Technological University Dublin
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Inverse Scattering Solutions for Side-Band Signals
Jonathan Blackledge
Technological University Dublin,
[email protected]
Timo Hamalainen
University of Jyvaskyla, Finland,
[email protected]
Jyrki Joutsensalo
University of Jyvaskyla, Finland,
[email protected]
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Inverse Scattering Solutions for Side-Band Signals, Blackledge, Jonathan; ISSC 2009, UCD, June 10-11th
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ISSC 2009, UCD, June 10-11th
Inverse Scattering Solutions for Side-Band Signals
Jonathan Blackledge∗ , Timo Hämäläinen† and Jyrki Joutsensalo‡
SFI Stokes Professor of DSP
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
Dublin Institute of Technology
University of Jyväskylä
E-mail: ∗
[email protected]
[email protected], ‡
[email protected]
Abstract — When a signal is recorded that has been physically generated by some
scattering process (the interaction of electromagnetic waves with an inhomogeneous
dielectric, for example), the ‘standard model’ for the signal (i.e. information content
convolved with a characteristic Impulse Response Function) is usually based on a single scattering approximation. An additive noise term is introduced into the model to
take into account a range of non-deterministic factors including multiple scattering that,
along with electronic noise and other background noise sources, is assumed to be relatively weak. Thus, the standard model is based on a ‘weak field condition’ and the
inverse scattering problem is often reduced to the deconvolution of a signal in the presence of additive noise. Attempts at solving the exact inverse scattering problem which
take into account multiple scattering effects often prove to be intractable, particularly
with regard to the goal of implementing algorithms that are computationally stable
and/or compatible with standard signal analysis methods and Digital Signal Processing
‘toolkits’. This paper provides an approach to solving the multiple scattering problem
for narrow side-band systems (typically, electromagnetic signal processing systems) that
is compounded in the introduction of a single extra term to the standard model.
Keywords — Inverse Scattering, Multiple Scattering, Side-band Systems, Signal Reconstruction, Synthetic Aperture Radar
We consider a one-dimensional electromagnetic
wave equation of the form (the inhomogeneous
Helmholtz equation)
+ k 2 u(x, k) = −k 2 γ(x)u(x, k)
where u is the electric wavefield, k is the wavenumber and γ = ǫr − 1, ǫr > 1 being the relative
permittivity. The function ǫr is taken to be real
whereas the wavefield u is taken to be a complex function (for generality) with variations as a
function of x and k in both amplitude and phase.
On the basis of this model, the forward scattering
problem is defined as: Given γ obtain a solution
for u. The inverse scattering problem is: Given u
derive a solution for γ, e.g. [1], [2] and [3].
Let u(x, k), x ∈ (−∞, ∞) be given by the sum
of an incident wavefield ui (x, k) and a scattered
wavefield us (x, k), ui being given by a solution of
+ k ui (x, k) = 0.
Thus, with u = ui + us ,
us (x, k) = −k 2 γ(x)[ui (x, k)+us (x, k)]
where it is assumed that γ is of compact support,
i.e. γ(x)∃∀x ∈ [−X, X]. The conventional approach to solving the inverse problem is as follows:
(i) derive a solution for the scattered field us ; (ii)
use this solution to obtain a solution for γ. The
solution for us is [4], [5]
us (x, k) = k 2 g(| x |, k) ⊗ γ(x)[ui (x, k) + us (x, k)]
where ⊗ denotes the convolution integral and g is
the Green’s function given by
g(| x |, k) =
exp(ik | x |).
This equation requires an iterative procedure to be
adopted in order determine us . However, under
the weak field condition when kus k << kui k we
consider the solution
us (x, k) = k 2 g(| x |, k) ⊗ γ(x)ui (x, k).
This is known as the Born approximation and
has an asymptotic solution (for x → ∞ and with
ui (x, k) = exp(−ikx)) given by [6]
us (x, k) =
γ(x) exp(−2ikx)dx.
Thus, in the far field, the relationship between the
scattering function and the scattered field is characterised by the Fourier transform, a relationship
that is specific to the weak field condition. The
scattering amplitude spectrum As (k) (the ‘reflection coefficient’) can be defined as (with k → k/2)
As (k) =
e(k) =
γ(x) exp(−ikx)dx
γ(x) =
e(k) exp(ikx)dk
The purpose of this paper is to explore a solution
for γ and thereby us when kus k ∼ kui k that is
based on the result, from equation (1):
1 ∂2
γ(x) = −
1 + 2 2 us (x, k)
| u(x, k) |2
k ∂x
Inverse Solutions
Given equation (1), we can write
k2 +
u(x, k)
γ(x) = − 2
k u(x, k)
which, noting that γ = ǫr − 1 can be written in the
ǫr (x) = −
u∗ (x, k)
u(x, k)
| u(x, k) | ∂x2
and since u = ui + us we can write
u∗i (x, k) + u∗s (x, k)
k 2 | ui (x, k) + us (x, k) |2
× k2 +
us (x, k).
γ(x) = −
Note that when kus k << kui k,
us (x, k) = −k 2 γ(x)ui (x, k),
the equivalent expression for γ(x) being
u∗i (x, k)
γ(x) = − 2
k + 2 us (x, k)
k | ui (x, k) |2
u (x, k)
k2 +
us (x, k)
=− i 2
given that ui (x, k) = exp(±ikx) is a solution of
equation (2). In comparison with the solution under the Born approximation, this solution for γ
includes | u(x, k) |−2 which describes the (inverse
square) amplitude envelop of the sum of the incident and scattered fields, i.e. with u(x, k) =
Au (x, k) exp[iθu (x, k)], it is clear that | u(x, k) |2 =
[Au (x, k)]2 .
Solution for Side-band Signals
If u is taken to be a narrow side-band signal that
is dominated by a high frequency and carrier wave
characterised by k0 , which, in turn, is determined
by a narrow side-band incident wavefield ui , then
we can consider the condition where | u(x, k0 ) |2 ∼
1∀x (in general, a constant). This condition is
equivalent to considering the case where u is a
phase only field u(x, k0 ) = exp[iθu (x, k0 )] and is
imposed in respect of the fact that, for narrow
side-band signals, the contribution of | u |−2 to
the reconstruction of γ from u is not significant
when compared to (u∗i + u∗s )(k02 + ∂x2 )us . However,
strictly speaking, the condition being imposed implies that, with ui = exp(±ik0 x),
u∗i us + (u∗i us )∗ + | us |2 = 0.
The principal difference between the reconstruction of γ using the Born approximation and the
inverse solution considered here is compounded in
the addition of a single term, i.e. for a weak field
where kus k << kui k
1 ∂2
γ(x) = −ui (x, k0 ) 1 + 2 2 us (x, k0 ) (4)
k0 ∂x
and for a strong field where kus k ∼ kui k
1 ∂2
γ(x) = −u∗i (x, k0 ) 1 + 2 2 us (x, k0 )
k0 ∂x
1 ∂2
−u∗s (x, k0 ) 1 + 2 2 us (x, k0 ).
k0 ∂x
Note that under the strict definition of a phase
only field which leads to equation (3), for kus k ∼
kui k
γ(x) = ui (x, k0 )u∗s (x, k0 )
[ui (x, k0 ) + us (x, k0 )]∗ ∂ 2
us (x, k0 )
= −ui (x, k0 )u∗s (x, k0 ), k0 → ∞
In this paper, we relax this condition and utilze
equations (4) and (5) given that | ui + us |2 ∼ 1.
This is the ‘key’ to the results that follow.
Numerical Simulation
We consider a numerical simulation based on computing the scattered field using a forward differencing approach to equation (1). For a fixed
wavenumber k0 (which defines a continuous wave
mode), the vector un computed over a uniformly
sampled discrete array composed of N samples,
each of length ∆, is given by
un+1 − 2un + un−1
+k02 un = −k02 γn un , n ∈ [1, N ]
which has the solution
un =
un+1 + un−1
un+1 + un−1
2 − ∆ k0 (1 + γn )
2 − ∆2 k02 ǫr,n
A solution to equation (6) can be obtained that is
based on the following iteration:
n+1 + un−1
2 − ∆2 k02 ǫr,n
respectively where ⊗ now denotes the discrete convolution sum. Figures 1-2 show comparisons between the numerical results given by equations
(8) and (9), illustrating the superiority of the
inverse scattering solution considered over that
given by the weak field solution for the case when
k0 ∆ = 0.01. These results are based on applying
the initial solution u1n = sin[2πip(n − 1)/(N − 1)]
and Hilbert transforming the output arrays before
computation of equations (8) and (9) through use
of the MATLAB function hilbert. The profile of
the reconstruction for ǫr,n based on equation (9) is
preserved inclusive of characteristic ‘ringing’ due
to the discontinuities associated with the model for
ǫr,n . In comparison, the weak field solution given
by equation (8) has a relatively narrow dynamic
range and provides a poor reconstruction particularly with regard to resolving the discontinuities
associated with ǫr,n .
where u1n is taken to be a discrete representation of
the (unit amplitude) incident field which we define
with a fixed number of periods p over n ∈ [1, N ],
2πip(n − 1)
u1n = exp
(N − 1)
A necessery condition that must be applied to
equation (7) is that
∆k0 <
kǫr,n k∞
where k • k∞ defines the ‘uniform norm’ and
k0 =
Fig. 1: Comparison between the weak and strong field inverse scattering solutions for the case when N = 10000,
M = 100, ∆k0 = 0.01 with p = 50. From top to bottom: Relative permittivity function model ǫr,n ; real part of
wavefield computed via equation (7); inverse solution (real
part) computed using equation (8); inverse scattering solution (real part) computed using equation (9).
Since a solution to the equation (1) is not conditional on the amplitude of the wavefield (i.e. the
incident field can be A exp(±ik0 x) where A is an
arbitrary value), the amplitude of the array um
after M iterations is normalised on output, i.e.
n → un /kun k∞ .
For the discrete case, equations (4) and (5)
transform to (for M iterations used to compute
the scattered field)
ǫr,n = 1 − u∗i,n [us,n + (∆k0 )−2 us,n ⊗ (1, −2, 1)]
−2 M
= 1−(u1n )∗ [(uM
(un −u1n )⊗(1, −2, 1)]
n −un )+(∆k0 )
ǫr,n = 1 −
u∗n [us,n
+ (∆k0 )
us,n ⊗ (1, −2, 1)]
−2 M
= 1−(uM
(un −u1n )⊗(1, −2, 1)]
n ) [(un −un )+(∆k0 )
Fig. 2: Comparison between the weak and strong field solutions for the case when N = 10000, M = 100, ∆k0 = 0.01
with p = 100. The descriptions of each plot follow those as
given in Figure 1.
Solution for Narrow Side-Band
Pulse-Echo Systems
The inverse solutions derived and demonstrated
numerically in the previous section have little practical value with regard to engineering a system designed to recover ǫr (x) from information on the
scattered field measured ‘outside’ the scatterer, i.e.
when | x |>| X |. This is because the solutions
considered require that the scattered field is known
∀x including ∀x ∈ [−X, X]. Practically applicable
systems typically measure the scattered field at a
fixed point x in the far field (i.e. as x → ∞) by
recording the spectrum of us over a range of values
of k. In practice, this requires the application of
pulse-echo mode methods.
Pulse-echo methods involve the emission of a
pulse and a recording of the back-scattered wavefield (echo). This approach is consistent with the
physical nature a system if: (i) the scattering function is a one-dimensional function; (ii) the incident wavefield is a ‘pencil-line beam’. However,
since all physical systems are intrinsically threedimensional, this model is idealised. Nevertheless, a variety of electromagnetic information and
imaging systems can be ‘cast’ in terms of problems involving layered materials (e.g. the response
of light, radio and microwaves to layered dielectric
materials including the propagation of electromagnetic waves along transmission lines such as an optical fiber).
For a narrow side-band system with carrier frequency k0 >>| k |, the inverse scattering solution
is given by (for | Au |∼ 1)
u∗ (x, k)
k0 +
us (x, k)
γ(x) = −
which, for a weak field where kus k << kui k reduces to
u∗ (x, k)
k02 + 2 us (x, k).
γ(x) = − i 2
These results apply for all values of x ∈ (−∞, ∞).
As discussed in Section I, under the Born approximation, for x → ∞, a mapping is obtained between
the scattered field us and γ that is based on the
Fourier transform γ
e(k) of γ(x), i.e.
us (x, k) =
γ (k), | k |<< k0
u∗s (x, k0 )]
1 ∂2
1+ 2 2
k0 ∂x
us (x, k0 )
u∗i (k, k0 )
e(k) =
e∗s (k, k0 )]
| k |2
⊙ 1− 2
es (k, k0 )
= −[e
u∗i (k, k0 ) + u
e∗s (k, k0 )] ⊙ u
es (k), | k |<< k0
where γ
e, u
e∗i , u
e∗s and u
es are the Fourier transforms
of γ, ui , us and us respectively and ⊙ denotes the
correlation integral. Noting that, for ui (x, k0 ) =
exp(−ik0 x), u
e∗i (k, k0 ) = 2πδ(k0 − k) we have
e(k) = 2πe
us (k − k0 ) − u
e∗s (k) ⊙ u
es (k), | k |<< k0
or (ignoring scaing by 2π)
es (k) =
γ (k + k0 ) + pe(k)[e
u∗s (k + k0 ) ⊙ u
es (k + k0 )], ∀k
where pe(k) is some lowpass filter with a bandwidth
significantly less than k0 . Thus, upon takling the
inverse Fourier transform, we obtain an expression
for the (demodulated) scattered field us given by
us (x, k0 ) = p(x) ⊗ [γ(x) exp(−ik0 x)]
+p(x) ⊗ [| us (x, k0 ) |2 exp(−ik0 x)]
where p(x) is the inverse Fourier transform of pe(k).
Here, p(x) described the bandlimited pulse that is
incident on a layered dielectric described by γ(x).
The first term is a description for the weak scattered field and the second term describes the effects
of multiple scattering. In terms of the ‘standard
model’ for a stationary signal s(t) as a function of
time t where
s(t) = p(t) ⊗ f (t) + n(t)
it is now clear that the Impulse Response Function
(IRF) f is given by
f (t) = γ(t) exp(−iω0 t)
and the noise n(t) is given by
n(t) = p(t) ⊗ [| s(t) |2 exp(−iω0 t)]
which is a solution of
u∗ (x, k)
γ(x) = − i 2
−[u∗i (x, k0 )
+ 2
us (x, k).
This result suggests taking the Fourier transform
of the equation
γ(x) =
where ω0 is the angular (carrier) frequency. Note
that in practice, n(t) will include additional background noise and in this sense, we have extract a
component of the noise term that is attributed to
multiple scattering effects, albeit under the conditions that: (i) | ui + us |−2 ∼ 1; (ii) | k |<< k0 .
Linear FM Signal Processing
A linear FM ‘chirp’ signal, which is taken to be of
compact support t ∈ [−T /2, T /2], is given by (in
complex form and for a unit amplitude)
p(t) = exp(iαt2 ), | t |≤
where α is a constant which defines the ‘chirp rate’
and T is the length of the ‘pulse’. The phase of
this signal is given by αt2 (i.e. it has a quadratic
phase factor) and its instantaneous frequency is
therefore given by 2αt which varies linearly with
time t. The frequency modulations are linear, the
signal therefore being referred to as a ‘linear’ FM
Inversion under the Weak Field Condition
Consider a signal generated by the reflection of a
linear FM pulse. Application of the weak field condition yields the following single scattering model:
s(t) = exp(iαt2 ) ⊗ f (t), | t |≤
Using a pulse of this type provides a simple but
effective way of recovering the IRF by correlating
the signal with the complex conjugate of the pulse
to give the reconstruction
fˆ(t) = exp(−iαt2 ) ⊙ exp(iαt2 ) ⊗ f (t), | t |≤
= T exp(−iαt2 )sinc(αT t) ⊗ f (t)
≃ T sinc(αT t) ⊗ f (t), T >> 1.
This simplification, under the condition that T >>
1, is not only practically applicable, but systems
desirable, especially with regard to electromagnetic pulse generation1 and allows the result for
fˆ to be easily analysed in Fourier space. Using the
convolution theorem we can write (ignoring scaling
by π/α)
F (ω), | ω |≤ αT ;
F̂ (ω) =
| ω |> αT.
which describes fˆ as being a band-limited version
of f (given that f is not a band-limited function)
where the bandwidth is determined by αT .
Inversion Under the Strong Field Condition
For a side-band FM system, the results discussed
above imply that, under the single scattering approximation
s(t) = p(t) ⊗ f (t)
1 A ‘long pulse’ provides greater signal energy and thus,
the recorded data has a higher Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
with inverse scattering estimate
fˆ(t) = p∗ (t) ⊙ s(t)
where, for a side-band system p(t) = exp(iαt2 ).
Here, s(t) is taken to be the (complex) analytic signal obtained by taking the Hilbert transform of the
real signal Re[s(t)]. For side-band systems this is
typically undertaken by quadrature detection during demodulation from side-band to base-band [5].
The strong field inverse scattering solution for
the signal, given by equation (10), implies that for
the same (side-band) system
fˆ(t) = T sinc(αT t) ⊗ f (t)
+T sinc(αT t) ⊗ [| s(t) |2 exp(−iω0 t)].
Applications to Synthetic Aperture
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a side-band
pulse-echo system which utilizes the response of a
scatterer as it passes through the radar beam to
synthesize the lateral (azimuth) resolution [8], [9].
This allows relatively high resolution images to be
obtained at a long range. The antenna emits a
pulse of microwave radiation toward the ground
and the return signal is recorded at fixed time intervals along the flight path.
By studying the response of a SAR to a point
scatterer in range x, and then in azimuth y, the
Point Spread Function of the system is established
which is given by [7]
p(x, y) = sinc(αLx)sinc(βk0 y)
where L is the pulse length and β is the angle of
divergence of the radar beam. Thus, the (postprocessed) SAR image data fˆ(x, y) is given by the
convolution of the object function f (x, y) (e.g. the
‘ground truth’) with the appropriate point spread
function, i.e.
fˆ(x, y) = p(x, y) ⊗2 f (x, y)
where ⊗2 denotes the two-dimensional convolution
integral and fˆ is taken to be complex data generated by f . A SAR image is usually generated by
displaying the amplitude modulations of the data,
ISAR (x, y) =| fˆ(x, y) | .
The object function describes the imaged properties of the ground or sea surface. A conventional model for this function is the point scattering model that is typically used in SAR simulations [10]. This is where the object function
is taken to be a distribution of point scatterers
each of which reflects a replica of the emitted pulse
and responds identically in azimuth. Here, nothing is said about the true physical nature of the
been to work directly with the Helmholtz equation
to produce an expression for the scattering function. The example numerical simulations given in
Section II(b) provide evidence of the expected superiority of this solution over the weak scattering
solution. However, it should be noted that this
result is based on the application of the narrow
side-band condition which is required in order to
set | ui (x, k) + us (x, k) |2 ∼ 1. In this sense, the
solution developed is not based on an entirely ‘exact’ inverse scattering solution, but rather a modified version of a solution tailored for applicability to narrow side-band systems. Such systems are
f (x, y) = p(x, y)⊗2 [f (x, y)+ | s(x, y) | exp(−ik0 x)]
consistent with the applications of electromagnetic
signal processing.
where the second term (on the right hand side) is
A further extension of the inverse scattering aptaken to be the multiple scattering term2 . Figure
proach considered here that is independent of the
3 shows the effect of applying a Gaussian lowpass
condition | ui (x, k) + us (x, k) |−2 ∼ 1 can be develfilter to the complex data fˆ(x, y) before generation
oped using the expansion
of the image | fˆ(x, y) | using data obtained from
the Sandia National Laboratories SAR database
| ui (x, k)+us (x, k) |−2 = 1−ui u∗s −u∗i us − | us |2 +...
[11]. Filtering the complex data is undertaken in
order to attempt to suppress the term p(x, y) ⊗2 [|
details of which lie beyond the scope of this paper.
s(x, y) |2 exp(−ik0 x)]. The more usual practice is
to filter the amplitude image | fˆ |. However, within
the context of equation (12), applying a lowpass
[1] Z. S. Agranovich and V. A. Marchenko, ”The
filter prior to computing an amplitude image of
Inverse Problem of Scattering Theory”, Gorthe complex data reduces the influence of the cross
don and Breach, 1963.
terms inherent in | fˆ(x, y) | and it is this effect that
[2] K. Chandan and P. C. Sabatier, ”Inverse
reduces the speckle as illustrated in Figure 3.
Problems in Quantum Scattering Theory”,
Springer, 1977.
object function in terms of material (dielectric)
properties. Moreover, this standard convolution
model for the data is based on application weak
field approximation where multiple scattering effects (which generate ‘speckle’) are taken to be
part of an additive noise function [7]. SAR images
are coherent images (i.e. based on complex data
containing magnitude and phase information) and
consequently, contain noise that is characteristic of
speckle patterns (coherent noise).
Based on equation (11), we consider a model
[3] M. Cheney, J. H. Rose and B. DeFacio
”Three Dimensional Inverse Scattering”, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,
Springer, 46-54, 1987.
Fig. 3: Example of an original SAR image (left) and the
same image after lowpass filtering the complex data (right).
In both cases, the images have been histogram equalized
utilizing the MATLAB function histeq.
The extension of the standard (stationary) model
s(t) = p(t) ⊗ f (t) to include multiple scattering effects that are compounded in a single additional term provides a practical method of processing signals that is compatible with a standard
signal processing ‘toolkit’. The inverse scattering
problem is usually formulated by first solving the
forward scattering problem. Once the relationship between the scattered field and the scattering function has been established by solving the
Helmholtz equation, an inverse solution is then attempted. The approach taken in this paper has
2 After
application of conventional SAR signal process-
[4] P. M. Morse and H. Feshbach, ”Methods of
Theoretical Physics”, McGraw-Hill, 1953.
[5] J. M. Blackledge, “Digital Signal Processing”,
Horwood Publishing, 2006.
[6] F, J. W. Olver, “Asymptotics and Special
Functions”, Academic Press, 1974.
[7] J. M. Blackledge, “Digital Image Processing”,
Horwood Publishing, 2006.
[8] R. O. Harger, “Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems”, Academic Press, 1970.
[9] J. J. Kovaly,
Artech, 1976.
“Synthetic Aperture Radar”,
[10] R, L. Mitchell, “Radar Signal Simulation”,
MARK Resources, 1985.