Journal Papers by Utpal Mandal

Majority of the people living in third world countries cannot afford a healthy, safe and long las... more Majority of the people living in third world countries cannot afford a healthy, safe and long lasting shelter because those built with conventional engineering materials are beyond their reach. They are forced to opt for traditional indigenous structures out of which masonry work is one of the oldest and popularmost. These structures are generally designed considering the vertical load acting on them in the form of dead and live loads, but the effect of lateral thrusts that is produced during earthquakes are normally ignored. In this context, the present paper attempts to develop simple and workable expressions and/or numerical estimation of various design parameters like strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity of masonry wall through experimental verification to aid the seismic design methodology for these structures. Experimental results have been collected from well accepted literatures as well as those generated through shake table tests by the authors on unreinforced masonry elements. The predictions proposed in the present study for different design parameters like strength and stiffness may generally be helpful for preliminary design of such structures subjected to seismic loading except for concrete blocks subjected to point lateral load at its top. The paper also provides a comparative picture regarding hysteretic energy dissipation capacity of unreinforced masonry elements with respect to conventional structural elements made of steel and reinforced concrete which will be helpful for performance based seismic design of the same. Such an effort may be helpful for Indian subcontinent and many other countries where large number of one or two storey masonry structures are available because of socio-economic context, even in the zones of high seismic threat.
Papers by Utpal Mandal
Current nanomaterials, Sep 27, 2016
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Sep 1, 2014
Journal of Applied Physics, 2014
In the present paper, the effect of magneto-thermal environment on the transverse vibration of ma... more In the present paper, the effect of magneto-thermal environment on the transverse vibration of magnetically sensitive single-layered graphene sheets (SLGS) has been analyzed based on nonlocal plate theory. Governing differential equations for the analysis of vibration characteristics of SLGS under magneto-thermal environment are derived considering the Lorentz magnetic force obtained from Maxwell's relationship and thermal elasticity. The governing differential equations are solved employing differential quadrature method. Convergence and validation study are performed. Moreover, the influences of SLGS geometrical properties, nonlocal parameter, in-plane magnetic field and environmental temperature change on the vibration characteristics of SLGS are studied and reported.
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 2012
In this paper, finite element formulation including nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory and thermal e... more In this paper, finite element formulation including nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory and thermal elasticity is carried out. For the bending, buckling and vibration analyses of carbon nanotube governing differential equations are derived. Simultaneous linear algebraic equations are solved employing developed Matlab code and structural response results are computed. Convergence study of finite element solution is conducted. Validation of developed finite element code is carried out. Based on nonlocal and thermal elasticity small scale effects and thermal effects on carbon nanotubes mechanical responses are investigated. Effects of (i) Carbon nanotubes geometrical parameters, (ii) nonlocal parameters and (iii) environmental temperature on the structural response of the carbon nanotubes are explored and reported.
Current Nanomaterials, 2016
Physics Letters A, 2013
Abstract In this Letter, finite element model is developed to study the effect of nonlocal parame... more Abstract In this Letter, finite element model is developed to study the effect of nonlocal parameter in the radial structural response of carbon nanotubes. Timoshenko beam model is employed. The influence of nonlocal parameter in the radial direction due to interaction of atoms is defined as the radial nonlocal effect. It is found that there is significant influence of radial nonlocal effect on the structural response of the carbon nanotubes.
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2013
Nonlocal elastic Timoshenko beam model is developed. Finite element method is considered to solve... more Nonlocal elastic Timoshenko beam model is developed. Finite element method is considered to solve governing equations. The effect of temperature change on the mechanical behaviour of CNTs is reported.
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2021
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2022

Majority of the people living in third world countries cannot afford a healthy, safe and long las... more Majority of the people living in third world countries cannot afford a healthy, safe and long lasting shelter because those built with conventional engineering materials are beyond their reach. They are forced to opt for traditional indigenous structures out of which masonry work is one of the oldest and popular-most. These structures are generally designed considering the vertical load acting on them in the form of dead and live loads, but the effect of lateral thrusts that is produced during earthquakes are normally ignored. In this context, the present paper attempts to develop simple and workable expressions and/or numerical estimation of various design parameters like strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity of masonry wall through experimental verification to aid the seismic design methodology for these structures. Experimental results have been collected from well accepted literatures as well as those generated through shake table tests by the authors on unreinforc...
Journal Papers by Utpal Mandal
Papers by Utpal Mandal