arXiv:1712.00790v2 [cs.PF] 17 Feb 2018
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All
Age-Based Scheduling Policies
ZIV SCULLY, Carnegie Mellon University
MOR HARCHOL-BALTER, Carnegie Mellon University
ALAN SCHELLER-WOLF, Carnegie Mellon University
We consider an extremely broad class of M/G/1 scheduling policies called SOAP: Schedule Ordered by Agebased Priority. The SOAP policies include almost all scheduling policies in the literature as well as an infinite
number of variants which have never been analyzed, or maybe not even conceived. SOAP policies range
from classic policies, like first-come, first-serve (FCFS), foreground-background (FB), class-based priority, and
shortest remaining processing time (SRPT); to much more complicated scheduling rules, such as the famously
complex Gittins index policy and other policies in which a job’s priority changes arbitrarily with its age. While
the response time of policies in the former category is well understood, policies in the latter category have
resisted response time analysis. We present a universal analysis of all SOAP policies, deriving the mean and
Laplace-Stieltjes transform of response time.
CCS Concepts: • General and reference → Performance; • Mathematics of computing → Queueing
theory; • Software and its engineering → Scheduling; • Computing methodologies → Model development and analysis; • Theory of computation → Scheduling algorithms;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: M/G/1; exact response time analysis; Gittins index; shortest expected
remaining processing time (SERPT)
ACM Reference format:
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf. 2018. SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based
Scheduling Policies. Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 2, 1, Article 16 (March 2018), 30 pages.
Analyzing the response time of scheduling policies in the M/G/1 setting has been the focus of
thousands of papers over the past half century, from classic early works [10, 15–17, 21–23] to
more recent works in the SIGMETRICS community [1, 2, 6–9, 18–20, 24–26]. Examples of common
scheduling policies include
• first-come, first-served (FCFS), which serves jobs nonpreemptively in the order they arrive;
• class-based priority, which serves the job of highest priority class, possibly preemptively
and possibly nonpreemptively;
• shortest remaining processing time (SRPT), which preemptively serves the job with the least
remaining time;
• foreground-background (FB), which preemptively serves the job that has received the least
service so far; and
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Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
• processor sharing (PS), which concurrently serves all jobs in the system at the same rate.
In just these few examples we see a variety of features represented: preemptible jobs, nonpreemptible jobs, prioritizing by class, prioritizing by job size, and prioritizing by service received
so far, or age. Each policy requires a custom response time analysis that takes into account its
particular combination of features.
Although there has been much success in analyzing the response time of specific scheduling
policies in the M/G/1 setting, such as those listed above, results are ad-hoc and limited to relatively
simple policies. Analyzing variants of the above simple policies, let alone fundamentally different
policies, is an open problem. For instance, none of the following scenarios have been analyzed
• Suppose we have exact size information for some “sized” jobs but not other “unsized” jobs.
We run SRPT on sized jobs and FB on unsized jobs, meaning that we serve the sized job
of minimum remaining time or unsized job of minimum age, whichever measurement is
• Suppose we have jobs that are neither fully preemptible nor fully nonpreemptible but
instead preemptible only at specific “checkpoint” ages. We run a preemptive policy, such
as SRPT or FB, but only preempt jobs when they reach checkpoint ages.
• The Gittins index policy [3, 11], long known to be optimal for minimizing mean response
time in the M/G/1 queue1 , has only been analyzed in certain special cases [13, 20]. In
general, the Gittins index policy can have a complex priority scheme [4] which, while
known to perform optimally, has not been analyzed before in its general form.
Approaching the above examples with state-of-the-art techniques, if possible at all, would require an ad-hoc analysis for each scenario. We seek general principles and techniques for response
time analysis that apply to not just the above examples but to as many scheduling policies as
possible, even those not yet imagined.
1.1 Contributions
We introduce SOAP, a universal framework for defining and analyzing M/G/1 scheduling policies.
The SOAP framework can analyze any SOAP scheduling policy, which includes nearly any policy
where a job’s priority depends on its own characteristics: class, size, age, and so on. Specifically,
we make the following contributions.
• We define the class of SOAP policies (Section 2), a broad class of policies that includes
the three unsolved examples above as well as many other policies, from practical scenarios to policies not yet imagined. We encode many policies old and new as SOAP policies
(Section 3).
• We give a universal response time analysis that works for any SOAP policy (Section 5),
obtaining closed forms for the mean (Theorem 5.5) and Laplace-Stieltjes transform (Theorem 5.4). In particular, we apply our results to previously intractable analyses (Section 6),
such as the response time of the Gittins index policy.
In defining and analyzing SOAP policies, there are two major technical challenges. The first major challenge is that to have a single analysis apply to many scheduling policies at once, we need
to express all such policies within a single framework. The SOAP framework encodes a scheduling
policy as a rank function, which maps each job to a priority level, or rank. All SOAP policies are
based on a single rule: always serve the job of minimal rank. For example, in a preemptive classbased priority system, a job’s rank is its class (Example 3.3), whereas in SRPT, a job’s rank is its
1 While SRPT is optimal
when exact job sizes are known, the Gittins index policy, of which SRPT is a special case, is optimal
even when only size distributions are known.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
remaining time (Example 3.4). Rank functions can express a huge variety of policies, from virtually all classic policies (Section 3.1) to complex policies which have never been analyzed before
(Section 3.2). A notable exception is PS, which does not fit into the SOAP framework.
The second major challenge is to analyze policies with arbitrary rank functions. In particular,
nearly all previously analyzed scheduling policies, when expressed as SOAP policies, have rank
functions that are monotonic in age. For example, under SRPT, a job’s rank decreases with age,
making it less and less likely to be preempted by another job, while under FB, a job’s rank increases
with age, making it more and more likely to be preempted by another job. Unfortunately, the
techniques used in the past to analyze policies with monotonic rank functions break down for
arbitrary nonmonotonic rank functions, which appear, for instance, when studying the Gittins index
policy (Example 3.6) and jobs that are preemptible only at certain checkpoints (Example 3.7). We
develop new analytical tools that work for arbitrary rank functions (Section 4).
Related Work
Our work on SOAP policies follows in the tradition of analyses that address an entire class of
policies at once. Two such classes are SMART [25] and multilevel processor sharing (MLPS) [17].
• The SMART class includes all policies that satisfy certain criteria that ensure they prioritize small jobs over large ones, such as SRPT and PSJF (Example 3.4). Some recent work
on SMART policies includes analyzing the tail behavior of response time [19] and characterizing the tradeoff between accuracy of size estimates and response time [26].
• The MLPS class consists of policies that divide all jobs in the system into echelons based
on age, then serves jobs in the youngest echelon according to FCFS, FB, or PS. Some recent work on MLPS policies includes optimally choosing the age echelon cutoffs [5] and
connecting MLPS to the Gittins index policy [4].
While the SMART and MLPS classes have nearly no overlap, the SOAP class includes many policies
from both classes. Specifically, the SMART* subclass of SMART [25] and MLPS policies which do
not use PS are all SOAP policies.
A particularly important SOAP policy is the Gittins index policy [3, 11], which minimizes mean
response time in the M/G/1 queue when job sizes are not known. The Gittins index policy has
a rather complex definition, but recent work [3, 4] has revealed some of its structural properties.
Osipova et al. [20] analyze a specific case of the Gittins index policy for a multiclass M/G/1 queue
where each class’s job size distribution has the decreasing hazard rate (DHR) property. Using the
SOAP framework, we can analyze the Gittins index policy for arbitrary size distributions. Hyytiä
et al. [13] show that for jobs with known sizes, a weighted version of the Gittins index yields
the shortest processing time product (SPTP) policy and that this policy minimizes mean slowdown,
which is the ratio of a job’s response time to its size. SPTP is a SOAP policy, so the SOAP framework
can obtain the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of slowdown for SPTP, extending the previous mean
We consider work-conserving scheduling policies for the M/G/1 queue. We write λ for the total arrival rate and X for the overall job size distribution. We assume a stable system, meaning λE[X ] < 1,
and a preempt-resume model, meaning preemption and processor sharing are permitted without
penalty or loss of work.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
2.1 Descriptors
Scheduling algorithms use information about jobs in the system when deciding which job to serve.
We can divide this information into two types: static and dynamic.
• Static information about a job is revealed when it enters the system and never changes. For
example, in a system with multiple job classes, a job’s class would be static information, and
in a system where exact job sizes are known, a job’s exact size would be static information.
We call a job’s static information its descriptor and write D for the set of descriptors. A
job’s descriptor d determines its size distribution X d = (X | job has descriptor d).
• Dynamic information about a job changes as a job is served. In this paper, the only dynamic
information about a job is its age, the amount of time it has been served. The set of possible
ages is R ≥0 .
Descriptors are often tuples. To distinguish descriptors from ranks, another type of tuple introduced in Section 2.2, we write descriptors in [square brackets] and ranks in hangle bracketsi.
Example 2.1. Consider a system with a set of job classes K, where X k is the size distribution of
class k ∈ K. Depending on what information is known to the scheduler, the set of descriptors D
may be one of several options.
• If jobs do not reveal their exact size upon entering the system, then D = K, because the
only static information we have about each job is its class. The size distribution of jobs
with descriptor k is simply X k .
• If jobs reveal their exact size upon entering the system, then D = K × R ≥0 , because
we know each job’s class and size. The size distribution of jobs with descriptor [k, x] is
X [k, x ] = x, the deterministic distribution with value x.
• If only some jobs reveal their exact size, then
D = K × (R ≥0 ∪ {?}),
because some jobs have known exact size x ∈ R ≥0 while others have unknown size, which
we denote by ?. The size distributions are X [k, x ] = x for x ∈ R ≥0 and X [k, ?] = X k .
We require that the descriptors of jobs must be chosen i.i.d. according to a fixed distribution. For
instance, in Example 2.1, each job’s class must be chosen i.i.d., and in the third scenario, having
each job independently reveal its size with probability 1/2 is permitted, but having alternating
arrivals reveal their sizes is not.
2.2 SOAP Policies and Rank Functions
A SOAP scheduling policy is a preemptive priority policy where a job’s descriptor and age determine
its priority. SOAP is an acronym for Schedule Ordered by Age-based Priority. Specifically, a SOAP
policy is specified by the following ingredients:
• a set R of ranks,
• a strict total order ≺ on R, and
• a rank function assigning a rank r (d, a) to each pair of descriptor d and age a,
r : D × R ≥0 → R.
The defining property of SOAP policies is the following.
Every moment in time, a SOAP policy serves the job of minimum rank.
Ties between jobs of the same rank are broken using a tiebreaking rule. For simplicity of exposition,
we focus on first-come, first-served (FCFS) tiebreaking, which, among the jobs of minimal rank,
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
serves the job that arrived to the system first. Our results also apply to SOAP policies that use
last-come, first-served (LCFS) tiebreaking, which we defer to Appendix A2 .
Suppose job J has descriptor d J and age a J and job K has descriptor d K and age a K . We say
J outranks K if r (d J , a J ) ≺ r (d K , a K ) or both r (d J , a J ) = r (d K , a K ) and J arrived before K. SOAP
policies always serve the job that outranks all other jobs in the system.
A great many SOAP policies can be expressed using R = R, in which case ≺ is the usual ordering < on R. However, it is often convenient to have a nested rank structure in which jobs are first
prioritized by a primary rank, then by a secondary rank, and only then by the tiebreaking rule. We
express such nested ranks using R = R2 . Each rank is a pair hr 1 , r 2 i of primary rank r 1 and secondary rank r 2 , and ≺ is the lexicographic ordering: hr 1 , r 2 i ≺ hr 1′ , r 2′ i if r 1 < r 1′ or both r 1 = r 1′ and
r 2 < r 2′ . We write primary and secondary ranks of a state (d, a) as r 1 (d, a) and r 2 (d, a), respectively,
r (d, a) = hr 1 (d, a), r 2 (d, a)i.
When specifying a SOAP policy, we usually leave the choice of R unstated, as it is implied from
the formula for the rank function. Our results apply to R = Rn ordered lexicographically for any
n ≥ 1, and they easily generalize to other choices of R.
We will devote much time to discussing how jobs’ ranks change with age. Thus, when we call
a rank function “monotonic” or similar, we mean that it is so with respect to age, not descriptor.
For a SOAP policy to be well-defined, its rank function must satisfy some technical conditions,
which are given in Appendix B.
Previously Analyzed SOAP Policies
Example 3.1. The foreground-background (FB) policy is a SOAP policy. It uses no static information, so D = {}, where is a “placeholder” descriptor assigned to every job. FB always serves
the job of least age, so it has rank function r (, a) = a. It is likely that many jobs are tied for minimum rank under FB, but whichever job is served immediately loses minimum status, resulting in
a processor-sharing effect.
There are always many rank functions that encode the same SOAP policy. For instance, any
rank function monotonically increasing in age, such as r (, a) = a 2 , also describes FB.
Example 3.2. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) policy is a SOAP policy. It uses no static information, so D = {}. FCFS is nonpreemptive, which is equivalent to always serving the job of maximal
age, so it has rank function r (, a) = −a. FCFS tiebreaking plays a crucial role by breaking ties
between jobs of age 0.
Once again, there are multiple rank functions that describe FCFS. In particular, a constant rank
function yields FCFS due to the tiebreaking rule, but we prefer the given encoding because it makes
it clear that FCFS is a nonpreemptive policy. As the following examples demonstrate, using primary
rank −a is a general way to indicate nonpreemptiveness in a rank function.
Example 3.3. Consider a system with classes K = {1, . . . , n} where jobs within each class are
served in FCFS order but class 1 has highest priority, class 2 has next-highest priority, and so on.
The nonpreemptive priority and preemptive priority policies are SOAP policies. Both policies use
job class as static information, so D = K.
2 Sometimes
ties for minimum rank lead to processor sharing, and these ties do not require tiebreaking. See Example 3.1
and Appendix B for details.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
• Nonpreemptive priority has rank function r (k, a) = h−a, ki: the primary rank prevents
preemption, and the secondary rank prioritizes the classes when starting a new job.
• Preemptive priority has rank function r (k, a) = hk, −ai: because k is the primary rank,
jobs from high-priority classes preempt those in low priority classes.
Example 3.4. The shortest job first (SJF), preemptive shortest job first (PSJF), and shortest remaining
processing time (SRPT) policies are SOAP policies. All three policies assume exact size information
is known and use it when scheduling, so all use D = R ≥0 .
• SJF has rank function r (x, a) = h−a, xi: it is a nonpreemptive priority policy with size as
• PSJF has rank function r (x, a) = hx, −ai: it is a preemptive priority policy with size as
• SRPT has rank function r (x, a) = x − a: a job’s rank is its remaining size.
Newly Analyzed SOAP Policies
Example 3.5. The shortest expected processing time (SEPT), preemptive shortest expected processing time (PSEPT) and shortest expected remaining processing time (SERPT) policies are SOAP policies. The policies are respective analogues of SJF, PSJF, and SRPT, but they do not have access to
exact size information.
• SEPT has rank function r (d, a) = h−a, E[X d ]i: it is a nonpreemptive priority policy with
expected size as priority.
• PSEPT has rank function r (d, a) = hE[X d ], −ai: it is a preemptive priority policy with
expected size as priority.
• SERPT has rank function r (d, a) = E[X d −a | X d > a]: a job’s rank is its expected remaining
While SEPT and PSEPT have analyses similar to those of SJF and PSJF, respectively, SERPT has
never been analyzed before in full generality. We have left the set of descriptors D unspecified
because the definitions above work for any set of descriptors.
For concreteness, consider a system where all jobs have the same descriptor and size either
2 or 14, each with probability 1/2. The resulting rank function for SERPT, shown in Figure 3.1, is
nonmonotonic with respect to age. This differs from every policy described in Section 3.1, all of which
have monotonic rank functions. The potential nonmonotonicity of SERPT’s rank function has
prevented previous techniques from analyzing SERPT in full generality. We give the first response
time analysis of SERPT using our general analysis of all SOAP policies (Section 6.4).
Example 3.6. The Gittins index of a job with descriptor d and age a is [3, 11]
∫ a+∆
fd (t) dt
P{X d − a ≤ ∆ | X d > a}
= sup ∫ aa+∆
G(d, a) = sup
∆>0 E[min{X d − a, ∆} | X d > a]
F d (t) dt
where fd and F d are the density and tail functions of X d , respectively. The Gittins index policy
is the scheduling policy that always serves the job of maximal Gittins index, and it is known to
minimize mean response time in the M/G/1 queue [11]. Although optimality of the Gittins index
policy has long been known, only a few special cases have been analyzed in the past [13, 20]. The
Gittins index policy is a SOAP policy with rank function
r (d, a) =
G(d, a)
Like the policies in Example 3.5, the Gittins index policy can be defined with any set of descriptors.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
r (, a)
The rank function for SERPT using the distribution described in Example 3.5: jobs have size either 2 or 14,
each with probability 1/2. The rank is the expected remaining size of a job given it has reached its age a. In
this case, the initial expected size is 8, but if the job does not finish at age 2, then we know it must be size 14,
so its expected remaining size jumps up to 12.
Fig. 3.1. Rank Function for SERPT (Example 3.5)
r (, a)
The rank function for the Gittins Index Policy using the same distribution as in Fig. 3.1: jobs have size either 2
or 14, each with probability 1/2. Compared to SERPT, the Gittins index policy gives more priority to jobs
before they reach age 2. For instance, while SERPT ranks a job with age 1.99 on par with a hypothetical
job that deterministically has remaining size 6.01, the Gittins index policy ranks such a job on par with a
hypothetical job that deterministically has remaining size 0.02. This reflects the fact that it is almost free to
run such a job to age 2, just in case it is about to finish. We show in Section 6.4 that the Gittins index policy
achieves lower mean response time than SERPT due to its prioritizing potentially short jobs.
Fig. 3.2. Rank Function for Gittins Index (Example 3.6)
The Gittins index policy is in general not the same as SERPT, as shown in Figure 3.2, but, like
SERPT, the Gittins index policy often uses a nonmonotonic rank function, making it impossible
to analyze in general using previous techniques. We give the first response time analysis of the
Gittins index policy using our general analysis of all SOAP policies (Section 6.4).
Example 3.7. Consider a system in which jobs, rather than being completely nonpreemptible or
preemptible, are preemptible at specific checkpoints, say every 1 time unit. The discretized FB policy
is a variant of FB for jobs with checkpoints: when possible, it serves the job of minimal age, but
it does not preempt jobs between checkpoints3 . Discretized FB is a SOAP policy. It uses no static
information, so D = {}, and it has rank function
r (, a) = h⌊a⌋ − a, ai,
3 We
note that it is possible to model discretized FB as an MLPS policy with infinitely many thresholds.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
r 1 (, a)
r 2 (, a)
The rank function for the discretized FB policy described in Example 3.7. The primary rank (top) ensures that
jobs are only preempted at integer ages. This is because new jobs enter the system with primary rank 0, and
jobs only have primary rank 0 at integer ages. The secondary rank (bottom) prioritizes the job of lowest age,
as in traditional FB.
Fig. 3.3. Rank Function for Discretized FB (Example 3.7)
This rank function is illustrated in Figure 3.3. Roughly speaking, the primary rank encodes the
“discretized” aspect, preempting a job only at integer ages a when ⌊a⌋ − a = 0, and the secondary
rank encodes the “FB” aspect.
Discretized FB is just one example of a policy for jobs preemptible only at specific checkpoints,
but we can “discretize” any other SOAP policy by using primary rank ⌊a⌋ − a. For instance, discretized SRPT has rank function r (x, a) = h⌊a⌋ − a, x − ai.
We have seen a variety of features that SOAP policies can model:
• jobs that are nonpreemptible, preemptible, or preemptible at checkpoints;
• jobs with known or unknown exact size;
• priority based on a job’s exact size or expected size;
• class-based priority in multiclass systems; and
• priority that changes nonmonotonically as a job ages.
As the following examples show, SOAP policies go even further: they can combine many such
features as part of a single policy.
Example 3.8. Consider a system with two customer classes, humans (H ) and robots (R).
• Humans, unpredictable and easily offended, have unknown service time, are nonpreemptible,
and are served according to FCFS relative to other humans.
• Robots, precise and ruthlessly efficient, have known service time, are preemptible, and are
served according to SRPT relative to other robots.
We can model the system using D = {[H, ?]} ∪ {[R, x] | x ∈ R ≥0 }, where ? denotes unknown size.
A reasonable policy might have humans outrank most robots but let short robots, say those with
remaining size less than some threshold x H , outrank humans that have not yet started service.
This results in rank function
r ([H, ?], a) = h−a, x H i
r ([R, x], a) = h0, x − ai,
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
which uses primary rank to encode preemptibility and secondary rank to encode priority. We
analyze this system in Section 6.2.
Example 3.9. Consider a system as in Example 3.3 with n = 3 classes. Suppose that, in addition
to class-based priority,
• jobs in class 1 are preemptible, have known size, and are served according to SRPT;
• jobs in class 2 are nonpreemptible, have known size, and are served according to SJF; and
• jobs in class 3 are preemptible at specific checkpoints, have unknown size, and are served
according to discretized FB, as in Example 3.7.
The static information of a job is its class and, if known, its size, so D = {1, 2} × R ≥0 ∪ {[3, ?]},
where ? denotes unknown size. The rank function, which uses R = R3 as the set of ranks, is
r ([1, x], a) = h0, 1, x − ai
r ([2, x], a) = h−a, 2, xi
r ([3, ?], a) = h⌊a⌋ − a, 3, ai.
The components of the rank respectively encode preemptibility, class-based priority, and the policy
used within each class.
SOAP Policies with LCFS Tiebreaking
There are two common SOAP policies that use LCFS tiebreaking instead of FCFS. The last-come,
first-serve (LCFS) policy, which has the same rank function as FCFS in Example 3.2 but uses LCFS
tiebreaking. The rank function still ensures nonpreemption, but now ties between jobs of age 0
are broken by LCFS. Similarly, the preemptive last-come, first-serve (PLCFS) policy is a SOAP policy
with constant rank function and LCFS tiebreaking. SOAP policies that use LCFS tiebreaking admit
essentially the same analysis as those that use FCFS tiebreaking (Appendix A).
3.4 Non-SOAP Policies
As our examples have demonstrated, there is an extremely wide variety of SOAP policies. However,
there are some policies which are not SOAP policies, many of which fit into three broad categories.
First, some policies cannot be expressed using descriptors that are distributed i.i.d. for each arriving
job. For example, the earliest deadline first (EDF) policy could be a SOAP policy if each job’s descriptor were its deadline, but deadlines cannot be i.i.d. because later arrivals need later deadlines.
Second, some policies require a tiebreaking rule other than FCFS or LCFS. For example, the random
order of service (ROS) policy could be a SOAP policy using the rank function in Example 3.2 if it
could break ties between jobs of age 0 differently. A future generalization of the SOAP class might
allow for ROS tiebreaking because, like FCFS and LCFS, it serves one job at a time. In contrast, the
processor sharing (PS) policy, which is also not a SOAP policy, requires a fundamentally different
tiebreaking rule.
Third, some policies have job priorities that are context-dependent. For example, a nonpreemptive
policy in a multiclass system that tries to alternate between serving jobs of class 1 and class 2 is
not a SOAP policy, because the priority of a job depends on external context, namely the class of
the previously served job. The rank function approach used by SOAP policies inherently considers
each job individually, so there is no way to capture such context.
We have seen how to express a vast space of policies in the SOAP framework by careful choice of
rank function. However, as demonstrated by Section 3.2, the rank function that encodes a SOAP
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
policy can be very complicated. This leaves us with a difficult technical challenge: how do we
analyze SOAP policies with arbitrary rank functions?
Before tackling arbitrary rank functions, let us recall how classic response time analyses work.
Though there are of course many approaches, all of the policies in Section 3.1 can be analyzed
with the “tagged job” approach, which follows a particular job through the system to analyze its
response time. For instance, consider tagging a job of size x in a system using PSJF (Example 3.4).
There are two types of jobs that outrank the tagged job:
• jobs of size at most x that are present in the system when the tagged job arrives and
• jobs of size less than x that arrive at the system after the tagged job arrives but before it
One way to think about PSJF is to view the tagged job as seeing the system through “transformer
glasses” [12] which transform the system by hiding jobs that the tagged job outranks. For PSJF, this
transformation is simple because each job’s rank is essentially constant4 . A similar approach still
works for policies with increasing or decreasing rank functions, but the hiding transformation
becomes more complicated. For instance, under SRPT (Example 3.4), which has a decreasing rank
function, a tagged job of size x sees a system transformed as follows.
• Jobs that arrive after the tagged job are hidden if their size is at least x − a, where a is the
tagged job’s age when the other job arrives.
• Jobs that arrive before the tagged job are hidden if their remaining size is greater than x.
It may be that a job of initial size greater than x remains visible.
In more general terms: because jobs’ ranks change with age, the tagged job’s hiding criterion
changes with its age, and whether or not other jobs satisfy that criterion changes with their ages.
Handling these changes in rank is already tricky for SRPT, where a job’s rank only decreases with
age. The situation becomes even more complex when working with nonmonotonic rank functions.
4.1 Conventions
For the remainder of this section, we examine the journey of a tagged job J through the system.
The tagged job J has descriptor d J and size x J . Note that we may use J ’s size as part of our analysis
even if the scheduler does not have access to exact job sizes.
Throughout, we call jobs other than J old if they arrive before J and new if they arrive after J . As
a mnemonic, we name old jobs I and name new jobs K, using subscripts when there are multiple
such jobs. In examples, old jobs have descriptor d I and new jobs have descriptor d K , though in
a real system it may of course happen that different old or new jobs have different descriptors.
When it is unspecified whether a job is new or old, we name the job L.
Nonmonotonicity Difficulties
There are two major obstacles to analyzing policies with arbitrary nonmonotonic rank functions
that do not occur when analyzing SRPT, which has a monotonic rank function. We illustrate these
obstacles below and in Figure 4.1. The first obstacle concerns the nonmonotonicity of J ’s rank.
• In SRPT, we permanently hide some other jobs based on J ’s current rank.
• In general, another job L might be only temporarily hidden. If J ’s rank starts below L’s
rank but later exceeds it, the initially hidden L becomes visible again.
The second obstacle concerns the nonmonotonicity of the ranks of old jobs.
• In SRPT, an old job permanently outranks J if served for long enough before J arrives.
4 Due
to FCFS tiebreaking, we could encode PSJF without its secondary rank.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
r (d I , a)
r J′
r (d I , a)
a I′
a I′′
We show two obstacles to the “transformer glasses” approach by examining the interaction between the
tagged job J and an old job I of age a I . The cyan curve shows I ’s rank as a function of its age. First (top),
suppose a tagged job J has rank r J upon entering the system, and suppose that old job I of age a I is already
in the system. Consider how J views I if, as pictured, r J ≺ r (d I , a I ). Then J outranks I , so I is initially hidden.
However, I may be only temporarily hidden, because J ’s rank may later increase to r J′ ≻ r (d I , a I ). Second
(bottom), consider the same jobs J and I and suppose J has not entered the system yet. Whether or not I
will be hidden from J depends on I’s age when J arrives. For instance, as I advances in age from a I to a I′ and
later a I′′ , it switches back and forth between being visible to and hidden from J .
Fig. 4.1. Difficulties with Nonmonotonic Rank Functions
• In general, an old job I might only temporarily outrank J . Furthermore, if I ’s rank oscillates
above and below J ’s initial rank, whether I gets hidden or stays visible depends on when
during I’s service J arrives.
Dealing with such arbitrarily varying rank functions appears intractable. We need two key insights in order to handle nonmonotonic rank functions: the Pessimism Principle (Section 4.3) and
the Vacation Transformation (Section 4.4).
The Pessimism Principle
We call the amount of time any job L is served before J completes J’s delay due to L. The response
time of J is its size x J plus its delays due to all jobs that are in the system with J at some point.
Suppose that a new job K arrives when J has age a J . To analyze J ’s response time, we have to
know its delay due to K. As we saw in Section 4.2, deciding whether or not to hide K based only on
J ’s current rank r (d J , a J ) will not work. Instead, we need to examine J ’s current and future ranks.
Definition 4.1. The worst future rank of a job with descriptor d, size x, and age a is
x (a) = sup r (d, b).
a ≤b <x
Note that the worst future rank only considers ages up to the job’s size x. See Figure 4.2 for an
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
r (d, a)
worst (a) (dashed magenta) for a job
The relationship between rank r (d, a) (solid cyan), and worst future rank rd,
with descriptor d and size x.
Fig. 4.2. Illustration of Worst Future Rank (Definition 4.1)
r (d J , a)
a ′J
a ′′J
A new job K arrives when J , whose rank as a function of age is shown in cyan, has age a J . Suppose for
simplicity that K’s rank is constant at r K . An instant after J reaches age a ′J , it will be outranked by K, so K
will complete before J reaches age a ′′
J . In practice, K’s rank may change, but K will still complete before J
reaches age a ′′
r J , in which case K never outranks J again. Thus, for the purposes
of finding J ’s delay due to K, we can pretend that J ’s rank is r J for all of J ’s ages before a ′′
Fig. 4.3. A Tagged Job’s Delay due to a New Job
The reason we care about J ’s worst future rank is that for the purposes of computing J ’s delay
delay due to K, we can essentially pretend that J has its worst future rank
r J = rdworst
(a J ),
J ,xJ
as illustrated in Figure 4.3. This is because before J reaches its worst future rank, K must either
complete or surpass5 rank r J .
We have so far focused on a new job K, but the story is very similar for old jobs. The result is
the Pessimism Principle, so named for its pessimistic focus on the worst future rank.
Pessimism Principle. The tagged job J ’s delay due to any other job L is the amount of time L is
served until it either completes or surpasses J’s worst future rank. To be precise, letting
r J (a) = rdworst
J ,xJ
this means the following.
5 Unless
otherwise noted, we mean “surpass” in a weak sense. That is, to surpass a rank r means to attain rank at least r .
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
r (d, a)
cd [r ]
The new r -work for a job with descriptor d, whose rank as a function of age is shown in cyan, is the amount
of service the job requires until it either completes or surpasses rank r at the cutoff age cd [r ]. Pictorially, the
new r -work is the amount of service the job requires while its age is in the green region. The new r -work
is at most cd [r ] but may be less if the job completes. Note that the new r -work is not impacted by the job’s
rank at ages a > cd [r ], even if r (d, a) ≺ r .
Fig. 4.4. Illustration of New Work (Definition 4.2)
• Each old job I is served until it completes or first has rank r I ≻ r J (0). In particular, if
r I = r J (0), then I outranks J due to FCFS tiebreaking, thus the strict inequality6 .
• Each new job K is served until it completes or first has rank r K r J (a J ), where a J is the
age of J when K arrives.
Furthermore, in both cases, the service occurs before J is served while at its worst future rank.
To clarify, the discussion above addresses the total amount of service another job receives while
J is in the system. The service need not be contiguous but might be interleaved with that of J and
other jobs.
The Pessimism Principle gives an implicit description of J ’s delay due to any other job L, but
it remains to explicitly find this delay’s distribution. We do this now for the case where L is new,
treating the case where L is old in Section 4.4.
Definition 4.2. Let r be a rank. The new r-work is a random variable, written X new [r ], representing how long a job that just arrived to the system is served until it completes or surpasses rank r .
Specifically, we define X new [r ] = X Dnew [r ], where D is the random descriptor assigned to a new job
and, for any specific descriptor d,
cd [r ] = inf {a ≥ 0 | r (d, a) r }
X dnew [r ] = min{X d , cd [r ]}.
That is, cd [r ] is the cutoff age at which a new job with descriptor d surpasses rank r . See Figure 4.4
for an illustration.
Together, the Pessimism Principle and Definition 4.2 say that if a new job K has random descriptor and arrives when J has age a J , then J ’s delay due to K is X new [rdworst
(a J )].
Example 4.3. Consider SRPT as described in Example 3.4, in which a job’s descriptor is its size
and its rank is its remaining size. Suppose that a new job K of size x K arrives when J has age a J .
Under SRPT, J ’s worst future rank is its current rank r (x J , a J ) = x J − a J , so the cutoff age for K is
∞ if x K < x J − a J
c x K [x J − a J ] =
0 if x K ≥ x J − a J .
6 See
Appendix C for discussion of corner cases where we need instead of ≻.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
That is, K will always outrank J if x K < x J − a J , and K will never outrank J if x K ≥ x J − a J . This
means J ’s delay due to K is
X xnew
[x J − a J ] = x K 1(x K < x J − a J ),
where 1 is the indicator function.
When analyzing the response time of SRPT, we need to know J ’s delay due to a random new
job, meaning one with size drawn from the size distribution X . This is the new (x J − a J )-work,
X new[x J − a J ] = X Xnew [x J − a J ] = X 1(X < x J − a J ).
Example 4.4. Consider the SERPT system described in Example 3.5, in which all jobs have the
same descriptor and the same two-point size distribution: jobs are size 2 with probability 1/2
and size 14 otherwise. The rank function is
if a < 2
r (, a) = E[X − a | X > a] =
14 − a if a ≥ 2,
as shown in Figure 3.1.
Suppose that a new job K arrives when J has age a J < 2. The worst future rank of J depends
crucially on J ’s size x J .
• If x J = 2, then J ’s worst future rank is its current rank, 8 − a J . In this case, the cutoff age
for K is c [8 − a J ] = 0 because K’s initial rank is 8, which is at least J ’s worst future rank
8 − a J . This means J ’s delay due to K is
X new [8 − a J ] = X new [8 − a J ] = 0.
• If instead x J = 14, then J ’s worst future rank is 12. In this case, the cutoff age for K is
c [12] = 2 because K will either complete or jump up to rank 12 when it reaches age 2.
This means J ’s delay due to K is
X new [12] = X new [12] = 2.
The Vacation Transformation
We have seen how the Pessimism Principle shows us how long each new job delays the tagged
job J . The question remains: how long does each old job delay J ? This is much harder than the
corresponding question for new jobs because old jobs can have any age, whereas new jobs always
start at age 0.
Fortunately, we are actually not directly concerned with the delay due to individual old jobs.
What ultimately matters is the delay due to all old jobs together. It turns out that we can view this
total delay as the queueing time of a carefully transformed system. The careful transformation in
question is the Vacation Transformation, but we are still a few definitions away from presenting
Our goal is to find the J ’s total delay due to old jobs. We can think of this delay as the amount
of “relevant” work in the system at the moment J arrives. Because Poisson arrivals see time averages [27], the distribution of the amount relevant work seen by J upon arrival is the stationary
distribution of the amount of relevant work. Thus, in this section, we imagine J as a witness to the
system, watching other jobs enter, receive service, and exit. For this purpose, the most important
fact about J is its worst future rank upon arrival,
r J = rdworst
So far, we have considered old jobs as a monolithic category, but it is useful to consider three
subcategories. At any moment in time, we can classify old jobs as follows.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
• Discarded old jobs currently have rank greater than r J .
• Original old jobs currently have rank at most r J and have always had rank at most r J since
arriving themselves.
• Recycled old jobs currently have rank at most r J but had rank greater than r J at some point
in the past.
More generally, we may call a job discarded, original, or recycled with respect to rank r , in which
case we replace r J with r .
An old job I goes through the following transitions between these categories, as shown in Figures 4.5 and 4.6.
• When I arrives in the system, if its initial rank is at most r J , it starts out original. Otherwise,
it starts out discarded.
• As I ages, it may become discarded if it is not already.
• As I ages further, it may become recycled, then discarded again, then recycled again, and
so on until it completes.
Eventually, J will arrive, and each of the old jobs will delay J by some amount of time based
on their category at the moment when J arrives. By the Pessimism Principle, J ’s delay due to
discarded jobs is 0, so such jobs do not concern us further. Original jobs are similar to new jobs
but, due to the FCFS tiebreaking rule, not quite the same. Recycled jobs are the most difficult type
of old job to handle, but fortunately, as we will soon see, J sees at most one recycled job in the
system when it arrives.
For the purposes of analyzing J ’s response time, we view the system through “transformer
glasses” [12] through which only original and recycled jobs are visible, as illustrated in Figure 4.5.
In the transformed system, jobs are transformed such that when they become discarded, they
complete. Thus, the total work in the transformed system is exactly the “relevant” work in the
untransformed system, which would be J ’s total delay due to old jobs were J to arrive immediately.
Therefore, our goal is to find the stationary distribution of work in the transformed system.
Both original and recycled jobs arrive in the transformed system. Arrivals of original jobs correspond to arrivals to the untransformed system, but arrivals of recycled jobs occur seemingly arbitrarily, as they are really caused by discarded jobs transitioning to recycled in the untransformed
system. A busy period in the transformed system always starts with the arrival of an original or
recycled job. Arrivals of original jobs continue during the busy period, but no more recycled jobs
arrive for the rest of the busy period. This is because for a recycled job to arrive in the transformed
system, a discarded job has to become recycled by receiving service in the untransformed system.
But discarded jobs never outrank original or recycled jobs, which are present for the entire busy
period in the transformed system, so such transitions never occur.
To analyze the amount of work in the transformed system, we need to know how long each old
job spends as an original or recycled job. We call the amount of time an old job spends as original
with respect to rank r its 0-old r-work, and we call the amount of time it spends as recycled for the
ith time with respect to rank r its i-old r-work, both of which we now define formally.
Definition 4.5. Let r be a rank and d be a descriptor. The 0-old r-interval for descriptor d is the
interval of ages during which a job of descriptor d is original with respect to rank r . Specifically,
the interval is [b0,d [r ], c 0,d [r ]], where7
b0,d [r ] = 0
c 0,d [r ] = inf {a ≥ b0,d [r ] | r (d, a) ≻ r }.
7 See
Appendix C for discussion of corner cases where we need instead of ≻.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
r (d I , a)
discarded recycled discarded
A system contains jobs I 1 , I 2 , and I 3 with respective ages a 1 , a 2 , and a 3 . All three jobs have the same descriptor d I and therefore the same rank as a function of age, drawn in cyan. We view the system from the
transformed perspective of witness J , which has worst future rank r J . By the Pessimism Principle, if J were
to arrive at the system now, it would only be delayed by original job I 1 and recycled job I 2 , so discarded job I 3
is completely hidden from J . Furthermore, jobs I 1 and I 2 only delay J until they either complete or exceed
rank r J , so there are upper bounds on the delays due to each, shown as magenta bars.
Fig. 4.5. A Witness’s Transformed View of the System
For i ≥ 1, the i-old r-interval for descriptor d is the interval of ages during which the job is recycled
with respect to rank r for the ith time. Specifically, the interval is [bi,d [r ], c i,d [r ]], where
bi,d [r ] = inf {a > c i −1,d [r ] | r (d, a) r }
c i,d [r ] = inf {a > bi,d [r ] | r (d, a) ≻ r }.
If bi,d [r ] = c i,d [r ] = ∞, the interval is the empty set. See Figure 4.6 for an illustration.
For i ≥ 0, the i-old r-work is a random variable, written X iold [r ], representing how long a job will
be served while its age is in its i-old r -interval. Specifically, we define X iold[r ] = X i,oldD [r ], where D
is the random descriptor assigned to a new job and, for any specific descriptor d,
if X d < bi,d [r ]
X i,d [r ] = X d − bi,d [r ]
if bi,d [r ] ≤ X d < c i,d [r ]
c i,d [r ] − bi,d [r ] if c i,d [r ] ≤ X d .
If bi,d [r ] = c i,d [r ] = ∞, we define X i,d
[r ] = 0.
Suppose old job I has a random descriptor. In the transformed system, I receives service
• for time X 0old [r J ] as an original job and,
• for all i ≥ 1, for time X iold[r J ] as a job being recycled for the ith time.
Note that X 0old[r J ] may be 0, representing I starting out discarded, and X iold[r J ] for i ≥ 1 may be 0,
representing I completing before being recycled for the ith time.
Example 4.6. Consider SRPT as described in Example 3.4, in which a job’s descriptor is its size
and its rank is its remaining size. Suppose that J witnesses an old job I of initial size x I . Under
SRPT, every job’s rank is strictly decreasing with age, so J ’s worst future rank is its initial size x J .
The amount of time I spends as an original or recycled job depends on its size relative to J ’s.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
r (d, a)
discarded 1-recycled discarded 2-recycled discarded
c 0,d [r ] b1,d [r ]
c 1,d [r ] b2,d [r ]
c 2,d [r ]
As a job ages, it can transition repeatedly between being discarded and recycled with respect to a rank r . The
i-old r -interval for descriptor d is the interval [bi,d [r ], ci,d [r ]] during which a job of descriptor d is original
(i = 0) or recycled for the ith time (i ≥ 1). We highlight the i-old r -intervals in green. The i-old r -work is the
amount of service the job requires while its age is in its i-old r -interval.
Fig. 4.6. Illustration of Old Work (Definition 4.5)
• If x I ≤ x J , then I is original until its completion because its rank never exceeds x J , so
X 0,oldx I [x J ] = x I .
I is never recycled, so X iold[x J ] = 0 for i ≥ 1.
• If x I > x J , then I is starts out discarded but becomes recycled at age x I −x J , at which point
it has remaining size x J , so
X 0,oldx I [x J ] = 0
X 1,oldx I [x J ] = x J .
I is recycled only once, so X i,oldx I [x J ] = 0 for i ≥ 2.
When analyzing the response time of SRPT, we need to know the amount of time a random old
job, meaning one with size drawn from the size distribution X , spends as an original or recycled
job. From the above casework, we obtain
X 0old[x J ] = X 0,oldX [x J ] = X 1(X ≤ x J )
X 1old[x J ] = X 1,oldX [x J ] = x J 1(X > x J ),
where 1 is the indicator function, and X iold [x J ] = 0 for i ≥ 2.
The Vacation Transformation gives a simple specification of the amount of work the witness J
sees in the transformed system. It follows from three observations.
• The amount of work in the transformed system is independent of the scheduling policy
used on transformed jobs, provided it is work-conserving, so we may assume FCFS among
original and recycled jobs8 .
• Because Poisson arrivals see time averages [27], the stationary amount of work in the
transformed system is the same as the stationary FCFS queueing time of an original job in
the transformed system.
• In the transformed system, the arrival process of recycled jobs is not Poisson, but they only
appear at the starts of busy periods, so it is convenient to view them as server vacations.
8 Recall
that an original or recycled job completes the transformed system if it either completes or becomes discarded in the
untransformed sysytem.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
Vacation Transformation. Consider the tagged job J with descriptor d J and size x J arriving to
the system, and let
r J = rdworst
J ’s total delay due to old jobs has the same distribution as queueing time in a transformed M/G/1/FCFS
system with “sparse” server vacations. We call the transformed system the Vacation Transformation
System, or simply VT System. In the VT System, jobs arrive at rate λ and have size distribution
X 0old[r J ], and several types of vacations occasionally occur, as described below.
The server in the VT System is always in one of three states:
• busy, meaning a job is in service;
• idle, meaning the system is empty but the server is ready to start a job immediately should
one arrive; or
• on vacation, meaning the server will not serve jobs until the vacation finishes, even if there
are jobs in the system.
The server only starts vacations when the system is empty. Unlike job arrivals, vacation start times
are not a Poisson process. Each vacation has a type i ≥ 1 determining its length. Specifically, type i
vacations have i.i.d. lengths drawn from distribution
Vi = (X iold[r J ] | X iold [r J ] > 0).
The stationary probability that the the server is on a type i vacation is λE[X iold[r J ]]. The exact
process determining when a type i vacation starts is intractable, but to analyze queueing time
in the VT System, as we do in Lemma 5.2, it fortunately suffices to know just this stationary
Having spent the previous section understanding the perspective of a tagged job in a system using
a SOAP policy, we are now ready to apply our insights to analyze the response time of SOAP
policies. Specifically, we analyze Td, x , the response time of a tagged job J with descriptor d and
size x.
When analyzing traditional policies like SRPT or PSJF (Example 3.4), it often helps to think of
J ’s response time as the sum of two independent random variables [12, 22]:
, the time from when J arrives to when it first enters service;
• waiting time, written Td,wait
• residence time, written Td,resx , the time from when J first enters service to when it exits.
Unfortunately, the usual strategy for analyzing waiting and residence time relies on J ’s rank never
increasing, which holds for SRPT and PSJF but does not hold for a great many SOAP policies.
To overcome this obstacle, we replace J’s rank with its worst future rank, which never increases.
This rank substitution, fully justified in Appendix D, is made possible by the Pessimism Principle
(Section 4.3). We call J with its adjusted rank the rank-substituted tagged job.
After replacing J ’s rank with its worst future rank, it remains to analyze its waiting and residence times. Even though J ’s worst future rank is monotonic, other jobs’ ranks may both increase
and decrease with age, making these analyses challenging.
• We can think of waiting time as a transformed busy period: the initial transformed work is
J ’s total delay due to old jobs, and each arriving new job’s transformed size is the amount
it delays J . The main challenge is finding the distribution of initial transformed work,
which requires using the Vacation Transformation (Section 4.4). We analyze waiting time
in Section 5.1.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
• We would also like to think of residence time as a transformed busy period. The initial
work is simply J ’s size x, but now the arriving new jobs present a challenge: because J ’s
worst future rank may decrease with time, not all new jobs have the same transformed
size distribution. We analyze residence time in Section 5.2.
5.1 Waiting Time
Hereafter, “transform” means Laplace-Stieltjes transform. We write the transform of a random
variable V as Ṽ (s) and the transform of a parametrized random variable V [r ] as Ṽ [r ](s).
Recall that the waiting time of the rank-substituted tagged job J is the amount of time between
J ’s arrival and when J first enters service. As mentioned previously, we can think of waiting time
as a transformed busy period: the initial work is J ’s total delay due to old jobs, and each arriving
new job’s size is the amount it delays J . This type of busy period is formalized in the following
Definition 5.1. Let r be a rank. The new r-work busy period, written B new [r ], is the length of a
busy period in an M/G/1 system with arrival rate λ and job size X new [r ]. Its transform satisfies [12]
B̃ new [r ](s) = X̃ new [r ](s + λ(1 − B̃ new [r ](s))).
new [r ], is the length of
More generally, the new r -work busy period started by work W, written BW
a busy period in the same M/G/1 system with a random initial amount of work W . It has transform [12]
[r ](s) = W̃ (s + λ(1 − B̃ new [r ](s))).
worst (0) be J ’s worst future rank upon arrival. Because J is not served until its residence
Let r = rd,
time, r remains J ’s worst future rank for the entirety of J ’s waiting time. This means J ’s delay due
to each new job that arrives during its waiting time is X new [r ], so J ’s waiting time is a new r -work
busy period started by initial work W , where W is J ’s total delay due to old jobs.
All that remains is to determine W , for which it is convenient to define two new notations. First,
ρ new [r ] = λE[X new[r ]]
ρ iold[r ] = λE[X iold[r ]]
ρ old
ρ iold [r ]
i =0
be the “loads contributed by” new r -work, i-old r -work, and all old r -work, respectively. Second,
let Yiold [r ] be the equilibrium distribution [12], or length-biased sample, of X iold[r ]. It has transform
Ỹiold [r ](s) =
1 − X̃ iold [r ](s)
sE[X iold[r ]]
Note that Yiold [r ] is also the equilibrium distribution of the length of a type i vacation in the VT System, Vi = (X iold[r ] | X iold[r ] > 0), because samples of length 0 are never encountered in a lengthbiased sample.
Lemma 5.2. Under any SOAP policy, the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of waiting time for a ranksubstituted tagged job with descriptor d and size x is
Í∞ old
1 − ρ old
Σ [r ] + i =1 ρ i [r ]Ỹi [r ](σ )
T̃d, x (s) =
1 − ρ 0old [r ]Ỹ0old[r ](σ )
worst (0) and σ = s + λ(1 − B̃ new [r ](s)).
where r = rd,
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
Proof. Call the rank-substituted tagged job J . As previously mentioned, Td,wait
is a new r -work
busy period started by initial work W , where W is J ’s total delay due to old jobs. This means
(s) = W̃ (σ ) by (5.1), so it remains only to compute W̃ (σ ).
The Vacation Transformation states thatW has the same distribution as the queueing time in the
VT System, which is a particular M/G/1/FCFS system with vacations. A decomposition result of
Fuhrmann and Cooper [10, Equation (4)] states that the number of jobs in an M/G/1/FCFS system
with vacations, such as the VT System, is distributed as the sum of two independent random
• the number NQ of jobs in the queue of a vacation-free M/G/1/FCFS system; and
• the number NV of jobs in the queue observed by an arriving job conditional on observing
a non-busy server.
Recalling the Vacation Transformation and a standard result for the M/G/1 queue [12], we immediately obtain the probability generating function for NQ ,
N̂Q (z) =
1 − ρ 0old [r ]
1 − ρ 0old [r ]Ỹ0old[r ](λ(1 − z))
In the VT System, a job arriving to a non-busy server observes NV as one of the following.
• If the server is idle, which happens with probability 1 − ρ old
Σ [r ], there are 0 jobs in the
• If the server is in the middle of a type i vacation, which happens with probability ρ iold [r ], the
number of jobs in the queue is the number of Poisson arrivals at rate λ during time Yiold [r ],
which is the amount of time since the start of the type i vacation.
Accounting for the fact that we measure NV only when a job arrives to a non-busy server, which
happens with probability 1 − ρ 0old[r ], we obtain the probability generating function of NV ,
Í∞ old
1 − ρ old
Σ [r ] + i =1 ρ i [r ]Ỹi [r ](λ(1 − z))
N̂V (z) =
1 − ρ 0old [r ]
Multiplying (5.2) and (5.3), applying the distributional version of Little’s Law9 [14], and substituting
σ = λ(1 − z) gives the transform of queueing time in the VT System, which matches the desired
transform W̃ (σ ).
5.2 Residence Time
Lemma 5.3. Under any SOAP policy, the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of residence time for a ranksubstituted tagged job with descriptor d and size x is
∫ x
T̃d,resx (s) = exp −λ
(1 − B̃ new [rd,
Proof. We view residence time as a sum of many small busy periods, each started by a small
amount of work δ . We then take the δ → 0 limit, which exists thanks to conditions in Appendix B. This is very similar to the argument used to compute the transform of residence time under
SRPT [22]. Specifically, we divide [0, x] into chunks of size δ and consider each small busy period
started by the work needed to bring the job from age a to age a + δ . In the δ → 0 limit, for the
worst (a).
entirety of the small busy period starting at age a, we can assume the job has rank rd,
9 Here
we apply the distributional version of Little’s Law to the VT System, not the original SOAP system, which is crucial
because the law applies only to FCFS systems.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
By the Pessimism Principle, the amount of work in the small busy period starting at age a is the
worst (a)-work busy period started by work δ , which by (5.1) has transform
length of a new rd,
new worst
B̃δnew [rd,
[rd, x (a)](s))).
x (a)](s) = exp(−δλ(1 − B̃
The lengths of the small busy periods are independent because the arrival process is Poisson, so
the residence time, which is the total amount of work in all such busy periods, has transform
x /δ
B̃δnew [rd,
x (δi)](s)
i =0
= exp −δλ
x /δ
(1 − B̃
x (δi)](s))
i =0
Taking the δ → 0 limit yields the desired expression.
5.3 Total Response Time
Theorem 5.4 (SOAP Transform of Response Time). Under any SOAP policy, the Laplace-Stieltjes
transform of response time of jobs with descriptor d and size x is
T̃d, x (s) = T̃d,wait
x (s)T̃d, x (s),
where T̃d,resx (s) and T̃d,wait
(s) are as in Lemmas 5.2 and 5.3, respectively.
Proof. Because the arrival process is Poisson, Td,wait
and Td,resx are independent, so the result
follows from Lemmas 5.2 and 5.3
Theorem 5.5 (SOAP Mean Response Time). Under any SOAP policy, the mean response time of
jobs with descriptor d and size x is
∫ x
λ i∞=0 E[(X iold[r ])2]
E[Td, x ] =
new [r (a)]
2(1 − ρ 0 [r ])(1 − ρ [r ])
worst (a) and r = r worst (0).
where r (a) = rd,
d, x
Proof. This follows from E[Td, x ] = −T̃d,′ x (0) after straightforward computation.
We can useTd, x to analyzeTd , the response time of jobs with descriptor d and any size, andT , the
overall response time of all jobs. Specifically, T̃d (s) = E[T̃d, Xd (s)], where X d is the size distribution
of jobs with descriptor d, and T̃ (s) = E[T̃D (s)], where D is the random descriptor assigned to a
new job. Analyzing response time of jobs with size x and any descriptor is similar, but it requires
computing D x , the distribution of descriptors of jobs with size x.
In this section, we analyze the response time of several policies discussed in Section 3.2. The main
challenge to analyzing SOAP policies is determining X new [r ] and X iold [r ]. Throughout, we give
expressions for these focusing only on ranks r that are important for the final result. Specifically,
for the possible descriptors d and sizes x, we only need to find
worst (a)] for all ages a and
• X new [rd,
• X i [rd, x (0)].
For simplicity, we give final formulas only for mean response time.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
6.1 Discretized FB
Consider the discretized FB policy (Example 3.7), which can only preempt jobs when their age is
at specific checkpoints spaced 1 time unit apart. We represent this using the rank function
r (, a) = h⌊a⌋ − a, ai,
shown in Figure 3.3. As in the analysis of traditional FB, it is convenient to work in terms of the
capped size distribution and its associated load [12, Section 30.3],
X x = min{X , x }
ρ x = λE[X x ].
In discretized FB, a job of size x and age a has worst future rank
h0, ⌊x⌋i
if a ≤ ⌊x⌋
r ,
x (a) =
h⌊a⌋ − a, ai if a > ⌊x⌋.
The new r -work and 0-old r -work relevant for obtaining response time are therefore
X new [h0, ⌊x⌋i] = X ⌊x ⌋
X new [h⌊a⌋ − a, ai] = 0
X 0old[h0, ⌊x⌋i] = X ⌊x ⌋+1 ,
where ⌊x⌋ < a < x in the second equation. From Theorem 5.5, we conclude the following.
Proposition 6.1. Under discretized FB (Example 3.7), the mean response time of jobs with size x
λE X 2
⌈x ⌉
+ x − ⌊x⌋.
E[Tx ] =
1 − ρ ⌊x ⌋
2 1 − ρ ⌈x ⌉ 1 − ρ ⌊x ⌋
6.2 Mixture of Known and Unknown Job Sizes
Consider the “humans and robots” system (Example 3.8). This scenario has two features that were
previously difficult to analyze.
• Some jobs have known size, namely robots, while others have unknown size, namely humans.
• Some jobs are preemptible, namely robots, while others are nonpreemptible, namely humans.
• X H and X R be the respective size distributions of humans and robots,
• pH and pR = 1 − pH be the respective probabilities that a given arrival is a human or a
robot, and
• λ H = λpH and λ R = λpR be the respective arrival rates of humans and robots.
Recall that humans all have descriptor [H, ?], indicating that their size is unknown, and robots
each have a descriptor of the form [R, x], indicating that their exact size is x. The rank function is
r ([H, ?], a) = h−a, x H i
r ([R, x], a) = h0, x − ai,
where x H is a constant.
10 See
Appendix C for discussion of why we use ⌈x ⌉ instead of ⌊x ⌋ + 1.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
Both humans and robots have maximal primary rank, namely 0, upon entering the system, so
the only nonzero new r -work and i-old r -work occur for ranks of the form r = h0, xi:
X H 1(x H < x) with probability pH
X [h0, xi] =
X R 1(X R < x) with probability pR
X H 1(x H ≤ x) with probability pH
X 0old[h0, xi] =
X R 1(X R ≤ x) with probability pR
X H 1(x H > x) with probability pH
X 1old[h0, xi] =
x1(X R > x)
with probability pR ,
where 1 is the indicator function. These follow from arguments similar to those given for SRPT in
Examples 4.3 and 4.6. Finally, X iold [r ] = 0 for i ≥ 2, so Theorem 5.5 yields the following.
Proposition 6.2. In the humans and robots system (Example 3.8), the mean response time of humans is
λ H E[X H2 ] + λ R E[(X R )x2 H ]
+ E[X H ],
E[TH ] =
2(1 − ρ H − ρ R ≤x H )(1 − ρ R <x H )
and the mean response time of robots with size x is
∫ x
λ H E[X H2 ] + λ R E[(X R )x2 ]
E[TR, x ] =
2(1 − ρ H 1(x H ≤ x) − ρ R ≤x )(1 − ρ R <x H )
H ≤ t) − ρ R <t
where (X R )x H and (X R )x are capped distributions as defined in (6.1) and
ρ H = λ H E[X H ]
ρ R <x = λ R E[X R 1(X R < x)]
ρ R ≤x = λ R E[X R 1(X R ≤ x)].
6.3 The Gittins Index Policy
As discussed in Example 3.6, the Gittins index policy can have a nonmonotonic rank function, and
thus only special cases of it have been analyzed in the past [13, 20]. Theorems 5.4 and 5.5 give us
exactly the framework we need to analyze the Gittins index policy used with any set of descriptors
and job size distributions, though X new [r ] and X iold[r ] do not have a general closed form and thus
require details of the system to derive. We start in this section by using the SOAP framework to
analyze the model considered by Osipova et al. [20], which is relatively simple thanks to the fact
that the rank functions involved are monotonic. In Section 6.4, we move to a more difficult setting
in which the Gittins index policy has a nonmonotonic rank function.
We consider a system with two job classes A and B, which serve as our descriptors, with respective arrival rates λ A = λpA and λ B = λp B and respective Pareto size distributions X A and X B .
−α A
P{X A > t } = 1 +
and symmetrically for B, where α A , α B > 1 and β A , β B > 0 are parameters of the distributions. The
rank function is [3, 20]
βA + a
r (A, a) =
G(A, a)
worst (a) = r (d, x) for all ages a < x.
and symmetrically for B. The rank is strictly increasing in a, so rd,
Strictly increasing rank also means jobs are never recycled, so X iold [r ] = 0 for all i ≥ 1.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
It remains only to compute X new [r ] and X 0old[r ]. As in Definition 4.2, let
c A [r ] = max{α Ar − β A , 0}
be the age at which a class A job first surpasses rank r , and symmetrically for B. Note that c A [r (A, x)] = x.
Because the rank function is strictly increasing,
(X A )c A [r ] with probability pA
X [r ] = X 0 [r ] =
(X B )c B [r ] with probability p B ,
where (X A )c A [r ] and (X B )c B [r ] are capped distributions as defined in (6.1). By Theorem 5.5,
E[TA, x ] =
λ A E[(X A)2x ] + λ B E[(X B )y2 ]
2(1 − ρ x,y
1 − ρ x,y
y = c B [r (A, x)]
ρ x,y = λ A E[(X A)x ] + λ B E[(X B )y ].
Of course, E[TB, x ] is symmetrical. It is simple to verify that, modulo notation, this matches the
results of Osipova et al. [20].
Case Study: SERPT vs. the Gittins Index
We now analyze both SERPT and the Gittins index policy on the size distribution introduced in
Example 3.5. Both policies have nonmonotonic rank functions in this case, so we need the full
power of Theorem 5.5 to compute mean response times. All jobs have descriptor and the same
two-point size distribution. We write the size distribution as X = CoinFlip{2, 14}, meaning jobs
have size 2 with probability 1/2 and size 14 otherwise.
We begin by analyzing SERPT. We have computed X new [r ] for SERPT with this size distribution
in Example 4.4,
0 r ≤8
X new [r ] =
2 r >8
worst (0) = 8 and r worst (0) = 12. From the rank
We only need to compute i-old r -work for ranks r ,
, 14
function plot in Figure 6.1, we see
X 0old[8] = 2
X 0old [12] = CoinFlip{2, 14}
X 1old[8] = CoinFlip{0, 8}
X 1old [12] = 0.
The most subtle of these is X 1old [8]: the total time an old job I spends as recycled with respect to
rank 8 is either 0, if I has size 2, or 8, if I has size 14. Finally, X iold [r ] = 0 for i ≥ 2. Applying
Theorem 5.5 yields size-specific mean response times
1 − 2λ
+ 8.
(1 − 8λ)(1 − 2λ) 1 − 2λ
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
r (, a)
The rank function for SERPT where jobs have two-point size distribution CoinFlip{2, 14}, meaning size 2
with probability 1/2 and size 14 otherwise. The same rank function appears in Fig. 3.1. The 0-old (original)
and 1-old (1-recycled) intervals are highlighted in green. A job is original with respect to rank 8 until age 2,
when its rank jumps up if it does not complete. Upon reaching age 6, the job has remaining size 8, so it
becomes recycled.
Fig. 6.1. Original and Recycled Work in SERPT
The Gittins index policy for the same system has rank function r (, a) = 1/G(, a), where, by
the definition in Example 3.6,
4 − 2a if a < 2
G(, a)
14 − a if a ≥ 2.
This rank function is illustrated in Figure 3.2. Broadly speaking, the Gittins index policy places
higher priority on jobs of age a < 2 than SERPT does. Like that of SERPT, the rank function is
piecewise linear with negative slopes, so we omit the very similar analysis and simply state the
size-specific mean response times:
E[T2Gittins ] =
1 − 2λ
+ 4.
(1 − 8λ)(1 − 2λ) 1 − 2λ
As expected due to its prioritization of jobs of age a < 2, the Gittins index policy has shorter mean
response time for jobs of size 2 but longer mean response time for jobs of size 14. The Gittins index
policy is known to minimize overall mean response time, and it performs as promised:
E[T2SERPT ] − E[T2Gittins ] =
1 − 2λ
] − E[T14
1 − 2λ
Because the two job sizes are equally likely, the Gittins index policy has lower overall mean response time than SERPT.
We introduce SOAP policies, a very broad class of scheduling policies for the M/G/1 queue. The
characteristic feature of a SOAP policy is its rank function, which maps each possible state a job
could be in to a rank, meaning priority level. The SOAP class includes many policies old and new.
While the mean response times of some relatively simple SOAP policies have been analyzed previously, the vast majority of SOAP policies, in particular those with nonmonotonic rank functions,
have resisted analysis. Using two key technical insights, the Pessimism Principle and the Vacation
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
Transformation, we overcome the obstacles presented by nonmonotonic rank functions to present
a universal response time analysis that applies to any SOAP policy.
Our universal analysis applies to some notable policies. Among these is the Gittins index policy,
which has long been known to minimize mean response time in settings where exact job sizes are
not known. While prior work [13, 20] was restricted to the case of known job sizes or distributions with the decreasing hazard rate property, our analysis can handle the Gittins index policy
with arbitrary size distributions, which was previously intractable. Our universal analysis also applies to several practically motivated systems, such as those in which jobs are only preemptible at
certain checkpoints or only some jobs’ exact sizes are known. More broadly, we are optimistic that
techniques similar to our Pessimism Principle and Vacation Transformation could help analyze
the response times of scheduling policies in more complex M/G/1 settings, such as systems with
setup times or server vacations.
We thank Peter van de Ven and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments. Ziv Scully was
supported by an ARCS Foundation scholarship and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE-1745016. Mor Harchol-Balter was supported by
NSF-XPS-1629444, NSF-CMMI-1538204, NSF-CMMI-1334194, and a Faculty Award from Google.
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SOAP policies that use LCFS tiebreaking admit almost exactly the same analysis as those that
use FCFS tiebreaking. As explained in detail below, the entire analysis is unchanged except for
reversing the strictness of rank comparisons in Definitions 4.2 and 4.5, meaning swapping ≺ and
and swapping ≻ and .
Throughout Sections 4.3 and 4.4, which follow a tagged job J through the system, we distinguish
between new jobs, which arrive after J , and old jobs, which arrive before J . When there are multiple jobs of minimal rank, FCFS tiebreaking prioritizes old jobs, then J , and then new jobs. This
prioritization affects the strictness of rank comparisons when defining new r -work and old r -work.
For instance, Definition 4.2 defines
cd [r ] = inf {a ≥ 0 | r (d, a) r },
whereas Definition 4.5 defines
c 0,d [r ] = inf {a ≥ 0 | r (d, a) ≻ r },
which is the same but with ≻ in place of . When J ’s worst future rank is r , the above values each
represent a “cutoff age” before which a job of descriptor d outranks J . Under FCFS tiebreaking, a
new job K outranks J until K’s rank is at least r , whereas an old job I outranks J until I ’s rank
strictly exceeds r . Under LCFS tiebreaking, this situation is reversed, which manifests as reversing
the strictness of rank comparisons.
In order to ensure that a SOAP policy is well-defined, its rank function r must satisfy the following
• With respect to descriptor, r must be piecewise continuous to ensure that certain expectations are well-defined.
• With respect to age, r must be piecewise monotonic and piecewise differentiable to determine
when and how to share the processor between multiple jobs. Any compact region of R ≥0
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
must contain only finitely many boundary points between pieces. Furthermore, upwards
jump discontinuities must be continuous from the right11 .
These conditions allow us to define a SOAP policy as the limit of discrete-time priority policies,
with the limit taken as the discretization increment approaches 0. When R = R2 ordered lexicographically, the limiting policy is Algorithm B.1, which has a clear generalization to R = Rn . In
Algorithm B.1, we say a job is “in state (d, a)” to mean it has descriptor d and age a.
Algorithm B.1 SOAP Policy in Continuous Time
Let J be the set of jobs in states (d, a) of minimal r 1 (d, a).
• Within J , consider jobs such that r is strictly decreasing in age. If there are any, schedule
the job of minimal r 2 , using FCFS tiebreaking if there are multiple such jobs.
• Otherwise, within J , consider jobs such that r 1 is constant and r 2 is strictly increasing in
age. If there are any, share the processor between all such jobs, giving a job in state (d, a)
share proportional to 1/∂a r 2 (d, a).
• Otherwise, J must only contain jobs such that r 1 is strictly increasing. Share the processor
between jobs in J , giving a job in state (d, a) share proportional to 1/∂a r 1 (d, a).
For simplicity of exposition, throughout Section 4, we assumed that a job’s worst future rank
worst (a) was actually attained by that job in the future. However, there are two cases where the
supremum in Definition 4.1 is not be attained by some age a: when there is a jump discontinuity or
when the maximum is at the open boundary a = x. For example, in Section 6.1, if a job has integer
size x, then the job never attains rank h0, xi.
There are multiple ways to remedy the situation. The most intuitive is to say that rd,
(a) is
not a rank but a rank bound. The set of rank bounds is R × {−1, 0} ordered lexicographically. An
ordinary rank r corresponds to the pair (r , 0) representing the closed upper bound r ′ r over
other ranks r ′, but the pair (r , −1) is “just below” (r , 0), representing the open upper bound r ′ ≺ r .
The corrections to definitions are as follows. In Definition 4.1, we define the worst future rank
to be the rank bound
x (a) = (sup r (d, b), −1(the supremum is not attained))
a ≤b <x
instead of just a rank. In Definitions 4.2 and 4.5, instead of defining r -work for a rank r , we define
(r , q)-work for rank bounds (r , q). When we compare a rank r ′ against a rank bound (r , q), we
compare rank bound (r ′, 0) against (r , q). Concretely, in Definition 4.2, we define
cd [(r , q)] = inf {a ≥ 0 | (r (d, a), 0) (r , q)},
and similarly for bi,d [(r , q)] and c i,d [(r , q)] in Definition 4.5.
For example, consider the analysis of discretized FB in Section 6.1. When a job has integer size x,
worst (a) is attained only in the b → x limit. Thus, X old [r worst (0)] = X when
the supremum in r ,
, x
x is an integer, not X x +1 as would follow from the uncorrected Definition 4.5. To correct for this,
Proposition 6.1 uses ⌈x⌉ instead of ⌊x⌋ + 1.
The above discussion assumes FCFS tiebreaking. As discussed in Appendix A, the strictness
of rank comparisons in Definitions 4.2 and 4.5 is reversed under LCFS tiebreaking, but the same
changes described above apply without issue.
11 That
is, if a job jumps from low rank to high rank at age a, its rank exactly at age a should be the high rank.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
In this section, we show that for the purposes of analyzing Td, x , we can use a rank-substituted
tagged job.
Worst Future Rank Substitution. Consider an arbitrary arrival sequence that includes the arrival
of a tagged job J with descriptor d and size x. The response time of J is unaffected if we schedule J
worst (a) instead of r (d, a) at every age a, without otherwise changing the arrival
as if its rank were rd,
sequence or scheduling policy. We call this process rank substitution.
Worst Future Rank Substitution is a direct consequence of the Pessimism Principle (Section 4.3).
To see why it holds, consider two systems experiencing identical job arrivals, including tagged
job J .
• System A is unmodified, so J is scheduled according to its current rank.
• System B uses rank substitution, so J is scheduled according to its worst future rank.
We say the two systems synchronize at time t if they contain the same jobs at the same ages at t. The
systems clearly synchronize at J ’s arrival time. We show below that the systems also synchronize
at many other points in time, one of which is J ’s exit time, so J ’s response time is the same in each
The Pessimism Principle states that all of J ’s delay due to another job L occurs before J is served
while at its worst future rank. This suggests we should focus on J ’s worst future age, which when
J has age a is
x (a) = inf {b ≥ a | r (d, b) = r d, x (b)},
namely the earliest age at which J attains its worst future rank12 . See Figure D.1 for an illustration.
worst (a) if and only if r (d, a) = r worst (a).
Note that a = ad,
d, x
As J ages, its worst future age alternates between being a constant future age and its current age.
worst (a). It is convenient to set w = 0 and
Let [vi , w i ] be the ith interval of ages a such that a = ad,
vn+1 = x, where n is the number of [vi , w i ] intervals. We will show that System A and System B
synchronize when, for some i, either
• J has age vi and is in service or
• J ’s age is in (vi , w i ].
It is clear that if the systems synchronize when J is served at age vi , then the systems remain
synchronized until J reaches age w i , because J ’s rank in the two systems is identical until J reaches
age w i . Thus, it suffices to show that if the systems synchronize when J has age w i −1 , then the
systems synchronize when J is served at age vi .
Consider how the two systems change during the interval between their synchronization when
J has age w i −1 . Let t A be the moment when J is served at age vi in System A, and symmetrically
for t B in System B.
• In System A, by the Pessimism Principle, each other job L in the system during the interval
is served until it either completes or surpasses J ’s worst future rank r (d, vi ), after which
worst (a) = v for all a ∈ (w
L is never served again. This is because ad,
i −1, v i ].
• In System B, by the Pessimism Principle, each other job L is served for the same amount
of time as in System A, because rank substitution does not change J ’s worst future rank.
Thus, if System A experiences the same arrivals before t A that System B experiences before t B ,
then the systems synchronize at t A = t B , as desired. Suppose for contradiction that one system,
say System A, experiences an extra arrival. Because the arrival sequence is the same for the two
12 As
discussed in Appendix C, a job’s worst future rank is sometimes only attained in a limit due to the job’s completion
or a jump in the rank function. Accounting for this changes only minor details in the following discussion.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.
Ziv Scully, Mor Harchol-Balter, and Alan Scheller-Wolf
r (d, a)
v1 w1
v2 w2
worst (a) (dashed magenta), and worst
The relationship between rank r (d, a) (solid cyan), worst future rank rd,
future age ad, x (a) (solid green) for a job with descriptor d and size x. Age and worst future age coincide for
ages in the intervals [v 1 , w 1 ] and [v 2 , w 2 ].
Fig. D.1. Illustration of Worst Future Age
systems, this occurs only if t A > t B . But by work conservation and the observations above, at t B ,
System A must serve J at age vi , so t A = t B after all, contradicting t A > t B .
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst., Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 16. Publication date: March 2018.