results in Fig. 3 include errors due to imperfect interference at the gate (gate fidelity) and incomplete momentum entanglement of the source (source fidelity). To determine how well our setup approximates
the ideal SWAP gate it is useful to separate the two contributions. As a test we sent an attenuated laser beam
(filtered through a single-mode fiber and collimated with
an aspheric lens) through the gate, with the laser frequency being the same as that of the down-converted
photons. By injecting the laser with a linear polarization oriented at 45◦ relative to the H direction we measured the classical visibility of the SWAP gate. This test
measurement gave a visibility VC1 of ∼93% for the gate.
We also verified that the M-CNOT gate did not affect
the classical visibility in a measurable way. The classical measurement was repeated without the dove prism in
the polarization Sagnac interferometer (of the P-CNOT
gate) that yielded a visibility VC2 of ∼95%. The 2%
difference in the classical visibility (VC1 − VC2 ) can be
attributed to either imperfections in the dove prism or
asymmetries in the injected laser beam. To further evaluate the cause, we repeated the test experiment with a
polarization Sagnac interferometer in a triangular configuration that was insensitive to input beam asymmetry.
In this configuration the interference at the T position at
the output originated from the same spot of the injected
beam for both polarizations, with or without the dove
prism (and similarly for the B position at the output).
For the triangular configuration we obtained a difference
in classical visibility with and without the dove prism of
∼2.5% that is comparable to that of the non-triangular
configuration, indicating that the dove prism was responsible for a loss of ∼2% in the visibility of the P-CNOT
gate. The remaining ≃5% loss of classical visibility VC1
can be attributed to wavefront distortions introduced by
the beam splitter cube (which leads to our continuing
effort to obtain a polarizing beam splitter with a low
wavefront distortion in both transmission and reflection).
Given our quantum visibility V45 of 88% and the classical
test measurement results of the P-CNOT interferometer
we conclude that the source fidelity was 95% that was
limited by imperfections in the momentum entanglement
of the down-conversion source (probable causes: defects
in PPKTP crystal poling and wavefront distortions of
the downconverted beams). The SWAP gate fidelity was
93% and was limited by less than ideal components (polarizing beam splitter and dove prism).
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In conclusion we have demonstrated a high fidelity
SWAP gate for single-photon two-qubit logic. To realize such a gate we have built an essential set of gates in
the SPTQ quantum logic family comprising linear optical
P-CNOT and M-CNOT gates that are robust and do not
need active length stabilization. We applied the SWAP
gate to momentum-entangled photons thereby transferring the entanglement from the momentum to the polarization degree of freedom. This is, to the best of our
knowledge, the first application of SPTQ linear optical
quantum logic to entangled photons. Our experiment
opens the way to the demonstration of more complex
SPTQ manipulation of entanglement including the manipulation of 3- and 4-photon states. This type of fewqubit quantum information processing is at the core of
a number of applications ranging from single-shot twoobservers demonstration of nonlocality [4] to two-qubit
quantum key distribution [6].
This work was supported by the the DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) program
administered by the Army Research Office under Grant