(Completed Paper)
Horst Treiblmaier
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
[email protected]
Abstract: When the concept of Customer Relationship Management emerged in the
1990s, the need for high quality data became of paramount importance in order to
adequately address customers. Individualization strategies were developed to improve
relationships with existing customers and therefore generate more revenue. In order to
fine-tune those strategies, demographic as well as psychographic information and
previous buying behavior may be used. However, a lot of resistance against providing
personal information on the side of the customers exists, which is evidenced by
consciously supplied false information. This paper analyzes some important constructs
which can be seen as antecedents for the provision of correct personal data. A research
framework is developed and empirically tested with an online survey. The results indicate
that the benefits from individualized communication, trust in the secure data submission
over the Internet and the degree of information available to customers as to how
companies treat personal data, significantly influence users' attitudes toward providing
correct information.
Key Words: Data Quality, Information Quality, IC Models, Customer Relationship Management, Online Data
Collection, Trust in the IQ Context
In the 1990s the predominant paradigm of Transaction Marketing was challenged by the central
assumptions of so-called Relationship Marketing, which focuses on building relationships with customers
rather than only concentrating on the amount of transactions being conducted. Although the term
Relationship Marketing was coined a couple of years earlier [4], the emergence of new technologies
which allow a company to gather, store and analyze data on a large-scale base laid the foundation for the
actual feasibility of techniques aimed at targeting one customer at a time [28]. Besides addressing
customers by name, sophisticated applications, such as collaborative filtering allow a company to suggest
products which may be of potential interest for certain user groups [17]. Clearly, the quality of these
recommendations heavily depend on the amount and quality of customer data being available.
Demographic data, such as gender or age, may be enhanced by information which can be gained by
analyzing previous purchases, purchase intentions and psychographic attributes. While the further effects
of data quality on customer relationships depend upon a multitude of factors and need to be empirically
validated [13], this paper concentrates on the users' intentions to provide correct data.
For the remainder of this paper we follow the approach of Zahay et al. [35] and differentiate between
transactional data and relational data. While the former includes e.g. demographic data and purchase
histories, the latter one comprises psychographic attitudes such as values, motivations, beliefs, attitudes
and lifestyle [27]. It has to be mentioned that in scholarly literature a variety of different data
categorizations which have varying coverage exists. Within the context of individualization Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin [1] differentiate between factual data (mainly demographic information) and transactional
data. For the purpose of this paper both data types are subsumed under the notion of transactional data as
opposed to relational data.
Transactional data usually can be gained comparatively easily when transactions take place online or
customer cards are used in the offline world. None the less, the problem remains that the buyer may not
correspond to the actual user of a product. In order to avoid distortions of user profiles, companies such as offer the opportunity to wrap a purchase as a present, which can be seen as an indicator that
the product might be bought for someone else.
In order to find out about an individual customers' relational data or intended purchases, surveys must be
conducted. While some approaches, such as the aforementioned collaborative filtering, base their
recommendations on characteristics of user groups, the One-to-One Marketing approach strives to address
an individuals' needs as thoroughly as possible, which calls for the gathering of personal data.
A preliminary Web site analysis that included more than 900 Austrian retailers revealed that only few
companies use online forms to find out about users' relational data and buying intentions. The same holds
true for offline surveys that only on rare occasions include more than the collection of demographic
variables. Only in few cases we found Web sites that allowed for an automated notification of prospects if
potentially interesting products are available.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. As a starting point, a framework depicting several
methods of data collection will be presented. By applying the different dimensions of data quality being
developed in scholarly literature, we will demonstrate various problematic quality aspects that may occur.
Results from a number of empirical studies will demonstrate that the data gathered from surveys may be
erroneous due to a number of different reasons. In order to measure the influence of different key
constructs on the customers' willingness to provide correct data, a model will be created and evaluated
with the help on an online survey. Several hypotheses about antecedents of users' willingness to provide
correct data will be tested with the help of the empirical data. Finally, implications for practitioners are
discussed and suggestions for further research projects are given.
Figure 1 summarizes the ways in which customer data can be gathered online. While the completion of
transactions may act as a primary source of transactional data, surveys may be used to gather relational
data and information about intended purchases. However, existing data (both transactional and relational)
may be used to predict intended purchases by segmenting user groups and providing them with suitable
product offerings.
Figure 1: Collection and Generation of Customer Data
By applying the conceptual data quality framework developed by Wang and Strong [33] we intend to
reveal potential problems and pitfalls that may come along with the usage of such data. Transactional data
usually can be verified by actually completing the transaction. In the case of an online transaction this at
least means that certain types of information, such as the e-mail address or the credit card number, must
be free of error. In the case of a postal delivery, data such as the delivery address must be at least
interpretable. As far as any information collected with the help of surveys is concerned, reliable methods
of verification are missing. Due to lack of control during the filling out of the questionnaire, problems
pertaining to the accuracy and the objectivity of the data may occur. In addition to that, it may be even
unclear who actually filled out the questionnaire, which may be seen as a problem of traceability (a
dimension that was originally included into the work of Wang and Strong [33] and later removed due to
inconsistent assignment by study participants). In an online survey the only piece of information that can
be used for authentication may be an IP address which itself may not be exactly traceable, as is the case
when proxy servers are used. While companies may rely upon endorsers, such as non-governmental
organizations, professional bodies and opinion leaders to achieve authenticity [11], individuals usually do
not explicitly verify their own identity. In many cases they may even be unwilling to do so.
Existing literature on information privacy reveals that users consciously provide wrong data when being
asked to key in information online. An online survey, conducted in the United States, found that 82% of a
total of 2,468 respondents refused to give information to a Web site because they felt it was too personal
or unnecessary. 64% decided not to use or purchase something from a Web site because they were not
sure how their personal information would be used, and 34% admitted to having supplied fictitious or
false information when they were asked to register [6]. In comparison with these results, Neus [23]
reports that even when they are given an incentive, only 22% of the users (the universe being 352 faculty
members and students from Bonn and Aachen University) admit to reporting everything truthfully. Being
asked for information which a user does not want to reveal, 29% quit, 50% look for an alternative and
21% falsify their answers. By using the data from two biannual surveys (1997 Nielsen Media Research/
CommerceNet Internet Demographics Study and the GVU 7th WWW user survey) Hoffman et al. [14]
report that almost 95% of the respondents state that they have at least once declined to provide personal
information and 40% have fabricated demographic data. These figures clearly indicate that customer data
being gathered on the Internet may neither come up to the desired standard of intrinsic data quality
(believability, accuracy, objectivity, reputation) nor to those of representational data quality
(interpretability, ease of understanding, representational consistency, concise representation).
Besides having users which consciously provide false data, there are automated tools which parse the
source code of Web sites in order to find online forms and fill them with fictitious profiles (e.g. Other tools exist that allow for the automated exchange of cookies, thereby leading the
efforts of companies to identify former users ad absurdum (e.g.
During recent years an increasing number of companies started to individualize their online
communication with the intention of strengthening customer relationships. The theoretical background of
using individualization strategies in a business context can be traced back to the beginnings of
Relationship Marketing [4] and One-to-One Marketing [28]. The Internet may be regarded as the ideal
medium that enables the individualization of mass customer communication [21]. With consumers
increasingly getting Internet access, many companies realized that large customer data bases and efficient
methods of analysis allow them to target consumers according to their individual preferences. As was
mentioned above, Interactive Marketing and Data Base Marketing began to replace the concepts of
Transaction Marketing [34]. In addition, consumers have to be made aware of the potential benefits which
may arise from an individualized communication, such as support with buying decisions and reduced
commercial communication due to better targeted marketing strategies.
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Perceived benefits from individualized communication will positively affect the
attitude toward providing correct data.
In information systems research, a plethora of scholarly literature concerning the importance of trust in
the Internet exists. Previous research has found that trust negatively influences perceived risk [26], and
positively influences perceived usefulness and the intended use of an online shopping system [9].
Subsequently, trust can be seen as one of the major influencing factors for the success of Internet
commerce [31].
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Trust in secure data transmission will positively affect the attitude toward providing
correct data.
Previous research has shown that perceived behavioral control differentiates between individuals with
positive attitudes toward secondary information use and those with negative attitudes [7]. In our study we
focus on the users' awareness of how companies handle their personal data, including a certain amount of
knowledge about the process of data collection and data storage. In addition to that, we assess the
perceived knowledge about applicable legal regulations.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). Awareness of data usage will positively affect the attitude toward providing correct
Based on the assumption that the awareness of data usage within the company depends upon the
perceived knowledge of the data collection process, and the storage and usage of this data, which may be
described more generally as trust in data usage, we hypothesize a mutual influence between trust in secure
data transmission and awareness of data usage.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). A positive relationship between trust in secure data transmission and awareness of
data usage exists.
Consumers usually tend to substantially underestimate the number of data bases in which they appear [5].
Given the manifold potentials of personal data for commercial usage and especially for individualizing
marketing communication, we assume that a high level of general awareness will lead to a low level of
perceived lack of behavioral control.
Hypothesis 5 (H5). Awareness of data usage will negatively affect perceived lack of behavioral control.
Considerable amounts of studies which are based on the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of
Planned Behavior have empirically validated the positive influence of attitude on behavioral intention
[18], [30], [10]. We therefore assume that the general attitude toward providing personal data on the
Internet will have a significantly positive influence on the Internet users' intentions toward providing
correct data.
Hypothesis 6 (H6). The attitude toward providing correct data will positively affect behavioral intention.
Besides being influenced by the users' attitudes, the behavioral intention (i.e. the willingness to provide
correct data) also depends upon the perceived behavioral control. We hypothesize that users which
perceive a lack of behavioral control will tend not to provide personal data over the Internet.
Hypothesis 7 (H7). The perceived lack of behavioral control will negatively affect behavioral intention.
Figure 2: The Research Model
The hypotheses discussed above are summarized in Figure 2 in a concise way. As can be seen, numerous
interdependencies between the single constructs exist, which call for a Structural Equation Modeling
approach. This allows for a simultaneous estimation of the structural and the measurement models. The
following sections deliver some insight how the measurement model was created and discuss the results
from the survey.
Due to the lack of existing scales that may be used for assessing users' attitudes toward the submission of
personal data, new scales had to be developed. This was done by conducting qualitative interviews and
using content analysis to generate a pool of items. Subsequently, the scales were tested for reliability and
validity. The underlying theoretical background of the model can be found in the Theory of Reasoned
Action [3] and the Theory of Planned Behavior [2], which deal with a number of antecedents influencing
an individual's intention and actual behavior. Following this stream of research, the Technology
Acceptance Model which concentrates on two major constructs, namely 'Perceived Ease of Use' and
'Perceived Usefulness' as antecedents of system usage, has gained widespread acceptance in the
Information Systems community [8]. Numerous empirical studies support the basic assumptions of the
theories aforementioned and usually added new constructs [30], [9], [25], [19], [18]. The following
sections give a short introduction in the process of scale development and depict the results of the user
survey. First, some general information about the sample is given, followed by a presentation of the scales
used and the research model. We used qualitative pre-studies with 25 experts in order to find the
constructs which are important for the intention of providing correct data. The expert sample included
scholars, who are conducting research in the field of privacy and consumer behavior, producers of CRM
software, CRM consultants, market researchers and representatives from companies trying to build up
relationships with their customers. By using methods of qualitative content analysis [20] we came up with
a number of constructs and the respective indicators.
In order to ensure the understandability of the items a number of pretests were conducted. Since the
universe of our research consists of Internet users, an online-survey was carried out. In order to reach a
wide range of different users, we posted a link to our survey on the Web site of a large Austrian online
portal, which is operated by one of the major telecommunication providers in Austria. We used selfprogrammed sliders with a range from 1 to 100 to generate a magnitude scale (sometimes called Visual
Analogue Scale, Graphical Rating Scale or Continuous Rating Scale) instead of the commonly used
Likert scales, thereby avoiding some weaknesses of the latter, e.g. the loss of information due to the
limited resolution of the categories [36] or the inadvertent influence of the investigator on the responses
by constraining or expanding the response range available to the respondent [32]. Previous research has
shown that there are no overall differences between category scales and magnitude scales and that the
latter can be considered a valid and reliable alternative, since both methods show considerable degrees of
convergent and discriminant validity [22]. Although the loss of information from categorizing an
unobserved continuous variable into an ordered categorical scale can be reduced to a minimum when
using at least five categories and multi-item scales [29], a magnitude scale appeared to be the best
research method available in view of the exploratory nature of our research design and the required
eligibility of the data for the subsequent multivariate analyses.
Several precautions were taken in order to avoid consciously falsified responses: besides carefully testing
our scales, we decided not to give an incentive of any kind. Furthermore, no personal data was collected
which would allow one to discover the actual identity of the respondents. In addition to that, we provided
a contact address of the university department to create trust and, finally, a number of statistical tests were
conducted to search for outliers and implausible answers.
Demographic characteristics and the frequency of Internet use of the sample can be found in Table 1. A
total of 405 Internet users completed the questionnaire, whereat substantially more men (72.1%) than
women (26.9%) participated. As far as the age is concerned, most of the respondents (65.4%) were
between 20 and 49 years old. 35.1% graduated from high school, 26.2% hold a degree from secondary
school, and 15.1% possess a university degree. Most of the respondents work as administrative or
technical employees (34.8%), followed by students (13.1%) and civil servants (9.9%). The average
Internet usage indicates a quite diverse sample. While 13.8% point out that they use the Internet fewer
than five hours a week, 17.5% may be regarded as heavy users with more than 30 hours a week.
- 19 years
20 – 29 years
30 – 39 years
30 – 49 years
36 – 40 years
50+ years
Primary School
Secondary School
High school graduation
Technical College
72.1% Executive employee
26.9% Administrative/technical employee
Skilled worker
5.9% Civil servant
24.7% Blue-collar worker
23.2% Self-employed
17.5% House-wife or husband
10% Retired
21.2% Student
7.4% Unemployed
26.2% Frequency of Internet use
35.1% 1- 5h/week
6.7% 6 – 10 h/week
15.1% 11 – 20 h/week
13.8% 21 – 30 h/week
1.0% 30+ h/week
Table 1: Characteristics of Respondents (n = 405)
Table 2 provides some information about the scales used in this survey. Besides giving descriptive
information about the items including the mean, standard deviation and the median, we used Cronbach's
alpha (internal consistency reliability coefficient) in order to measure the reliability of the scale. Nunnally
[24] suggests a minimum level of .5 to be acceptable for exploratory studies. Two scales ('Trust in Secure
Data Transmission' and 'Awareness of Data Usage') fall marginally short of this threshold, while all other
scales exhibit a satisfactory level of reliability. As far as the users' general assessment of the individual
constructs is concerned (being expressed by the mean and median values), it can be seen that the
'Behavioral Intention' gets the highest level of agreement, closely followed by the 'Perceived Lack of
Behavioral Control'.
Individualized communication supports my buying decisions 46.51
Individualized communication increases my satisfaction
with the company
Individualization leads to reduced communication
In general, the transfer of data over the Internet is safe
The perils of the Internet are overestimated
The usage of data in companies is transparent
I usually know, when my data is collected und which
companies store them
I know the relevant legal regulations concerning the
gathering, storage and usage of data
How do you consider it in general to divulge data on the
Bad ... Good
Not reasonable ... Reasonable
Useless ... Useful
Negative ... Positive
Companies will get my data, even if I don't provide them
On the Internet, I am often coerced to give away data
Only on rare occasions I can decide on my own whether to
give away data or not
I am going to pass on my name on the Internet within the
next month
I am going to pass on my e-mail-address on the Internet
within the next month
Table 2: Construct Scales
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) appears to be the best available statistical technique for testing the
hypotheses, since it allows for the simultaneous testing of all the hypotheses formulated above and
includes indirect effects of one latent variable on another. The software tool used for all analyses was
AMOS 4.0. The data analysis generated a Chi-Square value of 202.501 (df = 111) which leads to a χ2/df
of 1.824. Figure 3 shows the standardized regression coefficients with their relevant p-values. It can be
seen that all but one hypotheses (and thus the complete theoretical model) are supported by the data. The
assumed negative relationship between the perceived lack of behavioral control and behavioral intention
turned out to be negative instead of positive. All coefficients are statistically significant (p < .05).
Figure 3: Intention to Give Away Correct Data (n = 405)
The results show a positive relationship between the perceived benefits of individualized communication,
the trust in secure data transmission, the awareness of data usage and the users' attitudes toward providing
correct data (H1 to H3). Furthermore, there exists a strong correlation between the trust in secure data
transmission and the awareness of data usage (H4). As was hypothesized, the awareness of the companies'
usage of personal data negatively influences the perceived lack of behavioral control. Both the attitude
toward providing correct data (H6) and the perceived lack of behavioral control (H7) exert a positive
influence on the behavioral intention to provide correct data, whereby only the first relationship was
predicted by the hypothesis. Next to dependent latent variables the squared multiple correlations (SMCs)
can be found which represent the proportion of variance that is explained by the predictors. As can be
seen in Figure 3, the variances of 'Behavioral Intention', Attitude toward Providing Correct Data' and
'Perceived Lack of Behavioral Control' can be explained by our model to the extent of 34%, 32% and
20%, respectively.
χ /df
Goodness of fit measure
χ /Degrees of Freedom Ratio
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
Goodness of fit index
Adjusted goodness of fit index
Normed fit index
Tucker-Lewis or nonnormed fit index (NNFI)
Comparative fit index
Table 3: Fit Indices of the Hypothesized Model
Recommended Value
Model Value
<.06 (15)
<.08 (16)
>.9 (9)
>.8 (9)
>.95 (15)
>.9 (12)
>.95 (15)
>.9 (9)
The goodness of fit measures of the model are depicted in Table 3. With the exception of the NFI, all
indices comply with the recommended standards. As a whole, the indices indicate an adequate fit of the
model to the corresponding data.
Individualizing communication is regarded as a prerequisite for building relationships with customers,
which in turn should lead to an increase in the overall amount of transactions being conducted. However,
any form of communication can only be effective if the recipient is addressed adequately, i.e. personal
preferences are taken into account. When dealing with a large amount of anonymous consumers,
companies rely heavily on the data being gathered in data bases in order to design their communication
process. Given the preeminent importance of the quality of this data (especially relating to accuracy,
interpretability, ease of understanding, objectivity, timeliness, completeness and traceability), this paper
strives to analyze which antecedents may exert an significant influence on the users' willingness to
provide correct data. While some data (e.g. transactional data, such as the address) have to be correct in
order to carry out transactions, other data (e.g. personal interests, such as hobbies) are comparatively easy
to fake. While previous research has shown that many influencing factors exist which may prevent an
individual from providing correct data, there is a lack of empirical research analyzing the antecedents of
data transmission. This paper shows that antecedents exist that may shape an individual's attitude toward
giving away personal information. In addition to the perceived benefits of individualized communication,
the consumers' trust in an appropriate handling of personal data within the organization and, which is
especially important in the online world, trust in the secure transmission of the data act as major
influencing factors.
From a practitioner's point of view several implications can be drawn:
First and foremost, the quality of consumer data gathered on the Internet remains unclear unless it
can be verified. Previous research has shown that users consciously provide wrong data for a
variety of reasons. Therefore, companies should deploy rigid data quality mechanisms before
individualizing their communication.
Users have to clearly understand the benefits of individualized communication. This may either
be a reduction of mailings or pieces of information that better suit the interests of the recipient.
Users are usually reluctant to submit personal information over the Internet. Companies should
use secure transmission channels and then call the users' attention to it.
According to previous research, trust (both in the Internet and the organization collecting the
data) turned out to be of outstanding importance. As far as the organization itself is concerned,
care has to be taken to make the process of data storage and usage as transparent as possible.
While major legal differences between European countries and the United States of America
exist, it may be advisable for organizations in both continents to indicate the proposed utilization
of the data.
As in most empirical research projects, limitations exist that have to be taken into account when
interpreting the results of this survey. First, there may be a non-response bias, since users filled out the
questionnaire voluntarily. As described above, great care was taken to ensure the quality of the data.
However, there was no way to assess the opinions of those Internet users who decided not to fill out the
questionnaire. Second, as far as the scales are concerned further improvement is suggested. While a
number of pretests indicate a good level of reliability and validity, further refinement may lead to
improved results. Besides working on the scales, future research may concentrate on the individual
assessment of the importance of different data types (e.g. address information vs. credit card information)
and, from a practitioner's point of view, may concentrate on developing measures to at least control the
quality of those data which cannot be unambiguously verified.
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