of Cell and Molecular Biology 6(2): 99-107, 2007
Review Article
Haliç University, Printed in Turkey.
Epigenetic activation of genomic retrotransposons
Ahmed Mansour
Agricultural Genetic Engineering, Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt.
(author for correspondence;
[email protected])
Received 18 September 2007; Accepted 04 December 2007
Retrotransposons outnumber the genes in large plant genomes, thereby comprising the bulk of the genome.
They are largely quiescent during development, but become more active under stress conditions. These elements spread throughout the genome by a process termed retrotransposition, which includes transcription of
an element into RNA, reverse transcription into cDNA, and reinsertion of the copied element into a new
genomic location. Biotic and abiotic stresses are regular phenomena facing plants. Likewise, both retrotransposons and retroviruses can be stress-activated. Activation of retrotransposable elements can be induced by
various stresses. In particular, long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, which were found in most plant
species, are characterized by a high level of variability in the LTR sequences involved in transcription, and
have evolved by gaining new expression patterns mostly associated with responses to diverse stress stimuli.
Most of the plant LTR retrotransposons produce larger pools of transcripts in response to biotic and abiotic
stress. Recently it was shown that the epigenetic activation of these mobile elements alters the expression of
adjacent genes. The new insertions in or next to coding regions generate mutations that can lead to changes
in gene expression and reshape the genome, both structurally and functionally. Thus, activation of LTR
retrotransposable elements can play an essential role in plant development and evolution.
Key Words: Retrotransposon, transposition, stress activation, epigenetic activation, LTR
Genomik retrotranspozonların epigenetik aktivasyonu
Retrotranspozonlar büyük bitki genomlarındaki genlerden sayıca fazladırlar, bu yüzden de genomun önemli
bir bölümünü oluştururlar. Gelişim sürecinde çoğu zaman etkisiz olup, stres koşullarında etkin hale geçerler.
Bu öğeler; RNA transkripsiyonu, cDNA ters transkripsiyonu ve kopyalanmış parçanın genomda yeni bir
konuma yeniden eklenmesi aşamalarından oluşan retrotranspozisyon işlemi sayesinde genom boyunca yayılmışlardır. Biyotik ve abiyotik stresler bitkilerin sıkça karşılaştıkları durumlardır. Aynı şekilde, hem
retrotranspozonlar hem de retrovirüsler stres yoluyla etkin hale geçebilirler. Retrotranspozlanabilir elementlerin aktivasyonu çeşitli stresler tarafından gerçekleştirilebilir. Özellikle birçok bitki türünde bulunan uzun
uç tekrarlı (LTR) retrotranspozonlar, transkripsiyonda rol oynayan LTR dizilerindeki yüksek değişkenlik
derecesi ile karakterize edilirler ve farklı stres uyarılarına cevap vermekle ilişkili yeni ekspresyon şekilleri
kazanarak evrimleşmişlerdir. Bitki LTR retrotranspozonlarının birçoğu, biyotik ve abiyotik stres uyarılarına
cevap olarak daha geniş transkript havuzları üretirler. Yakın bir zaman önce, bu hareketli elementlerin
epigenetik aktivasyonunun bitişik genlerin ekpresyonunu etkilediği ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Kodlayan bölgelerde ya da yakındaki bir bölgedeki yeni dizi eklenmeleri, gen ifadesini değiştirecek ve genomu hem yapısal
Ahmed Mansour
hem de işlevsel olarak yeniden yapılandıracak mutasyonlara sebep olmaktadır. Bu yüzden, LTR
retrotranspozlanabilir elementlerin aktivasyonu bitki gelişimi ve evriminde önemli bir rol oynayabilir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Retrotranspozon, transpozisyon, stres aktivasyonu, epigenetik aktivasyon, LTR
LTR retrotransposons widespread through
Retrotransposons are major genomic components
of most eukaryotic organisms. The emerging data
show that a significant portion of eukaryotic
genomes is composed of transposable elements
(TEs) (Jurka et al., 2007). In plants for example,
they constitute 15% of the nuclear DNA in Arabidopsis thaliana, 50-80% of some grass genomes, and more than 90% in some Liliaceae
(Feschotte et al., 2002; Sabot and Schulman,
2006). In human it represents nearly half (42%)
of the human genome (IHGSC, 2001). LTR retrotransposons are the most abundant class of transposable elements in plants and are the main components of higher plant genomic DNA. As their
name indicates, the LTR retrotransposons are
flanked by LTRs. In addition, it is now well established that the differences in genome sizes
observed in the plant kingdom are accompanied
by variations in LTR retrotransposon content,
suggesting that LTR retrotransposons might be
important players in the evolution of plant genome sizes, along with polyploidy (Vitte and
Panaud, 2005). They have a great impact in shaping their host genomes through insertional mutagenesis, gene expression changes and recombination (Kashkush et al., 2003).
Stress impact on LTR and non-LTR retrotransposons
Different stresses have been shown to influence
many plant retrotransposons. For instance, various biotic and abiotic stresses are shown to increase expression of various transcriptionally
active LTR retrotransposons include chilling,
infection, mechanical damage, in vitro regeneration, hybridization and generation of doubled
haploids (Hirochika, 1995; Grandbastien et al.,
2005, Salazar et al., 2007). In plants, it has been
reported that retrotransposons of rice were involved in mutations induced by tissue culture
(Hirochika et al., 1996). Also, exposure to cell-wall
hydrolases activates specific expression of retrotransposon in tobacco (Pouteau et al., 1991).
In human cells, it was reported that human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) elements have been
reported to be transactivated by viral infections.
This transactivation by viral infection was shown in
different cell-lines (Nellaker et al., 2006). On the
other hand, non-LTR retrotransposons can also be
activated by stress. Moreover, it was reported that
cancer induces retrotransposable elements, long
interspersed nuclear elements LINE-1(L1), in
mammalian tissue cultures (Kuff and Lueders,
Active retrotransposons in different species
Most active retrotransposon families comprise
several members and are dispersed throughout
genomes (Cheng et al., 2006; Grandbastien, 1994;
Grandbastien, 2004, Hagan and Rudin, 2002). A
high variability in the nucleotide sequences as well
as in different cis-acting elements have been determined when promoter regions from different
family members were compared. In that way, different retrotransposon families can respond differently to specific stress challenges (Beguiristain et
al., 2001). The ability of retrotransposons to respond to a wide variety of signal molecules is not a
common feature between all retrotransposons. By
surveying some induced retrotransposons under
stress, it was evident that specific groups of retrotransposons are more likely to be activated by
stress than others (Table 1).
Tnt1 and Tto1 active retrotransposon in Solanaece
In dicotyledon plants for instance, Tnt1A element,
which is originally discovered in tobacco, is expressed in response to various stresses, such as
wounding, biotic elicitors and pathogen attacks.
However, it was shown that fungal extracts efficiently activate Tnt1 mobility (Melayah et al.,
2001). These results indicate that activation by
Epigenetic activation of retrotransposons
Table 1. Description of some stress activated transposable elements.
Tissue culture
Cell-wall hydrolases
Adenine starvation
Protoplast preparation
High salt concentrations
Interspecific hybridization
Adaptation to a moisture
Microbial Factors
Mechanical damage
In vitro regeneration
Viral infection
Cytosine demethylation
UV light
Resistance to bacterial blight
and plant development
Fungal infection
Heat shock
Viral infection
Trichothecene mycotoxin
deoxynivalenol (DON)
Cold stress
Environmental hydrocarbon
Common chemotherapeutic
drugs and gamma-radiation
Hybridization and generation
of doubled haploids
Element Type
Tto1 , Tos17
Wis 2-1A
Grandbastien ,2004
Grandbastien et al 1997
Grandbastien et al 1998
Hirochika el al, 1995
Liu et al., 2004
Gyulai et al., 2008 Unpublished Data
Sha et al., 2005
Romani PP and
Erika LTR
Ansari et al., 2007
Retrotrasposonlike homologue
LTR- Retrotransposon
LINE-1 (L1)
microbial factors of pathogen origin can generate
genetic diversity in plants (Grandbastien et al.,
2005). This activation is mainly promoterdependent. It was reported that Tnt1A promoter
has the potential to be activated by various biotic
and abiotic stimuli. However, a number of these
stimuli are specifically repressed in tobacco and
are revealed only when the LTR promoter is
placed in a heterologous context (Grandbastien et
al., 1997).
Other example for that is TLC1.1 retrotransposon family in Lycopersicon chilense. This
retrotransposon can be activated in response to
Hirochika el al, 1996
Liu et al., 2004
Pouteau, 1991
Hirochika, 1995
Todeschini et al., 2005
Tapia et al., 2005
Tapia et al., 2005
Tapia et al., 2005
Kashkush et al., 2002, 2003
Kalendar et al., 2000
Ikeda et al., 2001
Nellaker et al 2006
Dellaporta et al 1984
Ansari et al., 2007
Steward et al., 2002
Ivashuta et al., 2002
Stribinskis et al 2006
Hagan and Rudin , 2002
Hagan et al., 2003
Shan et al., 2005
diverse stress conditions such as wounding, protoplast preparation, and high salt concentrations. It is
also transcriptionally induced in response to several
stress-associated signaling molecules in vivo including ethylene, methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid,
and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Based on
these results, it was suggested that ethylenedependent signaling is the main signaling pathway
involved in the regulation of the expression of the
TLC1.1 retrotransposon (Tapia et al., 2005). Recently, it was shown that the promoter of the
TLC1.1 retrotransposon is also activated by multiple stress-related signaling molecules. In particu-
Ahmed Mansour
lar a 270 bp fragment (P270) derivative of this
retroelement promoter, is able to activate the
transcription of the GUS reporter gene in transgenic plants in response to salicylic acid (SA),
abscisic acid (ABA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA),
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the synthetic auxin
2,4-D (Salazar et al., 2007).
Moreover, it was also shown in Solanaecea
that linear DNA intermediates of Tto1 retrotransposon accumulates in Gag particles in stressed
tobacco. The accumulation of Tto1 linear DNA
molecules in particle fractions were detected from
callus and methyl jasmonate-treated leaves of
tobacco, but not from non-stressed leaves
(Takeda et al., 2001).
is strongly activated by gamma-irradiation and this
activation of transposition rises with increasing
doses of gamma-rays and is stronger for Ty1 elements than for the related Ty2 elements. A moderate increase in Ty1 cDNA levels was also observed, indicating that ionizing radiation can induce
the synthesis of Ty1 cDNA. In the same report, Ty1
RNA levels are markedly elevated upon irradiation;
however, no significant increase of TyA1 protein
was detected (Sacerdot et al., 2005). In a similar
report, it was shown that Ty1 transcription is stimulated under severe adenine starvation conditions
and activation mechanism involves chromatin remodeling at Ty1 promoters (Todeschini et al.,
Active retrotransposons in cereals
Stress activation of non-LTR retrotransposon in
mammalian cells
In monocots, Tos17, copia-like retrotransposon of
rice, was shown to be activated by different biotic
and abiotic stresses such as tissue culture, cytosine demethylation, development and pathogen
induction (Liu et al., 2004, Sha et al., 2005). It
was shown that the adult plant resistance to bacterial blight as well as development are related to
activation and polymorphism of Tos17. In other
report, activation of a rice endogenous retrotransposon Tos17 was shown in tissue culture accompanied by cytosine demethylation and causes
heritable alteration in methylation pattern of the
flanking genomic regions (Liu et al., 2004).
In wheat, it was reported that activation of
Wis2-1A retrotransposon transcripts in a newly
synthesized wheat amphiploid derives from an
interspecific hybridization followed by chromosome doubling (Kashkush et al., 2002, 2003).
This activation indicates an evolutionarily important role of Wis 2-1A retrotransposon in wheat
Ty family, an active LTR-retrotransposons in
LTR-retrotransposons found in unicellular organisms such as yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are
also activated by stress (Sacerdot et al., 2005;
Todeschini et al., 2005). Ty1 elements in yeast
are shown to be activated by genetic and environmental stress. Several DNA-damaging agents
are proved to increase both Ty1 transcription and
retrotransposition (Lesage and Todeschini, 2005).
For instance, it was found that Ty1 transposition
In mammalian, approximately one-quarter of the
human genome is composed of short and long
interspersed elements (non LTR transposons such
as SINEs and LINEs, respectively). Long interspersed nuclear elements (L1) are abundant retrotransposons and usually remain silent under most
conditions. Cellular stress signals activate L1 and it
was shown that exposing cells to reactive carcinogenic intermediates increases L1 retrotransposition
in HeLa cells (Stribinskis and Ramos, 2006). Recombination events involving these elements, including novel insertions into active genes, have
been associated with a number of human diseases.
Several common chemotherapeutic drugs and
gamma radiation have been show to be associated
with dramatic induction of SINE transcription, and
of a concomitant endogenous reverse transcriptase
activity (Hagan and Rudin, 2002). In another report, it was shown that HERV-W elements, including elements lacking regulatory LTRs, are expressed in cell-specific patterns and can be modulated and induced by many environmental influences (Nellaker et al., 2006). It was shown to be
associated with schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis,
preeclampsia and infections by influenza viruses.
Retrotransposon responses differ among different host genotypes
Many reports have been shown that the retrotransposon responses may differ between different host
genotypes. For instance, Gypsy-like transposable
elements such Erika and Romani PP, were up-
Epigenetic activation of retrotransposons
regulated in wheat heads in response to fungal
mycotoxin stress. The trichothecene mycotoxin
deoxynivalenol (DON) induced accumulation of
retrotransposon and functionally uncharacterized
transcript homologs in wheat root tissue. As with
disease symptoms, transcript accumulation in
wheat heads was generally higher in response to
wild-type GZ3639 than to mutant GZT40 (up to
1.7 times higher) (Ansari et al., 2007). Also, it
has been reported that the heritable alteration in
cytosine-methylation patterns occurred in some
regions flanking retroelement in some rice line
and not to others (Liu et al., 2004). Moreover,
the activity of Tos17 was different in three rice
lines (the parental line cv. Matsumae and two
introgression lines, RZ2 and RZ35) in response to
tissue culture. This may be due to the fact that
each line harbors different copies of the element.
But it was shown that only in introgression line
RZ35, Tos17 was transcriptionally activated and
temporarily mobilized by tissue culture, which
was followed by repression before or upon plant
regeneration (Liu et al., 2004). In alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Ivashuta et al. (2002) found repetitive elements carrying long-terminal repeats
(LTR) and other retroelement-like features showing strong expression under low temperatures and
also demonstrating dramatic differences in expression between different alfalfa varieties. This
different behavior of plant retrotransposon in
‘‘natural host’’ versus expression in heterologus
species has been also described for the tobacco
Tnt1 retroelement (Granbastien et al., 2005). Tnt1
retrotransposon, which is found in various Solanaceae species, are characterized by a high level
of variability in the LTR sequences involved in
transcription. It was reported that the behavior of
Tnt1 retrotransposons differs between host specie.
Granbastien et al. (2005) have proposed that this
is most probably in correlation to differences in
expression conditions in the evolutionary and
environmental history of each host.
Thus, retrotransposon responses may differ
between host genotypes. These specificities that
differ sensibly for each genotype, possibly reflecting an adaptive response of ancestral populations to different stimuli. It would be interesting
to conduct a more in depth analysis of the effect
of different stress treatments on epigenetic regulation and retrotransposon activity in different
plant genotypes.
LTRs insertions lead to changes in gene expression and phenotypic diversity
Retroelements are important sources of plant genetic diversity (Kumar and Bennetzen, 1999). LTRs
insertions in or next to coding regions generate
mutations that can lead to changes in gene expression. For example, TntlA transposition preferentially targets genic regions, suggesting that the activity
of transposable elements can modulate genic functions and represent a natural source of phenotypic
diversity (Granbastien et al., 2005).
Furthermore, run-off transcription from LTRs
can lead to overexpression or suppression of nearby
genes. For instance, it was reported that activation
of antisense or sense transcripts of Wis2-1A retrotransposon in wheat is associated with silencing or
activation of the corresponding genes, respectively
(Kashkush et al., 2002, 2003). Moreover it was
shown in maize that the activity of the element can
in turn affect neighboring genes. This is shown for
an Spm insertion in the a locus (Masson, et al.,
1987) and a Mu insertion in hcf106 gene (Martienssen et al., 1990), but the mechanisms by which this
occurs are not well understood. Hence, retrotransposons can be potential controlling elements in the
genome because of their abundance in genomes
and their ability to be activated by various signals.
Genomic controlling mechanisms for retrotransposon activity
The level of LTR retrotransposon expression, even
following stress induction, is shown to be generally
much lower than for ‘classical’ genes (Wessler,
1996). That was reasoned due to the LTR itself
being a weak promoter, or due to transcriptional or
post-transcriptional repression, with possible mechanisms including methylation, heterochromatin
formation and RNA interference (RNAi) (Okamoto
and Hirochika, 2001). In fact, transposable elements represent a threat to the integrity of their host
genomes because of their mutagenic potential
(Kidwell and Lisch, 2000). Thus host genomes
have developed mechanisms to control the activity
of the TEs and their mutagenic potential (Vicient et
al. 1999; Jensen et al. 1999; Hirochika et al. 2000).
The most general and effective mechanism is probably the silencing mechanism (Figure 1). Posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) mediated by
short interfering RNA (siRNA) and promoter inactivation by methylation (transcriptional gene silenc-
Ahmed Mansour
ing, TGS) are very effective silencing mechanisms (Vance and Vaucheret, 2002; Cheng et al.,
2006). Although they are usually inactive, some
retrotransposon can escape silencing (Figure1).
Thus there are few plant retrotransposons that
have maintained their ability to transpose and are
activated only under stress situations (Kumar and
Bennetzen, 1999).
Active retrotransposons contain active promoters
McClintock (1984) proposed the genomic shock
model which postulates that mobile genetic elements play a crucial role in plant genome reorganization induced by environmental challenges.
Based on this theory, promoters of active LTR
retrotransposons should contain cis-regulatory
elements necessary to respond to signaling pathways related to the defense system. Recently it
was shown that a common characteristic of most
active plant retrotransposons is that they all contain cis-regulatory elements in their promoter (U3
region of LTR 5′) associated to signal transduction pathways related to plant defense response
(Salazar et al., 2007)(Figure 1). In fact, active
retrotransposons are switched on by stress and
their promoter elements are similar to those of
plant defense genes, and it may bind to similar
defense-induced transcription factors (Casacuberta and Santiago, 2003). Recruitment of solo LTRs
containing stress response elements to roles as
Figure 1. Proposed scheme for stress activation of retrotransposon.
cellular promoters may provide a ready coordinating system for coping with stress. Numerous endogenous stress promoters share strong sequence
similarities with LTRs (White et al., 1994; Dunn et
al., 2006) (Figure 1).
Transposition and genetic diversity
Different kinds of stresses trigger different signaling
pathways specific for each stress. Despite different
interactions between signaling pathways, they usually differentiate at the end. Many cellular stress signals activate the retrotransposons (Grandbastien et
al., 1998), but the molecular mechanisms controlling
the activation of retrotransposons remain unclear.
Retrotransposon may benefit from stress conditions,
because it may be difficult for the plant to simultaneously silence transcription of the retrotransposon
and maintain the defensive response. This activation
may be due to the regulatory sequences involved in
this activation are similar in various stressresponsive plant genes (Grandbastien, 2004). They
insert themselves at different positions in host genomes thus they can be important sources of genetic
diversity and evolution (Beguiristain et al., 2001;
Casacuberta and Santiago, 2003).
Summary and conclusions
In summary, LTR retrotransposons which are the
most abundant mobile elements in the genome
seems to play an important role in genome reorgan-
Epigenetic activation of retrotransposons
ization induced by environmental challenges.
Based on the above mentioned reports, the environmental stresses cause an epigenetic activation
of mobile elements, with or without LTR, dispersed throughout the genome. Despite of the
restrict silencing mechanisms; few retrotransposons in each genome have maintained their ability
to transpose and activate under stress situations.
It has been clearly shown that retrotransposons can be expressed in specific patterns which
can be modulated by different environmental
influences. This brings into light that mechanisms
behind the regulation and expression of the retroelements are more complex than previously assumed and suggest biological functions of these
transcripts. The success of retro-elements in this
function depends on the ability of their promoters
to respond to different signaling pathways that
regulate plant adaptation to biotic and abiotic
stresses. This strengthens the hypothesis that
stress modulation of transposable elements might
play a role in generating host genetic plasticity in
response to environmental stresses. Reviewing
the available experimental results suggests that,
despite that there are clear examples of mutations
and retrotransposon movements induced by external factors, environmental stress or introduction of foreign material into a genome does not
cause drastic genomic changes.
I would like to acknowledge Bibliotheca Alexandrina-Center for Special Studies & Programs and
ParOwn, mhesr-initiatives, Ministry of Higher
Education, Egypt, for their great support. I would
like also to thank Professor A.H. Schulman and
Assoc. Prof. R. Kalendar, Institute of Biotechnology, Finland, for introducing me to the world of
transposable elements.
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