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Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1995
In this paper we introduce a classification of misses and of components of the data traffic in shared-memory multiprocessors based on inter-processor communication. We consider protocols with invalidations, updates and prefetches in systems with infinite and finite caches. We identify the set of essential misses and the essential traffic, i.e., the smallest set of misses and the smallest amount of traffic necessary for correct execution. The rest of the misses and of the data traffic is non-essential and could be ignored without affecting the correctness of program execution. To illustrate the classification of misses and traffic, we apply it to a set of parallel scientific programs and observe the overhead created by different hardware mechanisms when block sizes and cache sizes are varied.
40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO 2007), 2007
Distributed systems performance is affected significantly by cache coherence protocols due to their role in data consistency maintaining. Also, cache coherent protocols have a great task for keeping the interconnection of caches in a multiprocessor environment. Moreover, the overall performance of distributed shared memory multiprocessor system is influenced by the used cache coherence protocol type. The major challenge of shared memory devices is to maintain the cache coherently. Therefore, in past years many contributions have been presented to address the cache issues and to improve the performance of distributed systems. This paper reviews in a systematic way a number of methods used for the cache-coherent protocols in a distributed system.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1999
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 1993
Parallel programs that use critical sections and are executed on a shared-memory multiprocessor with a writeinvalidate protocol result in invalidation actions that could be eliminated. For this type of sharing, called migratory sharing, each processor typically causes a cache miss followed by an invalidation request which could be merged with the preceding cache-miss request.
Single-chip multiprocessors and multiple-thread architectures are becoming an affordable solution for high-performance general-purpose workstations and servers. On these machines, the workload is typically constituted of both sequential and parallel applications. Shared-bus shared-memory multithreaded multiprocessor can be used to speed-up the execution of such workload. In this environment, the scheduler takes care of the load balancing by allocating a ready process on the first available processor, thus producing process migration. Process migration and the persistence of private data into different caches produce an undesired sharing, named passive sharing. The copies due to passive sharing produce useless coherence traffic on the bus and coping with such a problem may represent a challenging design problem for these machines. Many protocols use smart solutions to limit the overhead to maintain coherence among shared copies. None of these studies treats passive-sharing directly, although some indirect effect is present while dealing with the other kinds of sharing. Affinity scheduling can alleviate this problem, but this technique does not adapt to all load conditions, especially when the effects of migration are massive. A simple coherence protocol is presented. This protocol eliminates passive sharing using information from the compiler that is normally available in operating system kernels. The performance of this protocol has been evaluated and compared against other solutions proposed in the literature by means of enhanced trace-driven simulation. The performance of the proposed dolution outperforms the other protocols, especially in the case of a multithreaded processor, thus demonstrating its effectiveness in this kind of hardware platform. The complexity of the proposed approach has been evaluated in terms of the number of protocol states, additional bus lines and required software support. The protocol further limits the coherence-maintaining overhead by using information about access patterns to shared data exhibited in parallel applications.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1989
The use of private caches in a multiprocessor system causes inconsistency of the shared data among the caches and among caches and the main memory. A large number of protocols have been proposed to solve this coherence problem. In this paper, we develop analytical models for seven existing cache protocols, namely: Write-Once, Write-Through, Synapse, Berkeley, Illinois, Firefly, and Dragon. The protocols are implemented on a multiprocessor with a packet-switched shared bus. The models are based on queueing networks that consist of both open and closed classes of customers. The models incorporate the requests for invalidation signals, write-through, and write-back operations and the solution is based on the mean value analysis (MVA) algorithm. Performance comparison among these protocols under various system parameters is carried out based on our models.
Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2024
Although the best-known feature of Babel in the Biblical narrative was the tower that Noah's descendants began to build in Shinar, the Bible says that they were constructing a "city" there as well. No details are included of either the Babel city or tower. However, as this paper will show, the Tower of Babel was likely a ziggurat (stepped pyramid), and the city that accompanied the Tower was most likely composed of temples and various other religious structures. We infer this because around the world we see many ancient pagan religious complexes consisting of ziggurats together with temples and other buildings. The archaeological similarity of these far-flung ziggurats has been noted by many scholars, both Biblical and secular. It appears that after the Babel dispersion, far from learning their lesson when God intervened by stopping the work and confusing their language, men went on to build ziggurats and temple complexes wherever they settled all over the world. It is proposed here that these complexes were patterned after the original one that they had started to build back in Babel. These worldwide pyramid complexes constitute witness to the truth of the Biblical account and are compelling archaeological support for the authenticity of the Biblical story of Babel. The rebellion against God by Noah's descendants at Babel cannot be overestimated in its profound effects on mankind. In showing evidence for taking the Babel story literally, as in this paper, the creationist worldview is supported.
International Journal of Management and Digital Business
This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, explore the factors that influence an effective organizational culture. This research uses quantitative methods. Processing and hypothesis testing using SPSS version 25. The research location is a government institution in Riau Province. The population in the study were all office employees. In this study, sampling used a saturated sample, that is, if the population is smaller than 100 people, then the population is used as a sample, so that the number of samples studied is 35 employees. the results indicated that Organizational culture significant effect on performance. . It was found that Organizational Culture contributed 26.6% to employee performance, the remaining 73.4% was influenced by factors not examined in this study.
Revista Judiciária do Paraná, 2023
Jacinto Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, Bárbara Feijó Ribeiro e Pedro Henrique Nunes. O JUIZ DAS GARANTIAS SERVIRÁ (TÃO SÓ?) AOS JUÍZES. "O juiz das garantias, quando introduzido no sistema inquisitorial brasileiro em vigor, deve servir – quem sabe tão só – aos juízes; quando, por evidente, deveria servir a todos. É razoável tentar explicar tal assertiva de modo a que, antes de tudo, os próprios juízes possam melhor esclarecer a situação e, depois, decidam por aderir ao acolhimento da refundação do sistema, a fim de que se faça vivo, de fato, o sistema acusatório6. Todos, de uma maneira geral, sabem sobre as diferenças entre os sistemas processuais – muito em voga nos últimos anos – mas, agora, é preciso que não reste dúvida a respeito do tema, de modo a que eventual preconceito contra o sistema acusatório não prejudique sua efetiva implantação. Faz-se tempo, por consequência, de se unir esforços. A matéria referente ao juiz das garantias tem muito a ver com isso..."
Systematic Biology, 2012
Astronomide Önemli İntegral Formülleri, 2015
Tiempo de Mujeres. Huellas femeninas en la historia de Navarra , 2023
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2011
Injury Prevention, 2010
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1985
Editora ABEn eBooks, 2022
Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial, 2020
Archives of Neurology, 2006