The Spanish Resource Grammar
Montserrat Marimon
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
[email protected]
This paper describes the Spanish Resource Grammar, an open-source multi-purpose broad-coverage precise grammar for Spanish. The
grammar is implemented on the Linguistic Knowledge Builder (LKB) system, it is grounded in the theoretical framework of Head-driven
Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), and it uses Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS) for the semantic representation. We have developed
a hybrid architecture which integrates shallow processing functionalities – morphological analysis, and Named Entity recognition and
classification – into the parsing process. The SRG has a full coverage lexicon of closed word classes and it contains 50,852 lexical entries
for open word classes. The grammar also has 64 lexical rules to perform valence changing operations on lexical items, and 191 phrase
structure rules that combine words and phrases into larger constituents and compositionally build up their semantic representation. The
annotation of each parsed sentence in an LKB grammar simultaneously represents a traditional phrase structure tree, and a MRS semantic
representation. We provide evaluation results on sentences from newspaper texts and discuss future work.
1. Introduction
This paper describes the Spanish Resource Grammar
(SRG). This grammar is designed as multi-purpose (abstracted away from any particular application), and broadcoverage (aiming to cover not only all variations of the phenomena that have been implemented, but also the combinations of different phenomena).
The grammar is implemented on the Linguistic Knowledge
Builder (LKB) system (Copestake, 2002), an interactive
grammar development environment for typed feature structure grammars, which includes a parser and generation, visualization tools for all relevant data structures, and a set
of specialized debugging facilities, and it is grounded in
the theoretical framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) (Pollard and Sag, 1987; Pollard and
Sag, 1994), a constraint-based, lexicalist approach to grammatical theory where all linguistic objects (i.e. words and
phrases) are represented as typed feature structures. The
SRG uses Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS) (Copestake
et al., 2006) for the semantic representation. MRS is not a
semantic theory in itself, but a kind of meta-level which
has been defined for describing semantic structures. Using unification of typed features structures, MRS assigns
a syntactically flat semantic representation to linguistic expressions.
The basis of the development of the SRG is the LinGO
Grammar Matrix, an open-source starter-kit for rapid development of broad-coverage HPSG grammars compatible
with the LKB system which supplies (1) the necessary configuration files for an LKB grammar development environment, and (2) the basic grammar types and rules (Bender et
al., 2002; Bender and Flickinger, 2005).1
The SRG is part of the DELPH-IN open-source repository
of linguistic resources and tools for writing (the LKB system), testing and benchmarking (the [incr tsbd()] compe-
tence and performance profiler (Oepen and Carroll, 2000))
and efficiently processing HPSG grammars (the PET system (Callmeier, 2000)), as well as an architecture for integrating deep and shallow natural language processing components to increase robustness of HPSG grammars (the
Heart of Gold (Schäfer, 2007)). Further linguistic resources
that are available in the DELPH-IN repository include
broad-coverage grammars for English (Flickinger, 2002),
German (Crysmann, 2005), and Japanese (Siegel and Bender, 2002), as well as smaller grammars for French, Korean
(Kim and Yangs, 2003), modern Greek (Kordoni and Neu,
2005), Norwegian (Hellan and Haugereid, 2005), and Portuguese (Branco and Costa, 2008).2
2. Architecture
We have developed a hybrid architecture which integrates
shallow processing functionalities – morphological analysis, and Named Entity (i.e. proper names, dates, numbers,
ratios, currency, and physical magnitudes) recognition and
classification – into the parsing process. See Figure 1.
Before parsing input sentences with the LKB system, raw
text is pre-processed by the FreeLing toolkit, an opensource language analysis tool suite performing shallow processing functionalities (Atserias et al., 2006).3 Our system plugs the FreeLing tool into the system by means of
the LKB Simple PreProcessor Protocol (SPPP),4 which assumes that a preprocessor runs as an external process to the
LKB system. (1) is the output from the SPPP for the input
“gato” (cat).
(1) <segment>
<token form="gato" from="0" to="1">
<analysis stem="gato">
<rule id="NCMS" form="gato"/>
The Grammar Matrix is accessible through a
The FreeLing toolkit may be downloaded˜nlp/freeling.
the rule dealing with the tag ’W’ that FreeLing assigns to
dates. This strategy provides a complete coverage of NEs
to the grammar.
w :=
%suffix ()
[ STEM < "w" > ].
3.1.2. The lexicon
The lexicon component in the LKB system contains the lexical entries of the grammar. In the SRG, each lexical entry
consists of a unique identifier, a lexical type (one among
about 500 types,defined by a type hierarchy of around 5,000
types), an orthography and a semantic relation.5 (4) shows
the lexical entry for the noun “gato” (cat).
Figure 1: System architecture.
The advantage of our hybrid architecture is that it allows us
to release the parser from certain tasks that may be robustly,
efficiently, and reliably dealt with by shallow external components, thus making the whole system more adequate to
deal with real world text we find in application contexts.
3. The Spanish Resource Grammar
3.1. Linguistic components and coverage
To parse a sentence, an LKB grammar requires three basic components: inflectional rules, a lexicon, and syntactic
rules. This section describes these components of the SRG.
3.1.1. Inflectional rules
The inflectional rules in the LKB system perform the morphological analysis of the words in the input sentences.
Since we use an external morphological analyzer, the SRG
does not need a morphology component, instead we use the
inflectional rule component to convert the PoS tags associated to full-forms and produced by the FreeLing tool into
feature structures. (2) shows the rule which converts the
FreeLing PoS tag NCMS (Noun Common Masculine Singular) into a feature structure.
Lexical types represent the type of words that we have
in our lexicon and they are defined by a multiple inheritance type hierarchy. Lexical subtypes for nouns are basically distinguished on the basis of valence information and
the mass/countable/uncountable distinction. Adjectives are
cross-classified according to their position within the NP,
whether they are predicative or non-predicative, whether
they are gradable or not, whether they are intersective or
scopal, whether they are positive, comparative, or superlative, and according to their subcategorization restrictions.
Leaving apart closed classes of adverbs (i.e. deictic, relative, interrogative and degree adverbs), we distinguish scopal and intersective adverbs, which in turn have subtypes
specifying whether they may co-occur with degree adverbs
and their position. Finally, main verbs are distiguished by
their valence features SUBJ(ect) and COMP(lement)S, so
we have subtypes for impersonal verbs taking no subject,
verbs taking verbal subject, and verbs taking nominal subjects, and subtypes according to the number and category
of the elements in the COMPS-list.6 . Table 1 shows the
number of types we have for each open word type and for
closed word classes.
closed categories
(2) ncms :=
%suffix ()
AGR.PNG[ PN 3sg,
GEN masc ]]].
We also use the inflectional component to integrate into the
grammar the output of the NE recognition and classification module of FreeLing, which identifies the different instances of a given NE type and assigns them a tag. We
assume that all instances of the same type can be dealt with
a single lexical entry in the lexicon of the grammar. In order
to identify the appropriate entry for each NE type, we use
the inflectional rules to identify the tags associated to type
instances with the attribute STEM, as we show in (3) with
gato_n := n_-_c_le &
[ STEM < "gato" >
SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL "_gato_n_rel" ].
Number of types
Table 1: Number of lexical types
The SRG has a full coverage lexicon of closed word classes
(pronouns, determiners, prepositions and conjunctions) and
it contains 50,852 lexical entries for open word classes. Table 2 shows the number of lexical entries we have for each
The attribute SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL provides a shortcut to the semantic relation in RELS with highest scope (see Section 3.2) and it is only used in the lexicon.
Details on the lexical types of the SRG may be found in (Marimon et al., 2007).
open word type and for closed word classes.7 The grammar also has 64 lexical rules to perform valence changing
operations on lexical items that include, for instance, movement and removal of complements, and, in that, they reduce
the number of lexical entries to be manually encoded in the
closed categories
Number of entries
Table 2: Number of lexical entries
3.1.3. Syntactic rules
The syntactic rules in the LKB system are phrase structure rules that combine words and phrases into larger constituents and compositionally build up their semantic representation. The SRG has 191 phrase structure rules.
With these linguistic resources, the range of linguistic phenomena that the SRG handles includes: all types of subcategorization structures, surface word order variation and
valence alternations, subordinate clauses, raising and control, determination, null-subjects and impersonal constructions, compound tenses, modification, passive constructions, comparatives and superlatives, cliticization, relative and interrogative clauses, sentential adjuncts, negation,
noun ellipsis, and coordination, among others.
3.2. Grammar output
The annotation of each parsed sentence in an LKB grammar
simultaneously represents two different descriptive levels:
(i) a traditional phrase structure tree, and (ii) an MRS semantic representation. Thus, for an input sentence such as
“el gato come pescado” (the cat eats fish), the output of the
SRG is as we show in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
node tree. These identifiers, and the feature structures that
define them, may be displayed by placing the cursor on the
tree nodes. Figure 4 partially shows the identifier and the
feature structures of the grammar rule sp-hd constr,
which attaches the specifier “el” to the noun “gato” and
builds the NP node “el gato” (the cat).
The MRS semantic representation consists of: 1) a list of
semantic relations (RELS), each with a ”handle” (LBL)
(used to express scope relations) and one or more roles
(ARG0, ARG1,...). Relations are classified according to
the number and type of arguments; 2) a set of handle constraints (HCONS), reflecting syntactic limitations on possible scope relations among the semantic relations, and 3)
a group of distinguished semantic attributes of a linguistic
sign. These attributes are: LTOP – the local top handle, and
INDEX – the salient nominal instance or event variable introduced by the lexical semantic head.
4. Evaluation
Hand-built test suites are traditionally used to test and evaluate linguistically-motivated computational grammars.
When test suites meet the demands for systematicity and
exhaustivity, they provide a fine-grained diagnosis of the
grammar behavior in terms of coverage, overgeneration,
and efficiency, and, for example, they are crucial to detect
unintended interactions in the linguistic resources. However, hand-built test suites hardly present combinations of
different phenomena showing the real world language complexity.
From the point of view of writing a large-coverage grammar, it is needed to evaluate its behavior against the combinations of different phenomena. Combining all different
phenomena could lead to a combinatorial explosion; besides, not every combination of phenomena produces grammatical sentences or shows interesting cases.
To evaluate the coverage of the SRG, we have used a
sentences from newspaper texts from the AnCora corpus
(Taulé et al., 2008). Table 3 shows the average of sentences
we successfully parsed.
Number of
Figure 2: Phrase structure tree.
Table 3: Grammar results.
In the phrase structure tree each node is labeled with a set
of atomic labels of the type ’S’, ’VP’, ’V’, ’NP’, etc. In
addition, each tree node has an identifier of the grammar
rule or lexical entry which has been used to build up that
The grammar also includes a set of generic lexical entry templates for open classes to deal with unknown words for virtually
unlimited lexical coverage.
Parsing failures are due to several reason. First, even
though the grammar has a set of generic lexical entry templates for open classes to deal with unknown words, we
decided to evaluate the SRG without them, therefore, many
parsing failures are due to missing lexical entries (many of
them are foreign words). Second, although we have developed indeed a large-coverage grammar, there are still some
Figure 3: MRS semantic representation.
Figure 4: sp-hd constr grammar rule.
phenomena that need to be incorporated into the SRG, e.g.
VP ellipsis. Third, the SRG certainly contains some errors,
deficiencies, and unanticipated interactions in our linguistic modules. Fourth, some of the sentences, the long ones,
reach the timeout. Finally, some of the parsed sentences are
5. Conclusion and Future work
In this paper, we have described the basic linguistic components and linguistic coverage of an HPSG-based grammar
for Spanish. We have also shown the results of the grammar
on newspaper texts in terms of recall (i.e. coverage).
Besides improving the linguistic modules by extending the
coverage of the grammar to deal with the phenomena which
have not been implemented so far, and debugging the grammar to avoid errors and deficiencies, future work includes
the development of a parse selection model over the handbuilt grammar and to evaluate the SRG in terms of precision (i.e. the ratio assigned a unique and correct analysis)
(Toutanova et al., 2005).
To reduce the ratio of parsing failures because of reaching
the timeout, we are currently investigating the benefits of
integrating further shallow processing functionalities into
the parsing process that may reduce the ambiguity and, in
that, avoid the construction of partial parses that do not contribute to the final parse.
This work was funded by the Ramón y Cajal program of
the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
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