American Political Science Review
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November 2010
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
VESLA M. WEAVER University of Virginia
AMY E. LERMAN Princeton University
ontact with the criminal justice system is greater today than at any time in our history. In this article,
we argue that interactions with criminal justice are an important source of political socialization,
in which the lessons that are imprinted are antagonistic to democratic participation and inspire
negative orientations toward government. To test this argument, we conduct the first systematic empirical
exploration of how criminal justice involvement shapes the citizenship and political voice of a growing
swath of Americans. We find that custodial involvement carries with it a substantial civic penalty that is
not explained by criminal propensity or socioeconomic differences alone. Given that the carceral state
has become a routine site of interaction between government and citizens, institutions of criminal justice
have emerged as an important force in defining citizen participation and understandings, with potentially
dire consequences for democratic ideals.
s Americans altered history in 2008 by sending the first black man to the White House,
another less celebrated record was charted: 1
in every forty-one adults, including fully 13% of black
men, could not cast a vote in his election because they
were disenfranchised due to a past criminal record
(Sentencing Project 2010). Indeed, the scale of citizen
contact with the American criminal justice system is
now unmatched in modern history. For the first time,
one in 100 Americans is incarcerated, topping all other
countries in the world (Pew Center on the States 2008).
If current trends persist, 11% of American men—and
1 in 3 black men—will at some point in their lives serve
time in prison (Bonczar 2003).
Over the past half century, the American criminal
justice system has undergone tremendous expansion.
In 1965, there were 780,000 adults under correctional
authority of any type (President’s Commission on Law
Enforcement and Administration of Justice 1967); that
population steadily expanded to seven million by 2008,
whereas the number of living people who have ever
been imprisoned grew by 3.8 million between 1974 and
2001 (Bonczar 2003). On any given day, about 1 in
every 31 adults is currently in custody, on parole, or on
In addition to the runaway expansion of prisoners,
citizens have become much more likely to experience
other state interventions that are disciplinary in nature. Although systematic national data on police contact are rarer than imprisonment data, several recent
studies suggest that involuntary interactions with law
enforcement are increasingly commonplace in some
Vesla M. Weaver is Assistant Professor, Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400787, Charlottesville, VA 22904 (
[email protected]).
Amy E. Lerman is Assistant Professor of Politics and Public Affairs, Princeton University, 311 Robertson Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544
[email protected]).
We are grateful for the many helpful comments we received on
early drafts of this article from Christopher Achen, Alec Ewald,
Christopher Howard, Paul Pierson, Meredith Sadin, John Sides,
Christopher Wildeman, members of the University of Virginia Politics Department workshop, and the American Political Science Review anonymous reviewers.
communities (Goffman 2009; Gelman, Fagan, and Kiss
2007). For instance, in Chicago, 20% of all sampled
residents and 70% of young black men recalled being
stopped in the past year (Skogan 2006).
Carceral contact is not randomly distributed, but is
both spatially and racially concentrated. On any given
day, 11% of black men aged 25 to 29 years are incarcerated (PEW Center on the States 2007), and one third of
black men aged 20 to 29 years are under some type of
correctional supervision (Tonry and Melewski 2008).
Contact is even higher among the most disadvantaged;
experts estimate that nearly one fourth of young black
men aged 16 to 24 years who did not finish high school
were confined in juvenile detention, jail, or prison
compared to only 6% of whites (Dillon 2009). Similarly, incarceration and police surveillance are largely
concentrated in certain cities, particular communities
within those cities, and even specific neighborhoods.
Researchers have identified the presence of “milliondollar blocks,” where so many residents are behind bars
that the government is spending more than $1 million
a year to incarcerate them (“Million-Dollar Blocks”
2004). For example, almost three fourths of the prisoner population in New York State originated from
just seven community board districts (of more than
50 board districts in the city) (Fagan, West, and Holland 2003). In Texas, seven neighborhoods in Houston
receive more returning prisoners than several entire
counties in the state of Texas (Watson et al. 2004). In
short, these areas are deep reservoirs of criminal justice
involvement, where law enforcement and discipline are
now part of the architecture of community life.
This study examines the implications of these developments for citizens’ relationships with government.
Specifically, we assess how and in what ways encounters
with the criminal justice system influence citizens’ political attitudes and behaviors, using two data sources that
allow us to estimate this relationship.1 The argument
The Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study was supported
by grant R01HD36916 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). The
contents of this article are solely the responsibility of the authors and
do not necessarily represent the official views of the NICHD. The
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
we make here is that the criminal justice system is a primary site of civic education. Through both interpretive
and resource mechanisms, custodial interactions negatively affect the likelihood of participating in politics
and carrying out the responsibilities of citizenship.
The analyses that follow demonstrate a powerful effect of criminal justice contact on a range of political
behavior and attitudes. In fact, our findings challenge
a centerpiece of political participation orthodoxy—
that individual resources such as time, knowledge, and
money are the strongest predictors of participation.
Instead, we find that the effect of exposure to criminal justice dwarfs some of even the most important
predictors in the resource models of participation. The
robustness of the relationship, even after accounting
for other factors, suggests that punitive encounters with
the state foster mistrust of political institutions and a
weakened attachment to the political process. In short,
our findings point to a distinctive political orientation
that is held by a sizable and growing “custodial population.” Our central conclusion is that the carceral
state has emerged as an important force in shaping
American mass politics.
The first part of this article presents the theoretical
argument for why and how punitive encounters with
government shape citizens’ experience of government,
advancing several possible mechanisms. The second
part describes our data and methods. In addition to
multivariate models that describe a strong and consistent effect of contact with criminal justice, our analysis uses subsets of the data and genetic matching to
identify a causal effect of custodial contact. In the third
part, the results of these analyses are presented. Finally,
the article develops a broader understanding of what
the carceral state means for American democracy. Ultimately, scholars of American political development,
public policy, race and ethnicity, and political behavior
must consider the meaning of the expanding coercive
role of the state for the development of politically engaged citizens, a cherished pillar of American democracy.
Scholars have begun to understand public policies not
only as outcomes whose adoption should be explained,
but also as causally important in shaping mass publics.
Recent scholarship points to the ways in which policy
designs can communicate deservingness and legitimacy
of recipients (Schneider and Ingram 1993; Soss 2005),
divide categories of citizens and separate the types
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health was a program
project designed by J. Richard Udry, Peter S. Bearman, and Kathleen
Mullan Harris, and funded by grant P01-HD31921 from the Eunice
Kennedy Shriver NICHD, with cooperative funding from 17 other
agencies. Special acknowledgment is due Ronald R. Rindfuss and
Barbara Entwisle for assistance in the original design. Persons interested in obtaining data files from Add Health should contact Add
Health, Carolina Population Center, 123 W. Franklin Street, Chapel
Hill, NC 27516-2524 (
[email protected]). No direct support was
received from grant P01-HD31921 for this analysis.
November 2010
of government provisions for which they are eligible
(Mettler 1998), and shape individual expectations and
civic obligations in relation to government (Campbell
2003; Mettler 2002; Mettler and Soss 2004). In these
ways, the characteristics of policies themselves can enhance or diminish participation.
With a few exceptions (Mettler 2007; Mettler and
Stonecash 2008; Soss 1999), most of the research in
this policy centered perspective has so far focused on
policies that confer benefits to individuals and groups—
hallmark examples include Social Security and the GI
Bill. These studies are important for helping us understand that public policies and state institutions can
cultivate good citizens. Yet, because the focus of these
studies has primarily been confined to large social welfare programs, on program beneficiaries and clients,
and almost exclusively on voluntary interactions between the state and citizens, they have prematurely
concluded that the civic lessons imparted by government are generally positive, fostering participation, efficacy, and trust.
Criminal justice policies represent a distinct and
overlooked sphere of government provision, one that
does not provide benefits in a traditional sense, but,
as we argue here, nonetheless is an important source
of political identity, action, and thought. For many citizens, their most frequent, visible, and direct contact
with government may be through a prison, court, or
police station, rather than a welfare office, state capital, or city hall. One early study of a small sample of
incarcerated offenders found that most “had dealt with
the political system exclusively through the criminal
justice process” and had little experience with other
political venues, actors, or institutions (Fairchild 1977,
296). In a more recent study, black high school dropouts
were more likely to be exposed to penal institutions
than other societal institutions, including the military,
higher education, unions, or the labor market (Western
2006). Moreover, correctional facilities, parole and probation offices, and halfway houses are increasingly important sites of social provision, given that wards of the
state are regularly housed, educated, employed, and
receive health care through penal institutions (Wacquant 2008). Jennifer Lawless and Richard Fox (2001),
in their study of poor, inner-city residents of the South
Bronx area of New York, report one of their respondents noting that “‘in cities like this . . . most people
have their only real contact with government in hostile
confrontations with the police’” (376).
In these localities, a very different “face” of the
state has emerged. We refer to the totality of this
spatially concentrated, more punitive, surveillanceand punishment-oriented system of governance the
“carceral state,” and the people who encounter it,
“custodial citizens.” Unlike contact with government
through clientele relations and through the receipt of
benefits that may increase citizens’ capacity to engage,
custodial relations are characterized by involuntary,
intrusive, absolute power over citizens. This type of
citizen-state contact may have both resource and interpretive effects (Pierson 1993), and we briefly discuss
each in turn.
American Political Science Review
By structuring the availability of resources such as
time and money, public policies can significantly affect
a wide range of individual behavior. For example, Andrea Campbell (2003) argues that Social Security benefits allow older Americans to retire earlier and provide
them with a sizable proportion of their income following retirement. In this way, Social Security supplies at
least some of the resources necessary for political activity. Policies also provide nonmonetary resources, such
as time, organizational skills, or public speaking, which
can also be useful for political participation (Brady,
Verba, and Schlozman 1995).
Like welfare and social security, criminal justice policies structure individual choices by altering the availability of time and money. However, unlike redistributive policies that provide resources and promote participation, punitive encounters are likely to depress political action by limiting and diminishing resources. For
many, a criminal record results in considerable financial penalties and limited job prospects, diminishing
the material resources available for participation in
Perhaps as important, however, are the ways that
public policies can shape political attitudes and beliefs
through their “interpretive effects.” Several scholars
have suggested that political models of participation
should take account not only of the resources that
citizens possess, but also the ways in which encounters with “street-level” bureaucrats can inform citizens’
understanding of the goals and nature of government
(Lawless and Fox 2001; Lipsky 1980; Soss 1999, 2005).
In short, citizens learn about their government through
their interactions with it. Moreover, contact with one
part of government can form a “bridge” to perceptions of other aspects of the state. In his interviews
of welfare recipients, Joe Soss (2005, 309) found that
clients saw government as “one big system,” often not
distinguishing their views about welfare caseworkers
from attitudes toward other government officials and
bodies: “experiences at the welfare agency come to
be understood as an instructive and representative example of their broader relationship with government
as a whole.” Similarly, Lawless and Fox (2001, 375)
found that “bad experiences with the welfare system
transcended into other facets of government.” As one
woman recounted, “I know all there is to know about
government from welfare workers” (375). Our expec2
More than half of correctional systems charge their inmates room
and board and assess fees for medical care, utilities, and laundry use.
These costs are often taken directly from inmates’ wages (generally
significantly lower than minimum wage) and if not fully repaid on
release, outstanding charges can lead to parole revocation (“Inmate
Privileges and Fees for Service” 2002). Court costs can often be
higher than available resources and can accrue penalties when payment is not forthcoming. Many states do not suspend child support
and other financial responsibilities during incarceration, and these
costs can continue to accumulate, leading to considerable debt accrued by the time of release. Once released from prison, individuals
find that employers are often reluctant to hire workers who have a
criminal record, making it difficult for ex-offenders to obtain stable
and profitable employment (Pager 2007). For those who are actively
on probation or parole, regular check-ins and mandatory drug tests
can significantly reduce the availability of free time.
tation is that the more intense experiences citizens have
with criminal justice agents will have similar, if not even
more profound, cognitive effects.
As clients of the criminal justice system, dealings
with governing bodies present a political picture that
is the inverse of democratic, responsive government.
Studies show that police–citizen encounters routinely
feature derogatory remarks and bodily contact, and
citizens forced to do humiliating things (Brunson and
Weitzer 2009). Research by Wesley Skogan (2006, 104)
finds that police-initiated encounters had a large impact
on perceptions, fostering less confidence and satisfaction in the police; “police-initiated contacts . . . may not
be entered into voluntarily and are more likely to be
of a suspicious, inquisitorial and potentially adversarial
nature.” These encounters had an asymmetric impact,
or “negativity bias”; negative encounters, where police
were deemed unfair, insulting, discriminatory, or impolite, overwhelmingly outweighed the impact (14 times
larger) of positive encounters. In another study, even
those interactions with police that subjects deemed
fair still led to negative views of the police (Schafer,
Huebner, and Bynum 2003).
Given that citizens evaluations of the procedural fairness of an interaction with authorities is one basis on
which they judge government and the political system
generally (Lind and Tyler 1988),3 these experiences are
not likely to result in positive perceptions of government or promote participation in the political process.
Instead, poor evaluations of treatment by the police,
parole officers, and prison guards may translate into
a broader cynicism about government authorities as
a whole. Studies of urban communities suggest that
many “define the power of the state as a nemesis to be
avoided rather than an ally to be cultivated” (Rose and
Clear 1998, 465). In this situation, political participation rates may significantly decline as citizens who have
adversarial interactions with law enforcement become
less likely to seek out government of any kind.
The second important component of the civic education received by custodial citizens is the lessons learned
about their own civic identity; in addition to shaping
perceptions of government, punitive interactions influence an individual’s perception of his or her own
political standing, membership, and efficacy. Custodial
contact occurs via “one way transactions” (Soss 1999,
366) where citizens are passive subjects acted on by
authorities, not responded to by representatives; where
decisions are made about them, not in response to their
claims; where their input in decision making is minimal; and where they are “objectified and dependent
rather than equal participant” (Fairchild 1977, 296).
In addition, many policies related to criminal justice
Scholars in the field of criminal justice and sociological theory have
long been aware that police encounters foster “legal cynicism” and
have suggested that this perception may creep into other evaluations
of government. As two scholars noted, “there is reason to believe that
this response to the criminal justice system is a precursor of a wider
skepticism among visible minorities about a range of governmental
institutions responsible for employment, housing, health care, voting,
and other aspects of adolescent and adult life” (Hagan and Shedd
2005, 286).
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
stigmatize by their very design, conferring a dishonorable status. Although remaining formal citizens, the
standing of “the criminal class” in society is diminished through political and economic practices that
strip suspects and convicts of rights, privileges, and numerous social supports, including restrictions on public
assistance through welfare reform, the termination of
parental rights under the Adoption and Safe Families
Act, the seizure of assets of drug suspects through forfeiture laws, automatic deportation of convicts, and the
loss of property and marriage rights through individual state laws.4 These economic and social handicaps
are joined by exclusions from the political rights and
responsibilities of citizenship. Five million citizens are
banned from casting a ballot because of their convict
status, some permanently disenfranchised (Manza and
Uggen 2006). In many states, probationers and misdemeanants are barred from voting despite never having
spent a day in jail. In most states, felons are barred
from serving on a jury and from holding public office.
These policies and practices send consistent messages to custodial populations that they are not worthy
of equal citizenship; they serve to create an enduring
demarcation between the law-abiding citizen and those
branded as deviants. Not surprisingly, these signals are
internalized by custodial populations who inherit what
one scholar has termed a “stigma consciousness” (Soss
2005). The felon label often overrides other relevant
social categories and classifications, becoming a master
status that confers “negative credentials” (Pager 2007).
In their interviews with inmates and ex-felons, a team
of sociologists found that many believed that having
a criminal record was an all-encompassing aspect of
their identity and viewed their conviction status as so
totalizing that it outweighed even a college degree or
wealth. One respondent remarked that the felon label had “branded” him with an “F” for life (Uggen,
Manza, and Behrens 2004). From this stigmatized, delegitimized position, custodial populations may infer that
they are not equal members of the polity and do not
deserve to be equal participants in the political process.
They may thus become less likely to believe that they
can make demands of government.
We hypothesize that criminal justice contact weakens attachment to the political process and heightens
negative perceptions of government. Specifically, we
hypothesize that custodial populations will (1) exhibit
lower levels of political participation and civic engagement; (2) be less trusting of government and less committed to civic norms; (3) that these effects will increase
in magnitude with greater degrees of contact with the
criminal justice system; and (4) that these demobiliza4
Many convicts are excluded by federal law from receiving veterans’
and disability benefits and prohibited for life from ever receiving
welfare, food stamps, and federal financial aid for college; housing
authorities can exclude those with a single arrest from receiving
public housing or Section 8 vouchers and, under recent one-strike
provisions, can evict residents without due process if they even suspect criminal wrongdoing (Simon 2007). Employers can make hiring
and firing decisions based on an arrest record (even those that did not
result in conviction), and convicts are barred from public sector jobs
and many private sector occupations (Legal Action Center 2004).
November 2010
tion effects can be explained as the direct consequences
of punitive encounters, rather than preexisting differences in respondent characteristics such as education,
poverty, or predilections for crime and violence.
Despite the pervasiveness of citizen contact with crime
control and penal institutions, we know little about how
interactions with criminal justice change perceptions
of government and participatory habits. The voices
of custodial populations have been mostly invisible
in studies of policy and politics, largely due to the
fact that they are underrepresented or unidentifiable
in the majority of social surveys. Large surveys such
as the Current Population Survey and Panel Study of
Income Dynamics do not measure contact with the
criminal justice system, nor do mainstream political
science and social surveys such as the American National Election Studies and Social Capital Community
Benchmark Survey. Conversely, surveys of inmates and
ex-offenders by the Bureau of Justice Statistics do not
query custodial populations about their political beliefs
and engagement. Therefore, we rely on two unusual
sources that each fulfills three necessary and sufficient
conditions: (1) an adequate number of people targeted
by law enforcement, (2) detailed measures of involvement with criminal justice, and (3) items related to
subsequent political behavior and attitudes. These data
allow us to undertake an analysis that would otherwise
be impossible.
The first, the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (hereafter, Add Health) is a study that
follows youth over their life course and provides a nationally representative sample of school-age people in
the United States (Harris 2008). Begun in 1994 with
a sample of 20,745 adolescents in grades 7 to 12,5 the
analyses presented here use data collected in the third
wave of the study, where a sample of 15,170 of the
original adolescents were reinterviewed 6 years after
the baseline survey from August 2001 to April 2002;
by that third interview, respondents were young adults
between the ages of 18 and 26 years. Add Health has
several unique advantages for this analysis, including
being large enough to have a significant sample of
people with criminal justice histories, more than 150
detailed measures of criminal justice involvement, as
well as a section on political attitudes and behaviors in
the third wave.
We also employ a second source of data, the Fragile
Families and Child Wellbeing Study (hereafter, Fragile
Families), a panel study that measures the economic
and social condition of life for disadvantaged parents
and their children. Specifically, the study interviewed
mothers and fathers in 4,898 family units in the hospital
5 The sample was derived by sampling 132 schools (80 high schools
and 52 feeder middle schools). The schools had an unequal probability of selection. The respondent sample also includes oversamples
of blacks with highly educated parents, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and
Chinese; it also includes a “genetic” oversample (twins, siblings, and
other student pairs) and a disabled students oversample.
American Political Science Review
at their child’s birth between 1998 and 2000, and subsequently interviewed them 1, 3, and 5 years later.6 Although mothers and fathers were asked mainly about
their relationships, parenting behaviors, physical and
mental health, economic situation, and participation
in government social programs, the third-year interview collected information about their political attitudes, beliefs about government, and political activity.
In addition, the Fragile Families study included several
detailed measures of arrest, conviction, and sentence
history in a special module designed by Bruce Western.
We focus on the relationship between custodial history
and political behaviors for the 3,299 fathers in the 3year follow-up interview conducted between 2001 and
2003, who are much more likely to have had contact
with the criminal justice system than mothers in the
To capture the degree and severity of exposure to
the criminal justice system, we constructed a measure based on several similar items in both surveys.
The main variable of interest, Criminal Justice Contact, combines these items to measure progressive contact, from the least to the most serious criminal justice
involvement: no encounters with the criminal justice
system, stopped by police for questioning, charged or
arrested for breaking the law, convicted (not including
minor traffic offenses), ever served time in a correctional facility,7 and incarcerated for 1 year or more.8
The categories are mutually exclusive and represent
the respondents’ highest level of contact. In the following multivariate analyses, this variable is treated as a
dummy for each level of contact.9
In Add Health, although the vast majority of respondents had not had encounters with the police,
courts, or corrections, about 20% of the sample had
some contact with adult criminal justice agencies by
their young adulthood. Of the Wave III sample, 20%
reported being stopped by the police for questioning,
9% had been arrested as adults, 4% had been convicted
in adult court, about 1% had been confined in an adult
correctional facility, and 0.3% had served 1 year or
more behind bars. Compared to the Add Health study,
a much greater proportion of respondents in the Fragile Families study had exposure to criminal justice, and
many more had actually served hard time. According to
Parents were interviewed in 75 hospitals in 22 cities using a stratified
random sample in the United States. Cities were sampled based
on welfare generosity, child support enforcement, and strength of
local economy. Hospitals were sampled based on the proportion of
nonmarital births to achieve the desired oversample. The sample is
representative of children born in large cities with more than 200,000
7 Because the surveys only asked each successive question on criminal justice involvement of those who answered “yes” to the previous
question, serving time in a correctional facility was necessarily due
to being convicted of a crime and sentenced, rather than a night in
jail for a bar fight or drunk driving that did not lead to charges.
8 In the analysis that follows, we focus only on the measures that deal
with being arrested, convicted, and serving time in a correctional
facility as an adult; juvenile offenders are excluded.
9 All variables, sampling, and sample characteristics are fully described in the supplementary online Appendix (http://www.journals.
their self-reported custodial history, 61% of the fathers
interviewed in the 3-year follow-up had been stopped
or questioned by police, 36% had been charged and
arrested, 25% had been convicted of a crime in court,
22% had served time in a correctional facility, and 10%
had been imprisoned for 1 year or more.
To measure the effect of criminal justice contact
on political behavior and attitudes, we examine the
available political variables: items in each survey that
asked whether the respondent was registered to vote
(Registered), had voted in the last presidential election
(Voted),10 indices of involvement in civic organizations
(Civic Participation), and additional measures unique
to each survey. Add Health includes two additional
constructed measures—a binary measure of whether
the respondent reported doing any of several political
activities (contributing to a candidate or party, contacting an official, running for public or private office, participating in a rally) (Political Participation) and trust
in three levels of government (local, state, and federal)
scaled to one variable (Trust in Government).11 Fragile
Families contains an additional constructed measure of
how important it is to vote, do community service, serve
on a jury, and serve in the military (Civic Obligations).
Causal Effects from Observational Data
Respondents may misrepresent participation12 and
criminal behaviors,13 and differential panel attrition
Those who were not eligible to vote were excluded (based on a
separate question) in the Fragile Families survey. Fragile Families first
queried respondents about whether they were eligible to vote. Five
hundred and twenty-five respondents, or 16%, reported not being
eligible to vote either because they were not citizens or because they
had a criminal conviction. The follow-up questions that we employ
to measure voter registration and turnout are then only asked of
those who are eligible. These measures limit the dependent variables
of voting and registration to only those respondents who believe
they are eligible to vote. This is not possible in Add Health because
no such question about eligibility was asked. Thus, in Add Health,
measures of registration and voting include both formal and informal
11 Trust in the different levels of government was highly correlated
and had a reliability coefficient of 0.929. For space, we use the scale
of three items. Results do not depend on using the scale; we ran the
analyses for each level of trust, and the results are the same.
12 Participation scholars have amply demonstrated that vote misreporting is systematically related to characteristics of the respondent;
partisans, the highly educated, those with greater political interest
and knowledge, and minorities exhibit a greater pattern of misreporting (Belli, Traugott, and Beckman 2001; McDonald 2007). Because
we have no way of validating the self-reported measures we use here
with actual voting and registration records of respondents (name and
address of respondents is confidential and not available), we cannot
be certain that some of our dependent variables do not contain measurement error. Given that our central hypothesis is that contact
with criminal justice depresses turnout, we would be especially concerned if nonfelons were more likely than felons to exaggerate their
turnout or if felons were more likely than nonfelons to underreport
theirs. The latter possibility we can dismiss, given that underreporting
is rare (Belli, Traugott, and Beckman 2001). Although no studies
have systematically tested the former possibility, studies have found
that felons are much less likely to vote based on voting/registration
records than indicated in surveys (Burch 2007; Haselswerdt 2009;
Miles 2004). Thus, felons are much like nonfelons in this regard.
13 Our analysis follows a long line of criminal justice scholars who
use self-reported data. Indeed, self-report data are a common and
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
may inhibit our ability to generalize to the full sample,14
although there are several reasons that this is not likely
to threaten validity. More problematic is that contact
with the criminal justice system is not randomly distributed. Rather, custodial populations are systematically different from noncustodial citizens, in that they
are much more likely to be poor, less educated, more
central way that delinquency is measured; the primary sources of
drug abuse and victimization trends in the United States often rely on
self-report data, including the annual Monitoring the Future survey,
the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, the National Youth
Survey, and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Studies have found
that although underreporting is not insignificant, respondents were
often quite willing to reveal their delinquent acts in self-administered
interviews (Tourangeau and Smith 1996); self-reported measures of
arrest and conviction have a high correlation with official records
(Farrington 1977; Hindelang, Hirschi and Weis 1981; Rojek 1983);
and self-report data, although not perfect, are both reliable and valid
[for a comprehensive treatment, see Thornberry and Krohn (2000)
and Junger-Tas and Marshall (1999)]. A review of multiple studies
evaluating the effect of self-reported crime items has concluded that
“self-reported delinquency responses are no less reliable than other
social science measures” (Thornberry and Krohn 2000, 49).
In addition, features of the survey design and our methodological
approach help minimize threat to the validity of our results. Indeed,
Add Health was designed specifically to gather sensitive information on adolescent sexual behavior and risks. In particular, both
studies use computer-assisted interviewing techniques (ACASI in
Add Health, CATI in Fragile Families) for sensitive questions, which
have been shown to reduce misreporting and item nonresponse and
elicit 30% higher reports of risky or delinquent behaviors than when
an interviewer is present (Thornberry and Krohn 2000; Tourangeau
and Yan 2007). Because these questions are not asked directly by
an interviewer, social desirability incentives are minimized, making
respondents more willing to reveal sensitive information. Moreover,
both surveys assured respondents of confidentiality, anonymity, and
privacy, another design feature that has been shown to reduce misreporting. That the majority of the sample in both studies reported at
least one illegal behavior gives us some confidence that respondents
did not withhold information. Moreover, nonresponse to these items
does not appear to be significantly larger than other items in the
survey. Finally, the Fragile Families survey includes both mother and
father reports of father’s criminal justice contact, which provides a
fuller measure of contact. We conducted analyses using the combination of mother and father reports, and results do not substantially
14 Another potential hazard to the robustness of our results is selection bias due to nonrandom attrition across the waves of each study.
Although both studies made substantial efforts to locate and reinterview respondents who were currently institutionalized, incarceration
remains one of the primary factors behind attrition in both studies.
Both studies tried to obtain clearance to interview prison inmates;
however, this was not always allowed or the prisoner’s security or
privacy could not be assured.
Attrition of fathers is strongly correlated with custodial involvement in Fragile Families; 63% of fathers missing from the thirdyear interview had been incarcerated (based on mother and father
combined reports), compared to only 44% of the fathers present for
the third-year interview. Respondents differ on other key variables
as well. When we compare the third wave sample of respondents in
Fragile Families to the baseline or second wave, there are significant
differences between eligible and interviewed respondents. Fathers
interviewed at baseline but who dropped out in the third wave had
much lower socioeconomic status (SES) and were more likely to be
black or Hispanic than those fathers interviewed in the third wave.
So, it is possible that the third wave of both studies underrepresents
fathers with incarceration and other relevant characteristics that predict participation such as SES and race. Similarly, respondents in Add
Health interviewed in the third wave differ from noninterviewed
eligible respondents in many of the same ways (Chantala, Kalsbeek,
and Andraca n.d.).
November 2010
unstable in their family relationships and employment,
and more likely to be a member of a racial/ethnic minority group. These factors make them less likely to
engage in politics in the first place and are important in
predicting their political attitudes. In our data, selection
bias may therefore limit the conclusions that we can
draw from statistically significant associations between
political indicators and measures of custodial contact.
A major hurdle of this analysis is thus to adequately
dispel the possibility that any positive relationship between custodial status and political activity is due to
respondents selecting into both criminal activity and
lower levels of political engagement.
We use several empirical strategies in order to
mitigate against the possibility that preexisting differences across individuals, and not exposure to criminal
justice, account for different levels of participation.
First, we include standard controls for age, education,
sex (Add Health only, given that the analysis is
restricted to fathers in Fragile Families), household
income, employment, marital status, race and ethnicity,
citizenship, region, poverty status (Fragile Families
only), and parental background (having at least one
college-educated parent). Each independent variable
is correlated with both custodial contact and political
attitudes. We also control for other types of contact
with government that might shape participation and
attitudes, including military service and receiving
In addition, we control for measures of criminality
that are likely to predict criminal justice contact. Our
logic is that, if a predilection for criminality is driving
our results rather than interactions with law enforcement and criminal justice, then including measures of
individual propensity for offending will provide a rigorous test. In Add Health, we account for personality
traits that predict criminal activity by including a scale
of self-control items; research has established impulsivity to be one of the key determinants of violent offending (Farrington 1998; Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990).
We also include measures of self-reported violent and
nonviolent criminal activity over the past 12 months. In
Fragile Families, we use a similar index of self-control
items, as well as history of domestic violence (as reported by the mother) and drug use. We control for
these confounders in all multivariate models reported
Although in both studies respondents with exposure to criminal
justice are more likely to drop out of the sample by the third wave,
we follow a weighting procedure that adjusts for nonresponse (see
the online Appendix). In Add Health, analysis of potential bias due
to nonresponse after the inclusion of sampling weights indicates that
on 67 items, bias is less than 0.5 on most items (and only more than
1 percentage point on one item). For our purposes here, there is
a small amount of bias remaining on substance abuse and violent
and delinquent behaviors, such that “eligible cases reported slightly
more violent or delinquent acts at Wave I than the interviewed cases”
in Wave III (Chantala, Kalsbeek, and Andraca n.d.). However, the
bias was small; for 10 of the 15 items, bias was less than 0.5, and for
the remaining 5 items, it was between 0.5 and 1 percentage point.
Scholars conducting the bias tests concluded that “the Wave III
sample adequately represents the same population as the Wave I
sample when final sampling weights are used to compute population
estimates” (Chantala, Kalsbeek, and Andraca n.d., 5).
American Political Science Review
Our second strategy is to conduct additional analyses on the Add Health data that are designed to test
the sensitivity of our causal claim. We do this first
by limiting our sample to only those individuals who
self-report criminal behavior in the form of illegal drug
use. We then leverage the fact that some of these
individuals have experienced criminal justice contact,
whereas others have not. In the Wave III sample, approximately 54% of respondents reported having recently taken illegal drugs, including 16% who reported
using “hard” drugs (excluding marijuana, steroids,
and prescription medication without a doctor’s order).
However, many of those who reported illegal drug use
had never been caught or punished for any type of
crime; for instance, 71% of drug users and 58% of serious drug users, respectively, reported having no contact
with police or criminal justice authorities. Thus, we can
divide the sample into a fourfold typology: non–drug
users who have had no custodial contact, non–drug
users who have had contact, drug users who have not
had contact, and drug users who have had contact.
Comparing the political engagement across these
four groups helps us gain some leverage on the extent to which preexisting criminality is driving our results. Even among illegal drug users, though, we know
that criminal justice contact is nonrandom. We therefore employ a nonparametric estimation method, genetic matching, to adjust for baseline covariates that
differ across the two groups. Genetic matching is a
generalization of propensity score matching and Mahalanobis distance, which uses a genetic algorithm
(Mebane and Sekhon 1998) to maximize covariate balance between treated and control groups (Diamond
and Sekhon 2008; Sekhon 2010; Sekhon 2008). Cases
are selected using the results of t tests and bootstrapped
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests, a distribution-free
test of the equality of two cumulative distributions.15
Genetic matching has better properties than alternative methods of matching, irrespective of whether
the “equal percent bias reduction” property holds
(Diamond and Sekhon 2008; Sekhon 2006).
Genetic matching can be used with or without a
propensity score, but is significantly improved with the
incorporation of a propensity score (Sekhon n.d.). The
propensity score is the conditional probability of receiving treatment (here, criminal justice contact) given
observed covariates (see Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983).
In each matching analysis, we employ a logistic regression to estimate the propensity score. We then match
on both the linear predictor, which has the benefit
over the predicted probabilities of not compressing the
propensity score near zero and one (Sekhon n.d.), and
a set of covariates that has been orthogonalized to the
propensity score. We match on all covariates from the
multiple regressions with the exception of employment
and income, which are likely to be negatively affected
by carceral contact. To include an indicator of SES
without controlling for these posttreatment covariates
[see Rosenbaum (1984) for a discussion of bias that
results from adjustment for a concomitant variable
affected by treatment], we proxy for these variables
For all bootstrapping, nboots = 1,000.
by matching on parents’ income and employment as
measured in Wave I, as well as parents’ education.16
We employ one-to-one matching with replacement and
ties are handled deterministically. We achieve excellent
balance on the propensity score and on individual predictors. Thus, we are confident that in our matched
sample these observed covariates are not a significant
source of bias (though, of course, we cannot control for
potentially unobserved differences between treatment
and control). We then use the matched sample to estimate the effect of criminal justice contact on each of
our dependent variables [the average treatment effect
on the treated (ATT)].
We first match respondents who reported illegal drug
activity but had no history of carceral contact with respondents who also reported illegal activity but did
report a criminal conviction (groups 3 and 4 in our
typology). We then leverage the longitudinal design
of the Add Health study to provide one further test
of whether the associations we find between carceral
contact and political attitudes and behaviors are indeed the result of custodial contact, as we posit that
they are. Although Wave III is the only panel of Add
Health that includes political measures, Wave IV of the
study repeats questions from Wave III that measure
criminal justice history. Between the two waves, about
1,079 respondents are added to the ranks of those who
have experienced a criminal conviction. Being able to
identify these “future offenders” in the Wave III data
allows us to compare the political attitudes and behaviors of individuals who have been exposed to a criminal
justice intervention by Wave III with a matched set of
individuals in Wave III who have not yet been exposed
to criminal justice but who will experience this contact
by Wave IV. The logic here is that if criminal propensity
is driving the results, and not criminal justice contact
per se, then those respondents who will be involved
with the criminal justice system in the future should
exhibit higher levels of participation than those who
have already experienced it.
Finally, we conduct a placebo test in which we match
respondents who will have criminal justice contact by
Wave IV but have not yet by Wave III with respondents
who do not report criminal justice contact in either
Wave III or Wave IV. We then estimate effects on
political attitudes and behaviors at Wave III. If our
previous analysis is truly identifying a causal effect of
contact with criminal justice, rather than reflecting underlying differences in the likelihood of experiencing
contact, we expect that this analysis will fail to reject
the null hypothesis of no difference across the two
Table 1 depicts the bivariate relationship between custodial involvement and political attitudes and behavior.
Although empirical studies of wealth transmission from parents to
children offer varying estimates of the extent of economic mobility
(Solon 1992) and are limited by existing data (Keister and Moller
2000), there is empirical evidence that poverty is transmitted across
generations (Solon 1992; Zimmerman 1992), with education serving
as an important mediator.
.000 (F = 19.21)
Serious time
Chi squared
AH, Add Health; FF, Fragile Families.
a Voted and registered percentages exclude noncitizens.
Voted (%)
Registered a
Trust in Government
(% Disagree or Strongly
Participation (%
at Least One
(% at Least
One Activity)
November 2010
Bivariate Relationships between Criminal Justice Contact and Various Measures of Participation and Political Attitudes
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
In both surveys, respondents who experienced criminal
justice contact were significantly less likely to report
having voted in the last presidential election.17 Table 1
also highlights that there is declining participation at
every level of contact with criminal justice authorities;
even a minor encounter with the police that did not
result in arrest is associated with a reduced likelihood
of turning out in an election. The gap in participation
is largest for more significant encounters with criminal
justice, such as incarceration; for example, in the Add
Health study, only 8% of respondents reported having
voted if they had served a lengthy sentence behind bars.
In the Add Health study, it is likely that depressed
participation is the result of both decreased turnout
and formal exclusion from exercising the franchise. By
comparison, felon disenfranchisement is not the only
reason for diminished voting among Fragile Families
respondents because our measure of voting in that
study specifically excludes those who were not eligible
to vote. Thus, the differences in turnout that are evident
in these data represent the gap in voting between custodial and noncustodial legally eligible voters. Similar
to voting and registering, the importance of criminal
justice involvement is also evident in other political
activities such as contacting a government official or
contributing to a political party or candidate, as measured by the index, although the relationship is weaker.
A reduction in these activities appears only for those
who have been incarcerated.
Civic engagement is similarly defined by encounters
with the criminal justice system. Table 1 shows that
those who experience punitive interventions—from police questioning to incarceration—are much less likely
to seek out civic society and participate in cultural,
social, or political groups. In addition, commitment to
civic traditions shrinks as exposure to crime control authorities grows. People who experienced an encounter
with criminal justice institutions were much less likely
to believe that it was important to vote, serve on a
jury, volunteer time to community service, or serve in
the military, and this effect grew starker with more
severe encounters. Consistent with these findings, people who undergo criminal supervision of any kind also
express less confidence in government. For example,
only 18% of respondents who had not encountered
criminal justice in any form said they disagreed or
strongly disagreed that they trusted the federal government; this percent rises to 28% and 27% for those who
were questioned or arrested, 31% for those who were
convicted, 43% for those who had been incarcerated,
and 55% for those who had experienced imprisonment
of substantial duration.
So far, our results suggest that contact with criminal
justice is associated with diluted political engagement;
those who have dealt with the supervisory, punitive
side of the state are less likely to be politically active or engaged in civic society and have less trust
in government. These results are striking, but one
17 We remove from the analysis those whose contact with the criminal justice system occurred after the year the election took place.
American Political Science Review
FIGURE 1. Expected Value of Trust in Government by Criminal Justice Contact,
Holding Other Factors Constant at Their Means [From National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
Health (Add Health), 2001−2002]
All variables are significant at the .05 level, except military and income. SES, socioeconomic status.
might reasonably ask whether they show a causal effect or only an association. To address these concerns,
our analysis must take into account a host of potentially confounding factors. Table 2 presents the results of a set of multivariate analyses estimating the
effects of a criminal justice intervention on later political expression. If the effect of punitive encounters
is working through other distinctive aspects of the
carceral population or self-selection, then the significant relationships should disappear when controls are
In both the Add Health and the Fragile Families
data, the substantial impact of custodial status on political outcomes remains even after accounting for differences in SES and demographic factors. The left side
of Table 2 shows the results from the Add Health
data. Involvement with criminal justice significantly
depressed a person’s trust in government, independent
of propensity for criminal behavior and other factors.
More important, damage to trust grew with increasing
severity of the interaction (with the exception that being stopped by the police had a relatively larger effect
than being arrested, holding all else constant). Specifically, being stopped and questioned by the police is
associated with a 3% decrease in trust in the government, being arrested is associated with a 2% decline,
a court conviction is associated with a 4% decline in
trust, being incarcerated is associated with a decline of
9%, and having been incarcerated for 1 year or more
was associated with a decline of 11% net of other factors. The magnitudes of these custodial contact effects
are large; to provide a point of reference, we show in
Figure 1 that the predicted decrease in trust between
having no contact and having been incarcerated is an
order of magnitude larger than standard individuallevel predictors such as education, income, and race,
and criminal justice contacts are associated with larger
gaps in attitudes than other types of socializing experiences, such as receiving welfare or serving in the
military. In short, having had encounters with criminal
justice is a large predictor of an individual’s trust in
Similarly, contact with criminal justice is also related to a decline in voting and registering to vote in
Multivariate Results
Add Health
R squared
Fragile Families
Trust in
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
Notes: Dependent variables Registered, Voted, and Political Participation are based on Logit and exclude noncitizens; all other models are ordinary least squares
(OLS). For space considerations, models in Add Health include controls not displayed here for race, age, gender, region, education, income, parental education,
unemployment, marital status, citizenship, property crime, violent crime, self-control, military, and welfare receipt. For Fragile Families, models control for race,
age, education, income, parental education, unemployment, poverty level, marital status, citizenship, domestic violence, drug use, self-control, cognitive ability,
military, and welfare receipt. Full results tables are available from the authors. Standard errors in parentheses.
∗∗∗ p < .01, ∗∗ p < .05, ∗ p < .10.
November 2010
American Political Science Review
Add Health (Table 2). The measures of registering to
vote and voting in Add Health, unlike Fragile Families, include people who are potentially ineligible to
vote based on a felon conviction; thus, the effects of
criminal justice contact on turnout and registration in
these data are tapping into both formal and informal
barriers to voting. Using CLARIFY to interpret the coefficients of the logistic regressions, we find that the
likelihood of registering to vote declines by 8% for
those who were convicted in adult court (but did not
serve hard time), 16% for those incarcerated less than
1 year, and 29% for those who had been imprisoned
for at least 1 year, holding other factors constant at
their means (King, Tomz, and Wittenberg 2000; Tomz,
Wittenberg, and King 2003). Criminal justice involvement also lessened the likelihood of voting, and the
magnitude of the effect was larger for more severe
punitive encounters: holding other factors constant at
their means, being arrested reduced the likelihood of
voting by 7%; being convicted reduced the odds of
turning out by 10%; being sentenced to jail or prison
reduced it further by 17%, and serving more than 1
year reduced the likelihood of voting by nearly one
third. Again, the effects are substantial; to compare,
being unemployed is associated with a decline of less
than 3% in the predicted probability of voting; receiving welfare decreased the likelihood of voting by 7%;
and the probability of voting increased by 6% moving
from the 10th to 90th income percentile (similar in
size to being arrested). The only factor that outdoes
custodial contact in the size of its influence is having
a college degree (associated with a 42% increase in
There are two exceptions to the pattern of results
so far. The relationship between contact with criminal
justice and other means of participating was largely
insignificant after accounting for other influences, and
one significant association is not in the hypothesized
direction (being questioned by the police was positively related to participation). Civic participation also
did not exhibit a strong relationship to criminal justice
contact. These (non)results may be due to weak measures. Specifically, very few people actually reported
having done any of the political participation items in
the past year; only 2.6% contacted an official, 1.8%
contributed money to a party or candidate, and 3.3%
reported participating in a political rally; negligible percentages of study respondents actually ran for a public
or nonpublic office. This likely reflects the young age
of the sample. This was not the case for participation in
civic groups, which 28% of the sample reported having
done in the past year. However, there are important
reasons for the absence of a relationship here; perhaps
respondents who had had a disciplinary encounter were
just as likely to do voluntary work with a group because
they were court ordered to do so as a provision of their
parole or probation. Unfortunately, we cannot further
test this speculation because no measure of whether
the community service was voluntary or court ordered
is available.
Contact with the criminal justice system continued
to be an important influence on political engagement
in the Fragile Families study, largely replicating the pattern seen in Add Health. As Table 2 indicates, criminal
justice involvement was associated with a significant
decline in the likelihood of being registered to vote
or voting in the last presidential election, independent
of other influences, including poverty, education, and
criminality. Being arrested, incarcerated, and confined
for 1 year or more was associated with a decrease of
5%, 6%, and 8%, respectively, in the probability of
registering to vote. Figure 2 depicts the probability of
voting using CLARIFY to interpret the logistic coefficients. The probability of voting declined 8% for those
who had been stopped and questioned by the police; by
16% for those with a history of being arrested; by 18%
for those with a conviction; by 22% for those serving
time in jail or prison; and, if this sentence was more than
1 year in duration, the probability of voting declined by
an overwhelming 26%, holding other factors at their
means. These effects are quite large, given that the
probability of voting only decreases by 11%, moving
from the lowest to highest level of poverty. The effect of being incarcerated or imprisoned is larger in
size than having a college-educated parent, being in
the military, receiving welfare, and being black. Like
Add Health, only the effect of a college diploma is
larger in size (increases voting probability by 31%).
Similar to voting and registration, participation in civic
groups was also affected, however, only for those
who were incarcerated or imprisoned (the results for
those who were stopped, arrested, and convicted are
not significant after controls are included). Commitment to civic obligations—serving on a jury, serving
one’s country in war, serving one’s community, and
going to vote—is also significantly related to encounters with the punitive side of the state, although again
this effect did not reach significance for lower levels of criminal justice involvement after controls were
To summarize the results, there is a large, negative
effect of criminal justice contact for several aspects
of political life—turning out to vote, involvement in
civic groups, and trusting the government—and these
effects persisted net of SES and criminality. Consistent with our hypotheses, more severe encounters were
associated with a larger decline in political participation and trust. Nor were these results unique to either survey. Results obtain and are largely consistent
across two very different samples—one being largely
unmarried parents from seriously disadvantaged circumstances in urban settings, and the other being a
young adult population that is more highly educated
and nationally representative. In addition, it is not just
that custodial populations come from disadvantaged
backgrounds or are prevented from voting due to felon
exclusions; the results point to the large, independent
effect of punitive encounters that does not depend on
preexisting characteristics and is not only the result of
formal disenfranchisement. In fact, it is likely that we
have somewhat underestimated the effect of incarceration and punitive encounters, given that many of the
factors we controlled for have also been documented
as consequences of incarceration (marital instability,
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
November 2010
FIGURE 2. Predicted Probability of Voting by Criminal Justice Contact, Holding Other Factors
Constant at Their Means (From Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, 2001–2003.)
Other PoliƟcal
No Welfare
No Military
Not Black
High School
BA Degree
90th PercenƟle Income
10th PercenƟle Income
Highest Poverty
Criminal JusƟce Contact
Lowest Poverty
Serious Time
Stopped by Police
Predicted Probability of VoƟng
All variables are significant to the .05 level, except Military, Welfare, and Income. SES, socioeconomic status.
less income, poverty). In addition, these effects persist
despite our accounting for factors that predict the risk
of criminal justice involvement. In each multivariate
model, we include controls for criminal thinking, as
well as self-reported incidents of nonviolent and violent crime. The effects of custodial status are robust
and large even after accounting for these potential
confounders. This suggests that criminality does not
drive lower participation per se, but that contact with
agencies of criminal justice does.
As a first robustness check of our results, we compare
political attitudes and behaviors across four subgroups
of the Add Health sample: respondents with no history of illegal drug use or criminal justice contact (N =
6,266), respondents with no history of illegal drug use
but with custodial contact (N = 628), respondents with
illegal drug use and no custodial contact (N = 5,631),
and respondents with both illegal drug use and custodial contact (N = 2,282). Differences in voter turnout
and registration, trust in government, political participation, and civic participation across the four groups
are all highly significant (F test p < .001 for all tests).
Those with both illegal drug use and custodial contact
have the lowest levels of civic and participation and
the least political trust of the four groups. For example,
47% of non−drug users with no contact report having
voted in the last election, and 44% of both non−drug
users with contact and drug users with no contact report voting. By comparison, 37% of drug users who
had some type of criminal justice contact turned out to
We then examine the effects of criminal justice contact among only the subset of 7,913 Add Health respondents who self-report illegal drug use. Limiting the sample to only those respondents who took part in illegal
drug activity helps confirm that the effects of criminal
justice contact are not solely the result of preexisting
criminal tendencies. In multiple regression models that
estimate effects of progressive contact among only this
subset, we find consistent effects; among illegal drug
users, contact with the criminal justice system decreases
trust and lowers voter registration and turnout. As in
the full sample, there is no significant effect on our
other measures of political and civic participation once
we control for the full set of confounders, and we interpret these nonsignificant results similarly to our previous discussion. Also, as in the full sample analyses, the
size of the effects increases as contact becomes more
intense. For example, ceteris paribus, being questioned
or arrested lowers trust by about 2%, being convicted
by about 3%, serving time in prison or jail by about
9%, and serving serious time lowers trust by roughly
11%. The same results are obtained in similar models
when the sample is further restricted to include only
American Political Science Review
serious illegal drug users, excluding those who report
using only marijuana, steroids, or prescription drugs.18
We then use weights from genetic matching to create
a matched set of convicted and never convicted drug
users, ensuring that the two groups are well balanced
on the full set of covariates that we describe in the
preceding parametric models, as well as on a propensity
score that predicts having been convicted of a crime.
After matching, there are no significant differences on
baseline covariates in the matched sample between illegal drug users who have been convicted of a crime and
those who have not.19 However, there are differences
between the two groups in the outcomes of interest,
as shown in Figure 3. Among self-reported drug users,
having a criminal conviction lowers trust in government
by about 3% and reduces voter registration and turnout
by roughly 13% each. We find similar effects of other
types of contact, and the effects are larger as contact
becomes more severe.20
Our second cut at establishing causality follows a
somewhat similar logic. Here we compare the political attitudes and behaviors of respondents in Wave III
who have experienced a criminal justice intervention
against a demographically comparable group of Wave
III respondents who have not yet experienced that type
of contact, but who will have joined this segment of the
custodial population by Wave IV. That is, we compare
our treatment group (those who report a criminal contact by the third wave survey) with our control group
(those who do not report that type of criminal contact
by the third wave but do report one in the fourth wave)
on political outcomes at Wave III. In bivariate analyses,
those who have been convicted of a crime by Wave III,
compared to those who have not yet but will have by
Wave IV, are less likely to vote (47% compared to 34%,
chi squared = 87.72, p < .001), register (74% to 67%,
chi squared = 27.98, p < .001), or participate politically
in another way (7% compared to 5%, chi squared =
5.24, p = .01). They also have lower levels of political
trust (F stat = 103.21, p < .001) and civic participation
(F stat = 41.95, p < .001). In a multiple regression
similar to those described previously, having a convic-
tion at Wave III relative to those who do not have a
conviction until Wave IV predicts a decrease of 4% in
trust and 10% in the likelihood of registering to vote.
As before, we also conduct a nonparametric analysis
using genetic matching. Results are shown in Figure 3.
In our matched sample, we again find a significant and
negative effect of a criminal conviction on trust (3%)
and registration (10%).21
As a final placebo test, we compare respondents
who do not have a conviction in Wave III but will
in Wave IV with those who do not report this type
of carceral contact in either wave. As expected, we
find that future convicts in Wave III, ceteris paribus,
have political attitudes and behaviors that are statistically indistinguishable from respondents who report
no contact with criminal justice in either wave. Put simply, future criminal justice contact is not predictive of
political attitudes and behavior. This further confirms
our assertion that these differences reflect a treatment
effect of contact with criminal justice that is independent of existing differences related to the probability
of criminal offending.
Taken together, we find these results to be quite persuasive of a causal effect of criminal justice contact.
Our regression analyses provide straightforward and
easily interpretable estimates of the effects of carceral
contact and allow for a comparison between the size of
the criminal justice effect and other salient variables.
Our matching analyses allow us to estimate treatment
effects without the parametric modeling assumptions
required for regression. In addition, by limiting the
sample to self-reported illegal drug users or only those
with a criminal conviction, as well as balancing the
treatment and control groups on measures of violent
and nonviolent criminal behavior, criminal cognitions,
and a propensity score predicting conviction, we ensure
that it is unlikely to be selection alone that is driving
our results. Instead, these analyses strongly suggest that
the causal arrow goes in the hypothesized direction—
experience with incarceration and other punitive interventions depress political engagement. The fact that
we find consistent support for our hypotheses across
these different estimation procedures is compelling.
Multivariate results are detailed in the online Appendix.
Details of the balance statistics are available in the online Appendix.
20 Among illegal drug users, being arrested results in significantly
decreased trust (about 3%), as well as lowered voter registration
and turnout (about 10% each). After matching on arrest, the propensity scores for treatment and control are statistically equivalent (KS
Bootstrap p value = .1), and the two groups are well balanced on
covariates (minimum p value after matching = .11), with the exception of welfare (mean treatment = 0.28, mean control = 0.21, T test p
value = .001). There are 807 treated observations (sample N = 5,858),
and matching yields 807 matched observations (812 unweighted).
Having been incarcerated likewise results in less trust (14%), voter
registration (16%), and turnout (17%), and a marginally statistically
significant decrease in the likelihood of claiming at least one other
form of political participation (7%). After matching on incarceration, the propensity scores for the treatment and control groups
are statistically equivalent (KS Bootstrap p value = .75), and the
two groups are well balanced on covariates (minimum p value after matching = .23). There are 94 treated observations in the data
(sample N = 5,858), and matching yields 94 matched observations
(95 unweighted).
Our findings have implications for four scholarly debates. First, scholarship on political participation and
civic engagement should consider not only individual
resources, interest, and mobilization as ingredients for
political involvement, but also the way the state shapes
individual civic capacities, efficacy, and perceptions of
government. Our findings suggest that contact with the
institutions of criminal justice is important in structuring patterns of participation long assumed in the
dominant literature to stem primarily from aspects of
the individual. These findings are especially important
vis-à-vis the vibrant recent attention to participatory
Regression results and balance statistics are further detailed in the
online Appendix.
Treatment Effects of Criminal Conviction
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
November 2010
Figures are matched on race, gender, age, education, parental education, income, employment, married, citizenship, military service, welfare receipt, geographic regions 1–4, and three
measures of criminality (Nonviolent, Violent, Self-control). (Figure created with Titiunik [2010].)
American Political Science Review
inequality. If we take seriously the results presented
here, they suggest that those with contact at every level
of criminal supervision withdraw from political life—
they are less likely to participate in civic groups, they
are less likely to express their political voice in elections, and they are less trusting of government. Thus,
the carceral state carries deep implications for who
is included and how they are included in the polity.
It is therefore troubling that the study of inequality
in politics, itself the subject of a recent Task Force in
the American Political Science Association, has barely
registered the carceral earthquake.
Second, and related, this study suggests that state interventions of the punitive, not just redistributive, side
of the state matter in ways that have not yet been fully
explored. Scholars in the tradition of public policy and
institutionalism have long recognized the limitations
of the participation literature, noting that they have
“given little heed to the role of government in citizens’
lives” (Mettler 2007, 643; see also Mettler and Soss
2004). To fill that gap, studies of the GI Bill, Social
Security, welfare, and other social policies have flourished, making important inroads into our understanding of how policy shapes democratic citizenship. However, the role of government in citizens’ lives is often
conceptualized in this literature as relatively circumscribed, defined mainly as social policy interventions
meant to ensure against poverty and unemployment
and provide a safety net for the elderly, veterans, and
children. With few exceptions, these recent studies find
that policies boost the civic and political participation
of citizens by giving them critical resources, civic teaching, and the motivation to enter the political fray when
policies important for their well-being are threatened.
By expanding our view of the ways government plays
a direct role in citizens’ lives, our study points to the
ways government activity can also serve to demobilize and dissuade citizens from engaging in political
Third, this research builds on several studies by sociologists and economists that have linked incarceration
to economic hardship, poor health outcomes, and family destabilization. For example, researchers estimate
that prison confinement results in a 6% decrease in
employment and between a 15% and 26% decrease
in wages (Geller, Garfinkel, and Western 2006), the
substantial black−white disparity in marriage would
be cut in half without incarceration (Western, Lopoo,
and McLanahan 2004), the black–white gap in infant
mortality would be decreased by 23% if incarceration
had stayed at its 1973 level (Wildeman 2009), and incarceration explains approximately 70% of racial health
disparities such as AIDS (Massoglia 2008). We add to
the growing literature on the “collateral consequences”
of incarceration by showing that the effects of punitive
encounters are not limited to economic marginality or
the disruption of marital bonds, but have a political
dimension as well.
Finally, we extend the small but growing studies of felony disenfranchisement (Drucker and Barreras 2005; Haselswerdt 2009; Manza and Uggen 2006;
Marable, Steinberg, and Middlemass 2007; McLeod,
White, and Gavin 2003; Miles 2004). For example,
Chris Uggen and Jeff Manza (2002) estimate that, in
the absence of felon disenfranchisement laws, 35% of
ex-felons would have voted in the 2004 presidential
election, and that these laws have had a significant impact on several close U.S. Senate elections and at least
one presidential election. These studies are important.
However, we argue that criminal justice involvement
has a large effect on a broader array of civic attitudes
and forms of participation, and that these varied political effects extend not only to those who are legally
disenfranchised, but also to the large and growing numbers of citizens who experience direct contact with state
agents of crime control.
Thus, from distinct scholarly perspectives and each
in their own way, studies of political participation, policy feedback, and sociology have inadvertently treated
criminal justice as a politically neutral institution in
the lives of citizens. Political participation scholars and
scholars in the policy feedback/institutionalist tradition
have neglected the punitive activity of the democratic
state, whereas scholars of criminal justice have long
understood the importance of coercive citizen—state
interactions but have focused primarily on their social
and economic consequences. In contrast, this study establishes criminal justice as a set of institutions with
political significance, a force that citizens are increasingly likely to encounter in their daily lives.
Still, this article is only a first step toward understanding how carceral contact shapes conceptions of
government, citizenship, and the state. We see at least
four distinct directions for future research on what the
punitive expansion means for American politics. Most
obviously, this article examines only a limited set of
dependent variables—participation, civic engagement,
civic norms, and trust. We remain in the dark about
whether and in what ways punitive encounters shape
a broader array of political attitudes and identities.
However, the potential to pursue this type of analysis
will be limited until surveys of American politics begin incorporating items that query respondents about
their contact with the criminal justice system (as the
General Social Survey has begun to do). Second, scholars might also investigate how criminal justice contacts
shape racial “narratives,” given that criminal justice is
a disproportionately routine experience among black
citizens. One preliminary investigation finds that blacks
who have been stopped, arrested, convicted, or incarcerated are much more pessimistic about racial equality
in America, more likely to perceive widespread discrimination against themselves and their group, and
more likely to believe that the prospects for their group
were severely limited (Lerman and Weaver 2010).
Third, given that experience with criminal justice is so
heavily concentrated geographically, political scientists
could also explore if punitive contact has a community
level dimension. For example, scholars have suggested
that the concentration of incarceration alters the civic
health of communities, fraying the bonds of its residents
and diminishing social capital and networks (Rose and
Clear 1998). Finally, future studies should unravel the
specific mechanisms through which punishment and
Political Consequences of the Carceral State
surveillance activities influence the political lifeworlds
of Americans. In particular, it will be critical to examine
whether and how different types of contact operate in
different ways to shape citizens’ political behavior and
Political scientists have been slow to evaluate the
supervisory provision of government compared to its
redistributive role, even though the social arena is but
one of the ways the state acts on its citizens, and
growth in the former has increasingly outpaced and
overshadowed the latter [for important exceptions, see
Gottschalk 2006 and Miller 2008]. We began by hypothesizing that the more frequent and increasingly intense
contact with the state that the criminal justice system
engenders leads citizens to adopt a particular set of
“transcripts” and political worldview, a uniquely negative experience of democracy, and a criminal justice–
centered framework for understanding government
and one’s role in the civic community. Our results
suggest in no uncertain terms that the exponential
growth in the carceral state will have important, and
increasingly detrimental, consequences for the American political landscape. And in a society founded on
democratic inclusion and political equality ideals, these
developments are deeply troubling. It is time scholars
of American politics took notice.
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