SHS Web of Conferences 107, 12001 (2021)
M3E2 2021
Machine learning methods application for consumer banking
Andrii Kaminskyi1,∗ , Maryna Nehrey2,∗∗ , and Larysa Zomchak3,∗∗∗
Department of Economic Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01026, Ukraine
Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environment Science of Ukraine, 15 Heroyiv Oborony Str.,
Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
Department of Economic Cybernetics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1 Universytetska Str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine
Abstract. Machine learning (ML) methods are effective tools for analysis of many actual problems in modern
banking. Increasing growth of data and rapid digitalization underpin the acceleration of ML implementation.
These processes are especially noticeable in consumer banking because banks have millions of the retail customers. The first goal of our research is to form an extended review ML application in consumer banking.
From one side we have identified the most developed ML methods, which are applied in this segment (for example different types of regressions, fuzzy clustering, neural network, principal component analysis etc.). From
the other side, we point out two multi-purpose tools used by banks in consumer segment intensively, namely
scoring and clustering. Secondly, our goal is to present some innovative applications of ML methods to the
analysis of each task. This includes several applications for scoring models and fuzzy clustering application.
All applications are oriented to make banks business processes more effective. Considered applications were
realised on real data from the Ukrainian banking industry.
1 Introduction
Machine Learning (ML) is a dynamically growing class of
methods that has many successful applications [1, 2]. One
of the areas of productive ML using is modern banking and
more widely modern financial institutions. The basic reason for such use arises from digitalization and intensively
implementing online technologies in the financial sphere.
These processes generate Big Data that can be involved
in ML processing. Data handling triggers for further development of existing methods and offers new ideas. We
want to emphasize some directions in banking (especially
in lending banking) in which ML methods were productively used and perspectives of development are fruitful.
The first direction is a concern to generalized scoring methodology. This methodology is highly implemented in different business processes in banking: estimation creditworthiness of borrowers (credit scoring), identifying potentially profitable customers (marketing scoring), anti-fraud systems (fraud scoring), and so on. Almost
all ML methods were used for scoring (first of all credit
scoring) construction. Today’s package of scoring construction methods includes Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-nearestneighbors method, Random Forest (RF), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and, of course, Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In general, ANN maybe now one of
the most popular methods in scoring building tools. We
∗ e-mail:
[email protected]
∗∗ e-mail:
[email protected]
∗∗∗ e-mail:
[email protected]
should highlight paper [3] where presented comprehensive results of the comparison of ML credit scorings with
classical expert-based scorings. All types of scoring are
generalized for involving new (online) data. It should be
complemented that ordering banks them-selves also getting here.
The second direction where ML methods were multiskilled implemented in banking is clustering. Modern
banks operate with millions of customers. Each customer
can be characterized by vectors with hundreds, maybe a
thousand components (customer characteristics). Applying ML arises strong possibilities for clustering customers,
identification of their behavior and, as consequence, improved productivity of banking services. When a bank
wants to realize clustering, it needs to identify “hidden
knowledge” that will help to divide customers effectively
into a set of clusters. Here dominates the concept of
K-Means algorithms. It involves k-mean, improved kmean, k-medians, applied hierarchical clustering. We design fuzzy clustering in this paper. Of course, the task of
clustering banks themselves is also treated by such an ML
The third direction is the cybersecurity of banks. This
direction ever more actual through moving to online interaction with customers. The logic of applying ML methods
for cybersecurity tasks may be based on Gartner’s PPDR
model [4]. This model points out five categories: prediction, prevention, detection, response, and monitoring. A
good overview of cyber-risk and cyber-security problematics for financial institutions can be found in [5]. The
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
SHS Web of Conferences 107, 12001 (2021)
M3E2 2021
spectrum of applying ML in this sphere is described here
We tried to systematize methods of ML in the context of the above mentioned directions. The first two
considered spheres have economic nature and the third is
more technical (but of course concerns economic consequences!). Our focus was concentrated on the first two
spheres which have economic nature and are closely connected with business processes.
Part 2 is devoted to the literature review and describes
the application of the most effective methods. Part 3 contains some illustrations of applying ML, which was partially presented in our researches. The conclusion involves
a point of view for development.
The FCM method is an iterative procedure of sequentially improving a certain fuzzy initial partition userdefined or automatically generated by a specific heuristic
rule. According to the algorithm, on each iteration values
of the membership functions of fuzzy clusters and their
typical representatives are recursively listed. The FCM
method will terminate when a specified a priori finite number of iterations is performed, or when the minimum absolute difference between the values of the membership
functions on two consecutive iterations does not fall below some a priori setpoints.
Neural network technologies. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are widely used in finance and insurance
problems. ANN using is credit scoring construction to
good effect. Many different methods are applied in this
direction. They are based on the representative types for
supervised and unsupervised ANN. The main advantage
of ANNs is that dependency between variables does not
necessary to characterize. The quality of the ANN applying in credit scoring application can be explained by the
Big Data of modern banks.
2 Materials and methods
Machine learning is the concept that a computer program
can learn and adapt to new data without human interference [7]. Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that keeps a computer’s built-in algorithms current
regardless of changes in the worldwide economy. The application of machine learning methods in economics and
banking discussed in researches [8–11]. Machine learning
includes the next classes of methods: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Ensemble methods, Neural Networks and Deep Learning (table 1).
Regression. Logistic regression is a classification
method that constructs a binary variable result prediction
(1/0, True / False, Yes / No, Good / Bad) for a given set of
independent variables.
When constructing logistic regression use dummy
variables. The maximum likelihood estimation method is
used to estimate logistic regression parameters. Logistic
regression calculates the probability of Y when realizing
certain values of χ. Log-likelihood is the sum of the probabilities associated with the predicted and actual values of
Y. Deviations in logistic regression have a distribution
of χ2 . Performance indicators for the logistic regression
model: Akaike Information Criteria; Null Deviance and
Residual Deviance; the error matrix as a tabular representation of actual and predicted values; ROC curve (Receiver
Operating Characteristic).
Fuzzy clustering. Fuzzy clustering is a class of algorithms in which the distribution of data points for clustering is not “clear” (but supposes “fuzzy). It is used in the
Neural-fuzzy systems to determine fuzzy sets if they are
unknown a priori. Fuzzy sets are like projections of clusters on each dimension. An a priori knowledge and cluster
analysis combination lets to refine the parameters of the
membership function. The disadvantage of this method of
determining fuzzy sets is the complexity of their interpretation.
One of the most commonly used methods is the fuzzy
c-means (FCM) method. It assigns a fuzzy membership
value to each object, based on its distance to the cluster
centers. The membership of the data point in that cluster
will be higher than its membership in the other clusters if
the data point is closer to the center of the cluster.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Parametric scoring model based on the
concept of survival
The classic scoring model is based on the linear function
Z = a0 + a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn
where x1 , x2 , ..., xn – borrowers characteristics;
a1 , a2 , ..., an are the weights of characteristics that
reflect their significance.
Such models have been implemented at all stages of relationships between borrowers and banks in the consumer
lending segment. The illustration presents at figure 1.
Our practice indicates that all these scorings in differing degrees have been applied in Ukrainian consumer
banking. This models actively enriches by new data from
digitalization and online lending last five years. The data
from customer behavior on websites, cells using types, and
other data can be included in scorings.
One of the typical characteristics of above-mentioned
scoring model is a static state. Below we want to present
specific approach that includes dynamic consideration.
The logic lies in inclusion time parameter t in scoring
coefficients. This model will be “dynamic credit scoring
1 − P(i)
= a0 (t) + a1 (t)xi1 + a2 (t)xi2 + · · · + an( t) xin
h(i, x, t) = ln
P(i) is the probability that the i-th customer (borrower)
will be “Good” in the period from 0 to t; xi j is the j-th
characteristic of the i-th customer, where i = 1, . . . k, j =
1, . . . n; a j (t) is the coefficient of the model at time t, where
j = 1, . . . n; t is a time for estimation.
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Table 1. Machine learning methods
Supervised Learning
Rule Engine
Unsupervised Learning
Dimensionality Reduction
Reinforcement Learning
Convolutional neural network
Recurrent neural network
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Generative Adversarial Networks
Linear regression
Polynomial regression
Ridge lasso/regression
Logistic regression
Decision trees
Support vector machine Naïve
k-nearest neighbor
Fuzzy C-means
Association rules
Principal Component Analysis
Partial Least Squares Regression
Principal Component Regression
T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor
Singular Value Decomposition
Mixture Discriminant Analysis
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Genetic algorithm
Deep Q-Network
Gradient boosting machines
Random forest
Stacked Generalization
Liquid State Machine (LSM)
Long short-term memory (LSTM)
Gated recurrent unit (GRU)
[30, 31]
[32, 33]
Model (2) differentiate customers much more accurately and qualitatively because it will show the likelihood
of not just going out of time but getting out of time at some
point in time. This will make it possible to build the financial model more accurately. In addition, if you apply this
model to application scoring, it is possible to implement
a specific strategy for working with customer (including
monitoring, reminder system and other).
debtors. The data include more than 30 characteristics, including the type and status of credit accounts, a partial history of payments to them, social and demographic parameters of debtors, information about their education and employment. Among the many factors, nine non-correlated
indicators were identified, with a significant effect on the
dependent variable (table 2).
Let us illustrate this approach to collection scoring
construction. This model was elaborated on Ukrainian
data and applied to good effect for collection business processes [43]. Model was constructed on data pool of 50,000
Statistical significance was verified using χ2 statistics,
the Cramer coefficient, and the Information Value. The dependent variable assumed a value of 1 if the debtor made
at least 1 payment during 8 quarters period. Value 0 was
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Figure 1. Stages of relationships between borrowers and banks
Table 2. Indicators of statistical significance of model parameters for the whole period
Parameter name
Redemption model
Non-payment days
Delay days
Principal and interest
Term of the loan
Paying Principal
Amount of penalties
Issue date
The scheme of repayment 6 months
before the purchase of debt portfolio.
For example, 101010, where 1 is the
payment and 0 is the non-payment.
There are 64 such values in total, and
they are ordered by probability of the
first payment
The number of days since the last payment
was made before buying debt portfolio
Number of delays days
The ratio of principal and interest
to the total debt
Term of the loan at the context number
of days after issuence
The Principal of the loan repaid
Amount of all penalties and penalties
for late payment
Date when loan was issued
Type of credit product
used otherwise. Correlation checking was performed using correlation analysis.
The basic mathematical differences are time changing
in weights. This can be used to collection strategies development while optimizing the costs of implementing it.
The effect of the characteristics influence (table 3) on
the probability of debt payment in the dynamics is estimated. At each time moment t, “Information Value” metrics were calculated for each quarter. The probability of
the event “Good” occurrence was taken as the dependent
variable – the debtor made the first payment within a time
period from 0 to t inclusive, (the alternative event “Bad”
did not occur), where the parameter t in the model (2) denotes the quarter from 1 to 8, in which this event happened.
3.2 Neural network technologies in debt portfolio
The ANNs usage provides an efficient classification of
bank debtors into groups. Debtors are similar to each other
in terms of risk characteristics in each group. The economic logic of this is the management of debt collecting
strategies applying. Neural networks allow the classification of debtors from the training sample into groups of
a more complex geometric shape than the classical linear
discriminant function and visualize it. The most valuable
property of ANNs is the ability to learn from multiple examples in cases where patterns are unknown and relationships between input and output are not obvious. In such
cases, both traditional statistical and expert methods are
Our research of the consumer debtors portfolios involves applying ANNs methodology to estimate debtors.
The study founds effectiveness of problem structuring:
Debtors were then assigned scoring points on a scale of
0 to 100. Each group created scoring points: 0–20; 20–40;
40–60; 60–80; 80–100 corresponds to the probability P(i)
that the i-th debtor will make his payment in the period
from 0 to t, which depends on both the score and the time.
In all models, the normalized R-square – correlation
coefficient – close to 1, so the relationship in the models
close. Each variable is significant and the model is adequate according to Student’s and Fisher’s criteria. The
magnitude of all coefficients decreases with each quarter,
except for the constant that compensates for this decrease.
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Table 3. Dynamics of scoring factors over time
Redemption model
Non-payment days
Delay days
Principal and interest
Term of the loan
Paying Principal
Amount of penalties
Issue date
a1 (t)
a2 (t)
a3 (t)
a4 (t)
a5 (t)
a6 (t)
a7 (t)
a8 (t)
a9 (t)
a0 (t)
− the contact problem with debtors;
is advisable to select only those with a correlation coefficient not exceeding 0.6. Another way concerns applying
principal component analysis (PCA). However, the use of
PCA, in this case, maybe difficult due to the complexity of
their economic interpretation. After correlation analysis,
the optimal levels of influence (significance) of characteristics are determined with the help of classification trees
to improve model accuracy. Our analysis of different consumer loan debt portfolios leads to identify the most relevant contact characteristics (table 4).
The obtained scoring allows you to sort the debtors
by the level of contact probability: the higher the scoring
value, the more likely they are to contact him. Based on
contact scoring, the following logic for managing arrears
may be suggested. Before working remotely with a new
portfolio of debtors, the probability of making contact is
assessed by considered scoring. All debtors are allocated
by three scoring classes: high-contact, medium-low and
low-contact. After the introduction of remote work with
the portfolio, the debtors are already factually divided into
contact and non-contact. As a consequence, all contact information is being worked on further in debt collection. At
the same time, debtors with a high value of contact scoring but no contact, in reality, should be continue elaborated for identifying contacts. It is logically not spending the time for those non-contracted debtors who have
low contact scoring. Namely, for non-contact debtors with
low contact scoring values, the following strategies may
be employed:
− the debtors’ insolvency.
The first problem is raised from the fact that a significant part of debtors is non-contact. This does not allow the
application of soft-charging techniques and leads to highvalue direct contact or using legal procedures, which are
also costly. The practice has shown that the proportion of
non-contact debtors approximately 70-80%.
The second problem is that some of the contact debtors
refuse to pay for various reasons: lack of funds, unwillingness to pay due to high-interest penalties, etc. The implementation model in practice has shown that 40-50% are
contact debtors. The ANN was applying twofold as pictured in the scheme (figure 2).
Based on the AANs using two different scorings were
constructed: contact scoring and solvency scoring.
In doing so emphasis is put to such characteristics
as socio-demographic (age, marital status, educational
level, a region of residence, etc.), professional (employment status, vocational qualification, etc.), loan parameters (amount, interest rate, duration, etc.) and, of course,
characteristics of overdue [44].
In both cases, scoring is the first step in applying Self
Organizing Maps (SOM) or Kohonen cards to the training sample. Kohonen map is a special type of neural network that allows identifying hidden structures and patterns
through learning neural networks. A special algorithm
performs clustering based on two-dimensional visualization.
Neural networks technology creates a series of clusters
which includes homogeneous debtors.
When using Kohonen maps, there is a problem of
choosing between detail and visualization. The increasing details in one of these characteristics lead to the deterioration of the other. Really, more detailed consideration complicates economic analysis leads to the difficulty
of visualization. On another side, reducing it can lead to
the loss of important patterns. Our analysis showed that in
considered cases it is suitable to divide from 6 to 9 clusters. The authors’ experience shows that in most cases,
splitting into 7 clusters is optimal.
The next question is concerned with correlation analysis of the debtor’s characteristics. To avoid correlation
problems and to include non-dependent characteristics, it
− write-off strategy if the debt is not large;
− a strategy for obtaining additional information through
a request to the credit bureaus. If there is a significant
amount of debt, put a low priority on further work with
his debtor. If there are no so much open loans, give high
− transfer to legislative recovery, if the amount of debt is
Applying an approach based on these strategies creates
frameworks for seeking optimal allocational resources.
Summing up, we can conclude that ANNs are an effective
technique for elaborating strategies of prioritizing collection efforts.
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Figure 2. Applying ANN in debt portfolio
Table 4. Contact characteristics
Contact characteristics of the debtor
Principal debt and interest / monthly payment
Principal debt and interest
The time from the last payment to the beginning of the charge
Debtor’s age
The amount paid by the debtor to late payment
Loan amount
Total / principal and interest
The amount of the last payment made by the debtor
Number of payments which were paid
Become a debtor
Medium level of significance debt portfolios
First component realization. We have chosen three indicators at the framework of the first component. They are
some unification of risk and profitability indicators. By
our logic, these indicators can be calculated for borrowers
which have closed loans. The bank is planning to propose
some lead-generating product. These indicators are:
3.3 Fuzzy clustering of bank’s consumer loan
The intensive development of consumer lending last
decades leads to the fact that today banks possess hundreds of thousands or millions of borrowers in their credit
portfolios. These are really Big Data. Credit portfolios involve different segments: mortgages, car loans, unsecured
consumer loans, credit cards, and others. One of the crucial objectives consists of clustering borrowers. Typically,
this corresponds to lead-generation. The objective is to
find different clusters of borrowers who successfully paid
previous loans. Such different clusters include borrowers with different characteristics, different behaviors, and
preferences. So, it is logical to construct a corresponding
marketing strategy. The clustering can be done by various
approaches which involve choosing economic parameters
for clustering basis and mathematical techniques.
Our research in clustering large credit portfolios of
banks leads to forming an approach to applying ML for
clustering. The first component of our approach corresponds to the identification of basic economic indicators
for clustering. The second component is the fuzzy clustering application.
− score of credit bureau(s);
− amount of loans which borrower was granted;
− level of overpayment for previous loans.
The economic logic of such indicators is the following.
The score of the credit bureau provides information
about the risk level of the borrower. A lower score value
(high risk) identifies a “bad” borrower which is not paid
or overloaded. It may be logical to exclude such borrowers from further consideration or apply a special approach
constructed for the corresponding cluster. A high score
value (low risk) identifies a “good” borrower who paying off his/her loans. It will be a nice borrower for lead
generation but they are not high profitably. Really, such
borrower pays “accurately and timely”. The average score
value corresponds to the borrower which periodically hits
in overdue but then pays all debt with a penalty, fees, and
others. In reality, it is more profitable. Of course, it is average consideration. Different types may be in this category.
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The second indicator is the loan amount. The basic
economic logic here: low amount generates low profit for
the bank but more often overpayment.
Third our indicator reflects the profitability of the borrower. We were following conceptually approach of Storbacka [45] for separate customers and provided extension
it for borrowers. According to our approach borrowers can
be divided into four classes:
and indicate effectiveness. The huge growth of data according to digitalization in banking and developing fintech
produce new objectives and new spheres for applying ML
and AI.
Machine learning methods are self-developing areas of
researches with the synergetic interaction between them.
This fact has been considered in the mentioned examples.
A – borrowers with high overpayments,
B – borrowers which pay “accurately and timely”,
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The economic benefits are construction more effective
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4 Conclusion
Machine Learning has been successfully developing in
many spheres. Sometimes, the applications are impressive. Modern banking really excellent “test site” for different ML methods and techniques. This is mainly due
to Big Data and understanding the practical importance of
applying ML. Really, the average retail bank typically has
an intensive inflow of customers and very many customers
in the portfolio. Each customer as from inflow as from
portfolio can be characterized by hundreds of indicators.
This is Big Data with hidden patterns of customer behavior and preferences.
Tools for business development in consumer banking
are scorings and clustering. It is absolutely logical to apply
ML and AI for the solution of objectives to construct effective scorings assessment and clustering procedures. The
results are multifaced. Our paper illustrated a couple of
solutions for consumer banking based on Machine learning applications. All these solutions were implemented
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