Structural Analysis of Historic Construction – D’Ayala & Fodde (eds)
© 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-46872-5
Stress analysis of masonry structures: Arches, walls and vaults
A. Baratta, I. Corbi & O. Corbi
Department of Structural Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy
ABSTRACT: In the paper, the authors present a synthetic overview of some results obtained by means of a
number of theoretical and experimental studies developed on some classical masonry typologies such as arches,
panels and vaults. The proper implementation of the analyzed structural problem, specialized to the specific case,
which derives from the extension of classical structural approaches to structures made of masonry material, is
shown to provide a reliable approach to the problem itself, also in the case of some reinforcement, as demonstrated
by experimental data which are in perfect agreement with numerical results.
The basic assumption of no-tension masonry model
coincides with the hypothesis that the tensile resistance
is null. Under this hypothesis, no-tension stress fields
are selected by the body through the activation of an
additional strain field, the fractures (see Baratta, 1991,
Baratta et al. 1981, Baratta & Toscano 1982, Bazant
1996, Heyman 1966). The behavior in compression
can be modeled in a number of different ways (elastic linear, elastic non-linear, elastic-plastic; isotropic,
anisotropic; etc.), without altering substantially neither the results nor the mathematical treatment of the
problem; some convenience exists for practical applications in assuming a isotropic linearly elastic model,
in order to keep limited the number of mechanical
parameters to be identified for masonry, since increasing the number of data causes increasing uncertainty in
the results. Because of these reasons, and being clearly
understood that there is no difficulty in introducing
more sophisticated models, it is convenient to set up
the fundamental theory on the basis of the assumption that the behavior in compression is indefinitely
linearly elastic.
Analysis of NRT (Not Resisting Tension) bodies proves that the stress, strain and displacement
fields obey extreme principles of the basic energy
Therefore the behaviour of NRT solids under ordinary loading conditions can be investigated by means
of some extensions of basic energy approaches to NRT
bodies (Baratta 1984, Baratta & O. Corbi 2005a, 2007,
Baratta & al. 1981, Baratta & Toscano 1982).
In details, the solution of the NRT structural problems can be referred to the two main variational
– the minimum principle of the Potential Energy
– the minimum principle of the Complementary
Energy functional.
In the first case the displacements and the fractures
are assumed as independent variables; the solution displacement and fracture strain fields are found as the
constrained minimum point of the Potential Energy
functional, under the constraint that the fracture field
is positively semi-definite at any point.
The approach based on the minimization of
the Complementary Energy functional assumes the
stresses as independent variable. The complementary
approach is widely adopted since the existence and
uniqueness of the NRT solution are always assured in
terms of stress, if some conditions on the compatibility of the loads are satisfied. The stress field can, then,
be found as the constrained minimum of the Complementary Energy functional, under the condition that
the stress field is in equilibrium with the applied loads
and is compressive everywhere in the body.
The solution of both problems can be numerically
pursued by means of Operational Research methods
(see i.e. Rao 1978) suitably operating a discretization
of the analyzed NRT continuum (Baratta & I. Corbi
2004, Baratta & O. Corbi 2003b, 2005a). One should
notice that discussion about existence of the solution
actually can be led back to some Limit Analysis of the
considered NRT continua (Baratta & O. Corbi 2005a).
2,3 m
0,124 m
0,200 m
2,23 m
1,322 m
0,382 m
0,775 m
0,750 m
Figure 1. (a) Masonry panel geometry, (b) with the applications of a light reinforcement by means of FRP strips.
In this regard, a special formulation of Limit Analysis for No-tension structures has been performed,
allowing the set up of theorems analogous to the basic
kinetic and static theorems of classical Limit Analysis;
thus, one can establish efficient procedures to assess
structural safety versus the collapse limit state (see e.g.
Como & Grimaldi 1983) by specializing and applying
fundamental theorems of Limit Analysis to NRT continua (Baratta 1991, Baratta & O. Corbi 2003a, 2005a,
Bazant 1996, Como & Grimaldi 1983, Khludnev &
Kovtinenko 2000). In details, the individuation of the
collapse (live) load multiplier for NRT continua can
be referred to the approaches relying on the two main
limit analysis theorems:
– the static theorem;
– the kinetic theorem.
This means that, after defining the classes of
statically admissible and kinetically sufficient load
patterns, Limit Analysis allows individuating the value
of the live load multiplier limiting the loading capacity of the body, i.e. evaluating the collapse live load
and/or the safety factor versus collapse. One should
note that in a NRT structure its own weight (the dead
load) is an essential factor of stability, while collapse
can be produced by not-admissible additions of the
variable component of the load pattern.
Duality tools may also be successfully applied
in order to check the relationships between the two
theorems of Limit Analysis (Baratta & O. Corbi
2004). In the study of plane mono-dimensional structures featuring a low degree of redundancy, the
force/stress approach appears the most convenient
to be adopted if compared with the displacement/strain approach, whose number of governing
variables is higher and, moreover, increasing with
the order of discretization (Baratta & I. Corbi 2003,
2004, 2006).
The following section reports some results showing how the proper implementation of the described
theoretical approach for classical masonry structural
typologies such as panels, arches and vaults, produces
results that are in a very good agreement with experimental data, demonstrating the overall reliability of
the mentioned approach, for whose details one should
refer to cited references.
As shown in the following, results can also be successfully extended to the case of reinforcements with
fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP).
2.1 Experimental investigation
This section reports some of the results of the wide
experimental campaign developed at the Laboratory
of Materials and Structural Testing of the University
of Naples “Federico II” on masonry panels, which are
symmetrical, with a central hole covered by a steel
architrave, and having upper part characterized by a
concrete fascia lightly reinforced by steel (Baratta &
I. Corbi 2003, 2004, 2006).
The geometry of the panels is shown in Figure 1.a.
A laboratory prototype of masonry panel is referred to,
made of tuff bricks (type “yellow tuff of Naples”, Italy)
jointed to each other by a pozzolana mortar in order to
confer a light additional resistance to the masonry;
the masonry itself is characterized by unit weight
γ = 10300 Nm and Young modulus E = 5.5 GPa. As
regards to the loading condition, a varying force is
applied in the middle of the left side of the panel,
in such a way to mitigate the proneness of the panel
to sliding of bricks with respect to each other, and
some loading/unloading cycles are developed up to
the collapse condition.
Once reached the crisis, the panel is reinforced
by directly laminating on the masonry some FRP
strips according to the provision scheme shown in Figure 1.b, at the same time with the impregnation of
the fibers by means of a special bi-component epoxy
resin, and a further experimental investigation is developed on the reinforced structure by re-executing some
loading/unloading cycles.
The adopted reinforcement, produced by FTS,
is a BETONTEX system GV330 U-HT, made of
12 K carbon fiber, jointed by an ultra light net
of thermo-welded glass. The mechanical characteristics of the employed carbon fibers are: tensile
limit stress σfrp = 4.89 GPa, elastic modulus in traction Efrp = 244 GPa, limit elongation σfrp = 2%. The
FRP strip is characterized by thickness of 0.177 mm
and depth of 200 mm. The induced displacements
at some selected points [the transducers 1, 2, 3
and 4 in Figure 1.a] of the panel both for the not
reinforced and for the lightly reinforced panel are
recorded by a monitoring equipment consisting of: 4
transducers, placed at different locations of the panel
in order to record the absolute displacements, and 15
strain-gauges, arranged in 3 blocks of 5 strain-gauges,
in such a way that each block is devoted to record
the related strain situation. In details two transducers are located horizontally at two different heights
on the panel right side (transducers 1 and 2), and two
are placed in correspondence of the opening, one in
horizontal position at the top of the left side of the
hole (transducer 3) and the other one under the architrave, which is devoted exclusively to control the panel
deflection (transducer 4). The displacements s(mm)
versus the varying force F(N) monitored by the transducers during the experiment in the not-reinforced
and in the reinforced case with some horizontally
applied C-FRP strips are shown in Figures 2.a–c
and 2.d–f respectively, as regards to the first loading cycle. By the diagrams in Figure 2, which report
the displacements s(mm) vs the varying force F(N)
read by the transducers 1–3, some considerations can
been made.
With reference to the panel’s reinforcement by
means of the application of some C-FRP strips, the
major effect of the C-FRP intervention is the reduction
of the stress in the masonry. In general lower displacements at the locations monitored by the transducers can
be recorded in the consolidated case with comparison
to the unconsolidated case.
To this regard, the pretty light type of reinforcement
allows to read the influence of even a small provision
on the panel response, which, on the counterpart,
cannot be expected to be macroscopic.
One should emphasize that the first objective of this
application is, then, to show the sensitivity of the NRT
model even to small changes in the structural response,
very differently from the elastic model, which, on the
contrary, for the specific case, is unable to detect any
difference in the behaviour of the wall. A number of
more effective reinforcements have also been tested
by the authors obviously resulting in more appreciable
results and a much higher performance (Baratta & I.
Corbi 2006).
In the specific case, one can notice that, with reference to the same load intensity [e.g. in correspondence
of the load value 3000 N in Figures 2.a–c], lower displacements can be recorded in case of FRP insertions.
Moreover, the increase of the overall stiffness of the
panel results in a higher loading capacity with respect
to the not-reinforced wall. In particular the trend of
each curve, shows that it is closer to the x-axis (representing the load variable), thus indicating an increase
in the stiffness which is also related to an higher
collapse value of the load.
2.2 Experimental/theoretical comparison
Actually the application of the general theory of NRT
structures to the considered case of the masonry panel,
also in the presence of FRP reinforcements, can produce numerical results which are in good agreement
with the results obtained by the above reported experimental campaign (Baratta & I. Corbi 2006). The
specialization of the general problem to the case of
masonry walls requires the definition of a discrete
model coupled to the real structural model, the set up
of the energetic problem (in the case of masonry panels the potential energy approach is to be preferred)
for the discrete problem, which, for masonry material,
results in a Non Linear programming problem to be
solved by means of Operational Research tools, and,
finally, the search of the numerical solution of the set
up OR problem by means of a suitably implemented
calculus code (Baratta & I. Corbi 2004, 2006).
Once followed the above described steps, the
numerical results can be compared to the ones coming
out from the experimental investigation, for the final
validation of the theoretical set up.
Transducer 1
Transducer 3
Transducer 2
Experimental data
Experimental data
Theoretical results
Experimental data
Theoretical results
u1 (mm)
u3 (mm)
u2 (mm)
F (Kg)
Theoretical results
Transducer 1
F (Kg)
F (Kg)
Transducer 3
Transducer 2
Experimental data
Experimental data
Theoretical results
Experimental data
Theoretical results
Theoretical results
u3 (mm)
u2 (mm)
u1 (mm)
F (Kg)
F (Kg)
F (Kg)
Figure 2. Comparison between the numerical (continuous line) and the experimental (dotted line) at the monitored positions
1, 2, 3 for the not reinforced panel (a, b, c) and for the reinforced panel (d, e, f).
For the specific case one may compare the results
relevant to the first loading cycle with those related
to experiments. As shown in Figures 2, the theoretical
data (continuous lines) are in good agreement wit the
experimental ones (dotted lines) both as regards to the
not reinforced case (Figs 2.a–c) and to the consolidated
case (Figs 2.d–f).
In the first unconsolidated case the masonry
exhibits a behaviour which appears lightly stiffer than
in the theoretical model: this effect is maybe due to
the micro-fractures present at the first stage of the
computational procedure, which are probably absent
in the real behaviour of the masonry. The transducers
2 and 3 show an overall pretty good agreement between
numerical and experimental data even if also other
phenomena as sliding between bricks, micro-fractures,
etc., should be taken into account, which cause the not
perfect agreement of the diagrams relevant to the first
transducer 1 (Figs 2.a–c).
It is indeed because of these reasons that the numerical/experimental agreement is higher, almost perfect,
in the reinforced case (Figs 2.d–f).
In this case, the sliding between bricks are reduced
and do not influence the overall characteristics of
deformability and stiffness of the masonry panel.
3.1 Experimental investigation
This section reports some of the results of the wide
experimental campaign developed at the Laboratory
of Materials and Structural Testing of the University of
d 13
d 12
d 11
d 14
d 15
d 20
d 10
d 21 d 22
d 23 d
d 19
d 16
d 18
d 17
d 25
d 26
d 27
d 28
d 29
d 30 d 1
Dial Gauge G1
Inclinometer I1
Transducers T1,T 2
Extesemeter E1
Deformometric cells dk, k=1…30
Figure 3. The portal arch model with the monitoring equipment: sketch of the monitoring equipment.
Naples “Federico II” on masonry arches, consolidated
or not by means of FRP strips (Baratta & O. Corbi
2003b, 2005b).
The geometry of the portal arch (Figs 3 and 4)
is symmetrical and is characterized by span
L = 1900 mm, rise f = 660 mm, arch thickness d =
240 mm, piles thickness b = 385 mm, piles height
h = 1700 mm; the arch shape is a semi-ellipse. The
arch depth is 400 mm, whilst the two abutments
are 480 mm deep. The masonry is characterized by
unit weight γ = 12300 N · m−3 and Young modulus
E = 5.5 GPa.
As mentioned, in the above, in the second stage of
the experimental campaign one also considers some
FRP continuous reinforcement applied on the arch
length. In this case, the FRP reinforcements consist
of continuous mono-directional FRP strips applied on
the extrados of the arcade.
The adopted reinforcement, produced by FTS, is
a BETONTEX system GV330 U-HT, made of 12 K
carbon fibre, jointed by an ultra light net of thermowelded glass.
The mechanical characteristics of the employed
fibres are: tensile limit stress σfrp = 4.89 GPa, elastic
modulus in traction Efrp = 244 GPa, limit elongation
εfrp = 2%. The FRP strip is characterized by thickness
of 0.177 mm and depth of 100 mm.
After roughly preparing the masonry support in
order to render the application surface smoother, the
FRP is directly laminated on the masonry, at the same
time with the impregnation of the fibres by means of
a special bi-component epoxy resin.
As regards the execution the tests, the structure is
subject to its constant own weight and to a lumped
horizontal force F, applied on the top right side of
the right abutment in the rightward direction in the
increasing phase (Figs 3 and 4), which is transmitted
Figure 4. The portal arch model with the monitoring equipment: picture from laboratory tests.
by means of a loading equipment consisting of a load
cell placed on the right side of the portal arch.
This force is able to potentially produce collapse of
the structure according to a mechanism that is typical
of earthquake failures of arch-portals (Fig. 6), and it
is intended to represent a pseudo-seismic action, able
to yield a measure of the structure attitude to sustain
earthquake shaking.
The monitoring stuff (Figs 3 and 4) consists of:
– 1 dial gauge G1 , placed on the left side of the
left abutment, finalized to the monitoring of the
absolute displacement of the pile;
– 2 transducers T1 and T2 , vertically placed on the
front side of the left abutment, finalized to the monitoring of the length variation of both edges of the
– 1 inclinometer I1 , placed on the top of the left abutment, finalized to the monitoring of the pile average
– 1 extensometer E1 , placed between the two abutments, finalized to the monitoring of the relative
piles’ displacement;
– 30 deformometer cells, placed on the front of the
arch, finalized to the monitoring of the arcade
For the un-reinforced structure (Baratta and Corbi,
2003a,b) the critical condition is related to the activation of a collapse mechanism composed by four hinges
distributed as follows:
– 1 at the top of the left pile on the intrados,
– 1 at the keystone on the extrados,
– 1 under the load cell on the intrados of the right pile
(where shear occurs),
– 1 at the bottom of the right pile on the extrados.
∆ u (mm)
Experimental Data
Trend Line
The collapse is reached at F∼800 N with an increase
in the loading capacity of the portal arch of approximately 10 times with respect to the unconsolidated
case. The experimental force-displacement diagram is
reported in Figure 7.
F (N)
Figure 5. Unreinforced portal arch: pile displacement u
versus load F-numerical/experimental comparison.
– 1 at the keystone on the extrados,
– 2 at the reins on the intrados,
– 1 at the bottom of the right pile on the extrados.
The collapse condition is reached at F∼80 N; the
low failure value of the force shows that, due to the
chosen elliptical shape of the arch, the funicular line
compatible with the applied loads and admissible (i.e.
interior to the arch profile) is already very close to the
upper and lower bounds of the arch profile at the rest
The experimental force-displacement diagram is
reported in Figure 5.
After reaching the collapse condition, the portal
arch is then unloaded in order to be prepared for the
subsequent experimental tests on FRP reinforcements.
After completing the unloading process, the portal arch
is prepared for laboratory tests on FRP reinforcements,
which are finalized to the evaluation of the benefits
induced on the model response by the application of
carbon fibre strips.
The reinforcement consists of a continuous FRP
strip bonded on the extrados of the arch. Since the
collapse mechanism of the not reinforced simple portal arch is characterized, as described in the above, by
the formation of two intrados hinges at the reins of the
arch, corresponding to the fractures d4 –d5 and d12 –d13
at the extrados, the major effect of this intervention
is supposed to be the prevention of these fractures,
and, therefore, a wide increase in the model loading
The funicular line is now free to exceed the lower
contour of the portal arch cross section.
In this case the critical condition is related to the
activation of a collapse mechanism composed by four
hinges, distributed as follows:
Experimental/theoretical comparison
Actually the application of the general theory of NRT
structures to the considered case of the masonry portal
arch, also in the presence of FRP reinforcements, can
produce numerical results which are in good agreement with the results obtained by the above reported
experimental campaign (Baratta & O. Corbi 2005a,
2005b, 2007).
The specialization of the general problem to the case
of masonry arches requires the definition of a discrete
model coupled to the real structural model, the set up
of the energetic problem (in the case of masonry arches
the complementary energy approach is to be preferred)
for the discrete problem, which, for masonry material, results in a Non Linear programming problem
(which in the specific case can be reduced to a Linear
Programming problem) to be solved by means of Operational Research tools, and, finally, the search of the
numerical solution of the set up OR problem by means
of a suitably implemented calculus code (Baratta &
O. Corbi 2003a, 2003b, 2005a).
Once followed the above described steps, the
numerical results can be compared to the ones coming
out from the experimental investigation, for the final
validation of the theoretical set up.
Numerical investigation on the portal arch model
experimentally tested results in the possibility of
appreciating the skill of the NRT model to capture
the major features of the structure behaviour. Moreover also the correct modelling of the reinforcement
and of its coupling with the main structure can be
evaluated. Figure 5 reports the numerical/experimental
comparison relevant to the right pile top displacement
u (mm) versus the varying load F (N) for the considered
un-reinforced arch.
A very good agreement between the numerical and
experimental data can be observed. The calculus code
is demonstrated to be able to capture the behaviour of
the portal arch following the whole loading path up to
collapse; Figure 6 depicts the collapse mechanism of
the structure as it appears directly from the calculus
code, clearly due to the formation of four hinges: one
at the keystone on the extrados, two at the reins on
the intrados, one at the bottom of the right pile on the
Figure 6. Unreinforced portal arch: picture of the collapse
mechanism captured from the calculus code.
Figure 8. Portal arch with extrados reinforcement: picture
of the collapse mechanism captured from the calculus code.
u (mm)
Experimental Data
Trend Line
Figure 9. Barrel vault with horizontal directrix.
F (N)
4.1 The problem of barrel vaults with indefinite
Figure 7. Portal arch with extrados reinforcement: pile displacement u vs. load F-numerical/experimental comparison.
Moreover one reports in Figure 7 the numerical/experimental comparison relevant to the right pile
top displacement u (mm) versus the varying load F
(N) for the arch reinforced with an extrados FRP
Again a very good agreement can be observed
between the numerical and experimental data. The calculus code is demonstrated to be able to capture the
behaviour of the portal arch ; Figure 8 depicts the collapse mechanism of the structure as it appears directly
from the calculus code, clearly due to the formation of
four hinges: one at the top of the left pile on the intrados, one at the keystone on the extrados, one under the
load cell on the intrados of the right pile, one at the bottom of the right pile on the extrados. Both numerical
and experimental data agree in assessing at approximately ten times the original value the increment of the
loading capacity of the structure due to the extrados
FRP reinforcement.
As regards to barrel vaults (Baratta & O. Corbi 2007),
first of all, one should consider that, since the vault
geometrically derives by the translation along a directrix of a generating arch curve, in this case, the
meridian lines coincide with the generatrix in their
shapes; if one considers a rectilinear directrix, the vault
parallels are horizontal and rectilinear as well (Fig. 9).
The surface of the shell of the mid-surface of the vault
may be defined by the equation z = f(x). Because of
the vault geometry, one has
where dsx and dsy denote the length of the sides of
the generic vault element ABCD of area dA dx and
dy the length of the corresponding sides on the element A′ B′ C′ D′ projected in the xy-plane, and ϕ and θ
denote the angles formed by the meridian sides AB and
DC of the element with the x-axis and by the parallel
sides AD and BC with the y-axis, respectively. As concerns equilibrium, hypothesizing that the vault is in a
membrane state of stress, a correspondence can be set
between forces acting on the element ABCD (stresses
Nx , Ny , Nxy = Nyx and applied load for unit area, px ,
py , pz ) and projected forces acting on the associated
element A′ B′ C′ D′ (Nx , Ny , Nxy = Nyx and px , py , pz )
in the xy-plane (Baratta & O. Corbi 2007).
In absence of horizontal loads and if the vertical
load is not dependent on “y”, as it happens when the
vault is subject to only vertical loads due to the selfweight (i.e. pz = pz (x) ≥ 0), and assuming that the vault
has an indefinite length in the direction y, equilibrium
may be expressed in the form
where z0 and z1 are arbitrary ordinates, conditioned by
the fact that z(t) should be contained in the interior of
the profile of the vault.
After this result, it is possible to calculate the
internal forces Nx ≤ 0, Ny = Nxy = 0 and Nx ≤ 0,
Ny = Nxy = 0
It is also possible to realize that the equilibrium
solution allows the structure to behave as a sequence
of identical independent arches. From this result, one
may refer to the results reported in the previous section
for the portal arch model, reinforced or not with some
FRP strips, whose analytical problem implementation
has been shown to give theoretical results in perfect
agreement with the produced experimental data, also
exhibiting very effective results in the reinforced case.
which reduces the problem to the determination of
stress function ψ(y).
Assuming that the directrix curve of the vault is
a circular arch (Fig. 10) of radius R, with constant
thickness “s” and unit weight γ, and imposing suitable constraint conditions, one yields the final solution
(Baratta & O. Corbi 2007)
Figure 10. Cross section of a barrel vault with circular arch
The paper reports some results proving the successful
application of a correct theoretical treatment, based
on the NRT material assumption, of structural problems relevant to classical masonry typologies such as
arches, walls and vaults.
The set up of the general energetic approach for
analyzing masonry structures under live loads, its
specialization to the relevant discrete models, the
implementation of ad hoc built up calculus codes are
demonstrated to produce numerical results in very
good agreement with data produced by experimental
One should emphasize that, differently from many
models which require a number of parameters allowing a certain adaptation of the shape of the numerical
curve to the experimental one, the NRT model has the
big advantage that the only mechanical parameter to
be evaluated is the masonry elastic modulus. Since the
tuning of the theoretical model is pretty simple, there
would be no possibility to force it to produce theoretical results fitting with such a good agreement the
experimental data, because the tuning operation itself
cannot influence the shape of the numerical diagram
but only the displacements scale.
As a point of fact, the sensitivity of the modelling to material assumptions reduces to the inverse
proportionality between the material elastic modulus
and displacements, without any influence on the load
capacity and on the evolution of displacements with
the loads.
Actually the extension to the case of some reinforcement directly applied on the masonry can also be
studied by properly modeling the reinforcement itself
and its connection with the masonry.
The theoretical/numerical agreement, which is an
original result also for the case of masonry constructions with FRP reinforcements, demonstrates that
the overall approach is reliable for the treatment
of masonry constructions also in the presence of
consolidation interventions.
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