Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621 (2010) 502–505
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Neutron tomography using a crystal monochromator
W. Treimer a,b,n, S.O. Seidel a,b, O. Ebrahimi a,b
Beuth Hochschule für Technik, University of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry, Luxemburger Str. 10, D-13353 Berlin, Germany
Helmholtz Centre for Materials and Energy, G-G1, 14109 Berlin, Germany
a r t i c l e in f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 28 April 2010
Received in revised form
12 June 2010
Accepted 14 June 2010
Available online 30 June 2010
For several neutron tomography methods, the use of monochromatic radiation is important. In order to
select a wavelength band from a white spectrum commonly used devices are velocity selectors,
choppers and crystal monochromators. We show how a crystal monochromator changes the wellknown L/D-ratio in CT instruments and how it determines the spatial resolution. We calculate the
L/D-ratio as convolution integral and prove the results by the experimental determination of the
modulation transfer function (MTF) of the used tomography system.
& 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neutron tomography
Energy selective tomography
Crystal monochromator
Spatial resolution
1. Introduction and theory
Several tomography methods such as energy selective tomography, Bragg edge radiography, phase contrast tomography using
a grating interferometer, diffraction enhanced radiography,
refraction and USANS tomography, or tomography with polarized
neutrons use monochromatic radiation due to the wavelength
dependency of the interaction with matter [1–10]. Use of
monochromatic radiation involves the selection of radiation from
a white spectrum, which is done by monochromator crystals or
(especially in the case of neutrons) with chopper devices and
velocity selectors, respectively. The available intensity of latter
techniques is quite high, about 10–20% of the spectrum but the
corresponding Dl/l is often too poor for sharp imaging contrast
due to wavelength dependent smearing effects that decreases the
contrast in an image and thus information of details to be
extracted. The width of the wavelength band that monochromator
crystals select from the spectrum depends on the mosaic spread,
which is usually of the order of 0.51, corresponding to a Dl/l 1%.
In the case of tomography with synchrotron radiation the high
monochromaticity of radiation is yielded with an (naturally)
highly collimated beam, by perfect crystal (Si) Bragg reflections
and multilayers suppressing harmonics. The used Si crystals act
like perfect mirrors, i.e. the reflected beam divergence is nearly
the same as the incident beam due to their narrow ‘‘Darwin
Corresponding author at: Beuth Hochschule für Technik, University of Applied
Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry, Luxemburger Str. 10,
D-13353 Berlin, Germany. Tel.:
+ 49 30 4504 2213,
+ 49 30 4504 2428,
+ 49 30 8062 2221; fax: +49 30 4504 2011.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (W. Treimer).
0168-9002/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
range’’ of some mrad. This is different for radiography and
tomography instruments for neutrons and X-ray tubes. The ray
geometry of both is similar to each other, they have a collimating
system consisting of a (small) source (slit or hole, diameter D), a
distance L to the object under investigation and a distance ld to the
detector unit. Due to the size D of the micro-focus of an X-ray
source (some mm) L can be kept short ( 1 m), in the case of
neutron tomography D is of the order of cm and the length L about
7–18 m.
In the case of tomography with monochromatic neutrons, the
behavior of crystals as wavelength selecting devices is different to
pin hole geometry and the L/D ratio has to be considered in
conjunction with the geometry of the tomography experiment. As
can be seen from Fig. 1 the beam divergence f is inversely
proportionally to L/D that characterizes a tomography instrument.
Assuming a pin hole having the diameter D the un-sharpness d
(blur) of an image of a point is given by the product ld f due to
L/D¼ld/d (Fig. 1).
There are three conditions to decrease the blur: D and ld must
be small and L must be large. Considering a standard tomography
instrument D is (in the case of neutrons) usually an aperture
where the whole area of D contributes to image of a point at
the detector. Increasing L decreases f and the blur d and improves
the sharpness of the image at the detector position.
Calculating the blur b(x, y) of a point in a sample, b(x, y) is the
result of the convolution of the beam divergence f with
the source function S¼S(x, Z). In the case of a neutron guide the
divergence f ¼ fguide (m 0.61/nm) l [nm]. The parameter m
(m ¼1, 1.2, 1.5, 2,y) defines the reflectivity range of the coating of
the neutron guide normalized to the critical angle of total
reflection of natural Ni. In our case m was 1.2 and l ¼0.524 nm.
W. Treimer et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621 (2010) 502–505
Fig. 1. Definition of the L/D ratio. D is the size of the source, L is the distance
between D and a point in the object, ld is the distance of the point in the sample
and its image, D/L¼ f is the beam divergence. A point in the sample is blurred to d
due to the size of D, length L and distance ld.
If the function fincident ¼ f (x, Z)incident in each point (x, Z) of the slit
S(x, Z) contains all properties such as the incident beam
divergence in front (upstream) of D, the spatial intensity variation
and wavelength distribution in the beam) and the L/D ratio, then
b(x, y) is given by the 2D convolution integral
Z x0 =2 Z Z0 =2
fðx, ZÞincident Sðxx,yZÞ dx dZ:
bðx,yÞ ¼
x0 =2
Z0 =2
To calculate the blur b for all points of the detector Eq. (1) must
be written as a 2D function of the horizontal and vertical
divergences as
Z ah =2 Z av =2
Fðyh , yv Þ ¼
fðah , av Þincident fðyh ah , yv av ÞL=D dah dav
Fig. 2. Two mosaic blocks (or ensembles of mosaic blocks) m1 and m2 are Dm
apart from each other, each one reflects neutrons with a certain divergence fmosaic
to the sample. Two points in the sample, P1 and P2, are illuminated from different
points of the monochromator crystal (mosaic blocks are strongly magnified with
respect to the distance L).
having an aperture angle proportionally to the mosaic spread S,
usually described with a Gaussian function fmosaic(ah, av) S.
Assuming mosaic blocks centered at a point Ax,y the divergence
can be described by the function fmosaic(ah,av) as
lnð1=2Þ½av Ay =22
lnð1=2Þ½ah Ax =22
fmosaic ðah , av Þ ¼ exp
ðSh =2Þ2
ðSv =2Þ2
av =2
(yh, yv) is the (h ¼horizontal, v¼vertical) divergence incident in
the point (x, Z), a is the amount of the divergence due to a given
L/D ratio. The integration in Eq. (1) is taken over the total area of
the aperture S(x0 Z0), the integration in Eq. (2) over the full
angular range of a. In the case of yh ¼ yv and ah ¼ av the integral in
Eq. (2) can be simplified to
FðyÞ ¼ fðaÞincident fL=D ðyaÞ da
with Eq. (3) the blur b(x, y) in each detector point can be
calculated to be ld F. A very similar formula for blurring due to
scattering is given by the radial PsF-function as was published in
[11–13]. These considerations are very likely to Eqs. (1)–(3) and
both treatments yield very similar results.
Finally, the size of the detector pixel must be taking into
account. The size of a detector pixel ( 6 mm) is – up to now –
much smaller than the spatial resolution of the instrument
( 50 mm–100 mm), so one can simply add the half pixel diameter
(3 mm) to the (calculated) blur due to the pure mapping of the
image onto the pixel array1.
These considerations cannot be applied to radiography and
tomography geometries using a crystal monochromator as a
source of radiation because it behaves different to an aperture as
follows. In the case of an aperture S ¼S(x, Z) each point (x, Z)
contributes to the image of a point as shown in Fig. 1. Replacing
the aperture by a mosaic crystal, each mosaic block reflects
neutrons individually within a cone angle equal the angular
mosaic spread. Therefore, a mosaic block cannot illuminate all
points in the sample 2 as shown in Fig. 2. The distance of all
mosaic blocks to a point in a sample can taken to be the same L,
thus L and the area (size) of the mosaic block (or an ensemble of
mosaic blocks SDmosaic) determines the size of illumination
around a point P.
Realizing the nature of these mosaic blocks the surface of the
monochromator crystal must be assumed to be 2D set of
individual sources (SDmosaic) that reflects neutrons within a cone
The convolution with a square function representing the pixel array yields a
very similar result due to 6mmoo 50 mm/100 mm.
This holds if and only if L does not exceed a certain Ln (see below).
The Sh,v means the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and
is the deviation from the mean orientation of the mosaic blocks in
the horizontal (h) and vertical (v) direction. The assumption
Sh ¼ Sv ¼ S to be constant over the whole crystal surface simplifies
Eq. (4).
Treating a monochromator crystal as source of radiation,
which contains in a unit volume mosaic blocks with orientations
that cover the angular range of the mosaic spread S, the
divergence of reflected radiation is given by convolution integral
of the incident divergence with the function fmosaic of Eq. (4). The
incident divergence is again represented by the divergence
function fincident, so the reflected divergence from the monochromator crystal is given by the convolution integral
Fmosaic ðyh , yv Þ ¼
Z ah =2 Z av =2
ah =2
av =2
fðah , av Þincident fðyh ah , yv av Þmosaic dah dav :
Using the same assumption as for Eqs. (3),(5) can simplified to
FðyÞ ¼ fincident ðaÞfmosaic ðyaÞ da:
Eq. (6) looks very similar to Eq. (3), however, the amount of fmosaic
compared to the D/L ratio changes the characteristics of the
CT-instrument. With fincident ¼ 0.61 and fmosaic ¼0.41 we calculate
with (6) F(y) ¼0.721. As is seen from Eq. (6) the function fmosaic
contains only the angle a, which is independent of L, whereas fL/D
contains L (because this divergence is defined as D/L).
The consequences and the influence of the mosaic crystal on
the L/D are shown in Fig. 3. L is the distance between the mosaic
crystal and a sample point and SDmosaic the mean size of an
ensemble of mosaic blocks contributing to the image of a point in
the sample. For a given L the ratio L/SDmosaic will always be larger
than L/D (D¼full size of the crystal) because D4 SDmosaic, only in
the case of D¼ SDmosaic and of a perfect crystal where the mosaic
block is the whole crystal, L/D¼ L/SDmosaic, perfect. In the case that L
becomes large, LZLn, Ln is obtained from the intersection
F(y)¼ const (0.721) with the function Dh,v, L/D becomes larger
than¼L/SDmosaic, i.e. the corresponding divergence due to D/Ln is
smaller than fmosaic and thus F. For LoLn the mosaic crystal
converts the D/L ratio into a L-independent divergence fmosaic
which changes the imaging properties as indicated in Fig. 3.
W. Treimer et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621 (2010) 502–505
2. Experiments
Fig. 3. Beam geometry of a mosaic crystal, Dmosaic ¼ SDmosaic means a set of mosaic
blocks reflecting radiation only within the angular mosaic spread to a point in the
sample and causing a blur d. (D ¼size of the monochromator crystal, L is the
distance of the sample from the monochromator crystal, ld ¼ constant distance
sample point–detector, d ¼blur), see also Fig. 4.
The experiments were performed with the V12c set up as
shown in Fig. 5. From images measured earlier with this set up the
blur d for ld ¼60 mm was much less than expected, i.e. dh,v was
well below 0.8 mm. This behavior was investigated in detail and
experimentally verified by measuring the spatial resolution by
means of two methods.
Firstly slits ld ¼60 mm apart from the detector with different
slit openings (200–1000 mm) were moved perpendicular to the
neutron beam with a step width twice of the slit opening, creating
a fringe pattern. The transmitted intensities showed fringes that
contrasts decreased with smaller slit and step width, as displayed
in Fig. 6.
By means of the contrast function K(n), given by
KðnÞ ¼
Imax ðnÞImin ðnÞ
Imax ðnÞ þ Imin ðnÞ
with Imax(n), Imin(n)¼maximum/minimum intensity for different n
(n ¼line pairs/mm), the MTF equivalent contrast function and thus
the spatial resolution at 10% K(n) could be determined to be
1.55 line pairs/mm (Fig. 7). This corresponds to a horizontal
blur of 320(23) mm or to a L/SDmosaic 187 for ld ¼60 mm.
Fig. 4. Plot of the beam divergence vs the distance of the sample from the
monochromator crystal. Dh and Dv are the height and width of the monochromator
crystal, L¼ 2.08 m is the actual distance monochromator–sample. For a given beam
divergence (Eq. (6)) equals 0.721 and for all Lo Ln ¼2.39 m (3.19 m) one yields
L/SDmosaic 4L/Dh,v. Depending on SDmosaic L can be diminished much less than 2 m.
For L4Lnh,v we get L/D 4Ln/SDmosaic (because D ¼ SDmosaic).
So due to the mosaic crystal the incident divergence at each point
in a sample is fmosaic becomes independent of L (for all LoLn).
This behavior is interesting because moving the sample upstream
to the monochromator (decreasing L, keeping ld constant) the
incident intensity at a point increases (1/r2 law), whereas the
smearing remains constant or even decreases due to the constant
divergence fmosaic and ld. This is in contrast to the behavior of
conventional CT-instrument where a decreasing L involves an
increasing blur d, see also Fig. 4.
From these considerations one can conclude that the L/D is
smaller than L/SDmosaic, i.e. that a blur d for ld ¼60 mm must
horizontally and vertically become smaller. To give some numbers
on this behavior we had L¼2080 mm, the size of the crystal D
was 30mm 40mm corresponding to ratios (L/D)h 70 and
(L/D)v 52. Hence for ld ¼60 mm the horizontal blur dh becomes
0.87 mm and the vertical blur dv ¼1.15 mm. An observation of a
blur smaller than these values would prove that the mosaic
monochromator crystal as source did not work as a diaphragm.
However, to measure the influence of the mosaic spread L must be
kept below a certain Ln as follows. One can derive the maximum
length Ln from L/DoLn/SDmosaic, i.e. as long as SDmosaic oD holds
for the given incident beam divergence F(y). In our case
one calculates Ln 2.39 m for Dh ¼30 mm and Ln 3.19 m for
Dv ¼40 mm (see Fig. 4). Operating the set up with L¼2.08 m3 one
should yield a measurable improvement of the L/SDmosaic due to
the mosaicity of monochromator, and keeping in mind that
SDmosaic oD should further improve the results.
The space between the monochromator crystal and the shutter was limited
to approximately 1 m.
Fig. 5. Geometry and layout of the V12c set up. C ¼ graphite monochromator,
symmetric (0 0 2) reflection, l ¼0.467(2) nm, mosaic spread¼ 0.41, incident beam
divergence¼ 0.61.
Fig. 6. Intensity modulations for different slit widths (200–1000 mm) derived from
their images (radiograms), distance of the slit from the detector ld ¼60 mm.
W. Treimer et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621 (2010) 502–505
be resolved with a L/D 70. These results are important for all
tomography instruments using a mosaic crystal or even double
monochromator devices [7,8], because in any case the flight paths
L can be optimized which makes instruments much shorter than
standard ones and due to the 1/r2-law one gets an intensity gain
without loss of spatial resolution, which is also a very interesting
result of this paper. The spatial resolution of the order 300 mm
seems to be rather poor, however, this value was determined for a
ld ¼60 mm, so for radiograms or tomography of vast objects or
extended samples (diameter 60–120 mm) using environments
such as cryostats and magnets, 300 mm spatial resolution is still
an acceptable value, for small objects ( o25 mm the spatial
resolution can be better than 200 mm).
3. Summary
Fig. 7. The contrast function (equivalent to the modulation transfer function
(MTF)) derived from images of Fig. 5. For the slit position 60 mm apart from the
detector. At 10% contrast one gets 1.55 line pairs/mm corresponding of a blur or
horizontal spatial resolution of 320(23) mm.
Fig. 8. Spatial resolution (line pairs/mm) as a function of ld (distance from the
detector), measured with a 500 mm thick Gd-edge, first point corresponds to a
distance Gd-edge to detector 1 mm, difference stems from fh,incident a fv, incident.
Unlike the classical L/D behavior of slits or diaphragms as
radiation sources for radiography and tomography instruments,
mosaic crystals must be considered as a set of individually
reflecting sources, which are usually smaller than the whole
crystal. In this paper the role of a mosaic crystal as monochromatic source of radiation was calculated and experimentally
proved by measuring the spatial resolution with two different
methods (slits and edge measurements). Limits are given for
which an improvement of spatial resolution can be expected. Due
to a shorter flight path one can enhance the neutron flux
(1/r2 law), without loss of spatial resolution. This is valid for all
LoLn for which L/DoLn/SDmosaic holds, for D¼ SDmosaic the
monochromator crystal behaves like a diaphragm, where each
point contributes to the image of a sample point. So the length of
radiography and tomography instruments using mosaic crystals
as source for monochromatic radiation can be planned to be much
shorter than e.g. 8 m, e.g. 2 m or even less, gaining intensity and
maintaining a spatial resolution of approximately 300 mm or even
less. These are interesting features concerning test instruments
for more elaborating experiments and for training students and
scientist from other disciplines.
The geometrical L/Dh ¼70 would yield a blur¼0.87 mm, so one
yields an improvement of spatial resolution of a factor 2.7.
The second determination of the MTF and thus the spatial
resolution was done by imaging a 500 mm thick Gd-edge recorded
at different distances from the detector. The resultant line
pairs/mm were deduced from Fourier transform of the first
derivative of the particular edge function of the corresponding
image (see Fig. 8). Comparing the edge-result with the slit-result
we found for both results good agreement (for ld ¼60 mm). For
this ld the spatial resolutions agreed within the experimental
error, i.e. a horizontal blurring of 320(23) mm was determined
with the slit measurements and 350(25) mm) was the results of
the edge measurement. Both results are well below the 0.87 mm
for the horizontal blur assuming a geometrical L/D. From Fig. 8
one yields for ld ¼60 mm horizontally 1.44 line pairs/mm
corresponding to a horizontal blur dh 0. 35 mm and vertically
0.85 line pairs/mm corresponding to dv 0.6 mm.
Both results prove the influence of the mosaic monochromator,
which decreases the effective dimensions of D. One gets an
instrumental (L/Dmosaic)v 180 and (L/Dmosaic)h 100 horizontally
more than 2.7 times and vertically 1.9 times better than the
geometrical L/D assuming the size of the monochromator crystal
as the conventional ‘‘D’’ . This behavior was also verified by the
reconstruction of tomograms that showed details that would not
This work was supported by the BMBF Project no. 05KN7KF.
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