Papers by Denise Ganzo Aerts

BMC Public Health, 2009
Background: The prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) in the population has been poorly describe... more Background: The prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) in the population has been poorly described in developing countries. Population data on child sexual abuse in Brazil is very limited. This paper aims to estimate lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse and associated factors in a representative sample of the population aged 14 and over in a city of southern Brazil. Methods: A two-stage sampling strategy was used and individuals were invited to respond to a confidential questionnaire in their households. CSA was defined as non-consensual oral-genital, genital-genital, genital-rectal, hand-genital, hand-rectal, or hand-breast contact/intercourse between ages 0 and 18. Associations between socio-demographic variables and CSA, before and after age 12, were estimated through multinomial regression. Results: Complete data were available for 1936 respondents from 1040 households. Prevalence of CSA among girls (5.6% 95%CI [4.8;7.5]) was higher than among boys (1.6% 95%CI [0.9;2.6]). Boys experienced CSA at younger ages than girls and 60% of all reported CSA happened before age 12. Physical abuse was frequently associated with CSA at younger (OR 5.6 95%CI [2.5;12.3]) and older (OR 9.4 95%CI [4.5;18.7]) ages. CSA after age 12 was associated with an increased number of sexual partners in the last 2 months. Conclusion: Results suggest that CSA takes place at young ages and is associated with physical violence, making it more likely to have serious health and developmental consequences. Except for gender, no other socio-demographic characteristic identified high-risk sub-populations.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Health promotion: convergence between the principles of health surveillance and socially responsible schools]](
Cadernos de saúde pública
The authors discuss the convergence between health surveillance and socially responsible schools ... more The authors discuss the convergence between health surveillance and socially responsible schools from a health promotion perspective in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The aim of health promotion strategies is to provide the population with the necessary means to improve their health. One of the explanatory paradigms for health surveillance is the social production of health, acknowledging the influence of living conditions on the population's health. The main thrust of schools that promote citizenship is social inclusion, achieved through education by recognizing the needs and possibilities of students and empowering citizens by raising awareness of their rights and duties. The convergence between health surveillance and socially responsible schools is demonstrated in four fields of health promotion: development of personal capacities by providing information and health education to empower people for healthier choices; strengthening of community action for bette...

Background: The second sentence currently reads: “The negative consequences – physical and emotio... more Background: The second sentence currently reads: “The negative consequences – physical and emotional of childhood sexual abuse are broad and pervasive, including increased risk factor of developing psychiatric disorders”. Although I understand the point, the latter part (including...) does not grammatically relate correctly with the first part. More correct would be to state simply “including increased risks of developing psychiatric disorders”. The sentence has been corrected and now reads as: “The negative consequences – physical and emotional of childhood sexual abuse are broad and pervasive, including increased risks of developing psychiatric disorders.” Abstract Methods: First sentence now reads “A two-stage sampling strategy was used to generate representative populationbased estimates”. Enough to say “population estimates” instead of “population-based estimates”. We accept the reviewer’s suggestion. The sentence now reads as: “A two-stage sampling strategy was used to generat...

The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease the Official Journal of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Jun 1, 2004
Urban area in southern Brazil. To investigate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection amo... more Urban area in southern Brazil. To investigate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection among new cases of tuberculosis recorded in 2000 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Cross-sectional population-based study. Among 1713 new tuberculosis cases, HIV testing was not available for 29.8% and results were unknown for 1.8%. Of 1171 with known results, 47% had HIV co-infection. HIV seropositivity was 44% higher in males. The 15-59 years age group had 3.4 times more seropositive cases than the group aged >59 years. Individuals with <8 years of schooling presented 57% more co-infection. HIV positivity was twice as frequent in extra-pulmonary and combined forms of tuberculosis as in pulmonary forms. Hospitalization was 2.4 times more common in HIV-positive individuals. The overall cure rate was 69.8%, while in co-infected patients it was 43.9%. The determinants of risk of death from tuberculosis included <8 years of schooling (PR 2.2, 95%CI 1.2-3.7), HIV seropositivity (PR 8.0, 95%CI 5.0-12.9), combined pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (PR 1.7, 95%CI 1.2-2.5) and diagnosis during admission rather than in out-patient clinics (PR 5.4, 95%CI 2.9-10.1). The co-occurrence of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS indicates a need to integrate the control programs for these two diseases. The health care system should invest in early diagnosis and adherence to treatment for both diseases.

Cadernos De Saude Publica, 2005
This study focused on homicide deaths of adolescents (ages 10 to 19 years) in Porto Alegre, Rio G... more This study focused on homicide deaths of adolescents (ages 10 to 19 years) in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 1997. Data were obtained from the Mortality Information System (SIM) of the Municipal Health Department. Families were visited at the addresses found on death certificates and were interviewed by two researchers. Of the 68 cases selected, 57 families were visited; eight families refused to be interviewed, and three addresses were not found. Most of the adolescents were socially vulnerable, as indicated by low per capita income and parental educational level; 78.9% had dropped out of school. Males were the predominant victims of adolescent homicide deaths (91.2%). Behavioral vulnerability was demonstrated as follows: 40.4% of the adolescents consumed alcoholic beverages and 45.6% illicit drugs, and 58.6% had criminal records or a history of custody at FEBEM (the State Juvenile Custody Facilities
Xiii Forum De Pesquisa Da Ulbra, Sep 24, 2013
Cienc Saude Coletiva, 2005
Xix Salao De Iniciacao Cientifica E Tecnologica, Sep 24, 2013

Cad Saude Publica, 2009
Estudo transversal com objetivo de investigar a prevalência de planejamento suicida e fatores ass... more Estudo transversal com objetivo de investigar a prevalência de planejamento suicida e fatores associados em amostra representativa de adolescentes escolares de um município da grande Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com idade entre 12 e 18 anos. Para a coleta de dados, utilizaram-se dois questionários auto-aplicáveis: um sobre uso de álcool, drogas, violência, sentimentos de solidão e tristeza, relacionamento familiar, planejamento suicida, comportamento na escola e com amigos, padronizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, e o Body Shape Questionnaire. A prevalência de planejamento suicida foi 6,3%. A análise multivariada utilizando a regressão de Cox mostrou que o planejamento suicida é mais prevalente em meninas e jovens que referem problemas na relação com os pais. O uso de drogas pelos amigos e pequeno número de amigos próximos aumentaram em, respectivamente, 90% e 66% o planejamento suicida. Aqueles agredidos por colegas, os que referiram sentirem-se sozinhos e tristes apresentaram duas a três vezes mais prevalência de planejamento suicida. Assim, relações familiares adversas, contatos agressivos com colegas e sintomas depressivos aumentam a prevalência de planejamento suicida, necessitando de ações preventivas na escola, incluindo a família.
Xiii Forum De Pesquisa Cientifica E Tecnologica, Oct 29, 2013
Anais Do Congresso Sul Brasileiro De Medicina De Familia E Comunidade, 2014
Xix Salao De Iniciacao Cientifica E Tecnologica, Sep 24, 2013
Revista De Iniciacao Cientifica Da Ulbra, Jan 10, 2013
A maternidade na adolescência é um tema que tem despertado o interesse de pesquisadores em saúde ... more A maternidade na adolescência é um tema que tem despertado o interesse de pesquisadores em saúde coletiva. O objetivo desse estudo é conhecer a opinião dos adolescentes do sexo masculino, pais e não pais, entre 14 e 19 anos, moradores de Porto Alegre-RS, sobre a razão pela qual as meninas adolescentes engravidam. Estudo qualitativo, constituindo-se em um dos projetos satélites do Estudo sobre os fatores associados à gestação na adolescência: um estudo de casos e controles com jovens de 14 a 16 anos em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. A ampla maioria dos entrevistados acredita que as meninas engravidem por falta de cuidado, sendo a prevenção da gravidez uma responsabilidade somente da adolescente. Evidenciou-se também a relação entre a baixa escolaridade, classe social e a incidência da gestação.
Xii Forum De Pesquisa Da Ulbra, Oct 19, 2012
Revista Gaucha De Enfermagem, Jun 3, 2008
Xix Salao De Iniciacao Cientifica E Tecnologica, Sep 24, 2013

Brazilian Oral Research, 2016
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Sense of Coherence (SOC) an... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Sense of Coherence (SOC) and oral health clinical variables (number of teeth present and absence of need for dental prostheses). The sample consisted of 720 adults and elderly Brazilians. The data were collected at home using the SOC-13 scale-a form of clinical examination for the evaluation of oral conditions-and a questionnaire evaluating socioeconomic aspects and the use of dental services. Statistical analysis, both univariate and multivariate, was performed by Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment. The average age of the participants was 60.2 years, and they were predominantly female (57.8%). Among the participants who had a strong SOC, the absence of the need for dental prostheses was 34% higher than among those with a weak SOC, demonstrating a significant difference between the groups (PR = 1.34, 95%CI = 1.06-1.70; p = 0.015). Individuals who had a strong SOC had a 5% higher prevalence of 14 or more existing teeth than those with a weak SOC, which was statistically significant after adjustment for co-factors (PR = 1.05, 95%CI = 1.01-1.11, p = 0.033). A strong personal Sense of Coherence has a beneficial influence on the oral health of adults and older people in Brazil.
Papers by Denise Ganzo Aerts