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2024, Lavoro di ricerca
21 pages
1 file
Tra unilateralismo americano e guerra giusta
I prigionieri di guerra di Codogno, durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, furono rinchiusi nei campi dell'Austria- Ungheria e della Germania sparsi in regioni e città lontane. Le famiglie a casa ebbero notizie frammentarie, non sempre corrette: è ancora oggi difficile, se non impossibile, identificare i luoghi della loro prigionia, che in cento anni, hanno cambiato nome e si trovano in confini disegnati da conflitti ed eventi successivi. Codogno's World War I prisoners of war were imprisoned in camps that were scattered through remote provinces and towns of Austria-Hungary and Germany. Their families at home received only fragmentary, often inaccurate, news. Today it is diffìcult, if not impossible, to identify the places where they were held captive, because in one hundred years they have changed names, and the boundaries of the regions that hosted them have been redrawn as a result of subsequent conflicts and events.
Scheda bibliografica del libro: Voci e silenzi di prigionia. Cellelager 1917-1918, a cura di Rolando Anni e Carlo Perucchetti, Roma, Gangemi, 2015
Casale di Altamura A cento anni dalla Grande guerra One Hundred Years from the Great War a cura di Andreas Gottsmann Antonio Incampo Giuseppe Poli, 2020
“Pesciolini di guerra”. Amministrazione e scandali nelle Terre Liberate e Redente tra guerra, dopoguerra e ricostruzione (1915-1922), in AA.VV., «Le “disfatte” di Caporetto. Soldati, civili, territori 1917-1919, 2019
Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm, le fotocopie e altro) sono riservati per tutti i paesi. Impaginazione Verena Papagno ISBN 978-88-5511-060-0 (print) ISBN978-88-5511-061-7 (online)
Italianistica Debreceniensis, 2022
The prisoner of war camp of Padula, Italy, operated during World War One in a large Carthu-sian Monastery and barracks, has been the topic of several Italian, Czech and Slovakian stud-ies, as it was one of the greatest Italian camps and served as the centre for the creation of the Czechoslovak Legion. However, thousands of its detainees were Hungarian, whose life has barely been discussed. This paper aims to present the life of Hungarian POWs held in Padula. With the help of sources pertaining to them, such as letters and memoirs, it is possible to deep-ly examine four aspects: religion, health, complaints and employment. Another aim of the study is to make a list of the Hungarian prisoners.
Grande guerra e fronte interno: la svolta del 1917 in Emilia Romagna, 2018
In Italia si ebbero i primi veri e propri campi di prigionia, intesi come installazioni adibite alla raccolta e custodia dei prigionieri di guerra, durante il primo conflitto europeo, anche se alcuni tentativi andrebbero ricercati all'epoca della guerra italo-turca (1911-12). La Commissione per i prigionieri di guerra, istituita con il decreto del 24 giugno 1915, in base alla IV a convenzione dell'Aja, e presie-duta dal ten. gen. Paolo Spingardi, con la circolare n. 220 del 9 lu-glio 1915, emanò le prime prescrizioni riguardanti il trattamento dei prigionieri catturati dall'esercito italiano. "I prigionieri di guerra" esordiva la circolare "debbono essere trattati con umanità non disgiunta da quella serietà e severità di modi che sono le carat-teristiche dei nostri usi militari. Nei campi di concentrazione i pri-gionieri di guerra sono sottomessi alle leggi, ai regolamenti e agli ordini vigenti nel R. Esercito nostro. La disciplina vi dovrà essere rigidamente osservata, ogni atto di insubordinazione punito con giusto criterio disciplinare, commisurato alla speciale situazione dei prigionieri di guerra" .
The aim of this paper is to present the life of Hungarian prisoners of war in the internment camps of L’Aquila, a city situated in the central part of Italy, during and after the Great War. The POWs were first detained in the caserma Castello (Castle barracks), which is a 16th-century fortress where units of the Italian Army were stationing as well at that time. This made it possible for the POWs to lead a relatively idyllic life, whose various aspects are examined in the paper, such as nutrition, accommodation, clothing, correspondence, religious life, daily routine and employment. The sources used include archival documents, two memoirs of ex-POWs and newspaper articles. The comfortable life of the POWs was dimmed by the lack of their families and the Homeland, the idleness and certain infectious diseases. From the summer of 1916, the prisoners were employed in agricultural and industrial works outside the prison camp and were hence transferred from the fortress to barracks and unused churches. It is unknown when the last Hungarian POW left L’Aquila, and yet one of them is proven to have been there still in July 1919.
The issue of foreign national prisoners needs to be considered in a national and supranational perspective because of its importance, related to different topics connected to the respect of the rights of the foreign inmate. Among these, we have to keep in special consideration the exposure to discrimination, the lack of access to justice (due inter alia to the language barrier), the relational isolation, the difficult reintegration and the impact of the status of illegal immigrant. Facing such a view, it's easy to understand the central importance of all the international instruments for the protection of foreign prisoners, especially of the European framework decisions, unfortunately non totally applied in each Member State. Their particular importance is due to the fact that, if correctly implemented, they can have a strong impact on different phenomena, such as the diminution of the foreign prisoners and their effective reintegration, thanks to the mutual recognition to criminal decision and the possibility to transfer persons deprived of liberty. However, different kind of reasons may hinder the fully application of these framework decisions. So, from one hand, their implementation needs efforts from each Member State, from the other one, the national governments should consider the possibility to identify privileged interlocutors for the approval of convention that can allow the transfer of stakeholders.
RID - Rivista di Dialettologia Italiana, 2018
Il presente contributo vuole offrire una presentazione dei materiali scritti e sonori della sezione italiana del Lautarchiv della Humboldt Universität di Berlino, formata da registrazioni fonografiche e testi dialettali di prigionieri italiani prodotti in diversi Lager tedeschi della Grande Guerra e accompagnati dalle rispettive trascrizioni fonetiche dei linguisti coinvolti nelle inchieste della Königlich-Preußische Phonographische Kommission. In particolare, si concentra sui sistemi di elicitazione linguistica impiegati sul campo e sulle risposte date dagli intervistati a tali stimoli. The present contribution means to show a presentation of the written materials and the sound recordings of the Italian section of the Lautarchiv of Humboldt University in Berlin, made up of sound recordings and dialectal texts of Italian prisoners produced in several German POW camps during the Great War and accompanied by the respective phonetic translations written by the linguists involve in the surveys of the Königlich-Preußische Phonographische Kommission. In particular, it focuses on the linguistic elicitation systems employed in fieldwork and on the responses given by the interviewees to such stimuli.
The Italian prisoners of war in Germany during WWII, referred to as "military internees," faced a challenging period marked by forced labor and difficult conditions. After Italy's armistice with the Allies in September 1943, the Wehrmacht captured approximately 600,000 Italian soldiers. These soldiers were then deported to Germany and coerced into forced labor, a direct violation of international law. Tragically, about 50,000 of these internees died or were killed due to the harsh conditions they endured. Over the years, there has been a growing interest in the subject, accompanied by an increasingly comprehensive recognition of the traumatic experiences endured by Italian military internees. This mounting interest has played a crucial role in shaping a more nuanced and accurate narrative regarding Italy's involvement in the fight against Nazi-fascism. This process has helped highlight the courage and resilience of those who faced this tragic ordeal, adding a new layer of understanding to Italy's wartime history. This gradual awareness has acquired significant relevance within the fabric of Italian collective memory, attributing a heroic dimension to the Italian Military Internees (IMIs) in the resistance against Nazi-fascism. Before the 1980s, both in Italy and Germany, there was a limited understanding of the sufferings and events experienced by former IMIs, a gap that persisted until almost contemporary times. However, starting in the 1980s, historiography began to address this issue with greater rigor and attention, welcoming and valuing the testimonies and memories of survivors of Nazi Stalag camps. A significant turning point was reached in 2012 with the publication of the Report of the Italo-German Commission, established by the Foreign Ministries of Italy and Germany in 2009. This report finally shed light on the true extent of the conditions faced by IMIs during their internment in Germany, providing a solid foundation for a deeper understanding of their experiences. Before this publication, the issue of IMIs had been primarily addressed through individual testimonies and survivors' accounts. However, the issuance of this report has provided a fundamental contribution to our understanding of the experiences of Italian prisoners of war in Nazi Germany, adding a new level of detail and analysis to the history. This has helped bridge gaps in our historical knowledge and contributed to strengthening public awareness of the sufferings and struggles faced by IMIs during that dark period of European history. The essay includes the author’s personal memories of her father as an Italian officer prisoner of war in Nazi Germany. ----------------------- ITALIAN Oltre alle fasi cruciali della Seconda Guerra Mondiale dall'Armistizio fino alla Liberazione, questo saggio ripercorre le esperienze di mio padre Leopoldo Passannanti, Tenente di Fanteria, Ufficiale di Complemento dell’Esercito Italiano, Internato Militare Italiano (IMI) in un lager del Terzo Reich, in Germania. Attinge dalle sue dirette testimonianze, raccontate a noi figli durante la nostra infanzia. Mio padre narrava frequentemente della guerra, della deportazione e della successiva prigionia di due anni. Nel suo racconto emergevano le avversità affrontate dagli IMI, che subirono severe persecuzioni ma mantennero una salda resistenza. La determinazione della maggior parte degli IMI di rifiutare qualsiasi forma di collaborazione con il Terzo Reich, preferendo la dura prigionia, è ora riconosciuta come un atto deliberato di sfida contro l'infame patto nazifascista, ed è stata definita 'Resistenza senza armi' dall'Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia (ANPI), inserendosi nel più ampio discorso storico della Resistenza. Pertanto, oggi sono giustamente onorati come eroi nazionali per il loro significativo contributo alla lotta italiana contro il regime nazista. ***** Il saggio include inoltre memorie personali del padre dell'autrice, ufficiale italiano prigioniero di guerra nella Germania nazista.
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