Vol. 96 (2002) 642^ 650
High prevalence of obesity in asthmatic
patients on sick leave
*The —re Clinic, —re, Kurortsv&gen, —RE, Sweden, wSection of Personal Injury Prevention, Department of Clinical
Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and zNational Institute for Working Life, Respiratory Health
and Climate, Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract Obesity and asthma are common chronic diseases in the industrialised world.The aim of the present study
was to investigate a possible relationship between asthma and obesity among persons on sick leave due to respiratory
disorder. The diagnosis of asthma (n=237) was made in a three-stage model (questionnaire, telephone interview and
clinical examination) in persons on sick leave due to any respiratory disorder. Persons on sick leave due to non-specific
spinal pain, (n=1231) and a general population sample (n=5092) were used as references. Obesity (body mass index
430 kg/m2) was found in 20.7% of the asthmatic patients on sick leave compared with 13.7% in the non-specific pain
patients on sick leave and in 6.5% of the controls (Po0.001). It is not clear whether the increased prevalence of obesity
among asthmatics reflects a true increase in asthma in obese persons or whether asthma-like symptoms occur because
of obesity.Weight reduction schemes and weight maintenance programmes should be important components in treatment and rehabilitation plans for persons with asthma.r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1053/rmed.2002.1317, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on
Keywords absenteeism; asthma; body-mass index; health expenditures; obesity; respiratory symptoms.
Asthma is one of the most common diseases and its prevalence has increased in industrialised countries during
recent decades (1,2). The prevalence rate of asthma in
northern Europe is 5^10% (1,3^5). Overweight and obesity is also an increasing problem in the western world
(6,7). A clinical impression is that obesity is observed
more often in asthma patients than in a healthy population. A number of recent studies have also indicated this
association between asthma and obesity (8 ^15).The signi¢cance of the association of asthma and obesity has
been further reinforced by several studies which demonstrate that weight loss is associated with improvement in
asthma (16 ^19).
We have previously shown that asthma is an important diagnosis among persons on sick leave due to respiratory disorder (20). If the relationship between
asthma and obesity is strong among persons on sick
leave due to asthma, it will implicate that weight reduction programmes should be included in the treatment
plans for overweight asthmatics in order to decrease
the cost of sick leave.
Received12 September 2001, accepted in revised form 4 January 2002
Correspondence should be addressed to: Lennart Nathell, The —re
Clinic, Kurortsv&gen 20, SE- 83013 —RE, Sweden. Fax: +46 647618016;
[email protected]
The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible relationship between obesity and asthma among
persons on sick leave due to respiratory disorder. If such
a relationship is found, it will lead to the conclusion that
weight reduction is an important component to include
in treatment and rehabilitation programmes for persons
with asthma.
The diagnosis of asthma was made in a three-stage fashion. First, a questionnaire was sent to persons who had
been on sick leave for more than 2 weeks due to respiratory symptoms or diagnoses. Second, a structured telephone interview was performed, and third, following the
interview the patients were referred for a clinical examination.
Study population and the questionnaire
AGS is a compulsory sickness insurance paid for by the
employer for 2.4 million employees in Sweden, mainly
manual workers.The AGS register indicates the employee’s sex, age, area of residence, employer and type of occupation, and diagnoses for sick leave periods15 days and
longer (21). All sick leaves registered in the AGS under
respiratory diagnoses from1January1994 to 29 February
1996 for individuals born in 1941 or later and employed in
the private sector were selected for the questionnaire
study (approximately 35% of the total Swedish work
force). Persons on sick leave following surgery involving
the respiratory tract such as tonsillectomy, pleurectomy
and surgery to correct snoring were excluded.Only persons 56 years of age or younger were chosen in order to
decrease the risk of including patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The questionnaire used in the present study was
based on the validated OLIN Studies Questionnaire (22,
23).The questionnaire included questions concerning respiratory symptoms and diseases and smoking habits.
Physician-diagnosed asthma, self-reported asthma, or
whether any anti-asthmatic medications were being
used was also reported. The answers required were
either Yes or No. Two reminders were sent out to those
not responding initially.
The de¢nition of ‘‘self-reported respiratory disease’’
covered reports of ‘‘having or having had asthma, chronic
bronchitis or emphysema’’, or ‘‘physician-diagnosed asthma,
chronic bronchitis or emphysema’’ or ‘‘use ofasthma medications’’.
The de¢nition of ‘‘respiratory symptoms’’ covered ‘‘attacks of breathlessness’’, ‘‘long-standing cough’’, ‘‘productive
cough’’, ‘‘wheezing’’, ‘‘troublesome colds’’, ‘‘exertional dyspnoea’’, ‘‘breathlessness, wheeze or severe cough in special
Persons who had stopped smoking more than 12
months before the study were regarded as ex-smokers.
Structured interview
Persons living in communities, including rural and urban
areas around 11 Swedish towns and cities, were selected
for the structured telephone interview. All individuals in
these areas who, based on the questionnaire, indicated
‘‘self-reported respiratory disease’’ or ‘‘respiratory symptoms’’
were selected for the interview. All who responded to
the telephone call were included. Five attempts to call
each person were made, at home as well as at work.
The interview included detailed questions on wheezing,
shortness of breath, chest tightness/chest pain, situations or agents provoking airway symptoms, cough and
phlegm production, allergy and allergic symptoms, drug
consumption and impact of symptoms on daily living (23).
The diagnoses of ‘‘asthma’’ and ‘‘suspected asthma’’
were made in accordance with the diagnostic criteria
suggested by the ATS (24).
The following criteria had to be ful¢lled for the diagnosis of asthma:
-Attacks of breathlessness or periodic shortness of
breath at least twice during the past year and normal
breathing between the attacks.
-Regular wheezing or wheezing along with
breathlessness without a concurrent cold during the
past year.
-At least two asthma-provoking factors such as
allergens, irritants, cold air or exercise.
‘‘Suspected asthma’’ was de¢ned as the reported presence of any, but not all, of the above symptoms.
Asthma was also considered to occur in those who reported having or having had asthma together with either
current use of asthma medications or reported any of
the above-listed symptoms.
Clinical examination
All who were classi¢ed as having ‘‘asthma’’ or ‘‘suspected
asthma’’, according to the structured interview were invited to a clinical examination. Two ambulating specially
trained nurses performed spirometry and a skin prick
test. Spirometry was performed with a dry bellows spirometer (Vitalographs, Buckingham, England) according
to the recommendations from the ATS (25) with a few
modi¢cations.The spirometry was performed in the sitting position and a nose clip was used. Spirometry was
performed before and 15 min after inhalation of salbutamol dry powder (4 0.2 mg Ventolint Rotahaler,GlaxoWellcome). Short acting bronchodilator medication was
withheld 4 h before the reversibility testing and long acting for 12 h. European reference values were used, and
the bronchodilator test was considered positive if
FEV1.0 and/or FVC/VC increased by 12% of the predicted value and at least 200 ml (26).
Instruction on how to use a Mini-Wright peak £ow
meter (Clement Clarke International Limited, Harlow,
U.K.) and how to record peak £ow data 5 times daily during a period of 2 weeks were also given at the examination. Variable airway obstruction, based on the PEF
measurements, was considered to be present if any one
of the following criteria was met:
-[(highest valuelowest value)/lowest value] 415%
on 3 days out of 14
-as above but 420% on 2 days out of14,
-a di¡erence of 25% or more between the highest and
second lowest PEF values during a 7-day period,
-a di¡erence of 30% or more between the highest and
second lowest PEF values during a 14 -day period.
The skin prick test (SPT) was performed using common allergens (ALK, Hrsholm, Denmark) in Sweden
(birch, timothy grass, mugvort, aspergillus, cladosporium, dermatophagoides farinae, dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, cat and dog). The SPT was performed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. An
SPT was considered positive when the diameter was
3 mm larger than the control (allergen solvent).
Atopy was de¢ned as the presence of at least one positive
‘‘A sthma’’. Those who were classi¢ed as having ‘‘suspected asthma’’ according to the structured interview
had either a positive bronchodilator test or variable airway obstruction were classi¢ed as having asthma together with those who were classi¢ed as having asthma,
according to the structured interview, regardless of
the results of the bronchodilator test and peak £ow registration.
Overweight and obesity:The body mass index (BMI) was
calculated using the formula [weight in kilograms/(height
in meters)2]. Weight and height were self-reported. Underweight was de¢ned as BMI o20, normal weight as
20BMI25, overweight as 25oBMI30 and obesity
was de¢ned as BMI430 kg/m2.
Reference groups: Data on weight and height were collected for a random sample (n=1231) of persons, 56 years
of age or younger, registered for a sick leave period in
the AGS during 1997 due to non-speci¢c pain from the
lower back and/or neck. For a random sample of these,
consisting of 459 persons, data on smoking habits were
collected to be used in a multiple logistic regression
model. Data were also obtained from the Swedish National Survey of Living Conditions as a second reference
material for BMI. The surveys of living conditions are
conducted in the form of interviews with a random sample of the population, usually within the age group
16 ^ 84 years.Between12 000 and13 000 people are interviewed over a period of 2 years.From the interviews performed in 1996 ^1997 a sample of 5092 interviews,
consisting of persons from the same socio-economic
groups and within the same age group as the study
population, was chosen to serve as a second reference
The data collected were analysed statistically using SPSS
(Statistical Products and Service Solutions) for Windows, release 10.0.5. Group comparisons were made
using the chi-square test (exact test). P-values o0.05
were considered statistically signi¢cant. The 95% con¢dence intervals (CI) were calculated using the binomial
proportion ‘‘p’’ 7 1.96 times the standard error. For the
proportions ‘‘p’’ in the di¡erent samples of size ‘‘n’’, the
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi was calculated using the formula:
ðpð1 pÞ=nÞ.
A multiple logistic regression model was used among
persons with asthma and persons on sick leave due to
non-speci¢c pain from the lower back and/or neck to describe the relationship between the dependent dichotomous variable obesity and the independent variables,
sex, age, smoking habits and diagnosis.
A total of 3152 persons (56.8% men) constituted the
study group for the questionnaire study. The mean age
was 39.7 years with no gender di¡erence. The response
rate after two reminders was 82.8%. No miscoding was
found when the coding was checked in a random sample
of 450 questionnaires (17%).
There were 40.5% current smokers, 21.9% ex-smokers
and 37.6% non-smokers. The smoking habits were di¡erent between men and women (Po0.001). Among men
35.1% were current smokers and 27.1% were ex-smokers.
The corresponding ¢gures among women were, respectively, 47.2 and 15.5%. A total of 1929 persons (73.9%)
were classi¢ed as having ‘‘self-reported respiratory disease’’
or ‘‘respiratory symptoms’’ (Fig.1).
Structured interview
Of those classi¢ed as having ‘‘self-reported respiratory disease’’ or ‘‘respiratory symptoms’’, 963 (50%) lived in the selected geographical areas. A total of 588 persons (61%)
responded to the telephone calls and were included in
the interview, and 558 (94%) completed the structured
interview (Fig. 1). Thirty persons were not interested in
participating, twelve stated that they felt completely
well, nine did not give a reason, one because of a very
sick child, two because of language problems, two because of other severe diseases (tuberculosis, treatment
of Hodgkin’s disease), and four persons were died (three
due to unknown causes and one due to obstructive airways disease). Those not responding to the telephone
call did not di¡er in age, gender or smoking habits compared to the participants. However, those not responding had a lower prevalence of self-reported asthma
(30.3%) than the responders (39.5%), (P=0.008).
Based on the results of the interview a diagnosis of
asthma was made in 277 subjects (49.6%) and178 subjects
(31.9%) were considered to have suspected asthma. A diagnosis of asthma was excluded in the remaining103 subjects (18.5%).
Clinical examination
Persons classi¢ed as having asthma or suspected asthma
according to the structured interview (n=455) were invited to a clinical investigation, 314 (69%) of whom participated, 191 with asthma and 123 with suspected asthma
(Fig.1). Among those not participating,114 persons (81%)
were not interested or did not show up,12 persons (8%)
had a current illness or a sick child, 8 persons (6%) could
not come due to extremely bad weather and 7 persons
(5%) could not come due to working conditions. There
were no di¡erences in age, gender, smoking habits or
Study group, questionnaire part
Reporting respiratory disease or
Reporting disease or symptoms
and living in selected areas
Responding to phone call and
participating in interview
Asthma or suspect asthma
according to interview
Participating in clinical
Asthma according to definitions
FIG. 1. Number of participants in each step of the examination process to diagnose asthma among persons on sick leave due to
respiratory disorder.
the proportion coded as having asthma and suspected
asthma, between those attending the clinical examination and those who did not.
Among the 123 persons with suspected asthma who
participated in the clinical examination, the diagnosis
was veri¢ed in 46 (37.4%). Con¢rmation of the diagnosis
was based on PEF variability (n=42), a positive bronchodilator test (n=2) and on PEF variability along with a positive bronchodilator test (n=2).
The study sample is presented inTable 1.The 237 asthmatic patients (137 women, 58%) were divided into four
groups based on BMI: underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese. Age, lung function and smoking habits were similar in the normal weight, overweight, and
obese groups while the underweight persons reported a
higher tobacco consumption, were younger and had a
slightly impaired lung function compared with the other
groups. Atopy was more prevalent in the overweight
and obese groups compared with the underweight and
normal weight groups. Atopy was more prevalent
among men than among women (59% vs 43% P=0.018)
and this pattern was seen regardless of weight group.
The proportion of subjects with a previous physician diagnosed asthma and the use of corticosteroids varied
slightly but not in a consistent manner between the
groups (Table 1).
Obesity and overweight in asthmatic
patients compared with non-speci¢c spinal
pain patients and a general population
Obesity was more frequent in asthmatic patients (20.7,
95% CI 15.5^25.8) than in the general population sample
(6.5, 95% CI 5.8 ^7.2) and also more frequent in asthmatic
patients compared with persons on sick leave due to
non-speci¢c pain (13.7, 95% CI 11.8 ^15.7) (Po0.001) (Fig.
2). The prevalence of subjects with either obesity or
overweight was the same among the asthmatic patients
and persons on sick leave due to non-speci¢c pain but
higher than in the general population sample (Table 2).
The data were also analysed by multiple logistic regression among those diagnosed with asthma and those
on sick leave due to non-speci¢c spinal pain. Female gender (OR1.69) and a diagnosis of asthma (OR1.62) showed
increased risks for obesity (Table 3).
It has been shown in the present study that obesity is
substantially more prevalent in patients on sick leave
due to respiratory causes with asthma than in patients
TABLE 1. Number, gender, age, smoking habits, lung function, atopy, asthma diagnosis and medication for the study sample
Age (years)
BMI (kg/m2)
Smoking habits
Median (quartiles)
Mean (SD)
Smokers (%)
Ex-smokers (%)
Non-smokers (%)
Mean (95% CI)
Mean (95% CI)
FEV1.0 % of predicted
FEV1.0/VC 100
Asthma previously
diagnosed by a physician
Use of inhaled steroids %
during last year
Use of oral steroids
during last year
Group A:
Group B:
normal weight
Group C:
Group D:
40.0 (32.0; 48.0)
18.6 (1.3)
83.2 (71.3^95.1)
71.6 (62.7^80.4)
42.5 (32.0; 50.0)
22.8 (1.4)
95.9 (92.2^99.7)
76.1 (74.0^78.1)
46.0 (38.5; 51)
27.3 (1.4)
93.7 (88.9^98.5)
76.0 (73.5^78.5)
45.0 (38.0; 51.5)
33.7 (3.7)
94.1 (89.3^99.0)
77.8 (75.1^80.4)
44.0 (35.8; 50.0)
26.2 (5.0)
94.0 (91.4^96.5)
76.0 (74.6^77.5)
on sick leave due to non-speci¢c pain or than in a general
population. Improvements in various asthma severity
variables after weight reduction in obese asthmatic patients has been demonstrated in recent studies (17,18,19).
In order to reduce the number of sick leave days and prevent persons with asthma and obesity from going on
pension, attention needs to be focused on weight reduction and weight maintenance programmes.
Although smokers were included in the present study,
we have strong reasons to believe that most of the patients su¡ered from asthma and not from COPD. First
of all, the diagnosis was based on a number of questions
in a validated questionnaire (23) and the diagnosis of
asthma was regarded as positive when the answers met
the ATS criteria for asthma. Second, in cases that did not
completely meet the ATS criteria for asthma, the diagnosis was con¢rmed by PEF variability or a positive
bronchodilator test according to the recommendations
of the European Respiratory Society.Third, only persons
under 56 years of age were included.Fourth, the smoking
habits were similar in normal, overweight and obese patients, which implies that any COPD patients who may
have been included in the study are probably evenly distributed between the three groups. Subsequently, subgroup analyses of only ‘‘never-smokers’’ or groups from
which smokers with di¡erent degrees of lung function
impairment were excluded did not change the results or
the conclusions drawn from analyses of the whole material.Further, lung function is not signi¢cantly di¡erent on
comparing smokers with non-smokers, indicating that
smoking has not induced COPD in these patients.
However, the prevalence of smokers among the asthmatics is very high. The prevalence of daily smokers
among a general population sample in Sweden during
1995 was between 20 and 30% in the age groups that
were included in the present study. In another study of
persons on sick leave the prevalence of smokers among
persons (mean age 42 and 62% males) on sick leave due to
a non-respiratory cause was 37% (20). Hence, we see a
pattern where persons on sick leave are smokers to a
greater extent than the general population and persons
on sick leave due to respiratory causes are smokers to a
grater extent than persons on sick leave due to non-respiratory causes. And among those on sick leave due to
respiratory causes, who have asthma according to our
de¢nition, the prevalence of smokers is 47.7% as reported in the present study.
The body mass index in the present study was calculated using self-reported weights and heights. A systematic tendency for overweighed and obese subjects to
underestimate their body size has been reported in a
Swedish study (27). A similar underestimation of obesity
would be expected in the present study. But persons
with asthma and on corticosteroid medications and persons giving up regular exercise due to breathlessness may
feel happier to give an accurate assessment of their body
weight. However, the possible underestimation in nonasthmatics could not have changed the main results signi¢cantly.
The diagnosis of asthma in this study was made in a
three-stage fashion. Using this study design, a representative sample of asthmatics from a population on sick
Asthma (all, n=237)
Non-specific spinal pain (all, n=1231)
Population sample (all, n=5092)
Asthma (men, n=100)
Non-specific spinal pain (men, n=630)
Population sample (men, n=2366)
Asthma (women, n=137)
Non-specific spinal pain (women, n=601)
Population sample (women, n=2726)
FIG. 2. Proportion (in %) of obesity, with 95% con¢dence intervals, among persons on sick leave with asthma, on sick leave due to
non-speci¢c spinal pain and among a general population sample, totals and for men and women.
TABLE 2. Proportions (in %) of underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese persons among persons with asthma,
persons on sick leave due to non-speci¢c spinal pain and in a general population sample.
Asthma (n=237)
Non-speci¢c spinal pain (n=1231)
Population sample (n=5092)
Normal weight
leave due to respiratory symptoms is obtained. A weakness of this design is that some subjects, for various reasons, are lost in each step. However, if all persons who
were not included in the telephone interview were as-
sumed to have the same prevalence of asthma as those
who participated in both the telephone interview and
the clinical examination, but were all of normal weight,
there would still be signi¢cantly more obese persons in
TABLE 3. Multiple logistic regression model with gender, age, smoking and diagnosis as independent variables
Allwith asthma (n=237) and a sample ofthose with
non-speci¢c spinal pain included in the eqaution
Dependent variable:
Independent variable:
Sex (female)
Age (year)
Smoking habits
Current smoker
Non-speci¢c spinal pain
(95% CI**)
*OR=odds ratio; **95% CI=95% con¢dence interval
the asthma group than among the general population
controls (P=0.004). Hence, we have no reason to believe
that dropouts have in£uenced the results.
Gennuso et al. concluded that asthma is a risk factor
for obesity in children and adolescents (14). The reason
for this would probably be a limited exercise tolerance,
leading to a sedentary lifestyle and increased time indoors, with the latter resulting in an increased exposure
to indoor allergens. Among adults, corticosteroid medications and smoking cessation may also increase weight.
In the present study, however, no relation was found between corticosteroid medication and obesity. This is in
accordance with a recent Swedish study of subjects on
asthma medication in which no evidence was found that
modern pharmacological asthma treatment contributes
to the development of obesity (28). However, it may also
be the other way around, obesity may be a risk factor for
asthma, or at least asthma-like symptoms. Schachter et
al. concluded in their study that obese persons reported
more wheeze and shortness of breath but their airway
hyperresponsiveness, and airway obstruction did not
support the suggestion of a higher prevalence of asthma
(9). Surgery for morbid obesity has recently been shown
to improve asthma symptoms (27,32) and a supervised
weight reduction programme for obese patients with
asthma resulted in improved lung function, asthma
symptoms, morbidity and health status (17,18), indicating
that obesity is an important factor for asthma symptom
severity. These ¢ndings may lead to the assumption that
asthma is overdiagnosed in patients with overweight.
The third explanation is that obesity and asthma have a
common primary factor, for instance hormonal or
genetic, which might explain the gender di¡erences
observed in the present study and in previous studies
(11^14). Other types of con¢rmation of the asthma
diagnosis would be of interest in obese patients, but we
are not aware of any studies in which the diagnosis of
asthma has been evaluated using morphological or cellular indices in obese patients.
The present ¢ndings indicate a clear relationship between asthma and obesity and inasmuch as the prevalence of both asthma and obesity has been increasing
during recent decades a causal relationship between the
two conditions cannot be ruled out. The increased prevalence of obesity in the industrialised world (6 ^7) may
thus, to some extent, be an aetiological factor in the increased prevalence of asthma as suggested by Camargo
et al. (8). In that study, a relationship between the incidence of asthma and an increased body mass index was
found in nurses who were followed prospectively for 4
years. The relative risk for the development of asthma,
de¢ned as participant-reported physician-diagnosed
asthma along with the use of preventive asthma medication during the past year, was 3.0 for subjects with a BMI
4 30.0, compared with the references (20.0 o BMI o
22.4, corresponding to RR1.0).They concluded that obesity is a risk factor for the development of asthma and
may be one of the reasons for the increase in asthma
prevalence. In the present study, obesity may be an important factor for the high prevalence of asthma, thus
supporting the previous suggestion, because one out of
four women and one out of six men with asthma were
obese (BMI 4 30). However, the population studied is a
highly de¢ned one and therefore one should be careful to
extrapolate these data to the general population.
Because of the strong relationship between asthma
and obesity, weight reduction programmes for the obese
and weight maintenance schemes for all persons with
asthma should be important non-pharmacological components in modern asthma treatment. This is especially
important for persons with asthma on sick leave, since
they tend to have long sick leave periods (20) leading to
serious health economic consequences. No weight reduction or weight maintenance recommendations exist
in current asthma management plans (31).
In our study we also showed that obesity is more common among persons on sick leave due to non-speci¢c
spinal pain, than in a general population sample. It is
known that obese subjects have a higher number of sick
leave days compared to normal weight subjects (32^34).
Obesity may be an independent risk factor for sick leave
but obese subjects could also have various co-morbidities or social factors that increase the risk for sick leave.
However, in our study we have shown with the multiple
logistic regression model based on data for persons on
sick leave, that an asthma diagnosis is a strong predictor
for obesity.
In conclusion, we have shown that obesity is more
common among persons on sick leave due to respiratory
causes with asthma than among persons on sick leave
due to non-speci¢c spinal pain and a general population
sample. Weight reduction schemes and weight maintenance programmes are therefore important components in treatment and rehabilitation plans for persons
with asthma and obesity. It is not clear whether there is
a true increase in asthma in obese persons or whether
symptoms similar to those of asthma occur because of
obesity. This needs to be elucidated in future studies focused on the occurrence of in£ammatory changes in the
airways of obese and non-obese subjects with symptoms
of asthma.
Financial support for this study was received from the
research department of AFA (former AMF) insurance
company and is hereby gratefully acknowledged. We
thank professor —ke Nygren of the Karolinska Institutet
for his valuable advice and support. We thank Madelene
Nathell, Birgitta Lundgren, Marie Zetterberg-Bengtsson
and Anna-Greta Sj˛din of the —re Asthma Clinic for
their work in interviewing and examining the study subjects. We also thank professor Lennart Bodin, Urebro,
for statistical advice.
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