Virtual Fault Simulation of Distributed IP-based Designs
Marcello DalpassoDEI , Alessandro BoglioloDI , Luca BeniniDEIS and Michele FavalliDI
DEI – University of Padova – Via Gradenigo, 6A – 35131 Padova, Italy
DI – University of Ferrara – Via Saragat, 1 – 44100 Ferrara, Italy
DEIS – University of Bologna – Viale Risorgimento, 2 – 40136 Bologna, Italy
Fault simulation and testability analysis are major concerns in design flows employing intellectual-property (IP)
protected virtual components. In this paper we propose a
paradigm for the fault simulation of IP-based designs that
enables testability analysis without requiring IP disclosure,
implemented within the JavaCAD framework for distributed
design [1, 2]. As a proof of concept, stuck-at fault simulation has been performed for combinational circuits containing virtual components.
1. Introduction
The need for reducing the time-to-market and design
cost of today’s integrated circuits pushes electronic designers to (re-)use third-party components. Re-usable
components are commonly called virtual components or
intellectual-property (IP) components, since they represent
third-party’s intellectual properties rather than hardware.
IP-based design raises the issue of information transfer
between the developers of virtual components (hereafter
called IP providers) and the designers that may want to use
them. Any information made available before IP disclosure should protect the providers, while containing enough
data to allow the designers to evaluate IP components within
their designs.
According to the recommendation of the Virtual Socket
Interface Alliance (VSIA) [3], the open specification of
an IP component should contain an executable functional
model, pre-characterized static estimates of the main cost
metrics, and testing guidelines and patterns. However, the
need for protecting the provider’s IP limit the accuracy of
any open, instance-independent specification. In this context, testability analysis is one of the most challenging issues because: i) the testability of a component depends both
on the controllability of its inputs and on the observability
of its outputs within the design, and ii) there are no general exact composition rules for estimating the testability
of a design from the testability of its components. Mainly
for these reasons, the VSIA testability directives are much
more complex than those regarding any other cost metric.
In particular, they recommend the use of DFT techniques or
BIST architectures to preserve the testability properties of
each component, with such non-negligible costs in terms of
performance and area, that are not always compatible with
design budgets.
On the other hand, several approaches have been recently
proposed to address testing issues at high levels of abstraction [4, 5, 6, 7]. Research in this field is prompted by different motivations: i) high-level testing can be used to verify
by simulation the functional correctness of a design before
performing low-level synthesis; ii) raising the abstraction
level reduces the complexity of all design tasks; iii) highlevel models can be used to steer design choices towards
more testable solutions. All proposed approaches start by
defining high-level fault/error models that do not require
any knowledge about the inner structure of the components.
However, the issue raised by IP protection is slightly different in nature: it is not about the verification of design
correctness before low-level synthesis, rather, it is about the
evaluation of testability properties of a design with IP components whose implementation cannot be accessed by the
designer. Using high-level fault models in such a context
would impair accuracy by disregarding valuable low-level
information that is already available to the IP provider, even
if not accessible by the designer.
In this work we propose an innovative solution (called
virtual fault simulation) that allows the designer to perform
accurate fault simulation of the entire design without disclosure of the IP-protected components. Fault simulation is
performed by the designer, but whenever some knowledge
about the implementation of an IP component is required,
the provider is asked to perform such simulation subtasks.
Designers and providers may be remotely located and they
may communicate across the Internet. Internet connectivity is gaining increasing importance in electronic design au-
tomation [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]: it offers new opportunities
for remote tool integration, it enables new ways of information sharing and collaborative design, and it enhances the
market penetration of IP components. The JavaCAD design
framework has been developed to provide support for distributed IP-based design [1, 2], and it has been extended in
this work to implement virtual fault simulation.
2. Virtual fault simulation
IP protection requirements raise a barrier at the boundaries of each virtual component: the designer cannot pass
the barrier to look at the component implementation, and
the provider cannot look outside the component when it is
embedded in a design. Hence, the early estimation of any
design metric before IP disclosure involves both providers
and designers: providers have to supply reliable estimators
for their components, while designers have to evaluate and
compose the estimators associated with all components. At
the cost of drastic approximations, typical component metrics (area, delay, power) can be treated as local/additive
properties, and summed up to estimate the corresponding
design metrics; providers can pre-characterize static estimators that do not contain any IP and distribute them.
Unfortunately, fault detection is not a local property. The
detection of a fault of a component embedded in a larger design entails: i) signal propagation from the design primary
inputs to the component inputs, ii) fault activation within
the component, iii) fault propagation to the component outputs, and iv) error propagation from the component outputs
to some design primary outputs. Steps i) and iv) involve the
designer’s IP, while steps ii) and iii) involve the provider’s
IP. Such an intertwined involvement makes it hard to precharacterize detectability metrics: providers should supply
complete information about the detection properties of an
IP component, namely, the output pattern produced by the
component corresponding to any possible input configuration and to any possible component fault. This is a huge
amount of information whose worst-case extraction time
and representation size grow exponentially with the number of inputs and linearly with the number of faults. On
the other hand, only a small subset of such information is
actually exploited by a designer.
The above observations suggest that dynamic (rather
than static) information should be exchanged at run time
between designers and providers to enable the fault simulation of IP-based designs. The need of run-time communication between designers and providers was addressed by
JavaCAD [1] to enable context-dependent dynamic estimation of traditional cost metrics, with improvements upon
the accuracy provided by context-independent static estimators. Within JavaCAD, boundary information (e.g., input patterns/statistics and output loads) are automatically
collected for each IP component during functional simula-
tion of the entire design and sent to the providers to allow
instance-dependent low-level estimation of the cost metrics
of interest [2].
We extend this paradigm to fault simulation by addressing some additional issues: i) fault detection depends on the
observability of the faulty component outputs from the design primary outputs, and ii) a good test sequence is an IP by
itself and may need to be protected. From the above discussion we can specify the requirements for the fault simulation
of IP-protected designs:
1. the implementation of the virtual components is a
provider’s IP that must be hidden to the designer;
2. the functionality and the structure of the design are IP
of the designer that must be hidden to the provider;
3. fault simulation is driven by the designer;
4. fault simulation sub-tasks are services that the provider
supplies (at some cost) to the designer;
5. the results of fault simulation belong to the designer;
6. the amount of information exchanged across the Internet should be minimized;
7. no IP information must be sent across the internet.
We conceived virtual fault simulation as a two-phase process. In the first phase, a target fault list is built for the
whole circuit: it is a local, additive property that can be precharacterized for each component and made available to the
designers. To guarantee IP protection, symbolic names are
used to represent internal faults. The fault list for the entire
design is built by the designer by composing the symbolic
fault lists of all components.
In the second phase, fault simulation is performed. For
each designer’s test pattern, the design fault-free behavior
is simulated and the signal configuration at the IP component inputs is made available to the provider, who returns
the corresponding detection table. A detection table provides a partial representation of the component testability
properties corresponding to a given input configuration: it
tells the designer which output pattern would be produced
by the component in response to the given input pattern, in
presence of each possible internal fault. Each row of the
table associates an erroneous output pattern with the list of
(symbolic) faults that would cause that error. To inject and
simulate fault f of component M, the designer injects at the
outputs of M the output pattern associated with f in the detection table of M (if it exists) and propagates its effects to
the design primary outputs by simulating the fault-free behavior of all other components. If an error occurs, fault f
is detected together with all other faults associated with the
same output pattern in the detection table of M, and they
can be dropped from the fault list.
Figure 1. Example circuit with an IP block
Example 1 Consider the simple circuit in Fig. 1, containing the IP block IP1 (a half-adder). The implementation of
IP1 (hidden to the designer) is shown within the dashed box.
The symbolic stuck-at fault list for IP1 is I1sa0, I1sa1,
I2sa1, I3sa1, I3sa0, I4sa0, I5sa1, I5sa0, I6sa1 (basic
fault dominance has been exploited, while faults affecting
input/output signals are directly handled by the designer).
Suppose we want to evaluate whether or not input pattern ABCD=1100 detects fault I3sa0. Propagating the input values A and B, we have E=1, hence the inputs of IP1
are 10. The detection table of IP1 corresponding to IIP1=1,
IIP2=0 is:
Faulty Output (OIP1, OIP2)
Fault List
I3sa0, I4sa1
Looking up the detection table for the faulty output values associated with I3sa0, we obtain 00 (as opposed to
the fault-free configuration 10). Unfortunately, such faulty
value on OIP1 does not propagate to the primary output,
because D=0; hence, pattern 1100 does not detect fault
I3sa0. On the contrary, I3sa0 is detected by input pattern
1101, that gives rise to the same detection table (because
the input configuration for IP1 is the same), but the faulty
value at OIP1 now propagates to O1. Fault I4sa1 is detected by pattern 1101 as well, since it causes the same
error at the outputs of IP1.
3. The implementation
3.1. JavaCAD basics
The JavaCAD backplane is a set of packages written in
Java, called JavaCAD Foundation Packages (JFP). Components and designs (i.e., hierarchical collections of interconnected components) are sub-classes of the Module class. A
Module object is specialized by overriding the methods that
process events (e.g., giving input/output functionality and
evaluating cost metrics) and specifying connections. Modules are tied together by Connectors, that perform no other
function but zero-delay Token-passing between Modules.
Wrappers are sets of interconnected Modules that enable
the hierarchical specification of a design.
Modules in a design can be either local or remote. A
local Module runs completely on the designer’s Java virtual
machine. Remote Modules are sent from an IP-provider to
the designer through the Internet, but some methods of its
run on the provider’s JavaCAD server.
The implementation of remote Modules is based on Java
Remote Method Invocation (RMI), a CORBA-like protocol
that makes distributed objects easy to implement and use.
The key features of RMI exploited by JavaCAD are: i) creation of local instances of remote classes without having
their byte-code available (such classes are IP Modules), ii)
invocation of methods of remote classes, with a proper handling of parameters and return value, and iii) handling of
secure client-server transactions.
IP protection is implemented by splitting remote Modules: the IP-protected part of the component specification
is located on the provider’s server as a private class, whose
byte-code is never sent to the client, and the public part (an
RMI stub) is freely distributed to the designers and is used
to instantiate the remote component within a design. Remote method invocations are transparently handled by the
stub. Finally, protection of the IP of the designer that uses
remote components is guaranteed by bounding each Module with Connectors, that enables JavaCAD to completely
inhibit the transmission of sensitive design information.
The JavaCAD event-driven simulation engine supports
multiple event types (Tokens), that are scheduled and delivered by a Scheduler. Multiple Schedulers can be run in
concurrent threads, thereby providing full support for concurrent simulations running over the same design. Notice
that Tokens are not used to represent functional events only
(i.e., changes of signal values), but they provide a general
communication paradigm to traverse the design, collect information from modules, set up run-time parameters, etc.
3.2. Estimation with JavaCAD
JavaCAD can perform static and dynamic estimation of
any design metric, called Parameter. The evaluation of
the actual value of a Parameter for a Module is performed
by an Estimator, that can be either local or remote. This
feature enables virtual simulation, i.e., the early evaluation
of a design metric that requires the knowledge of not-yetdisclosed implementation details.
Static estimation of context-independent parameters
consists of four main steps: i) a StaticEstimationController runs its Scheduler sending an EstimationToken to
the Design; ii) the EstimationToken handler of the Design dispatches the event to each Module, and this happens again every time a Wrapper handles the event, thus
traversing the entire design hierarchy; iii) the EstimationToken event handler of each leaf Module fills the proper
field of the EstimationToken with its own estimation of
the required static parameter, that is the ParamValue re-
turned by the selected Estimator (each StaticEstimationController can define its own CustomParamValue); iv)
any Module returns its filled EstimationToken to the StaticEstimationController, that merges the estimated parameters using a function provided by the CustomParamValue.
Dynamic estimation of context-dependent parameters is
similar to the static one, with the following main differences: i) a DynamicEstimationController does not run
its own Scheduler, but works within the SimulationController that drives the functional simulation of the Design;
ii) an EstimationToken is sent to the Design (and dispatched as previously described) at the end of each simulation time instant, when the event-driven simulation is in
a steady condition; iii) the outcome of dynamic estimation
is not a simple estimation value for the whole circuit, but a
time-stamped trace of values (history).
3.3. Virtual fault simulation with JavaCAD
For the sake of simplicity, we restricted the scope of this
preliminary implementation of virtual fault simulation to
stuck-at faults in combinational circuits. The implementation of fault simulation in the JavaCAD architecture required the extension of the static and dynamic estimation
capabilities of the original JFP. Static estimation is used to
build the fault list (FL) of the design as the union of the
symbolic fault lists of its components.
Dynamic estimation is used to actually perform the fault
simulation. First, a DetectionTable class has been derived
from ParamValue to represent the detection table introduced in Section 2. For a component M and a given input
pattern, the DetectionTable contains the list of all possible
erroneous output configurations of M and, for each error,
the (symbolic) list of the internal faults that may provoke it
(see Example 1). At the end of each simulation time instant
each Module gets an EstimationToken to be filled with its
DetectionTable. Current fault-free input signals are made
available to the Module estimator to construct the corresponding DetectionTable. After collecting the detection
tables for all design components, the DynamicEstimationController uses them to determine the actual faults detected
by the current test pattern:
1. for each (not yet detected) fault f of Module M in FL,
find the faulty output signal configuration s associated
with f in the DetectionTable of M;
2. if s exists:
(a) inject s in the fault-free design and simulate its
effects, retaining the current signal values at the
design primary inputs (as detailed later on);
(b) if the primary output configuration is different
from the fault-free one, each fault associated with
s in the DetectionTable of M is detected.
X[7:0] Y[7:0] fault list
fault list
fault sim.
Figure 2. Case study
Detected faults are dropped from FL and annotated in the
simulation history to represent the incremental fault coverage obtained with the actual test sequence.
To perform step 2a, a new SimulationController is instantiated with the following properties: i) it has only one
simulation time instant; ii) primary inputs assume the signal values they have in the fault-free circuit at the current
time; iii) the event-handling function of the faulty module
M is replaced (for this Scheduler only) by a function that
assigns the faulty signal configuration s to the outputs of M,
independently of the input values of M.
This procedure is made possible by the JavaCAD event
scheduling and handling, that has been conceived with
concurrent multi-scheduler capabilities in mind. Hence,
any event-handling in Modules is dependent on the actual
Scheduler that is dispatching the event, and it has no effect
on what performed by other schedulers. In such a way,
we need no “reset” or save/restore action between different
scheduler runs.
4. Performance analysis
Performance analysis and optimization of virtual fault
simulation should be re-targeted as compared to classical
fault simulation. In fact, the main bottleneck of virtual
fault simulation is the communication between the designer
and the provider over the Internet. Performance can be enhanced by minimizing both the amount of transferred information and the number of transactions.
We evaluate and discuss performance by referring to the
case study of Fig. 2. The design evaluates whether or not
the sum of squares of two 8-bit integer numbers (X and Y)
exceeds a given threshold (D). The 16-bit sum is performed
by a virtual component with protected IP, while in-house
macros are used to implement the rest.
For IP components, both static and dynamic EstimationTokens are processed by remote methods that run on the
provider’s machine in order to access the implementation
Data transer per pattern (bytes)
internal faults are detected soon. Server-side fault dropping
reduces the total amount of data transferred during virtual
fault simulation to 210 Kbyte for Feedback 1, and 81 Kbyte
for Feedback 2. As a final remark, notice that the feedback
required to perform server-side fault dropping actually exposes the results of fault simulation to the provider. This is
a prize the designer has to pay to speed-up simulation.
No feedback
Feedback 1
Feedback 2
5. Conclusions
Test pattern
Figure 3. Data transferred across the Internet
of the component without violating the intellectual property. The invocation of a remote method entails a clientserver transaction that requires a bidirectional data transfer:
the client sends data to the server as parameters of the remote method, and the server sends data back to the client as
return values of the remote method.
We are interested in measuring the amount of information exchanged across the Internet during virtual fault simulation of our case study. Curve labeled “No feedback” in
Fig. 3 shows (for each test pattern) the communication cost
of the virtual fault simulation of the design. The number of
exchanged bytes depends on the size of the detection table,
that depends on the current test pattern. The entire simulation run of 400 test patterns requires to transfer about 260
Kbytes (the amount of information that would be required
to represent a priori all detectability properties of a 32-input
macro would be thousands of Gbytes).
To reduce communication, we observe that the designer
doesn’t need any additional information about alreadydetected faults. If the designer provides some feedback
about detected faults, the provider can prune the fault list
and simplify the detection table accordingly before sending
it to the designer. We call this technique server-side fault
dropping. Its effects on data transfer are shown in Fig 3:
the dashed curve (Feedback 1) is referred to our case study,
while the solid curve (Feedback 2) is referred to a design
where the outputs of the adder are completely observable.
In both cases, data transfers decrease as fault simulation
proceeds. If the outputs are highly observable (Feedback
2), the average size of the detection table becomes almost
null (the data transfer reducing to the baseline overhead of
RMI transactions) after a few test patterns since most of the
In this work we have shown the feasibility of fault simulation with intellectual property protection in a distributed
design environment. The main goal of protecting the intellectual property of both the IP provider and the IP user has
been achieved, and a proof of concept has been given for
stuck-at fault simulation at the gate level.
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