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Chapter of the book edited by F. BASSAN, Research Handbook on Sovereign Wealth Funds and International Investment Law (Edward Elgar, 2015)
2 à 3 thèmes du DIH seront traités Situation du DIH : Il existe 2 présentations concurrentes du DIH : une conception large ou une autre plus étroite
Anais I Congresso Internacional de História da Construção Luso-Brasileira
The present paper aims to describe the latest results obtained by the authors of the ongoing research, which aims to study wood roof and ceilings structures, built in Portugal, which could be considered as typically Iberian and not the ones introduced at the end of the sixteenth century, especially by the influence of the treatises written by Palladio and Serlio. In this research, it was found that the roofs made of rafters, with or without collar-beam, lying on wall-plates, known in Portugal as asnaria roofs, were the most common. It was found that this was the normal way of building roofs, at least from the beginning of the fifteenth century until the end of the eighteenth century. This conclusion arrived by the study of roof structures in situ and also by documental analysis. In this paper, we present the results and conclusions of this research, and their typologies. The aim is to demonstrate that rafter roofs were already used with the structure designed to be in sight, during the medieval period as it happened on almost all Europe, then they were used to support the laço of Islamic influence, and finally managed to be adapted to the classic aesthetic, with paneled ceilings. It is shown, therefore, that this construction system was the most commonly technique used by Portuguese carpenters and not an "exotic” import of the Manueline period (1495-1521). The continuity in this construction method, also allows to conclude that the name" mudéjares roofs” is not correct to designate the asnaria structures designed to be in sight, since such designation is not suitable for structures incorporating such a variety of artistic styles and constructed over such a long period of time.
This research aims to develop the Sex Education Learning Module (Module PPS) for high school students in Makassar City that are valid, practical, and effective. This research adopts the development steps of Plomp which consists of; the preliminary investigation phase; design phase; realization/construction phase; test, evaluation and revision phase; and implementation phase. Phase I investigation: a review of the concept of sex education, textbooks and learning resources of Biology subjects, analysis of educational practitioners' views and high school students about sex education, and analyzing the curriculum of Biology subjects. Phase II design: design of learning modules. Phase III realization/construction, production and design revision. Phase IV tests, evaluations and revisions: expert and practitioners' assessment of the Module PPS and its set of tools have been made.Based on the input of experts made revisions, resulting in prototype 2 and learning tools that are ready to be tested. Phase V implementation, this phase test prototype Module PPS and its devices are done, to see the practicality and effectiveness of learning tools in the classroom. Module PPS tested in class XI MIA I SMAN 9 Makassar. The results showed that the developed Module PPS was valid, practical, and effective in increasing students' understanding of puberty. This result is evidenced based on test result of validity of expert and practitioner to device components Module PPS developed has strong theoretical foundation, module components have relevance to learning subject of Biology subject and have consistency internally. Based on the achievement of the indicator that is the implementation of learning by using Module PPS in learning has been done entirely and teacher questionnaire responses about the practicality of Module PPS in very good category.The effective Module PPS is used to increase students' knowledge of puberty.
Sociabilidades, quotidianos e saúde (séculos XV a XX), 2024
No século XIX, com o romantismo e a “descoberta do povo”, os Zés Pereiras começam a aparecer em obras literárias e académicas. Contudo, apenas nos últimos anos é que surgirão os primeiros trabalhos em que eles são o principal objeto de estudo. Nome utilizado como sinónimo de bombo ou zabumba, ou do tocador destes, os Zés Pereiras participam das festividades portuguesas desde, pelo menos, a Idade Média. Presentes nas celebrações sagradas ou profanas, e integrantes indispensáveis das romarias do Norte do país, são elementos característicos da cultura popular portuguesa. O objetivo primordial aqui será descrever a trajetória desta prática cultural, desde a Idade Média até os dias atuais. Utilizando o conceito de cultura popular existente na obra de Peter Burke, e através de fontes jornalísticas e obras académicas e literárias portuguesas, apresentaremos as características das festividades lusas durante o período; as mudanças ocorridas não somente nestas cerimónias, como na própria sociedade; retrataremos a região do Minho e as suas romarias; traçaremos o perfil dos Zés Pereiras portugueses e, por fim, suas atuações, resiliência e popularidade até os dias de hoje.
La inevitable obligación social de fijar y naturalizar procesos: sobre racialismo, culturalismo y etnicismo. , 2024
Crítica y Resistencias. Revista de conflictos sociales latinoamericanos, 2023
Photography and stitching as a means of articulating childhood trauma, 2023
Teksty Drugie, 2023
The Journal of Social Encounters, 2024
сп. "Езиков свят", 2008
IET Control Theory & Applications, 2012
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Bioinformation, 2009
Journal of Natural Products, 2017
Hwang/2nd International, 2011