Papers by Marcelo F Napoli
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio
Muitos foram os colegas que me incentivaram e auxiliaram nesta árdua tarefa, das formas mais vari... more Muitos foram os colegas que me incentivaram e auxiliaram nesta árdua tarefa, das formas mais variadas possíveis, ao ponto de ser impraticável a citação de todos nestas poucas linhas, mas aos quais sou muito grato. Agradeço em especial: Aos meus pais, à minha esposa e à Odete pela amizade e o apoio que me dedica ram durante toda a realização desta obra. Ao Prof. Ulisses Caramaschi que me cedeu espaço no Laboratório de Herpetolo gia, no Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, além da orientação, apoio e também pela realização das fotografias apresentadas neste trabalho. Ao Prof. Pedro Fontana Júnior, pela orientação e amizade incondicional à mim oferecida. Aos amigos Flavio A. Bockeman e Carlos Roberto S. Fontenelle Bizerril, pelo auxílio prestado desde nosso tempo universitário. Ao amigo Leonardo Lapenda pela amizade e auxílio constante na informatiza ção deste trabalho. Aos colegas do Museu Nacional pelo apoio e compreensão, principalmente aos amigos Antonio Velosa e Leandro Rabello Monteiro pelos agradáveis momentos por que passamos juntos. Ao amigo Paulo Roberto Nascimento, pelo inestimável esforço e dedicação nos desenhos das espécies aqui caracterizadas. Ao amigo José P. Pombal Júnior e sua esposa Ellen, pelo apoio incondicional que sempre me ofereceram desde nosso primeiro contato. Ao amigo Mauro Cavalcanti, pelo inestimável auxílio no campo da morfometria, sem o qual certamente parte considerável deste trabalho não teria sido desenvolvida. Ao amigo Pedro R. Peres-Neto, pela revisão do manuscrito e precioso auxílio no campo da morfometria. Ao colega Paulo Barata, pelos conselhos na área de matemática e estatística. Ao Centro Educacional da Lagoa, em especial aos amigos George Cardoso e Ismênia Martins, por terem apoiado e acreditado em meu trabalho. A Anete Luz Costa , secretária do curso de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, que no decorrer de todo o curso de mestrado esteve sempre pronta a me auxiliar. ..
Carta de Encaminhamento A. Caracteriza~ao da Proposta A. 1. Dados Cadastrais A.2. Dados tnstituci... more Carta de Encaminhamento A. Caracteriza~ao da Proposta A. 1. Dados Cadastrais A.2. Dados tnstitucionais I Empresariais A.3. Dados do Projeto A.3.1. Descri~ao do Projeto A.4. Equipe Cientffica B. Detathamento da Proposta 8.1. Cronograma Fisico 8.2. Equipe Executora 8.3. Or~amento 8.3.0. Plano de Aplica~ao 8.3.1. Rela~ao de ltens Solicitados 8.3.2. Cronograma de Desembolso dos Recursos Solicitados 8.3.3. Rela~ao dos liens da Contrapartida e dos Outros Aportes Financeiros 8.3.4. Cronograma de Desembolso da Contrapartida e dos Outros Aportes Financeiros 8.3.5. Detalhamento da Contrapartida e dos Outros Aportes Nao Financeiros 8.4. Detalhamento dos Subprojetos C. lnforma~oes Complementares C.1. Requisites Especfficos C.3. Anexos Versao: 1 Carta de Encaminhamento 1/3/2012 Carta de Encaminhamento F APEX-BA-UFBA-SCIUFBA A Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos-FINEP, Encaminhamos, em anexo, proposta para obten9 §o de apoio financeiro do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientffico e Tecnol6gico-FNDCT, no ambito do Plano Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia da CHAMADA PUBLICA MCTVFINEP/CT-INFRA-PROINFRA-01/2011 e declaramos que os participantes qualificados na Parte A1. Dados Cadastrais, deste formulario, endossam o projeto acima identificado, nos termos apresentados detalhadamente a seguir, assumindo o compromisso de que as versoes encaminhadas por meios eletronicos, seja em disquete ou pel a Internet, a presentam conteudo identico ao da c6pia impressa e anexada a est a cart a. Est a declara9 §o deve ser considerada como manifesta9 §o explfcita quanta a op ortunidade, interesse e prioridade conferida ao desenvolvimento do projeto ora proposto, assim como o comprometimento de que serao fornecidas as garantias necessarias para sua adequada execu9ao, incluindo o envolvimento de equipes, recursos de contrapartida e outras condi96es especfficas constantes deste formulario.
Austral Ecology, Jul 20, 2017
Ecological niche models, or species distribution models, have been widely used to identify potent... more Ecological niche models, or species distribution models, have been widely used to identify potentially suitable areas for species in future climate change scenarios. However, there are inherent errors to these models due to their inability to evaluate species occurrence influenced by non-climatic factors. With the intuit to improve the modelling predictions for a bromeliad-breeding treefrog (Phyllodytes melanomystax, Hylidae), we investigate how the climatic suitability of bromeliads influences the distribution model for the treefrog in the context of baseline and 2050 climate change scenarios. We used point occurrence data on the frog and the bromeliad (Vriesea procera, Bromeliaceae) to generate their predicted distributions based on baseline and 2050 climates. Using a consensus of five algorithms, we compared the accuracy of the models and the geographic predictions for the frog generated from two modelling procedures: (i) a climate-only model for P. melanomystax and V. procera; and (ii) a climate-biotic model for P. melanomystax, in which the climatic suitability of the bromeliad was jointly considered with the climatic variables. Both modelling approaches generated strong and similar predictive power for P. melanomystax, yet climate-biotic modelling generated more concise predictions, particularly for the year 2050. Specifically, because the predicted area of the bromeliad overlaps with the predictions for the treefrog in the baseline climate, both modelling approaches produce reasonable similar predicted areas for the anuran. Alternatively, due to the predicted loss of northern climatically suitable areas for the bromeliad by 2050, only the climate-biotic models provide evidence that northern populations of P. melanomystax will likely be negatively affected by 2050.
South American Journal of Herpetology, Dec 1, 2008
A new species of the genus Phasmahyla is described from an Atlantic rain forest remnant at serra ... more A new species of the genus Phasmahyla is described from an Atlantic rain forest remnant at serra do timbó, municipality of Amargosa, state of Bahia, Brazil. the new species is recognized by its medium size for the genus (snout-vent length 32.4 to 35.8 mm in males); reduced to absent coloration with purple spots on concealed surfaces of arm, forearm, thigh, tibia, tarsus, and digits; male with moderate nuptial pad of minuscule horny asperities on finger i; tympanum distinct only on ventral half; dorsolateral glands well developed; dorsal skin slightly coarse; larval oral disc with distinct anterior and two posterior series of horny teeth; interrupted first posterior series of horny teeth slightly larger than the anterior one. temporal and spectral parameters of the advertisement call are described for the new species, and for the first time for the genus Phasmahyla.
Zootaxa, Dec 16, 2011
We describe a new species of Proceratophrys, allied to P. schirchi, from the northern sector of t... more We describe a new species of Proceratophrys, allied to P. schirchi, from the northern sector of the Espinhaço mountain range, within a semiarid region in central State of Bahia known as Chapada Diamantina. The new species inhabits seasonal semi-deciduous forests (usually known as dry forests) that cover the mountainous relief of the Serra de Jacobina, a regional designation of the Espinhaço mountain range in northeastern Brazil. Proceratophrys minuta sp. nov. most resembles P. schirchi by combination of small palpebral appendages, general external morphology, and by its restriction to Atlantic Forest remnants. It is diagnosed from all congeners by the combination of small body size (snout-vent length, males 20.4-25.2 mm, females 28.3-31.9 mm), absence of rostral appendage, short palpebral appendages with the central prominent, dorsum adorned with sinuous longitudinal ridges outlining a spear-shaped ornamentation like a hastate-shaped leaf (with flaring pointed lobes at eyes and spear point at urostile), and other six morphological characteristics. We also describe the tadpole of P. minuta sp. nov., and compare its color and external morphology with other tadpoles of Proceratophrys described in the literature.
Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 2016
Several allometric relationships exist in the literature describing the relationship between surf... more Several allometric relationships exist in the literature describing the relationship between surface area (A S) and body mass (M B) for different taxa of Anura and these are frequently used in physiological studies. Here, we gathered literature data of A S (cm 2) and M B (g), added new original data, and allometric relationships between A S and M B were evaluated using linear and phylogenetic generalized least-square (PGLS) regressions. Data from 453 specimens from 44 species were included. Intraspecific allometric relations between A S and M B were determined for 18 species, with ten of those showing regressions not significantly different from the respective family regression; four species showing a significantly different y-intercept; and three species showing a significantly different slope. Only the families Bufonidae, Ranidae, and Hylidae were represented by several species (9, 11, and 12, respectively) and with larger specimens' numbers (54, 215, and 127, respectively). These three families exhibited significantly different OLS linear regressions on log 10-transformed data, with Hylidae showing the steepest (0.7735 ± 0.0110), Bufonidae an intermediate (0.6772 ± 0.0220), and Ranidae the lowest slope (0.6091 ± 0.0114). The relationship between A S and M B for Anura could be described by the linear regression A S = 9.8537 M B 0.6745 or by the PGLS regression A S = 8.7498 M B 0.685 .
A new member of the Hyla rubicundula species group is described from Bela Vista, Mato Grosso do S... more A new member of the Hyla rubicundula species group is described from Bela Vista, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The new species inhabits cerrado formations in central and southeastern Brazil, comprising three main geographic morphotypes. Intrapopulation and interpopulation variation is characterized in order to accurately determine the species limits. The analysis was based on external morphology and morphometrics. The new Hyla is characterized by being the largest in the Hyla rubicundula species group, having a stout body, lateral limits of dorsum under the lower border of the tympanum, immaculate dorsum, and rounded canthus rostralis.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2011
We describe a new species of flea-toad related to Brachycephalus didactylus and B. hermogenesi fr... more We describe a new species of flea-toad related to Brachycephalus didactylus and B. hermogenesi from the Serra Bonita mountain, an Atlantic rainforest remnant in the Municipality of Camacan, State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, constituting the northernmost record of the genus. Brachycephalus pulex sp. nov. is mainly diagnosed by the toe II externally absent, the toe V vestigial, fingers I and IV externally absent, and an inverted depigmented v-shaped mark on chest bordered above by a dark brown stripe on each side.
Springer eBooks, 2017
In this chapter, we review current knowledge on the ecology, biodiversity, biogeography, and cons... more In this chapter, we review current knowledge on the ecology, biodiversity, biogeography, and conservation of amphibians of the Caatinga. We recorded 98 species belonging to 12 families, with 20 endemic species and 67% of the regional diversity concentrated in two families: Hylidae and Leptodactylidae. We generated a surface of potential anuran richness based on binary maps generated through niche modeling. Our resulting map corroborated most areas previously recognized as highly diverse, but also suggested others that must be further studied. A general pattern of higher richness areas on the east portion of the biome, associated with the Atlantic Forest, is evident, but central and western portions with higher richness values are also evident. The biodiversity of the Caatinga is just starting to be understood, with the vast majority of papers on amphibians published only in the last 20 years. A concerted effort is needed to fill information gaps regarding Caatinga amphibians, including geographic distribution and biogeography, community and population ecology, physiology, and taxonomic and phylogenetic appraisals that can adequately support conservation policies and practices for its fauna.
Ciência e Cultura, Oct 1, 2018
Zootaxa, Jun 26, 2006
A new species of the Bokermannohyla circumdata group, B. diamantina sp. nov., is described from S... more A new species of the Bokermannohyla circumdata group, B. diamantina sp. nov., is described from Serra dos Barbados, Municipality of Abaíra, State of Bahia, Brazil. This locality belongs to Chapada Diamantina, a semiarid region in central Bahia. This is the first record of a species of the B. circumdata group from the Brazilian semiarid. Bokermannohyla diamantina is diagnosed by the medium size (snout-vent length 47.0-51.7 mm in adult specimens); head length 2.8-2.9 times smaller than snout-vent length; tympanum medium-sized, its diameter 1.3-1.5 times smaller than eye diameter (tympanum diameter/snout-vent length 0.07); thigh and tibia lengths 0.48-0.52 and 0.49-0.51 of snout-vent length, respectively; dorsum medium to blackish brown, with weak transverse dark brown bars; flanks, anterior, and posterior surfaces of thighs with dark transverse brown stripes, lacking additional thin stripes between them; distinct vocal slits in adult males; advertisement call with 2-4 notes, and dominant frequency from 0.39-0.56 kHz.
Universidade Federal da Bahia Página 21 A.5. Lista de Currículos Lattes dos Orientadores Os dados... more Universidade Federal da Bahia Página 21 A.5. Lista de Currículos Lattes dos Orientadores Os dados referentes a cada orientador estão detalhados em fichas e no corpo do texto de cada Subprojeto no item B deste Projeto Institucional, assim como já foram informados em parte quando da identificação dos Subprojetos (item A3 deste Projeto). Abaixo, segue listagem simples dos nomes dos orientadores e de seus respectivos links para os currículos Lattes.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Oct 17, 2019
Many studies on the diversity of the South American biota support the role of ecological and geol... more Many studies on the diversity of the South American biota support the role of ecological and geological events as main drivers of species diversification. For many groups, geomorphological events are the key drivers of diversification, while the influence of Pleistocene climate oscillations is prominent for others. To precisely indicate which events were key for the development of the astonishing biodiversity in South America, studies on widely distributed species are paramount. One such species, the dwarf swamp frog Pseudopaludicola mystacalis (Leptodactylidae, Leiuperinae), is widely distributed in open habitats of South America and we herein investigate population differentiation and diversification in this species across its geographic range. We sequenced a 1374 bp mtDNA fragment from 64 specimens across 25 localities. We used population assignment and species delimitation methods to assess genetic structure and lineage limits across the species distribution. We estimated, for e...
Biota Neotropica, 2021
Studying feeding habits is crucial to understand complex predator-prey interactions. Even though ... more Studying feeding habits is crucial to understand complex predator-prey interactions. Even though anurans play a fundamental role in the control of arthropods populations, the diet of several Neotropical species is poorly known. We describe the frequency and occurrence of prey items and their dry mass in stomach contents of the Robber Frog Pristimantis paulodutrai in the north east of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Based on the stomach contents of 30 individuals, Araneae, Isopoda, and Formicidae were found to be the most important food items. The generalist diet of this frog, which seems to be phylogenetically conserved among Pristimantis, is likely to be linked to its ecological dominance in the habitats surveyed. Our study corroborates the high trophic relevance of Robber Frogs in tropical forests as generalist predators.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2020
The Neotropical region is known both for its megadiverse fauna and for the significant deficiency... more The Neotropical region is known both for its megadiverse fauna and for the significant deficiency of our knowledge on species limits. The Amazon and Atlantic Forest are the two most diverse and large rainforests in South America, and they harbor many groups of sister species and sister genera. The frog genus Pristimantis is the most speciose genus of terrestrial vertebrates with 546 species, but only three of them occur in the Atlantic forest. Herein, we investigate the diversification history and phylogenetic relationship among the Atlantic Forest Pristimantis lineages in a spatial-temporal framework, using mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Our results reveal a remarkable hidden diversity, with nine highly structure lineages that may correspond to undescribed species, with many cases of sympatry among these divergent lineages. Atlantic forest Pristimantis form a monophyletic group that started to diversify over 40 million years ago. This ancient group shows diversification events that remount the early bursts of the Atlantic Forest diversification history, as well as lineage diversification likely resulting from recent Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. Future work must concentrate in comparing these lineages under an integrative framework including morphology, advertisement calls and other ecology traits to confidently delimit species of Pristimantis in the Atlantic Forest.
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 2020
Cyclical climatic changes during the Pleistocene produced glacial and interglacial periods that s... more Cyclical climatic changes during the Pleistocene produced glacial and interglacial periods that shaped spatial distribution and genetic composition of populations at high latitudes across the world (Alexandrino, Arntzen, & Ferrand, 2002; Milot, Gibbs, & Hobson, 2000). The importance of climatic fluctuations is easily acknowledged for temperate regions, where huge glaciers have contracted and expanded, repeatedly obliterating many species from most of their ranges. The role played by glaciations in tropical regions, such as those in South
Papers by Marcelo F Napoli