National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
The architectural spaces and
Their psychological impacts
Jatish Bag, Reader, Dignity College of architecture, Anjora, Durg
Chhattisgarh,, Email ID –
[email protected]
We all require spatial knowledge of our environment. Many people spend the better part of their
day in a built environment, and therefore, much of their thought about space is directly
intertwined with the architectural and urban form of their surroundings. How does the form of
people’s surroundings affect their spatial knowledge? The intention of this paper is to create a
link between human spatial cognition research and architectural design through review of three
major research articles and some supporting papers. An empirical study was conducted with
human subjects in complex multi-level architectural designs and thinking aloud protocols and
thought for performance measures of experienced and inexperienced participants in different
way finding tasks were compared. Spatial cognition and way finding research as well as design
cognition are well established as fields of research. It is nevertheless largely unknown how
architects reason when they try to integrate way-finding-friendly factors into their designs. In
two semi-structured interviews architects were asked to give critique on real world example
cases as well as to solve predefined design tasks [1]. The qualitative analysis focuses on
perspective taking and other skills related to the anticipation of users in the building. The main
finding is that the anticipation of visual access for single locations is done well but that multiple
locations are seldom considered. A consequence would be that anticipation of users' perspective
is restricted to episode-like cognitive walk-through [2].
Spatial cognition concerns the study of knowledge and beliefs about spatial properties of
objects and events in the world. Cognition is about knowledge: its acquisition, storage and
retrieval, manipulation, and use by humans, nonhuman animals, and intelligent machines.
Broadly construed, cognitive systems include sensation and perception, thinking, imagery,
memory, learning, language, reasoning, and problem solving [3]. In humans, cognitive structures
and processes are part of the mind, which emerges from a brain and nervous system in side of a
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
body that exists in a social and physical world. Spatial properties include location, size, distance,
direction, separation and connection, shape, pattern, and movement.
Key words: spatial cognition, qualitative analysis, architectural techniques
1. Introduction: We all require spatial knowledge of our environment in order to travel to the
grocery store and back, in order to answer such questions as “Which is further west?”, and in
order to provide route directions to visitors for going out of town. How we acquire, store, and use
this knowledge is of central interest to the field of spatial cognition. Many people spend the
better part of their day in a built environment, i.e. the urban world (with varying density) of
buildings, streets, parks, parking lots, blocks, and squares that has been designed and constructed
by humans. Therefore, much of their thought about space (spatial judgment and memory) and
movement through space (way finding) is directly intertwined with the architectural and urban
form of their surroundings [4]. How does the form of people’s urban surroundings affect their
spatial knowledge of those places? In particular, how does urban form affect spatial judgment
and memory?
These questions, as well as the subject matter of spatial cognition more generally, are
intimately connected with a number of other topics of study in the field of cognitive science.
Spatial knowledge is commonly acquired through first-hand experience with an environment or
through use of representations of that environment, such as maps. Taking in and perceiving this
external information necessarily involves perception (usually visual or auditory). Moreover, in
the case of first-hand experience, one’s body acts in and moves through the surrounding
environment. Thus, issues of embodied/embedded action and cognition arise in the study of
spatial cognition. Here focus is given specifically on the interplay of urban form with spatial
judgment and memory.
The term cognitive map effectively refers to the mental representations that store a
person’s spatial knowledge of an environment. However, the term is notoriously ambiguous –
the form it takes on differs from theory to theory. Cognitive maps may be considered to be actual
metric maps, map-like in form, acting like maps in practice, or convenient fictions [5]. For the
purposes of this study, which focuses on performance in spatial judgment and memory tasks, the
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
last view was adopted and simply considered a cognitive map to be one’s spatial knowledge of
an environment. According to this perspective, a cognitive map is shaped by a number of
different processes that do not necessarily follow the constraints of physical maps. Just as with
most other processes of human thought, spatial cognition involves the use of heuristics. Tversky
identified a set of basic heuristics that are used to encode and store memory of environments and
maps, as well as of meaningless visual forms. “Remembering the absolute location of figures is
difficult, and is facilitated by remembering locations relative to other figures and/or relative to
the natural directions of the figure”. This simplification process is revealed in systematic errors,
which Tversky attributes “to two heuristics that are derived from principles of figures that are
perceived as grouped together but are misaligned, that is, offset in one spatial dimension, are
remembered as more aligned than they really are.” The rotation heuristic assumes that “figures
are remembered with respect to a frame of reference [e.g. north-south, east-west], and that, when
the orientation of the frame of reference and the natural orientation of the figure conflict, the
figure’s orientation will be remembered as closer to that of the frame of reference”. Note the
connection to perceptual processes: rotation “is similar to the Gestalt organizing principle of
common fate” and alignment “is related to grouping by proximity”. These heuristics have been
demonstrated to apply to the spatial judgment and memory of large-scale spaces, such as
continents, more local spaces such as streets, and both real and artificial spaces that are learned
through graphical representations like maps [6].
2. Building environmental features and way finding strategies
What are the environmental features that can lead to navigation breakdowns? A pioneering study
on indoor navigation was conducted and identified fundamental aspects of a building’s route
network, like choice points, directional changes and distances as relevant predictors of way
finding difficulties in complex buildings. Numerous studies, especially in the environmental
psychology community, have since investigated the reasons for way finding difficulties. For
instance, identifies four general classes of environmental variables that shape way finding
situations: visual access, the degree of architectural differentiation, the use of signs and room
numbers, and floor plan configuration. Further studies pointed to the impact of layout complexity
on both way finding performance and cognitive mapping, recent studies have been conducted in
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
airports shopping malls and universities. Another essential point seems to be the familiarity with
the building. Point out that familiarity with a building has substantial impact on way finding
performance. So does visual access within the building: If large parts of the building are
immediately visible and mutual indivisibility (vistas) connects the parts of the building, people
have to rely less on stored spatial knowledge and can rely on information directly available in
their field of vision. A disadvantage of these lines of research is that floor plan complexity and
configuration as well as visual access have been defined rather informally in the literature
discussed above The Space Syntax movement has introduced formalized, graph-based accounts
of layout configurations into architectural analysis. Calculations based on these representations
express the connective structure of rooms and circulation areas in a building and are strongly
associated with route choices of hospital visitors both in unguided exploration and in directed
search tasks way finding behavior, Yet research along this methodology is generally based on
correlations of building layout and aggregate movement patterns, thus providing no immediate
understanding of individual cognitive processes [5].
One drawback of almost all controlled studies into Way finding performance and
building complexity is that they have limited themselves to investigating movement and
orientation in the horizontal plane of isolated floor levels .Some scientist Observed way finding
performance in tasks involving vertical level changes. They found people losing their orientation
due to vertical travel, supporting more informal results, identified another challenge of multilevel buildings: Way finders assume that the topology of the floor plans of different levels is
identical, an assumption that can lead to severe way finding difficulties. In later chapters of the
paper we provide a building analysis revealing that our setting could be similarly prone to
challenges based on multi-level properties. Therefore, our investigations into both the navigation
performance of test participants as well as their mental processes explicitly focus on the abovementioned aspects. Although not investigating way finding behavior directly, present evidence
that humans have trouble correctly aligning vertical spaces in pointing tasks. We also expect way
finders to have trouble integrating survey knowledge of different floors. Properly connecting
mental floor plans at transition points like staircases or elevators may also be further impaired by
difficulties of maintaining one’s heading due to the rapid direction changes involved in stair
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
climbing. Many architects have analyzed way finding strategies as to what degree they rely on
different types of knowledge. Spatial knowledge is commonly distinguished into three levels. In
the context of this study it can be assumed that finding destinations inside the building requires
all three types of spatial knowledge: landmarks identify one’s own position and relevant
navigational choice points, route knowledge connects distinguishable landmarks, while survey
knowledge integrates routes and guides high-level decisions for route selection and general
direction. Pazzaglia found evidence that people differ in their general preference for relying on
different types of spatial knowledge, especially landmarks vs. survey knowledge. It implies that
people’s way finding strategies gradually progress from route-based orientation to survey-based
strategies, yet could not clearly tie this evolution to a performance improvement [4].
Yet it has become clear in recent years that strict developmental stages from landmark, to
route and then survey knowledge are not realistic and that the representations rather develop in
parallel, so that navigators can build up initial survey representations early on. In a building with
a complex network like in our study, the general notion of survey knowledge—in the sense of
correct positional information about the metric spatial position of destinations—representing the
most advanced and valuable information may not hold. In fact, knowing the routes through the
maze of levels and vertical and horizontal corridors can be even more important, especially since
seemingly direct routes may be blocked by dead-ends in the building, an aspect not taken into
account by direction-based navigation planning.
A number of different way finding strategies have been described for two-dimensional
(outdoor) settings. People try to minimize their global deviation from the direction of the goal
position, and at the same time avoid local direction deviations at junctions, thus maintaining a
straight heading wherever possible. The environment is cognitively segmented into regions
which guide navigation decisions. But how do people incorporate their available knowledge in
way finding strategies in the three-dimensional case of multi-level buildings? Here down below
three strategies were referred where roughly some thumb rules were adopted for way finding
techniques . Distinction of three strategies were proposed for finding one’s way, even in cases
when the way finder does not have fully developed knowledge about the spatial setting:
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
1. The central point strategy of finding one’s way by sticking as much as possible to
well-known parts of the building, like the main entry hall and main connecting
corridors, even if this requires considerable detours.
The direction strategy of choosing routes that head towards and lead to the horizontal
position of the goal as directly as possible, irrespective of level-changes.
3. The floor strategy of first finding one’s way to the floor of the destination,
irrespective of the horizontal position of the goal.
Mapping these strategies to other accounts, the least angle strategies can be directly
related to the direction strategy in our classification. In a more abstract sense, the region-based
‘‘fine-to-coarse’’ strategy of—ceteris paribus—preferring paths that quickly bring one into the
region of a destination, is compatible with the floor strategy, if you assume floor levels were as
organizing principles in the mental representation of multi-level buildings The idea of a route
skeleton corresponds to the central-point strategy. Kuipers showed that over time, human as well
as artificial navigators learn a set of central paths (‘the skeleton’) in an environment [7]. This
centrality can be predicted based on the number of boundary relations involved in its segments,
but we can also assume that architects mark certain paths as central by architectural features like
entries or ornamentation. Also, the notion of a frame of reference which relates to the main
orientation of an environment unless sticking to the orientation the environment was initially
experienced might be interpreted in the sense of a central point strategy. The main corridors
correspond to main orientation of the building and they are the first parts of the building to be
experienced. If the whole building is encoded with respect to this reference frame as proposed by
McNamara, using theses corridors like in the central point strategy should be easier for
participants. Yet it is not a priori clear whether or not a reliance on central points and paths will
have more positive or negative impact on navigation performance, especially in our setting.
The application of the strategies defined above clearly requires access to information
about the building. With an environment as complex as the building in our setting, the relevant
types of knowledge can become quite intertwined. To address this, we look into the knowledge
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
requirements can be looked from three perspectives: First, the overall familiarity of the way
finders with the building is controlled for by comparing a group of visitors unfamiliar with the
building to a group of repeat visitors. Second, survey knowledge about the building is identified
for each participant in a pointing task. And third, in a self report measure of environmental
ability the competence to build up environmental knowledge is assessed. This design, combined
with verbal reports and task performance measures, will allow us to address the following.
Research questions as well as methodological concerns:
Which strategies do way finders employ for navigating in the third dimension
How does familiarity with the building affect performance and the choice of
navigation strategies?
3. What is the role of survey knowledge for multi-level way finding performance?
4. Which cognitive processes can be identified in verbal reports of way finding tasks
and how do they relate to performance?
3. Cognitive analysis:
Architecture deals with the design, construction and conceptualization of built space. It greatly
influences the comprehension and knowledge of orientation and navigation systems. Architect
aims to construct buildings as complex systems of numerous architectural dimensions. To
develop an adequate and satisfactory compromise is an essentially spatial task. Architectural
space is not generated on a blank sheet, but constantly in respect to the present environment and
consequently in a high-dimensional decision space. More than 40 years ago Le Corbusier
emphasized the idea of movement as a central theme in the theory of architectural design [8]. As
agreed by the architects that the perception of a built environment must be described as a
dynamic process of movement caused by the fact that we do not experience the spatial layout of
a building as a static structure. We discover architectural shapes and layouts literally step-bystep. Thus, from a user’s perspective several points of environmental ability, legibility and image
ability are essential to understand and interpret building layouts, e.g., landmarks, routes, paths
and walkways, and to differentiate shapes and forms, configured space and building topology,
and the close relation between inside and outside space. ‘‘The idea or image of a building is as
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
important as the building itself’’ characterized as the connection between architectural space and
its mental image [9].
Understanding a building from it’s inside structure and spatial organization requires
making one’s way through the building. Thus, in theories of building design, the idea of
architectural experience and the meanings of walkways have a very close relationship. From a
Space Syntax’s point of view walkways seems to be the most fundamental aspect of architectural
space, not only for investigating pedestrian movement in designed environments but also for
general exploring, discovering and learning about architectural settings. In order to provide
useful spatial points of reference, the differentiation and discrimination of shapes is the most
central property in planning an architectural setting. Although symmetry and similarity are very
well-known features in the history of architecture, they contrast with the indispensable need of
distinguishing multi-faceted environments. Symmetrical architectural settings are principally one
of the foremost difficulties in spatial problem-solving processes. Yet, they can be helpful in
interpreting vertical information of space, e.g., for spatial reasoning within multi-level buildings.
Overall, it is believed that the functional dilemma of the building for way finding is
prominently caused by the problematic arrangement of complex decision points, their linking
paths, the position and design of stairways, vertical incongruence of floors, incomprehensible
signage, and too few possibilities for monitoring interior and exterior landmarks. Consequently,
the building as a whole gives the impression of a three-dimensional maze. In the following, some
major parts of the building were focused and describe their disadvantages from a cognitivearchitectural point of view.
4. Major cognitive spaces in architectural design
4.1 Staircases: Here lies the main disadvantage of the building. In architecture, a stairway
should serve as visual focus and spatial connector. In general, stairways should help integrating
vertical information while exploring multilevel buildings and they should ease experiencing the
layout spatially with respect to the building as a whole. Stairways are architectural design
elements in their own right and not just technical components of the building for going up or
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
down. They function as a significant circulation node as well as a vertical interconnection
between different levels of the building and thus enable the movement flow between the levels of
the building. During vertical motion, well-designed stairways can provide access to various
perspectives of the interior organization of the building and thus facilitate its legibility.
Also, investing time into the design of stairways has yet another facet: Individual floor
plans may be readily changed to suit specific tenant requirements, but the facilities for pedestrian
circulation between the floors in the building are fixed. Vertical circulation is one of the most
important aspects of good building design in architecture. So, when planning the design of
staircases architects generally have to take into account two key design parameters. First the
constructional and representational form of its appearance have to be highlighted with respect to
the function of the building and second the position of the stairway has to be optimized in
relation to the user’ s activity within the layout. Ideally, stairways of a building represent its
functional framework and accordingly, architects speak about the spatial nerve tract of the
building. Users do not readily perceive a main stairway to the upper floors. Using the foremost
stairway (near the entrance), there are a lot of spatial twists and turns without an opportunity for
controlling one’s location. This deficit is at least partly due to the complete lack of visual access
to the outside, which would help to improve spatial updating. Additionally, the number of
rotations within the stairway plays a great role for the user’s stability of his cognitive map of the
building. Taken together, the analyses revealed that—except for global building characteristics—
the staircases are the single most clearly identified cause of way finding problems in our
contemporary building setting.
4.2 Entrance and survey decks: The entrance hall is indiscernible. For public buildings the
entrance hall symbolizes the most important point in the layout. The essential function of the
entrance hall is to be readable as such and to cognitively structure the route network, especially
for unfamiliar visitors, who clearly rely on central-point-based strategies, as we have discussed
earlier. However, this function is not properly met, which imposes a usability deficit on the
building as a whole. For the user entering the entrance hall, within complex spatial settings
architects and designers have to create places of survey and overview to allow users to build
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
well-integrated spatial knowledge. Visibility is one of the most important qualities of
architectural spaces and consequently fundamental to the general understanding of built
environments [9].
4.3 Floor space and dead ends: The layout of the floors is incongruent. In the planning of
complex buildings architects have to pay attention to the uncomplicated and insightful
organization of floors. From way finding research and a building usability point of view, this (a)
prompts improper assumptions in the users about the route networks and (b) hampers the mental
alignment of levels. Dead ends make way finding difficult. It is very important in architecture
and particularly for public buildings such as universities, hospitals or conference centers to pay
attention to always provide an alternative route to any navigational decision. Dead ends block the
user’s exploration activity and are extremely difficult to operate within the mental representation
of the building in respect to the levels above and vertical information in general. But there are
several locations that can be characterized as ‘‘dead space’’, ‘‘dead ends’’ or ‘‘blind alleys’’. For
example, the public area surrounded by the living quarters leads to a dark and uncomfortable
corridor. Users will not expect the stairways at the end of the corridor and thus miss relevant
route choices and feel lost in dead ends.
4.4 Transitional spaces and building interiors: The interior building structure is not
distinguishable. To understand a building layout both the exterior and the interior structure of a
public building has to be effortlessly understood. Looking at the floor plan, the dissimilarity of
geometrical shapes and architectural forms would appear to be helpful for the users to orientate
themselves. But in fact, when actually navigating in the building, the different subsections are no
longer readily recognizable for the way finder, leading to a lack of visual differentiation. There is
too little differentiation of public and private space. When planning multi-functional public
buildings architects have to bear in mind to separate private or personal space from public space.
This rule serves the purpose of integrating two disparate spatial systems within one building.
There are a lot of mistaken public and private areas within the conference center, which results in
disorientating the user and the production of unnecessary dead ends. Therefore, public spaces
have to be clearly indicated both by architectural layout and signage.
National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
5. Discussion and future scope
Providing guidelines for improving way finding friendliness and usability is clearly a practical
goal of our research. We will also need to check whether the results of our study generalize to
buildings with less complicated layouts across floors. It remains to be tested in subsequent
studies, how the 3D navigation strategies are related to the important theoretical concept of
‘‘frame of reference’’ have provided a basis with their identification of local mismatches of
reference frames in a building and this should be extended to the multi-level case [10]. Based on
the present study we hope to intensify the cooperation of cognitive scientists and architectural
designers. In the future, we will develop specific methods to support usability from the early
planning stages on, in order to avoid costly design mistakes. Besides using virtual reality
techniques for testing layout prototypes, we envision augmenting Space-Syntax-type layout
analysis with the techniques presented here to identify usability deficits. Our study has
demonstrated the general usefulness of verbal data for systematic statistical analyses of cognitive
processes in way finding at least if they are combined with objective way finding measures.
Helping to understand the cognitive strategies of building users is a valuable contribution of
cognitive science to architectural planning.
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National Conference on Cognitive Research on Human
Perception of Built Environment for Health and Wellbeing
On 09th & 10th February, 2012, Vishakhapatnam, India
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