The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
Salamudeen Alhassan1, Gabriel Kofi Armah2 and Issah Zabsonre Alhassan3
Department of Business Computing, School of Computing and Information Sciences,
C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Navrongo, Ghana
Department of Computer Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana
As communication technologies surged recently, the secrecy of shared information between communication
parts has gained tremendous attention. Many Cryptographic techniques have been proposed/implemented
to secure multimedia data and to allay public fears during communication. This paper expands the scope
of audio data security via an enhanced genetic algorithm. Here, each individual (audio sample) is
genetically engineered to produce new individuals. The enciphering process of the proposed technology
acquires, conditions, and transforms each audio sample into bit strings. Bits fission, switching, mutation,
fusion, and deconditioning operations are then applied to yield cipher audio signals. The original audio
sample is recovered at the receiver's end through a deciphering process without the loss of any inherent
message. The novelty of the proposed technique resides in the integration of fission and fusion into the
traditional genetic algorithm operators and the use of a single (rather than two) individual(s) for
reproduction. The effectiveness of the proposed cryptosystem is demonstrated through simulations and
performance analyses.
Cryptography, Bit fission, Fusion, Genetic algorithm, Cipher audio
The growing demand for secured data transmission between communication parties over
networks has led to the design of varied techniques to curb unauthorized access. The Topmost
among these techniques is Cryptography (the science of concealing and revealing data). In
cryptography, data is encrypted (to conceal the intended information from unauthorized access)
and decrypted (to reveal the intended information to authorized users) using a key. Two types of
cryptographic systems exist; public- and private-key cryptography. In public-key (asymmetric)
cryptography, two keys are used (one for enciphering and the other for deciphering) while in
private-key (symmetric) cryptography one key is used for both the enciphering and deciphering
processes [1, 2, 3].
One type of multimedia data cryptography is perceptual video encryption [2, 3]. Here, some traits
of the original video are still visible after enciphering. This technique is suitable for a video
which has financial value and yet needs to be advertised to attract more potential customers [2,
3]. Of the much research on perceptual encryption, little has been done on the security of the
embedded audio samples. The work of [4] proposed an enhanced audio scrambling technique that
is ideal for integration with perceptual video encryption algorithms. This work expands [4] by
applying an enhanced Genetic Algorithm (GA) to secure audio samples in the embedded video.
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
Here successive audio samples are computationally engineered to produce degraded audio files of
varied audibility.
The enciphering algorithm of this proposed technique acquires and conditions audio samples into
24-bit strings. This is followed by bit fission (into n-blocks), crossover, mutation, fusion, and
deconditioning processes to produce the cipher audio samples which are transmitted. The
receiver’s side applies the reverse of the enciphering process (i.e. deciphering process) to recover
the original audio samples.
Opposed to most GA algorithms, the proposed algorithm utilises individual signals to reproduce
offspring. This preserves size and speeds up data processing. Also, the introduction of fission and
fusion into the GA operation enhances the security of the technique.
The rest of the paper discusses GA and related works in section 2, the proposed cryptosystem in
section 3, experimental results and performance analysis in section 4 and section 5 respectively.
In section 6, conclusions are drawn.
Genetic Algorithms (GA) have received tremendous attention in the field of data protection [5, 6,
7]. Having its lineage in biological evolutionary theories, GA is commonly used to find solutions
to optimization problems. In GA, successive populations are replaced by biologically engineered
populations of chromosomes [11]. Normally represented in binary format, a chromosome denotes
a candidate solution to a problem. A chromosome is assumed to be a point in the search space of
candidate solutions [11, 14, 16].
GA methods typically consist of a population of chromosomes, a selection via a fitness function,
a crossover to produce new individuals, and a random mutation of new individuals. The starting
point for GA is the initialization of a population of individuals via guess. These individuals grow
through iterations commonly referred to as generation. Using the fitness function, each individual
in each generation is evaluated. To generate the next generation of individuals, genetic operators
are used to manipulate individuals in the population. This process is continued until some form of
criterion is met. The three types of operators commonly used in genetic algorithms are [11, 16];
Selection: The reproduction process requires this operator to select suitable chromosomes in the
population. The fitter the chromosome, the more times it is likely to be nominated for
Crossover: The crossover operator randomly elects a point and swap the subsequences before
and after that point between two chromosomes to produce two offspring. This operator typically
resembles biological recombination between two single-chromosome organisms. Given two bit
strings 10101001 and 10010001, a single-point crossover after point four (4) will yield the two
offspring 10100001 and 10011001. Crossover can be a single point, two-point or uniform
Mutation: Mutation arbitrarily flips some of the bits in a chromosome. This operator may be
applied at every bit position in a string with a very small probability. Thus mutating the bit string
10101001 at positions three (3) and five (5) will produce 10001001.
Genetic algorithms have found usage in different areas of data protection. In the field of
steganography, GAs are used to conceal information into carrier signals before transmission
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
through the network. Here, the existence of the message is normally unknown to adversaries who
have access to the carrier signal [5, 6, 14, 15, 16].
In the field of cryptography, GAs have also been applied to secure data from adversaries via
enciphering algorithms. Authorize users obtain the original information by use of deciphering
algorithms [7, 8, 10, 13].
Jhingran et al. [9] surveyed works on image security via GAs. The work summaries the
techniques, strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms surveyed.
Nazeer et al. [12] proposed multiple-step encryption and decryption algorithm using a random
number generator and GA for text security. By applying genetic operation on randomly generated
numbers and prime numbers a key of about 80 to 128 length is generated. Crossover and
mutation are applied to the data and the resulting diffused form XORed with the encryption key.
The fitness of each chromosome was measured by use of Shannon Entropy. The authors
concluded that their scheme has an advantage over DES and AES in terms of key strength and
lack behind in terms of processing time.
A three-layered encryption and decryption scheme was proposed in [13] by Agbedemnab et al. to
secure textual data using a blind of GA and Residue Number Systems. Simulated results
produced chaotic cipher-text and they revealed that their scheme was robust with good keyspace.
In [7] Cheng et al. proposed a new image encryption technique by combining quantum genetic
algorithm and compressive sensing. The authors stated that their proposed scheme reduces data
storage, speeds up enciphering and deciphering processes, and resists both statistical and
plaintext attacks.
It is instructive to note that the reviewed works use the traditional GA operators and generate
offspring from two individuals in the population. However, our work augments the GA operators
by two (fission and fusion) and depends on a single individual for reproduction. These enhance
security and processing speed.
The proposed encryption and decryption processes for audio samples operate at the bit level
which is ideal for the on-the-fly encryption/decryption of multimedia data. Each process starts
with the selection and conditioning of audio samples (from the population) into n-bits string (e.g.
24-bits). The conditioning process involves adding (a small positive integer, e.g. 1) and
multiplying (by a big positive integer, e.g. 10000000). The resulting bit string is fission into nblocks. Crossover, mutation, fusion, and deconditioning processes are then applied to yield
cipher/plain audio samples.
3.1. The Enciphering Algorithm
Figure 1 shows the flow diagram of the enciphering process. The inputs to the encryption
algorithm include the plain audio samples and the encryption key parameters. The Enciphering
Process is presented as follows;
1. Acquire audio samples and encryption keys.
2. Condition and fission audio sample into n-blocks bit strings.
3. Perform crossover operations between adjacent blocks.
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
4. Perform mutation operations on the bit strings.
5. Fusion chaotic n-blocks bit strings.
6. Decondition cipher bit string into cipher audio sample.
7. Transmit cipher audio sample.
Figure 1. Flow diagram of enciphering process
3.2. The Deciphering Algorithm
The deciphering algorithm is a reverse of the enciphering algorithm that is used to recover the
original audio sample. Figure 2 illustrates this process. The inputs to the deciphering algorithm
are the cipher audio samples and deciphering key parameters (same as enciphering key
parameters). The Deciphering Process is illustrated as follows;
1. Acquire cipher audio sample and deciphering key parameters.
2. Condition and fission audio sample into n-blocks of bit strings.
3. Perform reverse crossover between adjacent blocks.
4. Perform reverse mutation operations on the bit strings.
5. Fusion ordered n-blocks bit strings.
6. Decondition recovered bit strings into the original audio sample.
We present an illustration of the enciphering and deciphering of the audio sample -0.000092. The
encryption/decryption key parameters are; c => crossover, f => fission, m => mutation, cp1 =>
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
first conditioning parameter and cp2 => second first conditioning parameter fo => order of
Figure 2. Flow diagram of deciphering process
4.1. Enciphering Process
Input: Original audio sample = -0.000092, encryption keys (c = 7 (single-point crossover), f = 2,
m = 5, cp1 = 1, cp2 = 10000000, fo = (2, 1)).
Output: Cipher audio sample.
1. Conditioning process
xp = (-0.000092 + cp1) × cp2 = 100110001001001011101000
2. Fission audio bit string into 2-blocks
sp1 = 100110001001
sp2 = 001011101000
3. After a single-point crossover operation from bit 7
sp1 = 100110101000
sp2 = 001011001001
4. After mutation of bit 5
sp1 = 100100101000
sp2 = 001001001001
5. After fusion chaotic 2-blocks bit strings using fo(2, 1)
xc = 001001001001100100101000
6. Decondition of xc into cipher audio sample
xc = (2398504 / cp2) - cp1 = -0.760100
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
4.2. Deciphering Process
Input: Cipher audio sample = -0.760100, encryption keys (c = 7 (single-point crossover), f = 2,
m = 5, cp1 = 1, cp2 = 10000000, fo = (2, 1)).
Output: Original audio sample
1. Conditioning process
xc = (-0.891200 + cp1) × cp2 = 001001001001100100101000
2. Fission cipher audio bit string into 2-blocks
sp1 = 001001001001
sp2 = 100100101000
3. After reverse single-point crossover operation from bit 7
sp1 = 001001101000
sp2 = 100100001001
4. After reverse mutation of bit 5
sp1 = 001011101000
sp2 = 100110001001
5. After fusion of reordered 2-blocks bit strings using fo(2, 1)
xc = 100110001001001011101000
6. Decondition of xc into original audio sample
xc = (9999080 / cp2) - cp1 = -0.000092
4.3. Application
To test the working of the proposed algorithms, various audio files were simulated using
MATLAB. Figure 3 shows the graphs of original and corresponding cipher audio samples. The
illustration clearly shows that each original audio sample has been completely altered.
Figure 3. Graphs of plain and cipher audio samples
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
Data obtained from simulation processes were analysed to measure the strength and viability of
the proposed algorithms. This section details the analyses that were conducted.
5.1. Key Sensitivity Analysis
Enciphering and deciphering algorithms should produce different results for every key in the
given keyspace. Thus, no two should produce the same plain or cipher audio. To this end, any
slight variables in decryption key parameters should lead to different cipher audio rather than the
recovery of original audio samples. The results in Figure 4 show that the proposed method yields
different results for every key in the keyspace. In this simulation, only m is slightly changed from
2 (for encryption) to 3 (for decryption). This confirms that the scheme is sensitive to slight
variations in the cipher key parameters. Hence, the cipher keys are unique.
Figure 4. Graph of the failed recovery process
5.2. Keyspace Analysis
Cryptographic schemes are robust against brute-force attacks when the keyspace is sufficiently
large. The proposed algorithm uses five (5) – key parameters which together give a keyspace of
2128. This is an improvement as compared to the keyspace of [4].
5.3. Error Rate
Good decryption algorithms should recover the original audio sample at the authorized receiver's
end with very little or no variable from the plain (unencrypted) form. The error rate obtained
between the plain and recovered audio sample was calculated as zero (0). However, the error rate
computed between plain and cipher audio samples was -0.128965.
5.4. Audio Degradation
Since perceptual video encryption leaves some visible aspects of the original video after
encryption [2, 3], the audibility of embedded audio samples should also be controlled during
encryption. It is revealed that audio degradation increases as the crossover point between blocks
increases. Table 1 shows the standard deviations of different cipher samples of the
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.13, No. 4, August 2021
“speech_dft.wav” file. This indicates the cipher audio defer greatly from the plain form when the
crossover point between blocks is bigger.
Table 1. Standard deviations of cipher audio samples.
Crossover point
Standard deviation
5.5. Runtime
The average runtimes for enciphering and deciphering an audio sample were computed to be
2.550540×10-4secs and 2.281230×10-4secs respectively. For a 4secs “speech_dft.wav” file with
110033 audio samples, the average runtimes were 28.064357secs and 25.101058secs respectively
for enciphering and deciphering processes of all the samples. These times are considered good for
the audio samples under consideration and bit-level security. However, the times realized are
bigger than the work of Alhassan et al. [4].
The rising demands for secure communication call for drastic measures to allay fears of
communication parties. This paper proposes novel audio enciphering and deciphering techniques
that use enhanced GA to secure embedded audio signals in digital video. The technique
successfully blinds conditioning, fission, fusion, and GA operators (selection, crossover, and
mutation) to encipher and decipher audio files.
Apart from providing a GA audio encryption, the proposed technique also preserves data size and
enhances security. Data analyses have shown that the proposed technique has a good keyspace
and sensitive to slight changes in key parameters.
Notwithstanding these successes, the proposed technique was found to be ineffective when;
the crossover point between blocks is 1, and
the mutated bits are same (i.e. when both are “1”s or “0”s)
Future work will investigate the application of the proposed technique in steganography.
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Salamudeen Alhassan obtained his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science in 2009 from
the University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana. He received his M.Sc. and
Ph.D. degrees in Computational Mathematics in 2013 and 2019 respectively from the
same university. His research interests are in the areas of cryptography, algorithms,
image/video processing and software engineering.
Gabriel Kofi Armah obtained his B.Sc. in Computer Science in 1997 from the Kwame
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. He received an MBA degree in
Management Information Systems from the University of Ghana, Ghana in 2003 and a
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology in 2015 from the University of
Electronic Science and Technology, China in 2015. His research interests are in the
areas of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Software
Issah Zabsonre Alhassan is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the Kwame
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, where he also
obtained his M.Sc degree in Information Technology in 2019. He obtained his B.Sc
degree in Computer Science in 2012 from the University for Development Studies,
Tamale, Ghana. His research interests are in the areas of system engineering,
algorithms, cryptography and image/video processing