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ground (2). Accurate estimates can therefore be made only by capture-recapture experiments. Another practical difficulty that may arise is that samples upon which apparent associations of gene frequency with density are based are not independent of each other, so that intensive sampling of one region with a high population density and, quite coincidentally, with a characteristic gene frequency may give rise to a spurious appearance of density dependence. Bearing in mind these important OuLt on the possible effects of poptulation density on polymorphism in Cepaea.
Anurans (frogs and toads) collected from South Kanara, Udupi and North Kanara districts, Karnataka viz: Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (an aquatic), Fejervarya rufescens (a burrowing), Duttaphrynus melanostictus (a terrestrial), Fejervarya caperata (a semi aquatic), Ramanella montana (a semi arboreal) and Polypedates maculatus (an arboreal) belonging to five genera placed under four families were compared using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) marker to analyze genetic variability and relationship between the investigated taxa. ISSR profile obtained exhibited 100% presence of polymorphic bands. The ISSR bands could also be categorized as high (H), moderate (M) and light (L) based on the intensity of amplification. Dendrograms were generated using similarity coefficient and relationship coefficient values based on the count of only high or high and moderate or high, moderate and light bands in each case. Analysis of the data suggests that the genetic relatedness between the taxa as exhibited in the generated dendrograms varies based on the type of amplified bands considered. The clustering pattern obtained in the case of high and moderate bands was more close to the conventional taxonomical pattern of grouping based on the phenotypic characters. The specific unique bands present in each case may be of importance as molecular markers. Observed genetic variability (presence/absence, total number, intensity of amplification and size of polymorphic bands) among taxa probably provide factors contributing partially to diverse adaptive fitness supporting varied ecological demands. However, an intensive study incorporating more representive species from each of the habitat is needed to pinpoint the importance of the unique bands as the genus / species / ecological molecular markers.
Genetics Selection Evolution, 1989
-Interspecific competition is often thought to produce evolutionary changes. This competition has been studied mainly, using subjects whose heritability is not well known. Hence it is preferable to study polymorphic characters whose inheritance is known. Land snails of the genus Cepaea have several advantages for such studies. Ninety-five samples of allopatric and sympatric populations of Cepaea ne!n,orn.lis and Cepaea hortensis were collected near the southern limit of the aera occupied by Cepaea hortensis. In the area studied, Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea hortensis populations are divided into two zones corresponding to the north and south-facing slopes of the Iberian Mountains.
Heredity, 2001
Larval ®tness traits were investigated in two anuran species (Bufo calamita and Rana temporaria) under controlled laboratory conditions, and allelic diversity measured in the same individuals at ®ve and seven microsatellite loci, respectively. For both species there were signi®cant dierences among sibships in larval growth and development rates, and in some cases also in microsatellite heterozygosity and mean d 2 (a measure of diversity based on dierences in allele sizes). However, there were no signi®cant correlations between any of the ®tness and genetic measures either among all individuals, among sibships or among individuals within sibships. Under the conditions and within the statistical power of the study there was no relationship between ®tness-related quantitative trait variation and that seen at presumed-neutral microsatellite loci in these outbred populations.
Anoda cristata is a widely distributed annual weed in Mexico, which grows as agrestal or naturally in disturbed and undisturbed vegetation, respectively. Plants of this species are tolerated in orchards and corn-bean fields by Mexican ethnic groups of Central Mexico. Leaves of the plants are used as a food source, and occasionally seeds are sown in orchards. Because Mexicans have used Anoda cristata for a long time, it is possible that ecological and morphological characteristics of managed populations differ from those of wild populations. In this study, we analyzed phenotypic responses of two populations of A. cristata (wild and agrestal) growing in two habitats (forest and cultivated field) comparing survivorship, and life history traits. Natural progenies from wild and agrestal populations of A. cristata were transplanted into a cultivated field and in the understory of a pine forest in a reciprocal transplant experiment. Results showed that the habitat of transplant and the origin of populations had significant effect on all plant characters measured (growth, phenology, and biomass allocation), but the habitat x origin interaction was non-significant. In general, plants from the agrestal population grew faster, reproduced earlier, and allocated more biomass to reproduction, than plants from the wild population. Similarly, significant effects of habitat and origin on plant survivorship were detected, but the origin of populations explained the largest proportion of variance in plant survival. Most traits were phenotypically plastic but there were no differences in the magnitude or direction of the response between populations. In contrast both populations showed differentiation for most character mean values. Population differentiation is possibly the result of genetic differences driven by processes other than incipient domestication.
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society - BIOL J LINN SOC, 2000
Species that exhibit polymorphism, the simultaneous occurrence of two or more discrete, genetically-based phenotypes in a population, are ideal for studying the microevolutionary forces that maintain genetic variation in nature. Many anuran species exhibit striking colour or dorsal pattern polymorphisms, and so provide an excellent system in which to study questions pertaining to the evolution and maintenance of polymorphisms. Despite the wide occurrence of pattern or colour polymorphisms in anurans (current records cite at least 225 species representing 35 genera and 11 families) surprisingly little conclusive work has been done on the inheritance and selective maintenance of this variation. The mode of inheritance has been investigated in 26 species, but conclusively demonstrated in only two. Forty-six species have been described as undergoing ontogenetic change, and 32 species have been described as sexually dimorphic. That anuran polymorphisms are under some sort of selection ha...
South American Journal of Herpetology, 2018
Understanding species distribution patterns is a central aim in ecology. Traditionally, the study of such patterns emphasizes the ecological traits of the organisms that allow them to interact with other species and with the environment. The perception that ecological differences may reflect the evolutionary history of a species has also highlighted the importance of considering phylogeny in studies of communities at different spatial scales. Based on this perspective, our goal was to investigate phylogenetic and ecological patterns in a community of anurans in a restinga (sandy coastal plain) environment on the northern coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil. First, we tested whether two ecomorphological traits of the studied species presented phylogenetic signal. Then, we analyzed the phylogenetic and ecological relationships of the anuran species that coexisted in the same spatial unit using the net relatedness index (NRI) and nearest related-taxon index (NTI). The results indicated that ecomorphological traits were conserved in the evolutionary history of the studied species. Furthermore, the anuran community was not phylogenetically structured, but there was a trend toward phylogenetic and ecological overdispersion, with an emphasis on the latter. This result suggests that the stochastic (related to dispersion of individuals) and deterministic processes (as interactions between species and between species and the environment) are likely acting together and affecting the investigated community at the local scale. The observed patterns could be explained by (i) the phylogenetic and ecological singularity of Pristimantis paulodutrai, a dominant species in the community, and (ii) high environmental diversity, which might have diversified the environment and increased the co-occurrence of many ecological traits related to habitat use by species, regardless of whether these differences were reflected in the phylogenetic structure of the community. Better insights will be achieved by combining phylogenetic, ecological, and environmental data to clarify the processes that structure anuran communities at different spatial scales.
Essays in Education, 2007
Gli incontri della Fondazione San Bonaventura "SCRIPTVRA. Luoghi, forme e funzioni della scrittura" sono appuntamenti di varia natura (convegni, seminari, workshops, corsi) che hanno lo scopo di favorire dibattiti e confronti sulla scrittura in un arco cronologico che dalla comparsa delle prime manifestazioni scrittorie giunge fino ai giorni nostri. L'obiettivo di questo progetto, finanziato dalla Fondazione con il sostegno e la partecipazione di partners pubblici e privati, è quello di offrire spazi di riflessione interdisciplinare su temi connessi alle forme, ai luoghi, alla diffusione o alla produzione delle scritture di ogni tipo e ambito cronologico.
Vícečetné hroby na pohřebišti Thunau -Obere Holzwiese Metody, charakteristika, interpretace Elisabeth Nowotny Bei der Bearbeitung des frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeldes von Thunau, Obere Holzwiese, Niederösterreich, ergab sich in Bezug auf Mehrfachgräber die Frage nach den ihnen zugrunde liegenden Motivationen. Über verschiedene Wege wird versucht, mehr über die möglichen Hintergründe räumlicher Bezüge zwischen Bestattungen zu erfahren. Hierfür liegt mit dem Gräberfeld, welches großflächig untersucht und umfassend anthropologisch bearbeitet wurde und mehrere Vertreter der verschiedenen Arten von Mehrfachgräbern aufweist, eine günstige Ausgangsposition vor. Auch die bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den Anthropologen aufgetauchte methodische Problematik wird thematisiert. Frühmittelalter -Niederösterreich -Gräberfeld -Mehrfachgräber -Methodik -Hintergründe Multiple graves on the cemetery of Thunau, Obere Holzwiese. Methods, manifestation, interpretation. At the processing of the early medieval cemetery of Thunau, Obere Holzwiese, Lower Austria, arose the issue of the underlying motivations. By different ways an attempt is made to obtain further information on the possible backgrounds of spatial relations between burials. As this cemetery has been investigated at large scale, comprehensively revised by anthropologists and yielded several examples of the different types of multipel graves, it provides a favourable starting position. As well the methodological problems emerging at the collaboration with the anthropologists are made a subject of discussion. Early Middle Ages -Lower Austria -cemetery -multiple burials -methods -interpretation Das Gräberfeld und der Schanzberg von Thunau Der Schanzberg von Thunau liegt im nördlichen Niederösterreich, am Ostrand des Waldviertels, im Tal des Kampflusses (Abb. 1). 1 Die seit 1965 in regulären Grabungskampagnen aufgedeckten frühmittelalterlichen Befunde lassen auf eine befestigte Höhensiedlung mit Zentralortfunktion schließen (Herold 2008). Das Gräberfeld befindet sich auf der zentral gelegenen Hochfläche der Oberen Holzwiese (Abb. 2), innerhalb des sog. Herrenhofes, des durch Holzpalisaden gesondert umgrenzten Siedlungsareals. Bereits in der späten Bronzezeit war auf dem Schanzberg eine Abschnittsbefestigung errichtet worden, die im Frühmittelalter erneuert und großflächig erweitert wurde (Friesinger Stadler et al. 1998 Stadler et al. -1999. Auch auf den weiteren Teilen des Schanzberges und in dessen Umgebung wurden Belege einer intensiven frühmittelalterlichen Besiedlung
In: (a cura di): M. Cipriani, A. Pontrandolfo, M. Scafuro , Dialoghi sull'Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo. Atti del 2° Convegno internazionale di studi (Paestum, 28-30 giugno 2017), Paestum, 28-30 giugno 2017, Paestum., 2019
De la paz territorial a la paz total en Colombia: : Una aproximación socio-espacial (libro), 2024
Nature Ecology & Evolution
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Editon Consortium Journal of Media and Communication Studies (ISSN: 2663-9300) , 2019
Effect of Thiadiazine Derivatives on Intracellular Amastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis, 2004
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 2016
NanoImpact, 2017
Chemistry Letters, 1998
Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam, 2023
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Architectures and Building Blocks of Web-Based User-Adaptive Systems (WABBWUAS 2010)}, 2010
Horticulture, environment and biotechnology, 2024