Physique Lett.
L-1073 - L-1077
Physics Abstracts
Melting of polarized 3He : interpretation of recent experiments
G. Bonfait, B.
Centre de Recherches
A. Schuhl and M.
les Très Basses
Températures, C.N.R.S., BP
166 X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex,
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Bât. 510, 91405
(Re~u le 26 aofit 1985, accepte le
Orsay Cedex, France
septembre 1985)
Nous proposons un scénario pour interpréter les expériences récentes de fusion de 3He
solide polarisé. En fusion permanente, le liquide est formé avec l’aimantation du solide loin de l’interface. Avec cette interprétation, tous les résultats à basse aimantation sont en accord avec ce que l’on
peut prédire, les susceptibilités magnétiques des deux phases étant bien connues.
We propose a scenario for interpreting the recent experiments on melting of polarized
solid 3He. During a permanent melting, the liquid is formed with the polarization of the bulk solid.
Within this interpretation, all the low polarization results agree with the predictions deduced from
the well known magnetic susceptibilities of both phases.
1. Introduction.
Two recent experiments [1, 2] have thrown a new light on the magnetic properties of the dense
phases of 3 He at low temperatures. In both cases equilibrium between solid and highly polarized
liquid was obtained by decompressing the solid phase, previously polarized in a magnetic field
at low temperature. The measured depression AP of the melting curve gives information on the
magnetic properties of both phases.
For the interpretation of all these experiments, it is essential to know the magnetizations of
both the solid and liquid phases at the interface, where it actually determines the depression AP.
Nevertheless, what is really measured is the total magnetization, that is in practice that of the bulk
solid phase (only a small fraction of the solid is melted). The interpretation thus depends on the
model which relates this global magnetization m to those of the interfacial solid and liquid.
Moreover, at low polarizations the depression AP depends only on the magnetic susceptibilities
of both phases, which are known. This gives an important check of the validity of the interpretation.
In [1] evidence is given for the proportionality of AP with the square of the measured relative
magnetization m, in the final part of the relaxation. Assuming that the solid is finely cracked, the
Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyslet:0198500460220107300
authors assume that m is the magnetization of the solid at the interface. Equalling the effective
fields in the liquid and the solid at the interface then gives the theoretical slope :
while that
observed is :
In order to reconcile these results, Bonfait et aL [1] suggest the existence of an instability, which
makes the total magnetization to have three components, while only one is measured by the NMR.
In the absence of a more precise scenario, it is impossible to analyse further the higher m results.
On the other hand, A. Dutta and C. Archie [2] recently performed « slow » decompressions of
polarized solid, having thus experimental access to the whole process. However they do not
measure the evolution of the magnetization. They point out that the preceding analysis is unable
to explain their results, which is actually not surprising since it was developed only to explain
the end of the decompression curve. They are then led to the hypothesis that the equilibrium
between liquid and solid corresponds to equal polarizations (and not equal effective fields) at the
We disagree with this interpretation and the purpose of this paper is to propose a scenario of
melting which explains both experiments, without invoking either instability of the transverse
magnetization or different effective fields at the interface.
2. New
analysis : permanent melting.
We first discuss the consequences of the hypothesis of Dutta et al. Assuming that the effective
field in both phases are not equal is equivalent to saying that, during a time characteristic of the
experiment, these phases cannot exchange magnetization. However, since these authors assume
the equality of chemical potentials, and thus the free exchange of atoms, their hypothesis would
imply that atom exchange can only occur by pairs with opposite spins. Nevertheless this does not
ensure the equality of magnetizations at the interface, which should then be attributed to some
unknown mechanism.
The alternative scenario we propose is based on the picture of permanent melting with a plane
interface given by Nozieres and one of the authors [3]. Figure 1, which is taken from this paper
sketches the process : in the permanent regime the liquid is formed at the bulk solid magnetization.
A diffusion profile connects the solid magnetization at the interface (which insures the equality of
effective fields with the liquid)
thickness of this profile
q ) with that of the bulk solid. The typical
is 2013,
where D is the diffusion constant in the solid and u the velocity of the interface. This picture is
correct as far as this thickness is much smaller than the radius of curvature of the interface. This
implies that the diffusion profile occupies a negligible volume in the sample. This is not contradictory with the idea of dendritic melting proposed in [1]. We simply assume now that the size of
the dendrites is larger than the diffusion profile thickness, while the opposite was assumed
smaller in [1]. A discussion of what would be a priori the good limit to take is beyond the scope of
this paper. We shall simply remark here that the first one gives very good agreement with the
The consequence of this scenario is that the mean measured magnetization, which is that of the
bulk solid (occupying at least 90 % of the volume) is also that of the liquid at the interface and
not of the solid as assumed in [1].
’HeT :
Fig. 1. When the radius of curvature of the interface is
formed with the magnetization of the bulk solid.
larger than the diffusion profile,
Comparison with experiments.
As a comparison, let us now see what are the predictions of the model for the low magnetization
the effective field in kelvin and
in each scenario. Following
g Bonfait et al., we express
measure the magnetization relative to the saturated one (in these units the Curie constant is
equal to 1).
i) Assuming, as Bonfait et al., that the measured magnetization is that of the solid at the interface
gives :
where Ov is the difference between molar volumes.
ii) For the mechanism proposed by Dutta et al. the simplest way is to write :
where Fi and v~ are the molar free
of "’
m :~
Fi (m) - Fi (o) ~~~"~~
energies and volumes at temperature T. For the lowest values
2013 ~f
and ~~~~
thus ’:
iii) Finally, our model here consists in replacing in the denominator of equation (1)
by xL
Table I.
Comparison of the various interpretations with experiment. m is the global measured
magnetization. ms and mL are the solid and liquid ones at the interface. In the last column is given the
correction factor applied to the data ofDutta and Archie (see text).
The values ggiven
for m2~P byY the three formulae above
summarized in table I. The fourth
column gives the experimental results. Those corresponding to the data of Dutta et al. have been
deduced from their last figure which gives the AP at different temperatures, starting with a solid
polarized under different fields. Unfortunately, the corresponding magnetizations have not been
given ; it may be inferred by assuming that the starting temperature is always the same. Then
th B . As m
0.65 with B
tesla, we have Boo = 10.2 T. The 2 tesla data thus correspond
m(2 T) :0.19 and for 1 tesla : ~(1
( T)) =
0.097. We then obtain an estimation of the
slope 2013 by :
The AP values are corrected to take into account the drop shown in their figure 4, which is due to
the relaxation of m between the time the decompression starts and the time one reaches the
corresponding temperature.
It is clear that formula (3) gives the best agreement with experiment. It seems thus clear that
both experiments, are made in the regime of thin diffusion profile, occupying a negligible volume,
by contrast with the thick diffusion profile limit, assumed in reference [1].
4. Conclusion.
Owing to the recent data of Dutta et al. a coherent scenario of the decompression can be proposed
which accounts for all the experimental results : the solid is continuously melting, forcing the
magnetization of the liquid at the interface to be that of the bulk solid (and not of the solid at the
These decompression experiments
magnetization phases.
can now
valuable information about the
We thank A. Dutta and C. Archie for communicating us a preprint of their work. We are indebted
to many members of the Grenoble and Orsay groups for valuable discussions and comments, and
to P. Nozieres and F. Laloe for critically reading the manuscript.
’HeT :
[1] BONFAIT, G., PUECH, L., GREENBERG, A. S., ESKA, G., CASTAING, B., THOULOUZE, D., Phys. Rev. Lett. 53
(1984) 1092.
[2] DUTTA, A., ARCHIE, C. N., to be published.
[3] CASTAING, B. and NOZIÈRES, P., J. Physique 40 (1979) 257.
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