Ar. Dr. Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin
Dr. Ar. Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin is a Professional Architect registered with the Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM) and a graduate member of the Royal Incorporation of Architects Scotland (RIAS). He also a graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). His research work is focusing on the area of sustainable architecture, majoring in indoor air quality and thermal comfort.
He worked with the Public Works Department (PWD) of Malaysia from 2005 to 2021. His last position was as the head of the Architectural Forensic Unit in the Architectural Branch, Public Works Department of Malaysia. Currently, he is holding a position as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Malaya from April 2021. He has dedicated his passion to sustainable architecture since 2004 where, during his bachelor's degree study, he had an opportunity to propose a high social impact project called 'Multi-Level Muslim Cemetery Complex' which later was inserted in Architecture Malaysia Magazine in 2004. As a graduate architect from 2004 to 2011 in PWD Malaysia, he involved in designing various educational buildings that mostly were built from 2005 to 2010, among the most prestigious was 'Labuan International School' (LIS) in the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. For the last 10 years in PWD Malaysia, he served as a research architect involving various research projects done internally and also externally collaborated with local government institutions.
In 2011, he went to the UK and gained his Master's degree in Advanced Sustainable Design from the University of Edinburgh in 2012 which later was awarded the ‘Andrew Grant Award’ for best dissertation in the University for the year. From 2016 to 2019, he pursued his study at a Ph.D. level at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow which was sponsored by the British Government under the Commonwealth Scholarship Tenable in the United Kingdom. It took 3 years to gained his Ph.D. in Sustainable Architecture and graduated in absentia on 3rd July 2020. His thesis entitled ‘Investigating Design Solution for High-Rise Social Housing in Kuala Lumpur with Reference to Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality'.
Supervisors: Dr. Cristina Gonzalez-Longo and Dr. Stirling Howieson
He worked with the Public Works Department (PWD) of Malaysia from 2005 to 2021. His last position was as the head of the Architectural Forensic Unit in the Architectural Branch, Public Works Department of Malaysia. Currently, he is holding a position as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Malaya from April 2021. He has dedicated his passion to sustainable architecture since 2004 where, during his bachelor's degree study, he had an opportunity to propose a high social impact project called 'Multi-Level Muslim Cemetery Complex' which later was inserted in Architecture Malaysia Magazine in 2004. As a graduate architect from 2004 to 2011 in PWD Malaysia, he involved in designing various educational buildings that mostly were built from 2005 to 2010, among the most prestigious was 'Labuan International School' (LIS) in the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. For the last 10 years in PWD Malaysia, he served as a research architect involving various research projects done internally and also externally collaborated with local government institutions.
In 2011, he went to the UK and gained his Master's degree in Advanced Sustainable Design from the University of Edinburgh in 2012 which later was awarded the ‘Andrew Grant Award’ for best dissertation in the University for the year. From 2016 to 2019, he pursued his study at a Ph.D. level at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow which was sponsored by the British Government under the Commonwealth Scholarship Tenable in the United Kingdom. It took 3 years to gained his Ph.D. in Sustainable Architecture and graduated in absentia on 3rd July 2020. His thesis entitled ‘Investigating Design Solution for High-Rise Social Housing in Kuala Lumpur with Reference to Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality'.
Supervisors: Dr. Cristina Gonzalez-Longo and Dr. Stirling Howieson
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Papers by Ar. Dr. Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin
research indicating that the built environment influences the local community feeling, the specific aspects and their degree of influence remain largely unknown. This study aims to identify which physical features exert the most impact, and what factors need to be currently
addressed. This study conducts a thematic analysis to explore how the built environment of a neighbourhood affects community sentiment, focusing on articles published between 2017 and 2023. The research materials were sourced from the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases
based on specific inclusion criteria, with keyword searches yielding 37 peer-reviewed articles. Following a thorough inclusion and exclusion procedure, the final selection of 25 papers was compiled for assessment. Upon conducting a thematic analysis of the 25 selected papers, a total
of seventeen physical elements were initially identified. However, so far, only eleven out of these seventeen physical parameters put forth by Kim & Kaplan have been used. These include clubhouses or recreation amenities, population density, the distance between sidewalks and
residences, the diversity in types of housing, the overall street layout, lakes, greenways, street trees, landscaping, architectural style, the overall design quality of the residences, and block size. Moreover, it was found that aspects of the neighbourhood are associated with physical activity, satisfaction with the community, a sense of belonging, and the perceptionof one's position within the neighbourhood. Factors of urban landscape directly impact community contentment, sense of belonging, and perceived quality of life. Physical attributes correlate with levels of physical activity and the sense of community, while aspects of planning and policy are associated with community identity, belonging, and architectural aesthetics influencing the sense of community. The codes presented in this paper elucidate the relationship between a neighbourhood’s-built environment and the sense of community it
fosters. The research contributes by examining this category and its variables, pinpointing specific themes within related topics across various publications. This analysis will offer valuable insights for future studies, particularly those focusing on communities within Malaysia.
research indicating that the built environment influences the local community feeling, the specific aspects and their degree of influence remain largely unknown. This study aims to identify which physical features exert the most impact, and what factors need to be currently
addressed. This study conducts a thematic analysis to explore how the built environment of a neighbourhood affects community sentiment, focusing on articles published between 2017 and 2023. The research materials were sourced from the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases
based on specific inclusion criteria, with keyword searches yielding 37 peer-reviewed articles. Following a thorough inclusion and exclusion procedure, the final selection of 25 papers was compiled for assessment. Upon conducting a thematic analysis of the 25 selected papers, a total
of seventeen physical elements were initially identified. However, so far, only eleven out of these seventeen physical parameters put forth by Kim & Kaplan have been used. These include clubhouses or recreation amenities, population density, the distance between sidewalks and
residences, the diversity in types of housing, the overall street layout, lakes, greenways, street trees, landscaping, architectural style, the overall design quality of the residences, and block size. Moreover, it was found that aspects of the neighbourhood are associated with physical activity, satisfaction with the community, a sense of belonging, and the perceptionof one's position within the neighbourhood. Factors of urban landscape directly impact community contentment, sense of belonging, and perceived quality of life. Physical attributes correlate with levels of physical activity and the sense of community, while aspects of planning and policy are associated with community identity, belonging, and architectural aesthetics influencing the sense of community. The codes presented in this paper elucidate the relationship between a neighbourhood’s-built environment and the sense of community it
fosters. The research contributes by examining this category and its variables, pinpointing specific themes within related topics across various publications. This analysis will offer valuable insights for future studies, particularly those focusing on communities within Malaysia.
Melalui Penyediaan Abstrak Penyelidikan ini, maklumat dan data berkenaan arkitek yang berkelayakan Sarjana/PhD ini dapat dikumpul dan dikategorikan mengikut bidang kepakaran masing- masing (Subject Matter Expert). Selain daripada itu, semua arkitek di JKR yang berhasrat untuk melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat Sarjana ataupun Doktor Falsafah boleh mendapatkan maklumat dan rujukan berkenaan tajuk yang sesuai untuk dipilih dalam pengajiannya kelak. Kompilasi Abstrak Penyelidikan ini adalah bagi memastikan segala kepakaran yang telah diperolehi di dokumenkan untuk rujukan bersama.
perekabentuk dalam merekabentuk komponen bangunan yang berpotensi menjadi tempat pembiakan nyamuk Aedes. Kaedah kajian adalah secara literatur dari jurnal dan dokumen teknikal piawaian
yang berkaitan (luar dan dalam negara) serta maklumbalas dari Ahli Jawatankuasa Cawangan Pakar dari pelbagai disiplin JKR dan juga Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan. Analisis telah dibuat berdasarkan reka bentuk komponen sedia ada yang telah dikenalpasti dan mengutarakan cadangan penambahbaikan ke atas komponen reka bentuk tersebut.
Diharapkan dokumen ini juga dapat dijadikan rujukan amalan terbaik sebagai usaha jangka masa panjang bagi mengawal, mencegah dan seterusnya menghapuskan tempat pembiakan nyamuk Aedes terutamanya bagi projek yang dilaksanakan oleh Jabatan Kerja Raya dan lain-lain Agensi Kerajaan.
handbooks as a continuation from “Handbook on passive design
strategies for energy efficient buildings” that was published in
2012. The purpose of these series is to address passive design
strategies and provide guidance on good practices to support the
architects to make decision during early phase of design. However, in this Building façade: An analytical journey, design decisions will be more towards analytical prediction of building facade using a quantifiable method such as computer simulation software. The objective of this handbook is to assess the approaches taken by the architects for designing selected buildings that provide an attractive solution to problem of overheating from direct sunlight.
Kuala Lumpur has led to some implications for economic, social and
cultural development. This high population has placed enormous
demand on the existing housing stocks, especially for low-income
groups. However, some issues arise, one of which is overheated
indoor air temperature. This problem contributes to the high-energy
usage that forces huge sums of money to be spent on cooling the
house by using mechanical equipment. Therefore, this study focuses
on thermal comfort in social housing, and incorporates traditional
values into its design to achieve a certain measurement of natural
ventilation in a house. From the study, the carbon emission and
energy consumption for an air-conditioned house is 67%, 66% higher
than a naturally ventilated house. Therefore, this research has come
up with a new typology design, which has a large exposed wall area
and full-length openings on the opposite walls to increase cross
ventilation. At the end of this research, the measurement of thermal
comfort for a naturally ventilated building called ‘AirHouse’ has
been identified.
berbeza dan demi memenuhi kehendak naluri seorang remaja saya telah memilih gaya hidup yang bermasalah. Saya pernah melarikan diri dari asrama selama sebulan untuk bekerja secara haram di sebuah kilang kuih di Sungai Way, Petaling Jaya - tanpa pengetahuan pihak sekolah dan keluarga. Ketika itu saya berumur 15 tahun, tinggal di rumah setinggan yang usang bersama beberapa pekerja Indonesia. Masih teringat titisan air hujan jatuh membasahi tubuh di kedinginan malam yang telah mencetuskan kesedaran akan pentingnya pelajaran bagi mengubah nasib diri. Akhirnya, saya pulang ke sekolah sehari sebelum peperiksaan PMR berlangsung. Diakhir tahun persekolahan saya disingkirkan dari sekolah atas masalah disiplin dan keputusan peperiksaan yang tidak mencapai tahap minima. Ianya berlarutan sehingga di tingkatan 4 di mana saya tidak memulakan sesi persekolahan seperti pelajar lain, saya bekerja di sebuah kilang kayu di kawasan pendalaman di kampong saya selama sebulan sebelum akhirnya saya secara sukarela mendaftarkan diri ke sekolah semula. Disitu saya ditempatkan di kelas rancangan khas agama atas faktor saya pernah bersekolah di sekolah agama. Selama sebulan di kelas tersebut saya nekad berjumpa pengetua dan memohon untuk berpindah ke kelas aliran sains. Mujur keputusan PMR bagi subjek sains dan matematik saya baik dan saya diterima untuk ditempatkan di kelas tersebut. Namun, sifat tidak menumpukan pelajaran masih saya ulangi dan saya hanya mendapat pangkat 3 di peperiksaan akhir tingkatan 4. Akhirnya, saya tersedar dari mimpi dan berpijak di bumi nyata semula. Saya perlu berubah kerana saya sahaja yang mampu mengubah nasib diri sendiri. Saya sedar bahawa SPM sahaja yang dapat membantu mengubah masa depan saya. Dengan berbaki 9 bulan sebelum peperiksaan SPM, saya mengerah segala keringat siang dan malam untuk belajar. Berkat doa dari keluarga dan strategi pembelajaran yang betul akhirnya saya berjaya mendapat pangkat 1 di dalam SPM dengan aggregat yang sangat baik.
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Diakses pada 4-6 Januari 2014