Vol. 7(16), pp. 1522-1535, 28 April, 2013
DOI: 10.5897/AJBM12.1366
ISSN 1993-8233 © 2013 Academic Journals
African Journal of Business Management
Full Length Research Paper
Strategic management practices and corporate
entrepreneurship: A cluster analysis of financial and
business services firms in South Africa
McEdward Murimbika and Boris Urban*
Graduate School of Business, University of the Witwatersrand, 2 St Davids Place, Parktown, Johannesburg, South
Africa. 2196
Accepted 24 April, 2013
As emerging economies become more market-based, it is necessary for reformed enterprises to
undergo an entrepreneurial transformation at the organizational level in order to adapt to the
transitioning institutional environment and maintain competitiveness in both local and global markets.
This study combines the research domains of strategic management and corporate innovation by
examining the impact of strategic management practices on entrepreneurial orientation (EO).
Recognizing the importance of internal business processes that enable firm entrepreneurial behavior, it
is hypothesized that higher levels of EO are positively associated with the strategic management
practices of (1) locus of planning, (2) scanning intensity, (3) planning flexibility, (4) planning horizon,
and (5) strategy and financial control attributes. Cluster analyses and empirical testing take place in an
African emerging market context on a sample of 219 financial and business services firms. The results
provide support for the positive impact that the different strategic management practices have on EO. A
practical consideration is for mangers to leverage the strategic management practices so that the firm’s
position on the conservative-entrepreneurial continuum is increased by its propensity to be innovative,
proactive, and be willing to take risks when confronted by uncertainty.
Key words: Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic management, scanning, planning, controls.
Organizations are continually seeking to re-orientate
themselves to become strategically innovative where previous literature and empirical findings point to corporate
innovation as an important element in organizational
renewal and economic development (Ucbasaran et al.,
2009). One major characteristic of firms in emerging
markets is that established firms are being transformed
into market-oriented enterprises. As the economy is
becoming more market-based, it is necessary for these
reformed enterprises to undergo an entrepreneurial
transformation at the organizational level in order to
adapt to the transitioning institutional environment and
maintain competitiveness in both local and global
markets (Ghorbani et al., 2012; Peng, 2003).
Since innovation is essential for economic development, a theory of economic development requires not
simply a ‘theory of the firm’ but a ‘theory of the innovating
firm’ (Lazonick, 2008). It is through the interaction of the
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]. Tel: +27 11 717 3762.
Murimbika and Urban
innovative enterprise and the developmental state that
entrepreneurial activity inserts itself into the economic
system to contribute to the process of economic
development. However, most research on the innovating
firm has concentrated on developed market economies,
despite that the emerging economies are growing at a
rate comparably better than the developed economies.
An estimated 40% of the global economy is now situated
in the emerging economies especially in the BRIC (Brazil,
Russia, India, and China) nations. South Africa which
remains a highly significant regional, political and
economic player in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has
recently acceded to the BRIC cooperation mechanism,
reflecting its growing international influence (Carmody,
The present business environment is filled with many
contradictions (Phelps, 2009) where the dominant logic
(Bettis and Prahalad, 1995) of a firm previously
considered optimal may well be inappropriate. One way
of creating a dynamic dominant logic is to make
entrepreneurship the basis upon which the organization
is conceptualized (Morris et al., 2008). Entrepreneurship
and its relationship with strategy is studied extensively
within organizations and has been conceptualized as a
fundamental posture, instrumentally important to strategic
innovation, particularly under shifting external environmental conditions (Ireland and Webb, 2007; Knight, 1997;
Schweitzer et al., 2011).
Recent years have seen considerable work at the interface between entrepreneurship and strategy (Latham,
2009; Meyer and Heppard, 2000; Newbert et al., 2007).
All of these studies address entrepreneurial behaviors
that are strategic, yet their definitional differences are
subject to debate, and the relationships among them
remain unspecified (Schindehutte and Morris, 2009;
Turkay et al., 2012). Despite these definitional controversies what emerges is that the integration of entrepreneurship with strategy relies on the critical aspects of
entrepreneurial strategy and a strategy for entrepreneurship (Kuratko and Audretsch, 2009; Morris et al.,
2008). Furthermore, a growing body of literature demonstrates that a sustainable competitive advantage and
wealth creation are at the core of both entrepreneurship
and strategic management (Ireland, 2007; Jiao and
Robinson, 2011; Morris and Kuratko, 2002; Venkatraman
and Sarasvathy, 2001).
Research reveals there is a growing focus on the nexus
between strategic management practices, corporate
entrepreneurship, innovation orientation and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of a firm (Covin et al., 2006;
Dobny, 2010; Hitt et al., 2001; Ireland et al., 2009; Morris
et al., 2008), with linkages between entrepreneurship;
and strategic firm level practices and outcomes are
increasingly corroborated in several studies (Covin et al.,
2006; Kuratko and Audretsch, 2009). EO is conceptualized as organizational-level making methods applied
by business leaders in pursuit of proactiveness, innovativeness and risk-taking propensity (Covin and Slevin,
1986, 1989, 1991; Khandwalla, 1977; Miller, 1983).
Although the literature suggests that entrepreneurship
and strategic management constructs relate to one
another in many conceptual ways, firms that concentrate
on either competitiveness (strategy) or opportunity
generation (entrepreneurship) to the exclusion of the
other leads to the increased probability of firm stagnation,
decline, and ineffectiveness and possible complete failure
(Hitt et al., 2001). This means that firms need to look
inward for strategic opportunities (Rodríguez-Ponce and
Pedraja-Rejas, 2012) and adopt strategic management
practices that promote an entrepreneurial posture that
simultaneously captures existing organizational competitive advantages while at the same time explore future
needs that will ensure sustainable competitiveness.
Literature supports the notion that central to an organizational entrepreneurial posture is the organization’s
ability to be innovative, proactive and undertake risktaking behavior which are all potentially affected by its
strategic management practices (Berghman, 2012;
Ireland et al., (2007); Covin and Kuratko, 2008; Lumpkin
and Dess, 2005).
Despite the positive shifts acknowledging the
interrelatedness between strategy and entrepreneurship,
there is a noticeable dearth of empirical research that
specifically combines strategic management and EO,
which focuses deliberately on strategic management
practices (Ireland et al., 2003; Wiklund and Shepherd,
2005), particularly in an emerging market context. Understanding of emerging markets is rather fragmented with
existing entrepreneurship research focusing almost
exclusively on North American and European contexts. In
fact, a systematic review of seven top international
entrepreneurship journals reveals that less than half of
one per cent of the articles from 1990 to 2006 addressed
entrepreneurship in emerging markets (Bruton et al.,
2008). It has been shown in other domains, such as
strategy, that researchers should not assume that
findings in a developed economy will be equally applicable to an emerging economy (Burton et al., 2008;
Peng, 2003). Clearly there is a need to develop an
understanding of these strategic entrepreneurship
differences and their impacts.
Investigating the impact of strategic management
practices on EO is important in understanding how firms
promote sustainable growth and build a competitive
advantage in a globalized hypercompetitive and dynamic
environment (Brown and Eisenhardt, 2000; Sirmon et al.,
2007). Building in this research direction the focus of this
article is on the set of strategic management practices
and organizational locations from which entrepreneurial
behavior and processes may emerge (Smith et al., 2008;
Zahra et al., 1999). While several firms may be
entrepreneurial in one or a few respects, few are
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entrepreneurial throughout the spectrum (Morris et al.,
2008). Recognizing the importance of internal business
processes that enable entrepreneurial behavior (Covin
and Slevin, 1991), the paper is designed to explain higher
levels of EO as a result of the impact of the strategic
management practices of (1) locus of planning, (2)
scanning intensity, (3) planning flexibility, (4) planning
horizon, and (5) strategy and financial control attributes.
This study has important academic, practitioner and
policy implications as it assists in understanding how
much emphasis is placed on entrepreneurial activities by
successful firms in an emerging market and what
strategic management practices are best implemented to
achieve increased levels of EO.
Firm entrepreneurial
At the level of the business enterprise, the collective
character of the innovation process reflects the reliance
of the entrepreneur on the skills and efforts of other
enterprise participants in the exercise of strategic control,
the management of organizational integration, and the
mobilization of financial commitment. Consequently, corporate entrepreneurship (CE), as an internal organizational transformation and resource configuration mechanism, is a very important mediator that determines
whether firms can realize the benefits derived from
different resources and capital (Yiu and Lau, 2008).
There is growing literature that attempts to link the
strategic management and entrepreneurship constructs
(Covin et al., 2006; Dess et al., 2003; Wang, 2008),
where some researchers (Meyer and Heppard, 2000)
argue that the two constructs are inseparable; while
others (McGrath and MacMillan, 2000) argue that
strategists must exploit an entrepreneurial mind-set to
sense opportunities, mobilize resources, and act to
exploit opportunities.
Covin and Kuratko (2008) discuss strategic entrepreneurship within the realm of CE, where strategic entrepreneurship is conceptualized as the integration of entrepreneurial (opportunity-seeking behavior) and strategic
(advantage-seeking behavior) perspectives in developing
and taking actions designed to create wealth. Additionally,
strategic entrepreneurship has been conceptualized as a
value-creating union in which a balance is sought
between exploration and exploitation (Ireland et al.,
2003), and which centers on the notion of an opportunity
space and a paradigm built around forms, flows, and
functions. Companies engaging in some level of entrepreneurial activity do not always integrate those activities
into their core strategies. While corporate venturing
entails company’s involvement in the creation of new
business, strategic entrepreneurship corresponds to a
broader array of entrepreneurial initiatives, which involve
organizational consequential innovations adopted to
pursue competitive advantage (Morris et al., 2008).
The success of an entrepreneurship strategy is more
probable when a firm has the skills required to structure
(accumulate and strategically divest), bundle (successfully combine), and advantage (mobilize and deploy) its
resources (Sirmon et al., 2007). This would indicate that
there are many different routes to achieve high entrepreneurial performance. One such route, where entrepreneurship is manifested across the organization by
implementing a particular strategy is entrepreneurial
orientation (EO).
Research provides theoretical support for the EO
construct, in both the fields of entrepreneurship and
strategic management (Marino et al., 2002). Extensive
research confirms the three dimensions of EO, as
innovativeness, risk taking, and proactiveness (Lumpkin
and Dess, 1996; Covin and Slevin, 1989, 1991). These
dimensions have been extensively documented, and
according to Lumpkin and Dess (1996), all the
dimensions are central to understanding the entrepreneurial process, although they may occur in different
combinations, depending on type of entrepreneurial
opportunity the firm pursues. Covin et al. (2006) configure
EO as a formative construct and propose that as a
construct EO cannot be decomposed into its constituent
elements, that is firms can only be labeled as entrepreneurial if they simultaneously exhibit risk taking,
innovativeness, and proactiveness.
Links between EO and strategic management prove
the direct effect of EO on strategic learning capability,
and mediating effects for structural organicity, market
responsiveness, and strategy formation (Anderson et al.,
2009). Considering the vast literature and empirical
evidence on EO, the point of view is adopted which relies
on a firm’s behavior perspective to understand entrepreneurship and that firm-level behavior that can be
managed by the creation of appropriate strategic
practices (Sirmon et al., 2007).
Studies focused on explaining strategic and organizational processes that expedite entrepreneurial behavior
(Guth and Ginsburg, 1990; Wiklund and Shepherd, 2005)
have revealed five dimensions of strategic management
practices as the most relevant to create and encourage
an EO. These dimensions are scanning intensity, locus of
planning, planning flexibility, planning horizon and control
attributes (Barringer and Bluedorn, 1999). The dimensions
are based on extant literature and theories which include
the resource-based view (RBV), the knowledge based
view (KBV) and the organizational learning (OL) perspective.
Consistent with the strategic entrepreneurship concept
(Ireland et al., 2003; Ireland and Webb, 2007), it is
argued that firms with higher levels of EO would reflect
consistent behavior required to enact an entrepreneurship strategy as captured through the above mentioned
Murimbika and Urban
strategic management practices. Building on past
research and in line with theoretical underpinnings, each
of the strategic management dimensions are scrutinized
and hypothesized to have a positive influence on EO.
Environmental scanning intensity
Environmental scanning intensity denotes organizational
preparedness to manage risk and to be proactive.
Strategic competence and intensity in environmental
scanning would insure that managers deploy the right
kind of knowledge and resources to cope with uncertainty
better than competitors (Alvarez and Barney, 2005).
Consequently, scanning is an essential strategic planning
activity undertaken by managers to effectively steer their
organizations towards sustainable competitive advantage
in a fast-changing environment (Pacheco-de-Almeida and
Zemsky, 2007). The importance of environmental
scanning intensity, particularly the need for managers to
have current and reliable strategic information required to
recognize and exploit opportunities as well as the need to
cope with uncertainty and be proactive, leads to the first
Hypothesis 1: Strategic environmental scanning intensity
will be positively related to higher levels of EO.
Locus of planning
A deep locus of planning indicates organization-wide,
high level of employee involvement, while a shallow locus
of planning denotes exclusivity in the strategic planning
process. Deep locus of planning is best exhibited through
an organizational culture of participative management
(Barney, 1986; Whetten and Cameron, 2002). Studies
have shown that a significant number of companies have
attributed their improvements in performance directly to
the institution of participative management and teams in
the workplace (Cohen and Bailey, 1997). Furthermore, in
today’s complex business environment, deep locus of
planning is essential for organizations confronting
turbulence and dynamism (Antoncic and Hisrich, 2004;
Urban, 2010). A deep locus of planning allows for key
strategic concerns to emerge and gain formal recognition
in an environment where the organization is an open
market for innovation and risk-taking (Morris et al., 2008).
Based on these theoretical underpinnings, the second
hypothesis proposes that:
Hypothesis 2: Deep strategic locus of planning will be
positively related to higher levels of EO.
Planning flexibility
Entrepreneurship and strategic
management studies
have successfully demonstrated the link between planning flexibility and improved competitiveness (Wiklund and
Shepherd, 2005). Planning flexibility enables entrepreneurial organizations to fine-tune their plans in real
time in response to changing environmental challenges
and adjust to take advantage of existing and emerging
strategic opportunities. A high degree of planning flexibility allows an organization to be strategically responsive
to environmental adjustments thereby allowing opportunity recognition and exploitation in pursuit of a sustainable competitive advantage. The need for strategic
planning flexibility in entrepreneurial organizations leads
to the third hypothesis.
Hypothesis 3: Strategic management flexibility will be
positively related to higher levels of EO.
Planning horizon
An organization’s planning horizon is the length of the
time that managers consider in future planning (Das,
1987). It is imperative that organizations would have a
portfolio of plans with horizons relative to short-term and
long-term strategies running concurrently (Capon et al.,
1987). Short horizons (less than five years) are
presumably ideal for entrepreneurial organizations competing in a turbulent hypercompetitive environment where
product and services cycles are characteristically short. A
short planning horizon combined with intensive environmental scanning and a high degree of organizational
planning flexibility creates a fertile ground for an
entrepreneurial organization to be responsive to opportunities emerging from environmental changes and
develop appropriate product and service innovations to
sustain competitiveness. The fourth hypothesis reflects a
relationship where it is expected that:
Hypothesis 4: A short-term strategic management
planning horizon (less than five years) will be positively
related to higher levels of EO.
Control attributes
Both strategic and financial controls can be present
simultaneously in an organization (Barringer and
Bluedorn, 1999), yet they can have different influences
on organizational innovation practices. Entrepreneurial
organizations that reward creativity encourage proactiveness and do not punish failure should have controls
consistent with such practices (Morris et al., 2008). Here
controls are consistent with the entrepreneurial process,
which relies on viable innovation where time lag between
innovation payoffs is not a limiting factor to employees
especially those involved in product or process innovation
Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
that takes a long time to reach their market (Goold and
Campbell, 1994). Therefore, indicators such as market
share, customer retention, firm reputation, corporate
social responsibility, customer satisfaction, patent
registration, and attaining quality control targets are all
valid measures of performance from a strategic control
(non-financial) perspective of an entrepreneurial firm
(Antoncic and Hisrich, 2003). Accordingly, a hypothesis is
formulated which captures the strategic nature of control
in relation to EO.
Hypothesis 5a: A higher degree of emphasis on strategic
controls will be positively related to higher levels of EO.
Financial controls are probably the most common form of
performance measurement across all business organizations. Theoretically, financial control attributes measure
firms’ performance in terms of objective indicators such
as returns on assets (ROA), and return on investment
(ROI), etc. However, high degrees of financial control are
congruent with competencies most valued primarily in
conservative organizations. The sole use of financial
controls is biased towards short-term profitability at the
expense of long-term growth (Hitt et al., 2000, 2001). It
follows, therefore, that for entrepreneurial organizations,
if strategic practices such as long-term planning and
planning flexibility are organic and more responsive to a
hypercompetitive environment, performance measures
should also be adjustable to support the organization’s
planning process. To ensure that financial controls are
conducive towards fostering EO, additional indicators are
included in this study measuring not only importance of
financial controls but also satisfaction with financial
controls (Johnson et al., 1993). Consequently, the
concern with financial control included a multiplicative
formula where the degree of importance and satisfaction
with objective financial controls is evaluated in relation to
EO. This observation leads to the following and final
hypothesis of this study.
Hypothesis 5b: A higher degree of importance and level
of satisfaction with financial controls will be positively
related to higher levels of EO.
discussed extensively in the literature: dynamism,
hostility, and heterogeneity. Theory on the environment
and its effect on firms and their competitive strategies is
well documented (Allen and Stearns, 2004; Preece et al.,
1998; Uzkurt et al., 2012; Zahra and Bogner, 1999),
where all three environmental dimensions are important
for EO when considering: (a) the rate of change in
industry life cycles, new products, and technology and
customer preferences which have increased exponentially; (b) industrial boundaries which are blurring as
industries converge or overlap; (c) competitive advantage
depends on identifying new and emerging opportunities
in the marketplace where traditional strategic thinking
based on stable industries has long ceased to be as
effective (Ireland and Hitt, 1999).
Secondly, business demographics were included in the
model where indicators such as firms’ age has been
reported to influence EO, for instance older firms are
more bureaucratic and therefore less entrepreneurially
oriented (Zahra, 1991). The same argument applies to a
firm’s size where larger organizations respond differently
to competitive environment given their assumed slowness (Durand and Courderoy, 2001). Moreover, the subindustry classification in which a firm operates potentially
influences and shapes its environment and therefore
levels of EO (Covin and Slevin, 1991).
It must also be noted that the relationship between
entrepreneurship and firms’ performance has been the
subject of considerable discussion and debate for several
decades (Lumpkin and Dess, 1996; Wiklund and
Shepherd, 2003). Most researchers report that there is a
positive relationship between EO and firms’ profitability
and growth (Covin and Slevin, 1991; Lumpkin and Dess,
1996). Although this study does not directly measure or
analyze the effect of EO on firms’ performance (indicated
as broken lines in the model), strategic and financial
controls are accounted for since literature indicates that
above-average returns and a sustainable competitive
advantage are often achieved as a result of the functions
and processes of strategic and financial controls (Keh et
al., 2007; Wiklund and Shepard, 2005).
Conceptual development
Data collection and sampling characteristics
Based on the aforementioned theoretical perspectives, a
conceptual model is developed which displays the
hypothesized links between the study variables (Figure
Additional variables are included in this model as
moderating and control variables based on past findings
indicating the importance of their inclusion. First in terms
of the business environment, three characteristics of the
firm’s external environment are included which are
The study followed an explanatory design and used a quantitative
approach. An online survey was administered to respondents at
senior managerial levels, in a single industry. The context of the
study is the South African financial and business services sector.
By focusing on a single industry sector, a greater homogeneity of
context is achieved which addresses the concerns of broad
applicability versus perfect suitability for narrower groups. Studies
across industries often produce results that apply to all while they at
the same time apply to none (Davidsson, 2004), since they only
capture a tiny fraction of each firms’ manifestation of EO.
Consequently the focus was on a single industry.
Murimbika and Urban
Figure 1. Conceptual model and hypotheses indicating the influence of strategic management practices and control
variables on EO.
Moreover, considering the important issue about sampling, in
general, is not statistical but theoretical representativeness, that is,
the elements in the sample represents the type of phenomenon that
the theory makes statements about (Davidsson, 2004); a
convenience sampling frame based on the financial and business
services industry in the Gauteng Province was used. The financial
and business services industrial sector as a unit of analysis is
based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) (Statistics
South Africa, 2010), which classifies financial and business services
sector as specializing in financial intermediation, insurance, realestate activities, research and development and business services.
The financial services subsector consists of corporations including
depository institutions, non-depository credit institutions, security
and commodity brokers, dealers, exchange and services, insurance
carriers, agents, brokers and services, holding and other
investment houses. The business services subsectors consiss of
commercial legal services, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing
activities; tax consultancy; market research and public-opinion
research; business and management consultancy firms (Government of Republic of South Africa, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c;
Johannesburg Securities Exchange, 2009).
Based on this SIC classification, the original sample of firms was
derived from an independent research firm’s database where 1347
Gauteng-based heterogeneous non-diversified, medium to large
financial and business services firms were surveyed (FTT, 2011).
These firms were further cross-screened against other independent
institutional databases and listings including the Institute of
Directors Southern Africa database (FTT, 2011); the Johannesburg
Stock Exchange Global Classification System Database (2009);
databases of the Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (2008) and the Gauteng Chambers of Commerce (2011);
and the database of the corporate Who Owns Whom in South
Africa Pty. Ltd. (2011).
Although regarded as a micro-level unit, the firm is an aggregate
of different individuals and business activities, and the issues of
relevance, size, size distributions, and heterogeneity need to be
mentioned (Davidsson, 2004); particular as these issues were
treated as control variables in this study. To reduce the confounding
effects of diversification, the study limited the firms in the sample to
those that generate at least 70% of their turnover from a single
subsector in the financial and business services industry.
Furthermore, focusing on medium to large corporations eliminated
the predictable size-related biases on some of the research
variables. For example, smaller businesses exhibit characteristics
of emergent strategy-formation patterns (Mintzberg, 1973), which
may not apply to established corporate organizations (Covin et al.,
Based on the selection criteria, a total of 1121 qualifying firms
were coded into a database where a random numbers program was
applied to randomly select 25% of the firms as the final sample.
This multi stage screening yielded a sample of 280 firms.
Respondents included individual senior, middle and low-level
managers from these firms, where at least two participants, each
from either low or middle or top management, per sampled firm
were invited to participate in the electronic survey. Responses from
219 firms out of the 280 sample firms were collected before the
survey was closed.
Sample characteristics revealed that 33.5% (73) of firms were
less than 15 years old and 66.5% (145) were more than 15 years
old. The age distribution of the firms was skewed to the high end of
the scale (older firms), which pulled the overall mean age to 33.8
years. Firm size, as operationalised through annual sales/income,
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revealed that 35.6% (78) of the firms were medium corporations
(earning R5 million – R34, 999,999.00 annual income) and 64.4%
(141) were large corporations (earning R35 million and above
annual income). The firms were also grouped into either the
business (32.9%) or financial services (67.1%) sub-industry sectors.
Scale development and measures
The survey instrument sought to measure respondent’s attitudes
and understanding of their organizational strategic management
practices and levels of EO. As hypothetical constructs, attitude
scales adapted for this study attempt to determine what individual
respondents believe, perceive or feel about the scales on EO and
strategic management practices of their respective firms. Attitude
scales are suitable because they are effectively applicable toward
self, others and a variety of other activities such as institutions, and
situations relevant to strategic management practices and firm’s EO
(Bouma and Atkinson, 1995).
The survey instrument carried three primary question typologies
and scales of measure. The dependent variable (EO) and the
independent variables (strategic management practices and
controls) were derived from and are supported by, a significant
amount of literature. Table 1 indicates how the constructs were
operationalised and measured.
Scale validity and reliability
The survey instrument contained multi-items with overlapping
measurement characteristics and exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
was used to examine the factor structure and dimensionality of
entrepreneurial orientation (innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness), scanning intensity, locus of planning, planning flexibility,
planning horizon, strategic control, financial control, and environmental uncertainty (turbulence, hostility, dynamism).
Principal component analysis yielded eight principle components
with eigenvalue scores ranging between 13.15 to 1.14. The
extraction of maximum likelihood factors further reduced the
underlying factors with significant loadings to six. These emergent
factors revealed significant interpretability and showed conceptual
alignment to the theoretically derived constructs (Table 2). To test
for reliability, Cronbach alphas (Cronbach, 1951) were calculated,
which were all above 0.70 and average inter-item correlation
coefficients ranged from 0.81 to0.91.
Acknowledging that EO in firms can be placed on a
conceptual continuum of conservative firms (entrepreneurship negative) on one side and entrepreneurial firms
(entrepreneurship positive) on the other, cluster analysis
was performed. Retaining only the significant factors with
high loadings generated from factor analysis, research
variables were computed by K-means analysis of
variance from the standardized data set. Euclidean
distance computation through STATISTICA established
four distinct clusters (see Table 3) and the cluster means
plots (not shown).
The sample data are gathered into four exclusive
clusters (Table 4). The clusters were ranked and put
through cluster comparison and validation. It emerged
that the similarities and distances between clusters relate
to three key firm demographic factors: (i) age of firm
[dichotomous classification of older /younger], (ii) firms’
size [dichotomous classification of large / medium], and
(iii) firm’s sub industry [dichotomous classification of
financial services / business services]. The cluster
classifications are summarized in the stub-and-banner in
Table 5. Reading from the characteristics of the clusters
presented in Table 5, as anticipated, all firms with similar
strategic and entrepreneurial dispositions clustered
together. Analysis of characteristics of firms in each
group allowed the researcher to name the cluster according to their position on the conceptual conservativeentrepreneurial continuum as: (1) Conservative; (2)
Transitional; (3) Entrepreneurial; (4) Traditional. These
exclusive clusters were also are expressed as a
percentage of the total sample: (1) Conservative Firms
(33.8%); (2) Transitional Firms (23.8%); (3) Entrepreneurial Firms (29.8%); and Traditional Firms (12.6%). On
the conceptual conservative-entrepreneurial continuum,
traditional firms occupy the extreme entrepreneurshipnegative end followed by conservative firms, while
transitional firms were situated on the third spot followed
on the other extreme end by entrepreneurial firms that
exhibit entrepreneurship-positive characteristics.
Table 6 presents the EO statistical characteristics of
each cluster. Cluster 1 (Conservative firms) showed
typical conservative business organisational traits such
as risk averse, low proactivity and low innovativeness
(low entrepreneurship). Cluster 2 (Transitional firms)
group exhibits conservative characteristics but with
leaning towards entrepreneurial traits such as average
innovativeness, risk-tolerance and proactiveness. Cluster
3 (Entrepreneurial firms) exhibits high entrepreneurial
characteristics that support innovativeness, risk-taking
and proactiveness. Cluster 4 (Traditional firms) grouped
firms exhibit highest levels of risk avoidance, relative
absence of innovativeness and reactive posture in their
strategy management approach. The traditional firms
also exhibit relatively low attention to organized strategic
management approach, a key characteristic that separates them from the conservative cluster.
To make further sense of the clusters, analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was conducted on the emergent
clusters against the EO sub-dimensions and the EO
variable (not shown), followed by a post hoc Scheffe’s
test conducted on the cluster data to confirm the
significance of the cluster group mean differences. The
test results were significant at the p < 0.05 level,
indicating that the differences in mean scores amongst all
possible combinations of cluster categories differed
significantly from one another (not shown).
To test the hypotheses correlations coefficients between the strategic management practices and EO were
calculated across cluster groups (Table 7). Strategic
scanning intensity was positively related to EO, producing
Murimbika and Urban
Table 1. Research instrument scales and corresponding literature support.
Literature support
EO [innovation,
risk-taking and
scales] (9 items).
The EO scale collected data using nine items on the three subdimensions assessing a firm’s tendency toward innovation, degree
of risk-taking, and proactiveness. The average of these ratings
generated a mean score of EO index. The higher the index, the
more the entrepreneurial the firm is on a conceptual conservativeentrepreneurial continuum. Respondents used a seven-point Likert
scale, where 1= complete agreement with statement on left side of
scale and 7 = complete agreement with statement on right side of
Khandwalla (1977); Ginsberg (1985);
Miller and Friesen (1983); Miller
(1983); Covin and Slevin (1989);
Knight, (1997); Lumpkin and Dess,
(1996); Barringer and Bluedorn,
(1999); Kreiser et al. (2002); Wiklund
and Shepherd (2003, 2005).
Scanning intensity
scale (10 items).
This scale measures the effort dedicated to environmental scanning
and depth of the scanning process. A combined mean score of
scanning effort and scanning frequency provides the overall
scanning intensity index. The higher the index, the higher the
perceived level of scanning intensity. This study used four post hoc
variables to measure scanning intensity: (i) routine gathering of
information, (ii) specialised scanning (iii) scanning effort variable,
and (iv) overall scanning intensity. Responses were collected using
the same seven-point Likert scale, as for EO.
Miller and Friesen (1982); Bhuian et al.
Locus of planning
scale (15 items).
This scale measured the extent to which employees from different
hierarchical levels are involved in strategic planning processes of
goal formation, environmental scanning, strategy formulation,
strategy implementation, and evaluation and control. By combining
the subscale mean scores of distributed decision authority (5-items)
and participation in decisions (5-items), a new hierarchical variable
was established - authority participation. Similarly, for the subscale
of locus of planning (5-items), a mean score represented the
planning effort variable. Responses were collectedusing a sevenpoint Likert scale, similar to EO.
Planning flexibility
scale (9 items).
Planning flexibility refers to organizational capability to change and
respond quickly to changing environmental conditions. The mean
score, averaged across all nine items, was used to assess the
degree of planning flexibility in the organization. The higher the
score, the more flexible the strategic planning process. Responses
were collectedusing a seven-point Likert scale, as in EO.
Barringer and Bluedorn (1999);
Entrialgo et al. (2000); Hoskisson, et
al. (2008).
Planning horizon
Planning horizon scale measures the future time that decision
makers consider in strategic planning. An average score for each
hierarchical level’s planning horizon was calculated for the board of
directors, top, middle and low management planning horizons.The
responses were further consolidated into dichotomous categories of
below five years and more than five years planning horizons. Only
the mean score of top management’s long planning horizon (above
5 years) was applied in further analysis. Respondents useda
seven-point Likert scale, similar to EO.
Barringer and Bluedorn
Hoskisson et al. (2008).
Strategic Control
This scale measuredstrategic (nonfinancial) performance attributes.
The average score of six items measuring strategic performance
attributes determined the strategic control variable. Items were
based on the following subjective strategic criteria: market share,
reputation, internal communications and improvements in customer
satisfaction. Respondents used a seven-point Likert scale, where
1= unimportant and 7 = important.
Hoskisson et al. (2008); Naman and
Slevin (1993); Barringer and Bluedorn
Miller (1983); Boyd and Reuning-Elliot
(1998); Slater, Olson and Hult (2006);
Anderson (2004).
Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
Table 1. Contd.
Financial control
Respondents were asked to indicate: Importance of objective evaluation of
performance; Satisfaction with objective evaluation of performance;
Importance x Satisfaction with objective evaluation of performance. Evaluation
was based on the degree of importance of the following financial objective
performance criteria: an objective measure of return on assets (ROA), return
on investment (ROI), cash flow, operating profit and sales growth rate. These
five items measuring objective financial performance attributes were averaged
to obtain aconsolidatedfinancial controls variable.
Hoskisson et al. (2008);
Naman and Slevin (1993);
Barringer and Bluedorn
(1999); Zahra (1996).
Uncertainty Scale
(12 items).
Higher levels of turbulence, hostility, and dynamism create higher levels of
uncertainty and unpredictability. Collectively these dimensions indicated the
measure of environmental uncertainty, with 12 items using a 7-point Likerttype response format (1=strongly disagree, 4 = neutral and 7 = strongly
Khandwalla (1977); Miller
and Friesen (1983), (1984);
Zahra (1991); Naman and
Slevin (1993); Wiklund and
Shepherd (2005).
Table 2. Eigenvalues extraction of six principal components and factor reliabilities.
1Locus of planning
2. Strategic control
3. Planning flexibility/horizon
4. Environmental uncertainty
5. Financial control
6. Scanning intensity
Total value
Cumulative % variance
Cronbach’s Alpha
Table 3. Euclidean distances in terms of firm entrepreneurial orientation.
Conservatives {1}
Transitional {2}
Entrepreneurial {3}
Traditional {4}
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
Note: Cluster distances are below-diagonal and squared distances are abovediagonal.
Table 4. Frequency analysis of clusters identified.
Cluster category
Cumulative count
significant correlation coefficients ranging from r = .0.60
to r = 0.75 (p < 0.05), and providing support for hypothesis 1. Locus of planning measuring distribution of
Per cent
Cumulative per cent
decision authority and participation in decisions produced
positive and negative significant correlation coefficients
(p< 0.05), ranging from r = 0.81 to r = -0.17, providing
Murimbika and Urban
Table 5. Cluster frequencies and stub-and-banner summaries.
Firm category:
Firm large
Firm medium
Firm large younger
Firm medium younger
Firm large older
Firm medium older
Firm large younger
Firm medium younger
Firm category: total
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
36* (70.6)
15* (41.6)
19 (42.2)
Age of firm:
Less than 15 years
More than 15 years
Age of firm: total
48 (94.1)
12 (33.3)
24 (66.7)
13 (68.4)
Size classification:
Large corporation
Medium corporation
Size classification: total
44 (86.3)
24 (66.7)
12* (33.3)
19 (42.2)
26* (57.8)
14 (73.7)
Sub-industry classification:
Business services
Financial services
Sub-industry classification: Total
43 (84.3)
16* (44.4)
20 (55.6)
31* (69.9)
14 (31.1)
12 (63.2)
27 (60.0)
18 (40.0)
Notes: = Significant summaries with counts >10 and corresponding percentages in parenthesis.
Table 6. Descriptive statistics for entrepreneurial orientation sub-dimensions along each cluster group.
All groups
Notes: N = 151 (no missing data in the dependent variable list for this analysis). *P = Proactiveness; *I = Innovativeness; * R =
Risk-taking. *EO = Entrepreneurial Orientation.
partial support for hypothesis 2. Planning horizon and
flexibility were positively related to EO, producing
significant correlation coefficients ranging from r = .0.72
to r = 0.26 (p < 0.05), providing support for hypotheses 3
and 4. Strategic control was positively related to EO,
producing a significant correlation coefficient (r = 0.78; p
< 0.05), and providing support for hypothesis 5a.
Financial control was negatively related to EO, producing
a significant correlation coefficient of r = -0.43 (p < 0.05),
and providing support for hypothesis 5b. Additionally,
performance variables were to some degree intercorrelated and produced significant coefficients with the
dependent variable – EO.
The study has contributed to a growing body of literature
Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
Table 7. Correlation analysis for strategic management practices for all cluster groups in terms of entrepreneurial orientation.
Scanning intensity
Routine gathering of opinions
Total scanning intensity
Specialised scanning effort
Scanning frequency
Correlation coefficient
Locus of planning
Distributed decision authority
Participation in Decisions
Goal formation phase
Scanning the business environment phase
Strategy evaluation
Authority participation
Planning effort
Decision power
Planning flexibility
Planning flexibility
Planning horizon
Board of directors planning horizon
Top management planning horizon
Middle management planning horizon
Low level management planning horizon
Strategic control
Financial control
Strategy controls
Financial controls
Importance of overall evaluation of performance
Importance*Satisfaction with overall evaluation of performance
Performance strategy
Importance of Subjective evaluation of performance
Satisfaction with overall evaluation of performance
Satisfaction with Subjective evaluation of performance
Importance of satisfaction with subjective evaluation of performance
Financial performance
Satisfaction with objective evaluation of performance
Importance of satisfaction with objective evaluation of performance
Importance of objective evaluation of performance
Notes: N=151 (Case wise deletion of missing data); All correlations are significant at the p < 0 .05 level.
which demonstrates that various strategic management
practices are key to higher levels of EO (Kuratko and
Audretsch, 2009). The empirical evidence emanating
from this study provides support for the hypotheses
formulated insofar a significant and positive relationship
is observed between EO and the strategic management
practices of locus of planning, scanning intensity, planning flexibility, planning horizon, financial control, and
strategy control attributes.
Based on the cluster analysis it is clear that four distinct
categories emerge when analyzing EO and strategic
management practices along the conservative-entrepreneurial continuum. The significance of this observation
lies in the verification of the conservative-entrepreneurial
continuum that consists of four, and not two, distinct
exclusive clusters.
The results indicate that scanning intensity has a
positive relationship with a firm’s EO, which is in line with
existing findings (Morris et al., 2008) which demonstrate
environmental scanning as one of the most important
issues for managers because of today’s high rate of
environmental change. These results translate into
practices that require firms to aggressively scan their
environments to understand key events and trends, and
to reduce uncertainty in the local and global environment
so as to be able to react to change quickly (Brorstrom,
Murimbika and Urban
The findings further indicate that a deep locus of planning is significantly associated with higher levels of EO.
Literature reports that a deep locus of planning is
accredited for facilitating opportunity recognition, identification, acquisition, and deployment of firm resource to
take advantage of opportunities as they emerge in the
environment (Hornsby et al., 2002). Moreover, planning
flexibility is a prerequisite for managers who want to
develop methods and programs to increase levels of EO
in their firms. A flexible system coupled with intense
environmental scanning allows strategic plans to remain
up to date and organic, which will permit a firm’s
entrepreneurial initiatives to be strategically formulated
rather than be planned in an ad hoc manner outside the
parameters of a strategic plan.
Building on the notion that controls in entrepreneurial
organizations should reward creativity in pursuit of opportunities through innovation and stimulate proactiveness
and risk-taking, two forms of controls, strategic and
financial controls were found to have a significant impact
on EO. This finding resonates with previous research that
finds these two types of controls attributes are not opposites of each other, and can be present simultaneously in
an organization, yet influence EO independently
(Barringer and Bluedorn, 1999).
A practical insight is for management is to understand
and leverage the firm’s strategic management practices
in a manner that influences the firm’s position on the
conservative-entrepreneurial continuum, as conceptualized in this study. Strategic actions would include
increasing the firm’s propensity to be innovative,
proactive to marketplace opportunities, and be willing to
take risks when confronted by uncertainty. Increasing EO
requires developing new products or services, introducing
new and more efficient processes and procedures, or
simply creating added value for customers. The point is
that innovativeness must be perceived as a strategic
requisite to avoid organizational complacency and inertia.
A deep and thorough understanding of EO is important
not only for academic purposes but also because the
subject has salience for practitioners and policy makers.
These implications relate to the profitability and competitiveness of the firm as well as to the overall economic
performance of industry and the national economy. As
part of government’s initiatives in emerging countries,
which is often to foster innovation, policies should
encourage the diffusion, adoption and application of the
very latest technologies, often the cornerstones of
innovation, since a lot of potential exists in emerging
countries to import and adapt technologies developed in
industrialized countries (von Broembsen et al., 2005).
Considering the context of the study, research in Africa
as a whole may be considered as valuable, as very few
empirical studies have been previously conducted which
focus on EO and strategy. The importance of further
interrogating EO in an emerging country context seems
justifiable, since such investigations allow researchers to
compare and examine different EO and strategy links
which firms use in similar environmental contexts. There
is a need for further theorization and empirical analysis of
these different contexts. This type of research is important considering that a multi-country study finds that
intrapreneurship and independent entrepreneurship seem
to be substitutes at the macro level. Large firms in high
income countries tend to display more entrepreneurial
behavior than large firms in low income countries (Bosma
et al., 2010).
This study has several limitations. The cross-sectional
nature of the study prevents any causal relationship
between strategic management variables and EO to be
drawn. A longitudinal study is required to provide further
insights and causal inferences into the relationship
between strategic management practices and EO levels.
The study relies on perceptual data where responses
may have been influenced by perceptual biases and
cognitive limitations.
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