A Process Model for On-Line Quenching
of Aluminium Extrusions
A complete process model for the cooling of aluminium extrusions is presented. It is capable of
predicting both thermally induced distortions and possible strength reductions. The model consists
of three parts: a thermal part, a metallurgical part, and a mechanical part. The thermal part includes
heat-transfer and heat-conduction models and generates the temperature history needed as input to
the other two parts. The metallurgical part consists of a kinematic model for the precipitation of
nonhardening particles during cooling, and it predicts the resulting strength after subsequent aging.
Finally, the mechanical part comprises the usual compatibility and consistency equations, as well as
a unified material model that is very accurate both for rate-dependent material behavior at high
temperatures and for the virtually rate-independent behavior at low temperatures. Water-cooling
experiments have been performed, and finite element simulations were executed using the process
model. The heat-transfer coefficient for water quenching is shown to be extremely sensitive to geometry and other cooling conditions. In addition, the cooling characteristics and the material model
are factors of equal importance in the prediction of distortions.
ALUMINUM alloys of the AIMgSi type obtain their
good strength through a high density of fine Mg2Si precipitates. The fine precipitates are obtained by first dissolving
large, nonhardening MgzSi particles at a high temperature,
then allowing the fine precipitates to form through a separate aging operation at a lower temperature. During extrusion of these alloys, the hot-working temperature is
normally high enough for dissolution of the Mg2Si particles. Thus, through an on-line cooling to room temperature
followed by aging, the separate solution treatment becomes
However, the applied cooling rate is restricted by two
phenomena. On the one hand, too slow cooling leads to
heterogeneous precipitation of large Mg2Si particles during
cooling. This reduces the concentration o f Mg and Si in
solid solution so that less of the fine precipitates can form
during ageing. Significant reduction in properties can therefore be the outcome.tEl On the other hand, a too rapid cooling leads to large temperature gradients causing thermally
induced deformations and high residual stresses. This
makes it difficult to remain within geometrical tolerances.
The optimum cooling conditions are obtained by cooling
through the so-called quench window between the two limitations, as illustrated schematically in Figure I. Reduced
properties are usually experienced when using air cooling,
while distortions are mainly a problem with water quenching.
The thermally induced distortions are strongly influenced
by section shape. For instance, when the section has a difference in wall thickness, thin parts will cool faster than
NIKLAS J,~RVSTRAT, formerly with the Research and Development
center, Hydro Aluminium, is with the Military Engines Division, Volvo
Aero Corporation, S-461 81 Trollhiittan, Sweden. STIG TJOTTA is with
the Research and Development Centre, Hydro Aluminium, N-4265 Havik,
Manuscript submitted September 26, 1994.
thick parts, and a banana-shaped extrusion results. The
same effect can also occur if the heat transfer is uneven
around a shape. This is the case when the nozzles are asymmetrically positioned. The section shape can also affect the
strength. For example, an internal ligament of an extrusion
cools more slowly than external walls, which may lead to
a reduced strength in the ligament. In addition, the sensitivity to precipitation during cooling is highly alloy dependent. Thus, the width of the quench window depends
on factors such as alloy, size and shape of the extrusion,
and nozzle position.
For complex extrusion shapes, optimal quenching requirements and an appropriate quenching method are not easily
established under production conditions. Mainly by using
empirical knowledge, the operator must choose process parameters and quench medium. The most commonly used
quench media are forced air, water spray, and water. Moreover, asymmetrical shapes often require asymmetric cooling that further complicates the empirical approach.
The present article deals with a mathematical model that
accounts for both of the limitations on the cooling rate. The
model consists of three parts: a thermal part, a metallurgical
part, and a mechanical part. In Section II, the mathematical
models employed are presented; in Section Ill, an example
of model application is demonstrated; and in Section IV,
some concluding remarks are given.
The structure of the model is shown in Figure 2, with all
possible couplings between the parts of the model indicated. The couplings included in the model are indicated
by solid arrows, while neglected couplings are shown as
dashed arrows. The coupling from the mechanical to the
thermal part can be neglected, since during cooling, the
thermally induced deformations are small, so the heat generation due to plastic dissipation is negligible. Also, the
effect of latent heat due to possible precipitation is negligible due to the very small volume fraction of precipitates,
VOLUME 27B, JUNE 1996---501
r cooling
where p is the density, c the specific heat, k the isotropic
heat conductivity parameter, and T the temperature. During
normal extrusion conditions, the extrusion velocity is 0.1
to 1 m/s. For this velocity, it can be shown that if one
follows a two-dimensional cross section of the extrusion
through the cooling zone, the thermal gradient in the axial
direction is negligible. Thus, axial heat conduction is also
negligible, and the heat equation can be solved in two dimensions.
The thermal boundary condition is given by
Fig. l--Sketch of cooling speed limitations.
I Thermal
- Temperature
- Strength )
Stress 1
Fig. 2--Sketch of cooling model structure consisting of three parts. The
solid arrows indicate couplings that are included, while dashed arrows
indicate neglected couplings.
being well under 1 pct. Furthermore, MgzSi precipitation
does not cause any significant volume change.t3I It is therefore acceptable to neglect any stress due to this phase transformation, although some microscopic stresses obviously
arise. The MgzSi precipitation does also influence the constitutive behavior and thermal properties of the alloy, but
again, we choose to neglect this influence due to the very
small fraction that actually precipitates during normal process conditions. Finally, we assume that the thermally induced stresses do not influence the kinematics of Mg2Si
precipitation. With these assumptions, the only remaining
couplings are those from the thermal part to the metallurgical part and to the mechanical part.
The complete cooling model is solved numerically for an
arbitrary extrusion shape by applying the ABAQUS* finite
*ABAQUS is a trademark of HKS, Inc., Pawtucket, RI.
element code.
A. Thermal Model
The thermal part of the model consists of the heat equation of the form
pcT = k
502--VOLUME 27B, JUNE 1996
02 T
Ox~ Oxi
Oxi ni
a (T -
where nl is the surface normal vector, a the heat-transfer
coefficient, and Tc the temperature of the cooling medium.
It should be noted that the heat-transfer coefficient is not a
constant property of the cooling medium but a very complex function of the conditions in the cooling medium, the
cooling rate, the temperature, the geometry, and the surface
condition (cf Reference 4).
Air cooling is the least severe cooling method. It is often
insufficient for obtaining optimum properties but only
rarely leads to unacceptable distortions for usual extrusion
shapes. When fans are used, the air velocities at different
parts of the surface can be very different. This causes the
surface heat flux to vary around the section, since the heat
transfer is strongly dependent of the air velocity. However,
intemal heat conduction is usually sufficient to ensure a
reasonably homogeneous temperature, so that a homogeneous heat-transfer coefficient gives good simulation results.
Cooling in water is one of the fastest cooling methods
available. There are almost never any problems with reduced properties. However, the rapid cooling causes severe
thermal gradients, and distortions are often unavoidable.
The heat-transfer coefficient for water is strongly temperature dependent, the a vs T diagram shown as curve 2 of
Figure 5 being typical. At high enough temperatures, a continuous steam film is formed instantly as the water evaporates at contact with the surface (the film boiling stage).
The steam film insulates the surface from the liquid, and
the heat transfer is dominated by radiation and gas convection. As the temperature decreases, however, the steam film
breaks up, causing a dramatic increase in heat transfer (the
nucleate boiling stage). Now, steam bubbles are formed
from direct contact between water and the surface, and the
evaporation energy is rapidly transferred from the surface
by convection. Decreasing the temperature even further, below the saturation point, the dominating effect is free convection.
The formation and breakup of the steam film are very
important for the heat transfer but are particularly difficult
processes to model, since both formation and breakup take
some time (cf Reference 5). The rate of cooling is thus an
important factor, and the "transition boiling stage," between film boiling and nucleate boiling, can cover most of
the temperature interval experienced during a quench. Local
effects such as surface roughness and wettability influence
the stability of the film, and global effects such as geometry
and temperature of nearby surfaces have an impact on the
flow pattern of the liquid, thereby also influencing the film
stability. The influence of geometry is especially proMETALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B
nounced in the boiling regime (cf Reference 6). However,
a quantitative description of these considerations is lacking,
so we will use simple temperature-dependent heat-transfer
coefficients. It will also be demonstrated in Section III that
for some industrially important processes, the heat transfer
is of lesser importance in determining the residual distortions.
B. Metallurgical Model
The possible strength reduction can be predicted by a socalled "quench factor analysis,"m using the temperature
history of a material point, as predicted in the thermal part
of the model, as input. The time at a constant temperature
needed to reduce the strength by a certain amount is described by the time-temperature-property (TTP) diagram.
The TTP curve can be described by the equationm
t~(u'T)=ln(u)K~exP(RTKZK~('K3 --- T)~"
] exp ( R ~ )
--= In ( v ) f ( T )
where t~(u,T), the concentration time, is the time needed at
constant temperature T to reduce the strength by a factor u.
That is, the TTP curve for, say, 90 pct of maximum strength
is obtained with v = 0.9. Here, K~ through K4 are materialdependent constants and R is the gas constant. The net
strength reduction resulting from continuous cooling is
found by adding the contributions at various temperatures.
Hence, the resulting strength after a specific cooling history
is found by (cf Reference 9)
R,, = Rm
. .
. . .
mi,) e x p ( f
R m
where R m~"and RT,~ are the strengths obtained for, respectively, infinitely slow cooling and infinitely rapid cooling.
The metallurgical model is implemented in ABAQUS as
a user subroutine that is called during the thermal calculations.
C. Mechanical Model
but are confined to 3 degrees of freedom: extension/contraction and the two possible bending modes. This
means that initially plane cross sections are assumed to remain plane. The thermal contraction is appropriately accounted for by allowing uniform contraction of the section;
bending (caused, e.g., by uneven cooling) is correctly
modeled, but the possibility of buckling or twisting instabilities is excluded. However, in most cases, these instabilities are not a major problem.
The classical elastoplastic constitutive equations that rely
on the accumulated plastic strain, fdep, to represent the
thermomechanical history of the material raise some fundamental problems when both high-temperature and lowtemperature behaviors are of importance.U0,1, The reason
for this is that dynamic recovery at high temperatures is not
accounted for, causing an overestimation of the low-temperature strength. On the other hand, the alloys of interest
are virtually rate independent below approximately 200 ~
making purely viscoplastic models unsuitable at lower temperatures. A unified material model suitable for the large
temperature span in question has therefore been developed.
The model is thoroughly described elsewhere,U q and in the
present article, only a short outline is given.
The plastic strain rate is described by
C P = ~:o sinh ( ( ~
exp (
R = H R (T) ~p,
where R and X,j are an isotropic and a kinematic hardening
variable, respectively. Overbars are used to denote equivalent values of tensor entities, and HR and Hx are temperature-dependent hardening parameters. Furthermore, the
temperature-dependent neutral yield limit, o0, and the ratesensitivity parameter, f, are
o 0 (T) = min [o'a, o-, (T)]
The mechanical model is based on the equilibrium equation
0o'u _ 0
f(T) =
where o-,j is the stress tensor. It is assumed that the strain
rate, eu, is decomposed additively into an elastic part, an
isotropic thermal part fl(T)Tru, and a viscoplastic part ~ .
Applying Hooke's law to the elastic part then gives the
following expression for the stress rate:
O'i] = Lijk, (Ekt -- EPk, -- [3
(T)T ~k,)
where Lou is the elasticity tensor, /3(T) the coefficient of
thermal contraction, and 6e the second-order unit tensor.
Because the axial thermal gradients are neglected, and
there are no external load variations in the axial direction,
the mechanical problem also is essentially two-dimensional.
Thus, we solve the mechanical problem using the generalized plane strain assumption. With the generalized plane
strain assumption, out-of-plane deformations are allowed
R + o0(T)] 3 (o u'-Xu')
~c(-'-T) / 2 (ok, X~,)
VT<Tp }
fmax ( T - Tp)
k/T, Tp < T <
(<- r~)
k f -~x (T,,,- T)
o, (T) = (Qo/k) (1/T - 1~TIn) + o-,,
The rate-sensitivity parameter, f, is zero below the temperature Tp, increases linearly to its maximum fmax at the temperature T,., then decreases to zero at the incipient melting
temperature T,,. The term o a is the room-temperature yield
stress and Om is the yield stress at incipient melting. It
should be noted that the model reduces to the ordinary complementarity conditions of rate-independent plasticity:
~5 = A (o-j
- x ,"j )v
o-,j- x,j___ R + o0 (T), A _ 0
2 7 B , J U N E 1996---503
9 Thermocouple
.i 6mm
Flange, section A
~,_ ~ ~ 3 m m
/// 60cm
Temperature ~ C]
Coeff. 1
Coeff. 2
Point a
Point b
6 cm
H R (T~P, Xij
H x
when the strain rate sensitivity approaches zero. An experimental procedure for determining the material-dependent
constants is described in Reference 11.
The constitutive model is implemented into ABAQUS
through a user subroutine.
i . . . .
Fig. 3--Position of thermocouples during cooling experiment. The end ac enters the water first.
. . . .
I . . . .
[seconds]] .5
Flange, section B
Temperature ~'C]
coo.. 31
As a validation of the model, water-cooling experiments
were performed. In the experiments, two identical L-shaped
sections in the alloy AA6082 were heated to approximately
540 ~ and held at that temperature for 5 minutes to ensure
dissolution of the Mg2Si particles. Then, the sections were
quenched by axial submersion into a water bath, at a velocity close to the extrusion velocity in order to reproduce
the conditions during extrusion. The water was at room
temperature and stirred by blowing compressed air into the
bath about 1 m from the section. A simple section geometry
was chosen to facilitate the finite element modeling (FEM).
The section geometry, shown in Figure 3, was of a type
with large variations in wall thickness, since this results in
uneven cooling and thus often causes problems with distortions.
The sections were instrumented with insulated, mantled
thermocouples (type K) at the positions indicated in Figure
3. The geometry of the sections was measured with a Mitutoyo 192-653 measuring instrument on a measuring table
(Mitutoyo, flatness 16/zm) before heating and after quenching. With water cooling, strength reduction is not considered a problem for this small section, so no strength
measurements were performed.
A. Temperature
According to the finite element simulations, the temperature in the thin flange is reasonably homogeneous throughout the cooling. Thus, the readings from the thermocouples
in the thin flange were used to calculate the heat-transfer
coefficient, applying analytical results for an infinite plate.
As shown in Figure 4, there was a considerable difference
in the thermal history of the flange between the two sections
504---VOLUME 27B, JUNE 1996
]00 ~
"- ---~'~._~__
t ....
~ ....
Fig. 4--Measured and analytically calculated cooling curves in two
identical sections. The time is zero for each point when the point enters
the water. Point a is at the lower end of the section, entering the water
before point b. The analytical curves were calculated assuming an infinite
plate and using the heat-transfer coefficients in Fig. 5.
The most likely reasons for the difference between the two
sections are that the velocity with which the sections were
lowered into the water was different and that the boiling of
water at a hot surface is very sensitive to the conditions
near the surface. One of the sections (referred to as section
A) entered the water at an average velocity of 0.75 m/s,
and the heat-transfer coefficient has the normal nucleate
boiling peak shown in curves 1 and 2 in Figure 5. This is
supported by the good fit of the calculated curves shown
for section A. The average velocity 1 m/s of the other section (section B) apparently did not allow enough time for
nucleate boiling to have an influence, and a constant heattransfer coefficient (curve 3 in Figure 5) gives the best fit
for this section. Besides the time effect of the difference in
velocity, a higher velocity would presumably also cause
more turbulence, further delaying the nucleate boiling
Another possible reason for the differences is that the
sections may have been submerged with a slight angle or
at different positions relative to the movement of the stirred
The experiments were simulated using the model deMETALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B
Heat transfer coefficients
Head, section A
Coeff. 1
Temperature~ C]
Coeff. 2
Coeff. 3
~- h
.=_.,. clCoeff.
Temperature ~C]
Fig. 5--Heat-transfer coefficients used for analytical and FEM
calculations. Coeff. 1: Below 250 ~ bilinear. Above 250 ~ the
empirical function ot = 1.4 ~/Ampmc,,, exp (0.32 ( T - T,=)/(To - T J ) +
~q~d + ~d,,~o.y2~ Coeff. 2: Empirical function featuring a distinct boiling
peak. Coeff. 3: Constant heat-transfer coefficient in the entire boiling
0 ....
I ....
I ....
I ....
Head, section B
Temperature ~ C]
I '
Fig. 6--Mesh, consisting of 331 linear generalized plane strain elements
used for all finite element simulations.
scribed in this article by employing the FEM mesh shown
in Figure 6, using linear elements in both thermal and mechanical calculations. The heat-transfer coefficient was prescribed using the same temperature dependence for all
In the flange, where the heat-transfer coefficients were
determined, the agreement with the experimental results
was, of course, just as good with the numerical calculations
as with the analytical. However, Figure 7 shows a larger
difference between measured and numerically calculated
values in the head of the section. The qualitative difference
indicates that the temperature dependence of the heat transfer is different in the head than in the flange. The most
probable reason is again the time factor of nucleate boiling.
Because of the larger mass in the head, the surface cooling
rate is lower. Thus, the time available for nucleate boiling
to become established is longer. This is supported by the
characteristic s-shape of some of the cooling curves in Figure 7 that is a manifestation of the nucleate boiling stage.
Apparently, the nucleate boiling stage is delayed for up
to 1 second by more or less unknown causes. Although it
seems obvious that the heat-transfer coefficient does vary
around the section, a quantitative description of this is lacking. Nevertheless, the presented model is a very powerful
tool for studying the effects of different assumptions regarding the heat transfer. In this article, however, we have
restricted ourselves to geometry-independent heat-transfer
-- Point c
Point d
1 ....
Fig. 7--FEM calculated and measured cooling histories in the interior of
the head of the section.
B. Strength Reduction
For the geometry studied here, water cooling is sufficient
to avoid any significant strength reduction. For an application to another geometry, see Reference 13.
C. Distortion
To investigate the influence of the heat-transfer coefficient on distortions, we use two different thermal histories
for the mechanical calculations. The thermal histories were
calculated by using the heat-transfer curves 1 and 3 of Figure 5, respectively. The mechanical behavior was simulated
by using both the unified material model and a classical
plasticity model. The plasticity model was generated from
the unified model, assuming a strain rate that was typical
for the cooling experiment. Hence, the difference between
the simulations with the two material models is, beside the
strain rate effects, above all due to the use of state variables
in the unified model.
As can be seen in Figure 8, the section will first bend
toward the thinner parts as thin parts are cooled more rapidly. When the temperature once again levels out, the section straightens out almost completely, leaving a small
VOLUME 27B, JUNE 1996--505
Section A, x deflection
x deflection
coeff. 1
coeff. 3
- -
coeff. 1
axial position [cm]
-10 --
Section A, y deflection
y deflection
coeff. 1
-4-20'(:-01 ~
coeff. 3
coeff. 1
axial position [cm]
Section B, x deflection
Fig. 8 ~ a l c u l a t e d histories of bending (deflection of the center point),
using the proposed unified model and using a conventional rateindependent plasticity model. The heat-transfer coefficients refer to Fig.
residual deflection. The residual deflection may be in the
same direction as the original bending or may be an overcompensation, as seen in Figure 9. The distortion at the
final, homogeneous temperature is exclusively due to plastic deformations incurred during the cooling. Thus, the final
direction of bending is determined by whether plastic deformations are more dominant during bending or during
straightening. Because the total plastic deformations (-0.5
pet) are much larger than the ones contributing to the bending (-0.05 pet), the final shape is very sensitive to differences in the boundary conditions. For example, the
predicted bending in the x direction is in opposite directions
when different heat-transfer coefficients are used.
The simulations with the conventional plasticity material
model and the unified material model show considerable
differences in the maximum deflection, although similar
values for the bending are reached at room temperature.
Figure 9 reveals that none of the simulations gave a prediction in complete quantitative agreement with experiments. It is clear, though, that the effect of differences in
the heat-transfer coefficient is large enough to explain the
discrepancy. Note that in all simulations, the heat-transfer
coefficient was assumed to be described by the same function of temperature at all points of the surface. Better results
would probably be obtained if the correct geometrical dependence was known or could be reasonably estimated. The
slight buckling of section B, evidenced in Figure 9 by the
506--VOLUME 27B, JUNE 1996
axial position [cm]
Section B, y deflection
_2 . . . . . . . . .
axial position [cm]
Fig. 9--Calculated and measured deflection after quenching of the L
section. Experimental values are denoted by markers. Thick lines are
calculated using the unified material model, and thin lines are calculated
using rate-independent conventional plasticity. For section A, heat-transfer
coefficient 1 was used in the simulations, while coefficient 3 was
employed for section B. (The heat-transfer coefficients are defined in Fig.
x deflection of the flange, is considered to have a minor
physical background gives more confidence in the unified
model (cf Reference 11).
x deft.,
y deft.,
x deft.,
.. y deft.,
40 [cm] 60
Fig. 10--Predicted deflection when the section was restrained against
bending during cooling.
~ i -IOOMPa
Fig. l l---Contours of the axial stress at room temperature but before
removing the puller: (a) unifiedmodel and (b) plastic model.
Figure 9 also demonstrates that the calculations are just
as sensitive to the mechanical material model as to the heattransfer coefficient. It is not surprising that conventional
plasticity gives as good an experimental agreement as the
more detailed unified model, since the strain rate was
known approximately from the simulations with the unified
model, and yield strengths for this rate were used. However,
the good agreement of the plastic model may only be a
coincidence. Figure 8 shows that the initial bending in the
y direction is much smaller than in the simulation with the
unified model although the residual bending eventually
reaches comparable values. This could well indicate that
two different errors are made with the plastic model, which
cancel in this particular case. For example, the neglected
rate effects at high temperatures could be compensated by
the overestimation of the low-temperature yield stress that
is caused by high-temperature straining.
Consequently, even though the comparison with experiment gives more or less similar results for the conventional
model and the unified model proposed in this article, its
D. Distortion, with Puller
Both the experiments and the simulations in Section III
were performed with free and unloaded ends of the section.
However, in the real process, a so-called puller loads the
section in the axial direction during extrusion, preventing
any bending during cooling. This will dramatically change
the character of the distortion after unloading the puller
force, as two degrees of freedom will be locked, making
the problem strain governed instead of stress governed. The
effect of the puller is simulated by applying a force of 1000
N in the axial direction and constraining bending of the
generalized plane strain model during cooling. After cooling to room temperature, the force and the constraint are
removed in a separate step. Because the material is not rate
sensitive at room temperature, the length of this step is
without significance.
The predicted magnitude of the distortion is much larger
with puller than without. This may seem surprising at a first
glance, as the puller is supposed to keep the section straight.
Doing so during the cooling, however, constrains the bending peak at 0.1 seconds, shown in Figure 8. Thus, the thermal strain is accommodated by an opposing elastoplastic
strain. When the puller is released, the elastic part of the
strain is relieved by the deflection shown in Figure 10.
With the present geometry and the constraints caused by
the puller force, it turns out that the problem is virtually
insensitive to the heat-transfer coefficient. The difference in
residual deflection caused by different heat-transfer coefficients is not even visible in Figure 10. Any of the coefficients in Figure 5 is large enough to make almost the entire
section flow plastically. The only effect of different cooling
rates is in the size of the very small elastic transition zone
between tensile and compressive longitudinal yield. Although the elastic transition zone is much smaller at elevated temperatures due to the lower yield stress, large areas
of homogeneous stress are still evident after cooling to
room temperature, as shown in Figure 11. The relation between tensile and compressive yield is determined by axial
equilibrium, so the location of the elastic transition zone is
determined almost exclusively by the geometry and is thus
not sensitive to the cooling rate. However, the distortions
are presumably more sensitive to spatial differences in the
heat transfer than to differences in magnitude.
On the other hand, as a consequence of an incorrect assumption of conventional plasticity, there is a significant
difference between the two material models, According to
that assumption, all plastic strains contribute equally to the
hardness, regardless of the temperature of the deformation.
Now, because there are differences in the plastic flow at
high temperature, the conventional plastic model will predict a distribution in the room-temperature yield stress.
Since most of the material is yielding, this is reflected by
the stress contour plot and can be seen in Figure 11 as more
distributed stress gradients when the plastic model is used.
Also, the increased elastic region before reverse yielding
occurs allows a larger elastic bending when the puller is
removed. With the unified model, the predicted stresses are
lower, and consequently, the residual bending is smaller.
This effect is especially pronounced for the y deflection,
VOLUME27B,JUNE 1996--507
because during cooling, an equilibrium is established between high compressive stresses in the thin flange, high
tension in the center of the head, and moderate compression
at the top of the head. This equilibrium is redistributed
when the puller is released, and the resulting distortion is
sensitive to the current yield strength of the material.
A complete process model for the cooling of aluminum
extrusions is presented, consisting of three parts: thermal,
metallurgical, and mechanical. The model is capable of predicting strength reduction caused by insufficient cooling
and the distortions occurring when the temperature gradients are too large.
The two most important parameters in the simulation of
a cooling process are as follows.
presence of a puller makes the simulation much less sensitive to the heat-transfer coefficient, while the mechanical
material model used is still of great importance.
The work was partially supported by the Nordic Industrial Fund.
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1. The choice of mechanical material model: the proposed
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2. The heat-transfer coefficient: more experimental work is
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11. N. J~irvstr~t and S. Tj~tta: ABAQUS Users" Conf. Proc., Newport, RI,
It is demonstrated that using a puller to keep the section
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HKS, Inc., Pawtucket, RI, 1994, June 1994, pp. 307-16.
12. M. Bamberger and B. Prinz: Mater. Sci. TechnoL, 1986, vol. 2, pp.
13. N. Jfirvstr~t and S. Tj~tta: J. Eng. Mater. Sci., 1995, in press.
508--VOLUME 27B, JUNE 1996