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1994, Jewish Bible Quarterly. 22(1): 51-56.
6 pages
1 file
In loving memory of grandmother Hind4 Raizel Breitman Angels: What, who are these beings? Artists such as Leonardo or Raphael depicted them as ethereal, winged beings. But was this correct? Scripture abounds with divine creatures which differ in form and function. Naively massing them as one genre is misleading, a conception that should be revised. Every biblical account must be set within the context in which it appears. This approach will help both the advanced scholar and student. We begin with the word malakha general Hebrew term, literally "messenger." Not every malakh is divine; some are human emissaries. The prophets are sometimes called malakhim,l humans assigned by God to admonish the people. Similarly, Jacob sends malakhim to his brother Esau (Gen. 32:4), who are clearly mortals. Conversely, a heavenly malakh may manifest through inanimate matter, as when Israel flees the Egyptians. Here, God dispatches the "cloud" to protect them (Ex. 14:19).. The following is II classification of angels found in the Bible: seraphim. erelim, ophanim, hayoth, keruvim, malakhim and Bnei HaElohim. Seraphim, composed of fire, proclaim God's holiness. The seraph of Isaiah's vision performs the ritual of placing hot coals on the prophet's mouth as purification (Is. 6:2-7).2
International Journal of Orthodox Theology 13:1 (2022), 2022
This paper seeks to analyze from a historical, scriptural, and theological perspective, in a shortened and easy-to-rea for all public, either trained or unfamiliar with theology, the different categories of angels present in the Hebrew
Journal of Theological Studies, 2016
Angels are and have always been a popular topic. Nonetheless, much confusion remains in popular and even scholarly literature. The present study aims to provide clarity about angels (מלאכים, literally ‘messengers’) in Genesis and Exodus by situating the texts in their ancient Near Eastern contexts and examining how they adapt the ideas of those contexts to fit their own unique theological agenda. The resulting portrait is derived from but clearly distinct from its ancient Near Eastern analogs.
1.1. Occurrences and Semantic Field – 1.2. Morphology and Frequency of Construct Forms – 1.3. Synonyms – 2. Usage –2.1 Affinity between Angels and Humans – 2.2. Various Functions of Angels – 2.3. Biblical Stories Retold – 2.4. Evil Angels and Principal Powers
This draft explores the evolving idea of angels as spiritual messengers and emanations of God in the Judeo-Christian thought. Despite the strongly monotheistic form of both Judaism and Christianity a lot of time and works have been dedicated to the notion of secondary spiritual beings, closer to humanity in the cosmic or celestial hierarchy, thus acting as mediators between the One God and man. In this work I attempt to discuss this relation with regard to the cosmic, historical event of the Incarnation of the divine Word of God (Logos), known as Jesus Christ.
ONE OF THE ROLES that the naturalist philosophers took upon themselves in their interpretation of the Bible was demythologization, or emptying these texts of their mythical components. They did so by interpreting certain biblical stories as allegories, for example, the story of the talking serpent in the Garden of Eden and the heavenly drama in the book of Job, in which the major actors are Satan and the divine beings. One such mythical motif in the Bible that the Jewish philosophers of the Middle Ages worked to demythologize is the angel. The Hebrew word mal'akh (based on the root I-'-khY means "messen ger." In the Bible, this word can mean a messenger sent by one person to another, or a messenger of God. The discussion below will relate only to those figures called "messengers of God" or "messengers of the Lord," what we call in English "angels."^ The assumption that the messengers of God are exalted beings apparently led to the transformation of the expres sions "messenger of God" and "messenger of the Lord" to mean a heaven ly being, who might serve as a member of the divine court or fulfill the symbolic role of leader of a human nation.D
Throughout the history, various kinds of beliefs have existed about spiritual beings. They have been categorized as good, bad or neutral beings with respect to how they affect the humans. They assume various forms in the religions of the world, which include celestial and atmospheric beings, devils, demons, and evil spirits; ghosts, ghouls, and goblins; and nature spirits and fairies. In Western religions the good spiritual beings are usually called angels and the bad ones are termed as demons. In Eastern, ancient, and primitive religions such beings are less categorical – for they may be good in some circumstances and bad in others. Islam classifies spiritual beings into angels (malaikah) and the Jinns. In this paper, we will explore the nature of the angels based on the Quranic description and the statements of Prophet MuhammadSAW in the light of science. A scientific analysis of the Quranic statements and the statements of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) suggests that the basic building block of the angels is photons, which has energy, but no mass and has the speed of light. They are thus energy being. Though the human body is composed of cells, the real human being is the soul that resides in it. It is more likely that, though the body of angels is composed of photons, the real angel could be the angelic soul that resides in that collection of photons. Since the cell is 70 to 80 percent water, we constantly drink water to keep our body hydrated. It is very much possible that the angels keep on consuming photons to keep their body photonated. The angels are invisible and imperceptible. Their pattern of movement is expected to be like that of electromagnetic wave moving at the speed of light. Since electromagnetic waves cover a spectrum, the angels can be classified based on the frequency of the wave they belong to. The Quranic categorization of two, three, and four paired wings could be translated into angels having frequencies of radio wave, and microwaves and infrared waves, and Ultraviolet A and Visible rays, respectively. Their energy, power, and penetrability will depend upon which waves frequency they belong to. Their shape could be thought of as cylindrical columns extending from the earth to the lower heaven with a diameter twice the amplitude of the wave frequency they belong to. They were probably created within a million years after the creation of the universe. They will live until the end of the universe as such they do not need to procreate and hence are asexual. They are the workhorse for communication and all the rest that happens in the universe. Their population is expected to be over 400 trillion.
Pharos journal of theology, 2021
For the modern mind the notion of heavenly beings or 'angels' is an enigmatic and fascinating phenomenon. In the Ancient Near Eastern world and in the Hebrew Bible the word for 'angel', namely mal' āk, is widely attested and refers to both human and supernatural emissaries. The notion and function of angels as messenger-beings are evident. In the Israelite faith and their confession of a sole monotheistic God, Yahweh, several questions arise regarding these 'angels': who were these human and supernatural entities? In addition, the Hebrew Bible also recorded 'other' 'angel'-like beings, such as Seraphim and Cherubim. Then there was the 'angel' of Yahweh! Who was this figure, and what role did he play in the portrayal of the theologies of the Hebrew Bible? Were there fallen angels? And what has the Hebrew Bible to say about Satan? Ultimately, perspectives on 'angels' in the Hebrew Bible are brought into relation with realities of the 'seen' and the 'unseen' in or from Africa in perspectives of the worldview of African Traditional Religions (ATR). Various categories and agents in African Traditional Religions and their belief systems are apparent. These include the Supreme Being (God), divinities, and spirits. The relationship between the Supreme Being and the other categories describe the character, nature and function of all these entities. Primary and minor divinities are distinguished. They are created, are derivations of God, receive functions to perform in the universe. Furthermore, they serve intermediatory functions between the Supreme Being (the 'unseen') and humankind (the 'seen'). Spirits are similarly 'created' entities. In many African narratives they are portrayed in human form, activities and personalities (a change from the 'unseen' into the 'seen'). Hereby the interaction between the 'seen' and the 'unseen' in African Traditional Religions remain real.
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, 2001
The Polish Journal of Biblical Research, Vol. 12, No. 1 (23), pp. 55-70., 2013
Although the treatises concerning the biblical angelology are numerous and varied, they tend to repeat methodologically groundless projection of additional meaning on the figure of messenger. This approach seems to derive from the low sensitivity towards the Hebrew and Aramaic text of the HB on the one hand and the affinity to much later exegetic systems on the other. As a result, the angels of the HB are often presented as a complex yet internally coherent and organized group of spiritual beings playing strictly specified roles. Notwithstanding this notion, the source analysis shows that the biblical angelology is much less developed than suggested by the general descriptions. This paper has therefore three main purposes. First and foremost it is (1) to penetrate the most original meaning of the Hebrew word mal’akh within the HB. The data collected by means of statistic linguistics shall be presented (2) to refute the most common inaccuracies present in the literature dealing with the subject of biblical angelology and (3) to advocate the interpolation theory as neatly explaining the origins and nature of the biblical “angels”.
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