by William Cavazza1, François Roure2, Wim Spakman3, Gérard M. Stampfli4,
Peter A. Ziegler,5 and the TRANSMED Project Working Groups*
geological-geophysical fabric of
the Mediterranean region
— Final report of the project
1 Department of Earth and Geoenvironmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy (
[email protected])
2 Institut Français du Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France (francois@
[email protected])
3 Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (
[email protected])
4 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (gerard.stampfl
[email protected])
5 Department of Geosciences, University of Basel, Switzeland (
[email protected])
Geological research on the Mediterranean region is
presently characterized by the transition from disciplinary to multidisciplinary research, as well as from
national to international investigations. In order to synthesize and integrate the vast disciplinary and national
datasets which are available, it is necessary to implement maximum interaction among geoscientists of different backgrounds. The creation of project-oriented
task forces in universities and other research institutions, as well as the development of large international
cooperation programs, is instrumental in pursuing such
a multidisciplinary and supranational approach. The
TRANSMED Atlas, an official publication of the 32nd
International Geological Congress (Florence 2004), is
the result of an international scientific cooperation program which brought together for over two years sixtythree structural geologists, geophysicists, marine geologists, petrologists, sedimentologists, stratigraphers,
paleogeographers, and petroleum geologists coming
from eighteen countries, and working for the petroleum
industry, academia, and other institutions, both public
and private. The TRANSMED Atlas provides an
updated, synthetic, and coherent portrayal of the overall
geological-geophysical structure of the Mediterranean
domain and the surrounding areas. The initial stimulus
for the Atlas came from the realization of the extremely
heterogeneous nature of the existing geological-geophysical data about such domain. These data have been
gathered by universities, oil companies, geological surveys and other institutions in several countries, often
using different procedures and standards. In addition,
much of these data are written in languages and published in outlets that are not readily accessible to the
general international reader. By synthesizing and integrating a wealth of preexisting and new data derived
from surficial geology, seismic sections at various
scales, and mantle tomographies, the TRANSMED Atlas
provides for the first time a coherent geological overview of the Mediterranean region and represents an
ideal springboard for future studies.
During the 31st IGC in Rio de Janeiro, after the designation of Florence by the IUGS Council as the venue for the 32nd IGC, the
Mediterranean Consortium was set up. The goal of the Consortium
was to help Italy in the scientific organization of the following congress. In its full configuration, the Consortium was an association of
thirty-one Mediterranean and nearby countries. Along with Italy,
they are: Albania, Algeria, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel,
Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Palestine,
Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. Each member country nominated a National Representative who served as a liaison
between his/her national geological community and the IGC Organizing Committee. The National Representatives disseminated information on the congress and stimulated the submission of proposals
for scientific sessions, short courses, workshops and fieldtrips from
their national Earth sciences communities. Three Mediterranean
Consortium representatives sat on the Advisory Board of the 32nd
IGC, representing the Mediterranean countries of Europe, North
Africa and the Middle East, thus providing additional input for the
organization of the congress.
From the very beginning several Mediterranean Consortium
representatives championed the notion that such cooperation should
have not only translated into the participation of the Mediterranean
countries in the organization of the future congress, but also should
have been a springboard for launching a scientific project focused on
the Mediterranean region and whose results had to be presented at
the congress. Such initiative, called the TRANSMED Project,
kicked off at the end of 2001 and in about two years generated a
number of transects depicting the lithospheric and mantle structure
across selected, representative regions of the Mediterranean domain
*TRANSMED Project Working Groups Coordinators° and Participants: F. Alvarez-Lobato, M.-L. Arboyela, A. Argnani, P. Ayarza, N. Benaouali, G. Borel,
R. Bracène, E. Carminati°, G. Carrara, A. Chalouan, M. Comas, A. Crespo-Blanc, C. Dabovski, C. Doglioni°, N. Dumurdzanov, H. El-Bargathi, A. El-Hawat,
M. Fernàndez, D. Frizon de Lamotte°, B. Fügenschuh, M. Gaetani, G. Georgiev, D. Ioane, M. Julivert, O. Khriachtchevskaia, E. Kissling, H. D. Kranis , Y. Mart,
A. Mauffret, A. Michard, J. A. Muñoz, S. Nazai, G. Oaie, A. Obeidi, A. Okay, D. Papanikolaou°, D. Radu, C. Robert-Charrue, A. H. F. Robertson, E. Roca°,
B. Saint-Bezar, A. Saintot, R. Sartori, S. Schmid°, R. Schuster, V. Scionti, D. Scrocca, A. Seghedi, M. Séranne, R. Stephenson°, S. Stovba, A. Teixell, L. Torelli,
J. Vergés, R. Wortel, I. Zagorchev, H. Zeyen, M. Zizi.
December 2004
and adjoining areas (Figure 1). This was accomplished integrating
surface geology, seismic profiles, and mantle tomography, both on
land and at sea. The goal was to provide the international geoscientist with an updated, supranational overview of the geological and
geophysical fabric of the complex Mediterranean domain—the
TRANSMED Atlas (Cavazza et al., 2004a)—in the hope that such
scientific and editorial initiative would be useful both to the Earth
scientists unfamiliar with the Mediterranean and to those willing to
put the results of their own research within a wider framework. This
short report is abstracted from the contents of the TRANSMED
Atlas and aims at outlining some of its main characteristics.
Rationale for the TRANSMED Project
Apart from its historical and cultural importance as a crossroad
among various religions, trade routes and civilizations, the Mediterranean region constitutes also a geological transition between the
Middle East and the Atlantic, as well as between Europe and Africa.
For example, the Mediterranean represents a proxy of the long-lasting
interactions between Eurasia and Gondwana, with successive
episodes of continental break-up and oceanic development, subduction, continental collision and orogeny. Although relatively small on
a global scale, the Mediterranean region has an exceedingly complex
geological structure. Tectonic activity here spans from the Panafrican
orogeny (Precambrian) of the Gondwanan, northern Africa craton to
the destructive present-day seismicity along the North Anatolian
Fault. Many important ideas and influential geological models have
been developed based on research undertaken in the Mediterranean
region. For example, the Alps are the most studied orogen in the
world, their structure has been elucidated in great detail for the most
part and has served as an orogenic model applied to other collisional
orogens. Ophiolites and olistostromes were defined and studied for
the first time in this region. The Mediterranean Sea has possibly the
highest density of DSDP/ODP sites in the world, and extensive
research on its Messinian deposits and on their on-land counterparts
provided a spectacular example for the generation of widespread
basinal evaporites. Other portions of this region are less well understood and are now receiving much international attention.
The Mediterranean domain is dominated geologically by a system of connected fold-and-thrust belts and associated foreland and
back-arc basins. These belts cannot be interpreted as the end product
of a single "Alpine" orogenic cycle as they vary in terms of timing, tectonic setting and internal architecture (see, for example, Dixon and
Robertson, 1984; Ziegler and Roure, 1996). Instead, the major suture
zones of this area are the result of complex tectonic events which
closed different oceanic basins of variable size and age. In addition,
some Mediterranean foldbelts developed by inversion of intracontinental rift zones (e.g. Atlas, Iberian Chain, Provence-Languedoc,
Crimea). The Pyrenees—somehow transitional between these two end
members—evolved out of a continental transform rift zone. A large
wealth of data—including deep seismic soundings, seismic tomographies, paleomagnetic and gravity data, and palinspastic reconstructions—constrains the lithospheric structure of the various elements of
the Mediterranean Alpine orogenic system and indicates that the late
Mesozoic and Paleogene convergence between Africa-Arabia and
Europe has totalled hundreds of kilometers. Such convergence was
accomodated by the subduction of oceanic and partly continental
lithosphere (de Jong et al., 1993), as indicated also by the existence of
lithospheric slabs beneath the major fossil and modern subduction
zones (e.g. Spakman et al., 1993; Wortel and Spakman, 2000). The
Mediterranean orogenic system features several belts of tectonized
and obducted ophiolitic rocks which are located along often narrow
suture zones within the allochthon and represent remnants of former
extensional basins. Some elements of the Mediterranean orogenic system, such as the Pyrenees and the Greater Caucasus, may comprise
local ultramafic rock bodies but are devoid of true ophiolitic sutures.
The modern marine basins of the Mediterranean domain are
also quite complex and heterogeneous, both in terms of age and
Episodes, Vol. 27, no. 4
geological structure. They are floored by (i) thick continental lithosphere (Adriatic Sea), (ii) continental lithosphere thinned to a variable extent (Alboran Sea, Valencia Trough, Aegean Sea) up to
denuded mantle (central Tyrrhenian Sea), (iii) relics of the PermoTriassic neotethyan oceanic domains (Ionian and Libyan seas, E
Mediterranean), and (iv) oceanic crust of back-arc basins of Late
Cretaceous-Paleogene age (Black Sea) or Neogene age (AlgeroProvençal basin). In detail, several of these basins have a more
complex structure: for example, only the central, areally subordinate portion of the Black Sea is made of oceanic crust—which, in
turn, can be subdivided in two smaller oceanic domains of different ages—whereas all the rest of it is made of stretched continental
Comprehension of the already intrinsically complex Mediterranean geology is complicated further by the fact that the results of a
good portion of the research carried out in the area are published in a
galaxy of outlets, including regional journals, geological survey
reports and academic theses written in at least twenty languages.
Ultimately, this makes the geological literature on the Mediterranean
region forbidding for the outsiders. Despite several publications
summarizing specific or broader aspects of Mediterranean geology
(e.g. Biju-Duval and Montadert, 1977; Dixon and Robertson, 1984;
Stanley and Wezel, 1985; Morris and Tarling, 1996; Durand et al.,
1999), it is therefore hardly surprising that until now there was no
coherent synthesis adequately covering this wide region. The
TRANSMED Atlas (Cavazza et al., 2004a) aims at filling the gap by
providing an updated overview of the geological and geophysical
fabric of the Mediterranean region.
Structure of the TRANSMED Atlas
The TRANSMED Atlas comprises a printed volume and a CDROM. The printed volume contains three chapters: an introductory
chapter on the main geological and geophysical features (Cavazza et
al., 2004), a chapter on the lithospheric structure as imaged by mantle tomography (Spakman and Wortel, 2004), and a chapter on the
paleogeographic-paleotectonic evolution of the study area (Stampfli
and Borel, 2004). These three chapters provide background geological and geophysical information on the study area and set the stage
for the CD-ROM, which contains the vast majority of the information (800 MB, ca. 370 files) of the TRANSMED Atlas.
The CD-ROM includes eight lithospheric transects across significant domains of the Mediterranean region and the surrounding
areas (Figure 1). The eight transects total >12,000 km of original
lithospheric sections across many of the most geologically significant areas of the Mediterranean domain (Table 1), and represent the
synthesis of vast datasets of different provenance. Each transect was
drawn at 1:1,000,000 scale (with no vertical exaggeration) in two
versions: chronolithostratigraphic (rock units are divided solely
according to their age) and tectonic (rock units are divided according
to their tectonic affiliation) (e.g. Figure 2). Chronostratigraphic subdivisions follow the International Stratigraphic Chart by UNESCOIUGS (2000); tectonic affiliations follow with some modifications
the scheme developed for the North American Continent-Ocean
Transects Program (see Speed, 1991).
The transects provide a comparative view of the complex
Phanerozoic structure of the Mediterranean region and the surrounding areas using a standardized format, and portray the nature and
sequence of events in the tectonic evolution with a tectonic coding
scheme. Each transect is accompanied by a series of clickable insets
(seismic lines, well logs, lithochronostratigraphic charts, geological
cross sections, detailed maps, field photographs, etc.) providing data in
support of the interpretation shown in the transects (e.g. Figure 3). All
transects were drawn following the same legends although some leeway was given to the various Working Groups to accommodate the
varying amounts of data and detail available for the different regions.
All transects are accompanied by a text with figures and references describing (i) the main broad features (tectonostratigraphic/
Figure 1 Main menu of the TRANSMED CD-ROM. The CD-ROM includes eight lithospheric transects across significant domains of the
Mediterranean region and the surrounding areas. Each transect was drawn at 1:1,000,000 scale (with no vertical exaggeration) in two
versions: chronolithostratigraphic (rock units are divided solely according to their age) and tectonic (rock units are divided according to
their tectonic affiliation). All transects were drawn following the same legends although some leeway was given to the various working
groups to accommodate the varying amounts of data and detail available for the different regions. Chronostratigraphic subdivisions follow
the International Stratigraphic Chart by UNESCO-IUGS (2000); tectonic affiliations follow with some modifications the scheme developed
for the North American Continent-Ocean Transects Program (see Speed, 1991). From Cavazza et al., (2004a), reproduced with permission.
Table 1 Description of TRANSMED transects
Transect no.
Geological provinces
D. Frizon de Lamotte
Iberian Meseta - Guadalquivir Basin - Betic Cordillera - Alboran Sea - Rif - Moroccan Meseta High Atlas - Sahara Platform
E. Roca
Aquitaine Basin - Pyrenees - Ebro Basin - Catalan Range - Valencia Trough - Balearic Block Algerian Basin - KabyliesAtlas - Saharan Platform
E. Carminati, C.Doglioni
Massif Central - Provence - Gulf of Lion - Provençal Basin - Sardinia - Tyrrhenian Basin Southern Apennines - Apulia - Adriatic Sea - Albanides - Balkans - Moesian Platform
S. Schmid
The Alps and their forelands
D. Papanikolaou
East European Craton - Scythian Platform - Dobrogea - Balkanides - Rhodope Massif Helenides - East Mediterranean - Cyrenaica
R. Stephenson
Eastern European Craton - Crimea - Black Sea - Anatolia - Cyprus - Levant Sea - Sinai Red Sea
lithostratigraphic units, geological provinces and terranes, crustal and
mantle structure) along the cross-section and in the surrounding
regions, and (ii) the significance of the transect within the Mediterranean framework. The text also provides a review of the sources of
information, including a brief description of and comments on available data which had direct bearing on the drafting of the cross section,
description of data coverage, comments on the degree of uncertainty
along the various segments of the cross section, need for future work.
All transects can be zoomed and scrolled. Text, references, figures and the transects themselves are searchable and can be accessed
directly via links. All texts can be printed either complete or in part.
An extensive bibliography with more than 1,300 entries is included.
A demo of the TRANSMED Atlas CD-ROM as well as the computer
system requirements necessary to run the CD can be viewed at
Mantle tomography and the geometry of
Mediterranean lithospheric slabs
Mantle tomography provides ways to trace the dense and cold lithospheric slabs currently still sinking into the asthenosphere, whether or
not slab detachment has already occurred (e.g. Spakman, 1990; de
Jong et al., 1993; Spakman et al., 1993; Carminati et al., 1998b;
Wortel and Spakman, 2000). For the Mediterranean region, seismic
tomography has considerably narrowed the range of possible scenarios for the geodynamic evolution of the area. The first mantle models revealed a complex pattern of upper mantle heterogeneity underlying the entire Alpine belt which was interpreted as subducted remnants of Tethys lithosphere (Spakman, 1986a, 1990). Subsequent
December 2004
Figure 2 Detail of a portion of the tectonic version of TRANSMED Transect V. This part of the transect depicts the complex structure of
the Southern Penninic zone north of the Insubric Line and the spectacularly exposed Bergell syntectonic pluton. The Insubric Line is a
segment of a major tectonic lineament -the Periadriatic Line- which took up dextral transpressive displacements during late Oligocene to
early Miocene time. These displacements involve a vertical component of approximately 20 km and a horizontal (strike-slip) component
estimated at about 100 km. From Schmid et al. (2004), reproduced with permission.
Figure 3 Each transect is accompanied by an explanatory text with figures as well as by a series of clickable insets (seismic lines, well
logs, lithochronostratigraphic charts, detailed maps, etc.) providing data in support of the interpretation shown in the transects. This figure
shows a scaled and area-balanced palinspastic sketch of the eastern central Alps at 32 Ma. After the subduction of the Briançonnais
terrane and the Valais ocean more subduction-resisting unstretched continental crust of the European margin entered the subduction
zone. This triggered slab break-off and the onset of magmatism north of the Periadriatic line (von Blanckenburg and Davies, 1995).
Radiogenic heat production within this granitoid basement, in combination with slab break-off led to a change in the thermal regime and
to Barrovian-type (called Lepontine) metamorphism. From Schmid et al. (2004), reproduced with permission.
Episodes, Vol. 27, no. 4
tomographic studies of the Mediterranean, generated by predominantly Dutch and Italian groups, have considerably improved the
image of mantle structure and revealed, for example, flat-lying slabs
under the Western Mediterranean (Lucente et al., 1999; Piromallo and
Morelli, 1997, 2003) or subduction beneath the Aegean to depths of
1,500 km (Bijwaard et al., 1998). The current depth and lateral extent
of the subducted lithospheric material can be traced over much of the
Mediterranean domain and its surroundings, i.e. beneath the Alps, the
Carpathians, the Aegean and the Gibraltar arcs, thus providing firstorder constraints to restore the former evolution of retreating slabs and
the lateral connections of former Tethyan subduction zones.
The following is a synthesis of a portion of the contribution by
Spakman and Wortel (2004) to the TRANSMED Atlas. It underscores
the importance of integrating mantle tomographic studies with surface
geology and shallower seismic surveys to provide constraints on the
geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean domain. The
interested reader should refer to the TRANSMED Atlas for additional
applications of mantle tomography to other Mediterranean regions.
Beneath the Betic-Rif and Alboran region in the westernmost
Mediterranean a positive anomaly is found from the base of the crust
across the entire upper mantle (Figure 4a). The deeper part of the
anomaly extends more to the ENE of the Alboran region; at the base
of the upper mantle it underlies a large part of the east Iberian margin and the Valencia basin. The anomaly clearly shows an eastward
dip and is confined to the upper mantle. Cross sections with a more
N-S orientation exhibit no dip. [An appendix in the TRANSMED
CD-ROM details the geometry of this anomaly along many W-E
directed slices.] The geometry of the positive anomaly beneath the
Betic-Rif and Alboran region may be subject to different interpretations, each associated with a different geodynamic process: (i) delamination of the lithospheric mantle (Seber et al., 1996, Calvert et al.,
2000), (ii) removal of thickened continental lithosphere (Platt and
Vissers, 1989), and (iii) subducted lithosphere (Blanco and Spakman,
1993; Spakman et al., 1993). The TRANSMED tomography results,
which are based on the most recent and accurate data, are in agreement with the conclusions of Gutscher et al. (2002) which combined
the positive anomaly of model BS2000 (Bijwaard and Spakman
2000) with marine-seismic observations of a deforming forearc west
of Gibraltar, and pointed to a still active eastward-dipping subduction
system involving a continuous slab. In line with Gutscher et al.
(2002), Spakman and Wortel (2004) prefer to explain the Betic-Alboran anomaly by subduction of (mostly) oceanic lithosphere. The
alternatives of delamination of the continental lithospheric mantle
and of convective removal of thickened lithosphere are attractive processes, and perhaps may have contributed to the mantle anomaly, but
fail to explain the origin of the largely oceanic Neogene AlboranAlgerian basin. More promising in this respect is a westward rollback model (Royden, 1993; Lonergan and White, 1997) in which the
Alboran-Algerian basin can develop as a backarc basin.
A similar, but W-dipping, mantle tomographic configuration
exists beneath Calabria in southernmost peninsular Italy. Cross
sections (e.g. Figure 4b) clearly demonstrate that the Apennines-
Figure 4 Two cross sections through the first 1000 km of the Western Mediterranean mantle. A) section through the Betic-Alboran region
and Algerian basin; B) section through the Tyrrhenian mantle and Calabria. See Figure 5 for interpretation. The sections are computed
along a great circle segment indicated by a straight red line in the center of the map above each mantle section. Great circle coordinates
are printed in the map. Lateral units are in degrees measured from the start of the section (left); 1 degree=110 km; All dimensions are
plotted to scale. White dots indicate major (magnitude >4.8) earthquakes which occur within 25 km distance of the vertical section. The
diamond symbol to the left in the map indicates a compass needle (white pointing north). The small map-inset shows a larger map of the
region with the great circle segment indicated as a red line. Colors display the percentage deviation of seismic wave speed with respect to
the 1-D reference model ak135 (Kennett et al., 1995). Negative (positive) anomalies represent slower (faster) than average wave speed at
depth. Reference model values are different for each depth. Negative (positive) wave speed anomalies likely represent predominantly higher
(lower) temperatures than average (Goes et al., 2000). Temperature anomalies can be as large as 10%–20%. Dashed lines in the section
represent the mantle discontinuities at 410 and 660 km depth. From Spakman and Wortel (2004), reproduced with permission.
December 2004
Calabria slab is turning to horizontal in the transition zone, lying flat
on the 660 km discontinuity between upper and lower mantle. The
Calabria slab is imaged across the entire upper mantle in regional/global
mantle models (e.g. Spakman et al., 1993; Amato et al., 1993; Cimini
and De Gori, 1997; Piromallo and Morelli, 1997, 2003; Bijwaard et al.,
1998; Bijwaard and Spakman, 2000) and detailed local tomography
models (e.g. Selvaggi and Chiarabba, 1995). Compared to the studies
of the eighties and early nineties, the broad positive anomalies in the
transition zone, particularly the flat-lying portion of the Calabria, are
imaged more clearly in the TRANSMED tomographic model. These
flat anomalies, or parts of them, in the transition zone of the western
Mediterranean were already present in the models of Cimini and De
Gori (1997), Piromallo and Morelli (1997, 2003), and Lucente et al.
(1999) although with a different morphology and depth extent. Slabs
that flatten in the transition zone have been observed under back-arc
basin behind several other retreating subduction systems such as the
Izu-Bonin subduction (Van der Hilst et al., 1991), the Tonga-Kermadec subduction (Van der Hilst, 1995; Bijwaard et al., 1998), and
behind the Melanesian Arc in the region east of Australia (Hall and
Spakman, 2002). Convection modeling studies (e.g. Olbertz et al.,
1997; Christensen, 1995, 2001; Cizkova et al., 2002) and tank experiments (e.g. Griffiths et al., 1995; Becker et al., 1999) conclusively
demonstrated that slab roll-back of more than a few cm/yr may cause
the subducted slab to flatten above the upper-to-lower mantle transition as a result of encountering (initial) resistance against lower-mantle penetration by the slab. Whether the Calabria slab is still attached
to the Ionian basin (Neo-Tethys) lithosphere is questionable. Although
tomographic mantle models mostly show a continuous slab up to the
crust, none of these models possesses the spatial resolution to exclude
a small detachment gap as would result from shallow and recent (e.g.,
past million year) slab detachment.
Several reconstructions of the tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean have been published which are based on interpretations of geology, magnetic anomalies, and marine seismics in
the overall context of Africa-Europe convergence (e.g. Dewey et
al., 1989; Dercourt et al., 1993, 2000; Lonergan and White, 1997;
Gueguen et al., 1998; Jolivet and Faccenna, 2000; Gelabert et al.,
2002; Frizon de Lamotte et al., 2000; Mantovani et al., 2002;
Cavazza and Wezel, 2003). Also attempts were made to combine
tectonic reconstructions with inferences made from seismic
tomography (e.g. Wortel and Spakman, 1992, 2000; de Jong et al.,
1994; Carminati et al., 1998a, b; Faccenna et al., 2001a, 2001b,
2003). These kinematic and geodynamic models differ considerably in detail, basically because the scarcity of data allows for
degrees of freedom in their interpretation. But they all share the
notion that slab roll-back is invoked as the most prominent process for reshaping the western Mediterranean region in the past
25–30 Ma. Roll-back started in the northwest, along the Oligocene
Iberian margin, and progressed outward to the southwest, south,
and southeast. As a result the Valencia and Liguro-Provençal
basins were opened, the Alboran-Algerian basin in the south and,
as a second phase, the Tyrrhenian basin in the southeast (see
TRANSMED Transect II, Roca et al., 2004, and TRANSMED
Transect III, Carminati et al., 2004). Details of the roll-back evolution are still poorly known, but this general scenario of rifting of
the former Iberian-European continental margins and roll-backdriven microplate fragmentation and dispersal has been tested
extensively in various areas (e.g. Malinverno and Ryan, 1986;
Vially and Trémolières, 1996; Bonardi et al., 2001, Monaghan,
2001; Roca, 2001) and is now widely accepted (see Cavazza et al.,
2004b, for a review).
Destruction of the western Alpine Tethys culminated in the closure of the Pyrenees-Valais basin and western/central Alps orogeny
during the Eocene when Adria collided with Europe, thus effectively
locking the Ligurian ocean between Africa, Iberia, central Europe,
and Adria. Continuing convergence between the African and European plates may have caused the onset of NW-directed subduction of
the Ligurian remnant ocean along the east Iberian margin. According
to some studies, initiation of this subduction system may have commenced earlier (Late Cretaceous; Schettino and Scotese, 2002; FacEpisodes, Vol. 27, no. 4
cenna et al., 2001a, b), whereas many other reconstructions assume
initiation of subduction during the Tertiary. The latter timing is
related to the Late Oligocene opening of the Valencia trough (e.g.
Roca, 2001). Because the Ligurian ocean got trapped (land-locked)
during the Eocene between the slowly converging African and European plates, roll-back of the gravitationally unstable Ligurian ocean
lithosphere eventually took over as the dominant mode of subduction (Le Pichon, 1982; Wortel and Spakman, 1992, 2000; Jolivet and
Faccenna, 2000). In the following, the remnants of subducted lithosphere found in the mantle under the western Mediterranean region
will be identified as parts of the western Alpine Tethys.
In map view, the Betic-Rif slab geometry is like a mirror-image
of the Calabria slab (e.g. at a depth of 200 km). Also for the Calabria
subduction the corridor for slab roll-back narrowed between the Adriatic and African margin. In this comparison, the Apennines are in a
similar position as the Betic orogen (including slab detachment)
whereas the free end of the Calabria slab below Sicily compares well
with that of the Betic-Alboran slab under the Rif orogen (including
the lithosphere tearing along the African margin). The angle between
the continental margins of Africa and Iberia is however much smaller
than the angle between the margins of Africa and Adria which may
entail a different evolution of slab geometry and crustal response in
these two regions.
The surface area occupied by the western Alpine Tethys can be
reconstructed by restoring the Betic-Alboran and Apennines slabs to
their former position at the surface (Figure 5a). In the TRANSMED
Atlas, Spakman and Wortel (2004) estimate from the E-W tomographic cross sections a length of about 700-800 km for the BeticAlboran slab which defines its extent along the African margin.
Because the anomaly broadens with depth toward the NE they expect
that the part of the Ligurian ocean associated with this subduction
extended more to the NE (along the Balearic margin). For the Calabrian subduction they estimate a slab length between 1,000 and
1,100 km in a NW direction. The length of the northern Apennines
slab is estimated at 300–400 km. Figure 5a shows the entire area of
the western Alpine Tethyan region affected by subduction in the past
30 Ma. The three slab surfaces of the southern systems meet at the
surface between the Balearic islands and Sardinia. This configuration
of the western Alpine Tethys is in agreement with the starting geometry of many tectonic reconstructions. We note that part of the Calabria slab may in fact consist of Neo-Tethys ocean. Plate tectonic
reconstructions (e.g. Schettino and Scotese, 2002; Stampfli and
Borel, 2004) do not agree on how the Ligurian ocean was connected
in the SE to the Neotethys which makes it difficult to distinguish
between Ligurian and Neo-Tethys contributions to the Calabria slab.
In Figure 5a, Spakman and Wortel (2004) assume that initiation of subduction of the western Alpine Tethys occurred along the
Sardinia-Corsica segment, considered as the zone of greatest lithosphere weakness, given its proximity to the Pyrenees orogeny (up
to Eocene) and the Pyrenees-to-Alps suture left after Alpine collision s.s. in the Eocene. Dissociation of the Betic-Alboran slab, the
east Algerian slab, and the Apennines slab is a necessary result of
accumulating tensional stresses due to surface enlargement during
subduction roll-back. It may have occurred along preexisting
weakness zones and even before the late Miocene opening of the
Tyrrhenian basin. The counterclockwise rotation of Corsica and
Sardinia is much larger than the clockwise rotation of the Balearic
margin. This suggests much larger initial roll back in the former
region which points at a quite early decoupling between the two
major subduction systems. Particularly, to accommodate the southwestward roll-back of the narrow Betic-Alboran slab it seems geometrically necessary to initiate early tearing of the Ligurian ocean
lithosphere along the Balearic margin. The work of Acosta et al.
(2002) suggests that lithosphere tearing may have commenced
already in the early Miocene, coeval with the extensional event of
Platt and Vissers (1989). A transpressive stress regime associated
with tear propagation—due to continuing convergence between
Africa and Europe—would give an explanation for the observed
compression in Maiorca coeval with Valencia basin extension
(Gelabert et al., 1992).
large Paleotethyan and Neotethyan oceanic
domains (one replacing the other during the
Triassic) many oceanic back-arc-type oceans
opened just north of the Paleotethys suture
zone. They are sometimes erroneously considered as Neotethyan because of their Triassic to Jurassic age, but most of these had no
direct connection (neither geographic nor
geological) with the peri-Gondwanan
Neotethys ocean, and should therefore be
called with their local names (e.g. Meliata,
Maliac, Pindos, Vardar). During the break-up
of Pangea, another relatively long, if not
large, oceanic domain appeared, consisting of
the Central Atlantic and its eastern extension
in the Alpine Carpathian domain. The latter
was named "Alpine Tethys" (Favre and
Stampfli, 1992), in order to underscore the
difference between this relatively northerly
ocean and the peri-Gondwanan Neotethys.
Therefore the resulting picture of the western
Tethyan realm in Jurassic time consists of
numerous small oceans and a large periGondwana Neotethys. In mid-Cretaceous
time a narrow branch of the developing
Northern Atlantic extended to the west
between Iberia and France into the Alpine
Tethys, creating the small Valais Ocean. Further complexity arose during the convergence
stages, as many of these oceanic realms gave
birth to new back-arc basins. These are, in
most cases, the birthplaces of the many ophiolitic belts found in the Tethyan realm,
whereas older oceanic domains totally disappeared without leaving large remnants of
their sea floors. Similarly, the system of conFigure 5 A—Surface reconstruction of the western Alpine Tethys based on the amount
nected yet discrete Mediterranean orogenic
and geometry of subducted slab as estimated from the BS2000 tomography model
belts—traditionally considered as the result
(Bijwaard and Spakman, 2000). Dash-dotted line denote the African margin at about 10
of an "Alpine" orogeny—is instead the prodMa, while dotted lines denote the location of the Balearic Islands, Corsica and Sardinia,
uct of diverse tectonic events spanning some
and the African margin in the late Oligocene-earliest Miocene (after Gueguen et al., 1998).
250 Ma, from the late Triassic to the QuaternThe reconstruction assumes a short 300–400 km north-Apennines slab, a 1000–1100 km
ary. Such orogenic belts vary not only in
Calabrian slab (measured along a NW-SE line) and a 700–800 km long Betic-Alboran
terms of timing of their main deformation,
slab. This leaves space for the East-Algeria slab as imaged by tomography. We note that
but also in terms of tectonic setting and interpart of the Calabria slab may actually derive from Ionian (Neo-Tethys) lithosphere; by how
nal architecture.
much is unknown. The thick solid line gives an impression of the trench location at about
Numerous attempts have been made to
15 Ma, after which slab detachment initiated along the African margin. B—Schematic
propose palinspactic reconstructions of the
indication of where we propose that slab detachment and lithosphere tearing occurred to
entire Tethyan-Mediterranean domain since
facilitate the overall development of roll-back of the Ligurian ocean. Continuous slab is
the Permo-Triassic (e.g. Sengor, 1979, 1984;
assumed below Gibraltar and the northern Apennines. Continuity of the Calabria slab is
Ziegler, 1988; Dercourt et al., 1993, 2000;
doubtful. From Spakman and Wortel (2004), reproduced with permission.
Roure, 1994; Yilmaz et al., 1996; Stampfli et
al., 2001a, 2001b, 2002). The latest of these
attempts is presented by G. Stampfli and G.
Borel in the TRANSMED Atlas. A complete review of such set of
A paleogeographic-paleotectonic
reconstructions goes beyond the purpose of this brief report. We proscenario for the evolution of the
vide here a brief summary of the post-Variscan evolution of the
Mediterranean domain and refer readers to Stampfli and Borel
Mediterranean domain
(2004) [see also Appendix 3 in the TRANSMED CD-ROM containing the entire set of twenty-three paleogeographic-paleotectonic
A mounting body of geological evidence gathered mostly over the
last twenty-five years has disproved the traditional notion that the
Following the late Carboniferous-early Permian assemblage of
Alpine-Himalayan mountain ranges originated from the closure of a
Pangea along the Variscan-Appalachian-Mauritanian-Ouachitasingle, albeit complex, Tethyan oceanic domain (mostly Mesozoic).
Marathon and Uralian sutures, a wedge-shaped ocean basin widenFor example, the present-day geological configuration of the
ing to the east—the Paleotethys—was comprised between Eurasia
Mediterranean region is the result of the opening and subsequent
and Africa-Arabia. At this time, a global plate reorganization
induced the collapse of the Variscan orogen and continued northconsumption of two major oceanic basins—the Paleotethys (mostly
ward subduction of Paleotethys beneath the Eurasian continent (e.g.
Paleozoic) and the Neotethys (late Paleozoic-Mesozoic)—and of
Vai, 2003). A new oceanic basin—the Neotethys—began to form
additional smaller oceanic basins within an overall regime of proalong the Gondwanan margin due to the rifting and NNE-ward driftlonged interaction between the Eurasian and the African-Arabian
ing of an elongate block of continental lithosphere, the Cimmerian
plates (see Stampfli and Borel, 2004, for a review). Besides the two
December 2004
Figure 6 The 260 Ma (Middle-Late Permian boundary) paleotectonic-paleogeographic reconstruction of the Tethyan domain and the
surrounding regions. At this time, Neotethys sea-floor spreading was active from Sicily to Timor (as shown by similar ammonite and
conodont faunas found in both places, and in Oman). Opening of the Neotethyan ocean detached the ribbon-like Cimmerian terranes from
Gondwana, and invasion of warmer water around the latter, as well as its drifting away from the pole, brought an end to the Gondwanan
glaciation. Back-arc extension was quite active along the Paleotethys northern margin and was characterized by a general collapse of the
Variscan cordillera from Italy to Iran. The back-arc rift zones are locally invaded by the sea, as was the rift that developed between
Greenland and Europe. Laurasia was forming a single block, enlarging considerably the Pangean supercontinent. The other hemisphere
of the planet consisted entirely of the Panthalassa ocean. From Stampfli and Borel (2004), reproduced with permission.
composite terrane (Sengor, 1979, 1984). The Cimmerian continent
progressively drifted to the northeast, leaving in its wake a new
ocean -the Neotethys (Figure 6). The Permo-Triassic history of this
part of the world is hence characterized by progressive widening of
Neotethys and contemporaneous narrowing of Paleotethys, culminating in the late Triassic docking of the Cimmerian terrane along
the Eurasian continental margin (although portions of the Paleotethys closed as early as the late Permian). The Cimmerian collisional deformation affected a long yet relatively narrow belt extending from the Far East to SE Europe (see Sengor, 1984, for a discussion). Cimmerian tectonic elements are clearly distinguishable from
the Far East to Iran, whereas they are more difficult to recognize
across Turkey and SE Europe, where they were overprinted during
later orogenic pulses. The picture is complicated by back-arc oceanic
basins (Halstatt-Meliata, Maliac, Pindos, Crimea-Svanetia and
Karakaya-Küre) which opened along the southern margin of Eurasia
during subduction of Paleotethys and which were mostly destroyed
during the docking of the Cimmerian continental terranes.
The multi-phased Cimmerian collisional orogeny marked the
maximum width of the neotethyan ocean, which during JurassicEpisodes, Vol. 27, no. 4
Paleogene times was progressively consumed by northward subduction along the southern margin of the Eurasian plate. Whereas the
Paleotethys was completely subducted or incorporated in very minor
quantities in the paleotethyan suture, remnants of the Neotethys are
still preserved in the Ionian Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Throughout the Mesozoic new back-arc marginal basins developed
along the active Eurasian margin. Some of these basins are still preserved today (Black Sea and Caspian Sea) though most of them were
closed (e.g. Vardar, Izmir-Ankara) with the resulting sutures masking the older suture zones of the paleotethyan and neotethyan
oceanic domains.
The picture is further complicated by the mid-Jurassic opening
of the Ligurian-Piedmont-south Penninic ocean (Alpine Tethys of
Favre and Stampfli, 1992), which resulted in the development of a
new set of passive margins that were traditionally considered as segments of the northern margin of a single "Tethyan Ocean" stretching
from the Caribbean to the Far East. It is somehow a paradox that the
Alps, which for almost a century served as an orogenic model for the
entire Tethyan region, are actually related neither to the evolution of
Paleotethys nor to Neotethys evolution, and instead have their origin
in a branch of the Atlantic Ocean that was closed by late Eocene
times to form the Alps-Carpathians orogenic system (Stampfli et al.,
2002). Furthermore, development of the Pyrenean rift zone, which
was activated during the Triassic at the same time as the North
Atlantic rift system, culminated in the mid-Cretaceous detachment
of Iberia from Europe and the opening of the oceanic Bay of Biscay
and the Valais trough. The Pyrenean rift and the Valais trough were
closed during the Eocene.
Paleogene collision of the evolving Alpine orogenic wedge (the
leading edge of Adria) with its foreland was accompanied by their
progressive collisional coupling, inducing intraplate deformation in
the foreland (see Ziegler et al., 2001, for a review), as well as lateral
block-escape and oblique motions within the orogen. For example,
eastward directed orogenic transport from the Alpine into the Carpathian domain during the Oligo-Miocene was interpreted as a direct
consequence of the deep indentation of Adria into Europe
(Ratschbacher et al., 1991). From a wider perspective, strain partitioning clearly played a major role in the development of most of the
Mediterranean orogenic wedges as major external thrust belts parallel to the former active plate boundaries coexist with sub-vertical,
intra-wedge strike-slip faults which seem to have accommodated
oblique convergence components (e.g. Insubric line of the Alps,
intra-Dinarides peri-Adriatic line).
The Mediterranean basin and the surrounding regions constitute a
natural laboratory for studying active geodynamic processes related
to the final stages of continent-continent collisions such as passive
subduction of oceanic lithosphere, microplate development, backarc rifting and subduction-related volcanism. The Mediterranean
basins constitute also modern analogues for former active margins.
Areas flanking the Mediterranean basins comprise almost continuous Late Cretaceous to Neogene fold-and-thrust belts both on its
northern (Betics, Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Apennines, Dinarides, Albanides, Hellenides, Pontides, Taurides) and southern margins (Maghrebides, Atlas). These contain remnants of preexisting
oceanic basins and their Mesozoic passive margin sedimentary
prisms that have been tectonically accreted and can be studied by
field geologists and used for palinspastic reconstructions. Unfortunately, until now no coherent synthesis of the overall geological
structure of the Mediterranean domain was available, thus hampering the development of comprehensive paleotectonic reconstructions
of the area. The TRANSMED Atlas provides such synthesis and
constitutes a useful springboard for future studies.
Progress in field studies, deep seismic imagery, and mantle
tomography have considerably improved our understanding of the
crustal-lithospheric architecture and overall evolution of the
Mediterranean margins and adjacent fold-and-thrust belts, making
possible the compilation of the TRANSMED transects. However, in
several areas (e.g. Anatolia and Macedonia) subsurface geophysical
constraints are still limited. Correspondigly, the TRANSMED transects presented for these areas must be considered as tentative, leaving space for alternative interpretations.
The funding to develop the TRANSMED Atlas was mainly provided
by the Organizing Committee of the 32nd International Geological
Congress. Additional support was provided by the Italian National
Research Council (CNR) through its Office for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Mediterranean Countries (SMED). Most
participants in the Project received additional support by other funding agencies and institutions to which thanks are also due. Two
regional meetings of the project were sponsored by the General Secretariat for Civil Protection of the Ministry of Interior, Public
Administration and Decentralization of the Hellenic Republic and by
the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. We thank "Episodes" editorial
team for inviting us to submit this manuscript. Springer Verlag
granted permission to reproduce the figures.
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William Cavazza is a Professor of
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology at
the University of Bologna (Italy).
His research focuses mainly on the
tectonostratigraphic analysis of
ancient and modern sedimentary
basins. He has published on the
geology of the Alps, the Rio Grande
rift, the Rocky Mtns., the Mojave
Desert, the Apennines, Corsica,
Turkey, and the Himalayan foreland.
François Roure is an Associate
Research Director and Professor at
the Institut Français du Pétrole in
Rueil-Malmaison (France). His
main research interest concerns the
architecture and structural evolution of foreland fold-and-thrust belts
and geophysical-geological integrated studies for petroleum
appraisal of tectonically complex
Wim Spakman is a Professor of
Geophysics at the University of
Utrecht (The Netherlands). His main
interest in high-resolution seismic
tomography started with his pioneering work on Mediterranean
upper-mantle tomography and
evolved into high-resolution global
mantle tomography using adaptive
grids. Presently, he is also active in
dynamic studies of the Earth's crust
using GPS.
Gérard M. Stampli is a Professor of
Geology at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). From 1978 to
1987 he worked for Shell International as an exploration geologist in
Borneo, New Zealand, Egypt, and
The Netherlands. Since 1987 his
research is mainly centered on the
study of geologically key areas in
the Middle East and the Mediterranean regions, and on the creation
of paleotectonic-paleogeographic
reconstructions of the Tethyan
Peter A. Ziegler is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Basel
(Switzerland). Following its Ph.D.
from the University of Zurich in
1955 he worked for the petroleum
industry in Israel, Madagascar,
Algeria, the United States, Canada,
and The Netherlands. He has been
awarded honorary doctorates form
Moscow State University and the
Technical University of Delft. He
has published widely on the evolution of sedimentary basins and
intraplate tectonics.
December 2004