Original article
Tuberculosis outbreak in Eastern Norway
BACKGROUND Tuberculosis is a rare disease in Norway, especially among Norwegian-born
inhabitants. Contact tracing for cases of pulmonary tuberculosis is essential to find others
who are ill or infected, and to prevent further transmission. This article describes the investigation of an outbreak in which many of those infected or ill were Norwegian adolescents.
MATERIAL AND METHOD Nine persons directly or indirectly associated with the same educational institution were diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2013. Genetic testing of tuberculosis
bacteria linked a further 13 cases of the disease reported in Eastern Norway during the
period 2009 – 2013 to the outbreak. Information from the Norwegian Surveillance System for
Communicable Diseases (MSIS) was used to investigate the outbreak, and information was
also retrieved on exposure and contact networks.
RESULTS The first patient at the educational institution had long-term symptoms before
diagnosis. Contact tracing for this case included 319 persons, of whom eight were ill, 49
infected and 37 received preventive therapy. The extent of contact tracing for the remaining
21 cases varied and included a total of 313 persons, of whom two were found to be ill (included in the 21 cases), 30 were infected and 12 received preventive therapy.
INTERPRETATION Delayed diagnosis led to a tuberculosis outbreak that was unusually
large in a Norwegian context. The extent of contact tracing varied with no obvious relation
to the infectiousness of the index patient. The outbreak demonstrates the importance of
continued vigilance with regard to tuberculosis as a differential diagnosis, also among
Norwegian-born patients.
2160 – 5
Trude Margrete Arnesen
[email protected]
Siri Seterelv
Gunnstein Norheim
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Sigrid Ryg Helgebostad
Asker Municipality
Turid Mannsåker
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingvild Nesthus Ly
Diagnosis Unit
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Oslo University Hospital
Else Johanne Rønning
Medical Department
Bærum Hospital
Tore W. Steen
Health Agency
City of Oslo
While the prevalence of tuberculosis in recent years has declined globally, it has increased in Norway. The number of new cases of
tuberculosis reported to the National Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS) has increased from 201 in
1996 to 401 in 2013 (1). This notwithstanding, Norway still has one of the lowest prevalence figures for tuberculosis in the world,
especially among the Norwegian-born.
It is assumed that approximately onethird of the world’s population are infected
by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but without
any illness or ability to infect others (2). Of
those who are infected, only a small minority, perhaps only 5 – 10 per cent, will develop active tuberculosis at some stage in
life, and in approximately one-half of these
it happens within the first two years after the
initial infection (3, 4). In Norway, the IGRA
test (Interferon-Gamma Release Assay) is
used as an indicator of infection with tuberculosis, with or without a prior Mantoux
skin test (5).
The risk of infected people falling ill with
tuberculosis can be reduced through preventive treatment (3). A positive IGRA test provides no information on the time of infection,
the test may remain positive even after treatment, and people with immune deficiency
can obtain a false-negative result. Those who
are found to be IGRA-positive by contact
tracing are nevertheless considered newly
infected in practice and are therefore commonly offered preventive treatment (5).
Of the 401 cases of tuberculosis that were
reported in Norway in 2013, a total of 318
(79 %) were confirmed by culturing (1).
Each strain of cultured mycobacteria is sent
to the reference laboratory at the Norwegian
Institute of Public Health, where it is screened for resistance and examined genetically.
Approximately three-fourths of the patients
had unique strains that had not been detected
in Norway previously. The explanation is
that most of those who fall ill with tuberculosis in this country have not contracted the
infection here, but in a high-endemic country
of origin (1, 6).
Tuberculosis is transmitted by droplet
nuclei. In practice, only culture-positive,
untreated pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious (7). For each case of pulmonary tuberculosis, the district medical officer shall consider initiation of contact tracing. The appropriate scope will depend on the contagiousness
and contact network of the index patient and
the vulnerability of the contacts (7).
Infectiousness is assessed through direct
microscopy of respiratory secretions. If acidfast bacilli (microscopy-positive) are detected, the patient is considered «definitely contagious», in case of culture-positive, microscopy-negative tests, the patient is «low-level
contagious». A rough rule of thumb says that
those who have been «within speaking distance» indoors (at a distance where they can
converse comfortably) for more than eight
hours in the company of someone defined as
«definitely contagious» or for more than 40
Altogether 22 cases of tuberculosis in the
period 2009 – 2013 were linked to a single
outbreak in Eastern Norway.
Delayed diagnosis contributed to an uncommonly large outbreak of tuberculosis.
As expected, the proportion of infected persons among the reported contacts of the
first patient at the educational institution
was highest among those who were assumed to have been most exposed.
Contact tracing can be extremely resourceintensive and needs to be targeted in order
to reach those who are most exposed.
Tidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 23 – 24, 2015; 135: 2160 – 5
hours with someone who is «low-level contagious» are to be considered as contacts exposed to infection (5, 7).
In April 2013, a case of tuberculosis was
reported in a student at an educational institution in Eastern Norway. This education
involves close physical contact and a large
amount of physical activity over time. In the
following months, eight of this student’s contacts, whereof six were students at the same
educational institution, fell ill with tuberculosis. After subsequent analyses of bacterial DNA, another 13 tuberculosis patients
were linked to the same outbreak, which consisted of 22 cases as of May 2014 (1).
The objective of this article is to describe
this unusual outbreak of tuberculosis in Norway and how it was investigated, and to discuss various control measures that might have
prevented it from assuming such proportions.
Material and method
The investigation of the tuberculosis outbreak made use of a number of information
sources, including data that are routinely
reported to and registered in MSIS, as well as
information that was collected specifically in
the context of handling the outbreak by those
who undertook the contact tracing locally.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health
coordinated the investigation of the outbreak in collaboration with district medical
officers, community health nurses, tuberculosis coordinators, clinicians responsible for
treatment and microbiological laboratories.
Issues pertaining to contact tracing were discussed in meetings, telephone conferences
and follow-up calls.
MSIS contains information on each case
of reported active tuberculosis, each identified strain of mycobacteria, preventive
therapies initiated and contact tracings implemented. The registry is based on reports
from clinicians, municipal health officers
and laboratories. It contains no information
on persons who are infected with tuberculosis but receive no preventive treatment,
since a positive IGRA test alone is not a
notifiable condition.
Since 2011, the reference laboratory has
used the MIRU-VNTR method (mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit – variable nucleotide tandem repeat) (8) for genetic determination of submitted isolates. The bacterial
genome is studied in 24 loci, and the findings
provide a «MIRU code». A cluster is defined
as tests from patients that have an identical
MIRU code. An identical MIRU code may
indicate, but not confirm, an association
between the infections (9). When investigating outbreaks such as this one, strains
identified prior to 2011 may also be examined with a MIRU-VNTR test.
We considered as included in this outTidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 23 – 24, 2015; 135
Figure 1 Overview of cases included in the outbreak, by year. The D group: The index patient and his contacts.
The Ø group: The remaining patients. Arrows: Likely infection contact. Rectangles: Parents from a high-endemic
country. Ovals: Parents from Norway or another low-endemic country
break those tuberculosis patients who had
been reported to MSIS and were culturepositive and had an identical MIRU code, or
who were culture-negative and thus had no
MIRU code but had been found through
contact tracing from an included case.
A summary report on every contact tracing undertaken must be routinely submitted
to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
In the context of the outbreak at the educational institution, the institute also prepared
a template for contact information (line list)
to help organise collection of information on
contacts that the district medical officer in
the municipality would normally collect, but
not forward to NIPH. This line list was distributed to the medical officers who were
responsible for local contact tracing. The
doctors could decide for themselves whether
they found this list suitable for their purposes. In cases where the contact tracing had
already been completed, the line list remained largely unused.
The line list contained fields for entering
the relationship between the infection contact
and the patient, as well as results from the
Mantoux test, the IGRA test and chest x-ray,
including the conclusion drawn from the examination. The examining doctor was also
asked to estimate the approximate time of
exposure at speaking distance to the patient in
the period during which he/she had symptoms,
in one of six categories: less than 8 hours (no
exposure to infection), approximately 8 – 39
hours (occasional contact), approximately
40 – 99 hours (established contact), approximately 100 – 250 hours (close/household contact) or > 250 hours (especially close contact).
In this article, healthy contact persons are
defined as «infected» if the IGRA test came
out positive, as «not infected» if the Mantoux or IGRA tests came out negative at
least eight weeks after the last known
exposure, and as «inconclusive» if the Mantoux test had not been confirmed by an
IGRA test or if no adequate test results were
The investigation of the outbreak was
submitted to the Regional Committee for
Medical and Health Research Ethics, which
determined that a separate application was
not called for. Consent to publication of the
medical history of the first person to contract
tuberculosis at the educational institution
(D1) has been obtained. The article was submitted to the data protection officer at the
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, who
had no objections to publishing.
The part of the outbreak linked
to the educational institution
A young, socially active man (D1) who had
grown up in Norway in a Norwegian family
had been coughing for two years and felt
unwell over the last year, but had succeeded
in completing his physically demanding fulltime studies. He reported to have contacted
various doctors, to have been given various
diagnoses and to have been treated with
asthma and cough medication, and to have
been recommended to quit smoking. A chest
x-ray taken 14 months prior to the time of
diagnosis showed negative. When acutely
hospitalised with suspected pulmonary
tuberculosis he was febrile, had lost 20 kg of
> 250 hours:
14 infected + 5 ill / 25 (76 %)
100–250 hours:
6 infected + 1 ill / 25 (2 8 %)
40–99 hours:
24 infected + 1 ill / 153 (16 %)
8–39 hours:
4 infected + 1 ill / 40 (13 %)
< 8 hours:
1 infected + 0 ill / 76 (1 %)
Figure 2 Proportion of infected and ill persons ( %) found in the contact tracing around the first case of tuberculosis at the educational institution, by estimated time of exposure. For 34 of the 319 examined persons no conclusive infection status was established
weight and was coughing up blood. A chest
x-ray showed caverns, and direct microscopy
of sputum showed an abundance of acid-fast
bacilli. This indicated that he was definitely
contagious and most likely had been so for a
long period.
Over the course of nine months in 2013,
altogether eight of his contacts, hereafter
referred to as D2–D9, fell ill with tuberculosis (Figure 1). D2–D6 were hospitalised
after approximately one month. In the second
half of the year, active tuberculosis was
detected in three further contacts at the institution (D7–D9). These had already been
identified as infected, and preventive treatment had been planned. A MIRU code identical to the one in D1 was identified in all of
these, with the exception of one from whom
a bacteriological sample was not collected.
Including D1, seven of the patients were
students at the same educational institution.
The nine patients had an average age of 21
years, while the median age was 22 years. Six
of them were women. Eight of nine had
grown up in Norway with Norwegian parents.
Other cases that could be linked
to the outbreak by DNA analyses
The same MIRU code as in eight of the patients in the D1–D9 group was detected in 12
other patients from Eastern Norway. The
strains belonged to the Beijing family of
M. tuberculosis. A 13th case, for which the
sample was culture-negative and thus had no
MIRU code, was included because the patient had been found through contact tracing
for one of the included patients. These 13
will hereafter be referred to as Ø1–Ø13.
The first case (Ø1) was reported in 2009,
Ø2-Ø3 were reported in 2011, Ø4-Ø7 in
2012 and Ø8-Ø13 in 2013 (Figure 1). The
average age of these 13 was 35 years, while
the median age was 30 years. Eight of these
13 had been born outside Norway, in five
different countries of origin.
Ø1-Ø4 shared the same country background and lived in the same area of Eastern
Norway at the same time. For one of these
cases, no known contact with any of the
other three cases had been found. To check
whether the findings of the same strain of
bacteria reflected that this was a common
strain in their country of origin, the resistance pattern for all cases of tuberculosis
reported with the same country background
as Ø1-Ø4 since 2001 were collated. Five had
the same resistance pattern as the strain in
question, but none of the five had the relevant MIRU-VNTR code.
Ø7 and Ø10 were close acquaintances.
For the remaining seven no known contact
was found, beyond the fact that they all had
been staying within a limited area of Eastern
Norway and that all of them were diagnosed
in the course of 2012 and 2013.
Six of these 13 were reported to MSIS by
clinicians as presumably infected abroad,
five as infected in Norway and two with an
unknown country of infection.
Of a total of 22 ill patients, sixteen had
received the BCG vaccine (registered in
SYSVAK, had a visible scar or were assumed to have been vaccinated because of
their age and having spent their adolescence
in Norway), while the remaining six had an
unknown vaccination status.
Contact tracing around D1
The contact tracing around D1 was quickly
initiated and comprehensive. The medical
officer in charge chose to complete the line
list systematically from the outset.
The closest contacts (from the same household or class) were examined during the same
week with chest x-ray and an IGRA test. The
other students at the school were quickly
informed and offered an initial examination
with a Mantoux test undertaken at the
school’s premises. If the result was positive
an IGRA test was taken, and if this showed
positive, the student was referred to preventive therapy. If the test was negative, it was
repeated eight weeks after the last exposure
to infection. Those who failed to report for
the test received a reminder by letter or telephone.
A total of 319 contacts around D1 were
examined (Figure 2). Altogether eight ill and
49 infected persons were found, whereof 37
(75 %) received preventive therapy. Thirtyfour contacts who had taken the initial Mantoux test, whereof 15 showed positive, did
not take the IGRA test or a new Mantoux
test at least eight weeks after the last contact,
and no conclusion was therefore drawn
regarding their infection status.
The proportion of infected and ill persons
co-varied with the estimated time of exposure (Figure 2), from 19 of 25 (76 %) contacts with a time of exposure of more than
250 hours to one of 76 (1 %) in contacts with
a time of exposure shorter than eight hours.
Five of the eight contacts who had fallen ill
as of May 2014 were in the category with the
highest exposure.
Contact tracing around the 21 other cases
The contact tracing around the 21 other cases
encompassed a total of 313 persons, whereof
30 had been infected. Twelve of these (40 %)
had been referred to preventive therapy.
Among the cases D2 – D9, five had pulmonary tuberculosis. Only one of these was definitely contagious (directly microscopy-positive), three were not very contagious (culturepositive, microscopy-negative), and in one
case no microscopy had been undertaken.
Three had extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (in
the pleura) and were non-infectious. The contact tracing around D2-D9 included between
two and 26 contacts (Figure 3). A total of 89
persons were examined. whereof five were
infected and none were ill.
Of the 13 cases Ø1-Ø13, eleven had culture-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Eight
were microscopy-positive, meaning that they
were definitely infectious. Contact tracing
around these eight included between zero and
109 persons, and four of the contact tracings
included fewer than four contacts (Figure 3).
The first case (Ø1) was identified in 2009
under a routine examination of immigrants
upon arrival. The contact tracing for this person included three persons but failed to capTidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 23 – 24, 2015; 135
ture Ø2, who later reported to have been in
contact with Ø1.
Around Ø7 a total of 28 contacts were examined, one of whom proved to have tuberculosis (Ø10).
In the telephone follow-up of the persons
in charge of each contact tracing and in telephone conferences held for purposes of
coordination, it transpired that a number of
the contact tracings around the Ø cases in
particular were difficult to implement. The
reasons were that the patients refused to
divulge information about their contacts,
that the contacts could not be found, and
partly also that those summoned for a control examination failed to show up. In some
of the contact tracings, and around the D
cases in particular, the opposite problem was
encountered – there were more people who
wanted to be examined than medical reasons
would indicate.
We have described an outbreak consisting of
nine cases of active tuberculosis with known
contact with a highly infectious case and 13
other cases of illness that we assume to be
linked to these. A total of 632 persons were
examined in the course of the contact tracing
around the 22 tuberculosis patients, ten ill
persons were found through contact tracing
(included in the 22 cases), and 79 were found
to have been infected. This outbreak is uncommonly large in a Norwegian context.
The same outbreak?
The assumption that Ø1-Ø13 belonged to the
same outbreak as D1-D9 was made because
they had all lived in the same town in Eastern
Norway at the same time, and their bacterial
strains (those that could be cultured) shared
the same MIRU code. In comparison, most
bacterial strains detected in Norway have
only been found in single tuberculosis patients (1, 6).
Associated infections cannot be confirmed by the MIRU-VNTR method; associations can only be rejected if the bacterial
strains are different or deemed likely when
seen in light of epidemiological information
(9). Ø1-Ø4 shared the same country background – an alternative explanation could be
that they had been infected by the same
strain there or while en route to Norway.
However, Ø2 reported to have been in contact with Ø1 after having arrived in Norway,
making this a more likely place of infection.
The other persons had five different countries of origin between them, making it difficult to imagine a place of infection which
is more likely than Eastern Norway, where
they all had stayed during the same period.
Based on the medical history, patient D1
can be assumed to have infected his contacts
Tidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 23 – 24, 2015; 135
Number of examined persons
Ø13 Ø6 Ø7 D5 Ø2 Ø5 Ø1 Ø8 Ø9 D2 D4 D8 Ø10 Ø4 D3 Ø12 D7 D9 Ø3 D6 Ø11
Not very infectious
Figure 3 Number of persons examined in each contact tracing in relation to the infectiousness of the index
patient. The D group: The index patient and his contacts. The Ø group: The remaining patients
at school, not the other way round, and that
this patient was infected by one of the earlier
cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. A planned
full-genome sequencing may be able to provide further information on the infection
Many of the foreign-born patients had
been reported as having been infected outside Norway, but the investigation of the
outbreak has later indicated that they were
most likely infected in this country. This is a
reminder that even persons who originate in
or have visited high-endemic countries may
have been infected in Norway.
The association between exposure
and infection
In the large-scale contact tracing around D1,
the exposure time of each individual contact
was systematically assessed in one of five
categories. In the contact tracings around the
other 21 cases, the degree of exposure was
reported in varying ways or not reported at
all. We will therefore focus on what was
found with regard to D1.
In the category «especially close contact»
– in which it was assumed that they had spent
more than 250 hours within speaking distance of the infectious person – three-fourths
(76 %) were either infected or ill. In the category «other close contacts», the proportion
of infected and/or ill persons amounted to
28 %, then 16 % and finally 13 %. Of those
examined who had been in the proximity of
D1 for less than eight hours, and who according to the prevailing guidelines would nor-
mally not be included in a contact tracing,
only one of 76, i.e. somewhat more than one
per cent, was infected. We have no information on the proportion of infected persons in
the general Norwegian population, but given
the WHO estimates that one-third of the
world’s population is infected (2), the proportion of infected persons in the Norwegian
population is most likely well over one per
These findings are consistent with the findings made by another Norwegian study
(10) and with the prevailing recommendations that persons with an exposure time
of less than eight hours are commonly at
little risk of infection (5). However, these
findings may be fraught with uncertainty
regarding the estimated exposure time and a
varying scope of the contact tracing around
each individual case.
The large proportion of infections among
the close contacts of the infectious persons
was more unusual. In comparison, a metaanalysis of 108 contact tracings from highincome countries found an average of 3.1
per cent ill persons among household contacts (11). It is therefore natural to ask
whether there were any peculiarities in D1’s
medical history, in the conditions at the educational institution or in the bacterium that
were conducive to the spread of infection.
Why did the outbreak assume
such proportions?
The main single factor that caused the outbreak to assume such a magnitude was most
likely the delayed diagnosis of D1. The time
elapsing from symptom onset to diagnosis
and treatment is crucial for the spread of infection, irrespective of whether the delay is
caused by the patient or the health services
(7). In this case, no testing for tuberculosis
was made, despite lengthy and strong respiratory symptoms and multiple consultations
with doctors.
Moreover, properties of the tuberculosis
bacterium may have had an effect. The tuberculosis strain in question belonged to the
Beijing family, which may have an elevated
virulence (12).
In addition, features of the surroundings
may have had a contributory effect (7). The
concentration of droplet nuclei depends on
the air volume in which they are dispersed.
The premises used by the educational institution at the time were low-ceilinged and
with little ventilation and airing, resulting in
a relatively small air volume per person
The characteristics of the education programme may also have had an effect. Major
physical exertion causes inhalation of larger
volumes of air, and close physical contact
with the source of infection accounts for a
higher concentration of droplet nuclei in the
air inhaled.
Are we looking where we should?
Whether a contact tracing should be undertaken and the breadth of its scope depend on
multiple factors. The main deciding factor is
the infectiousness of the index patient.
Figure 3 shows no clear association between
the degree of infectiousness of the 22 cases and
the scope of the contact tracing around them.
For example, four contacts or fewer were
investigated around four clearly infectious Ø
cases, while 26 contacts were investigated
around a non-infectious D case. The seeming
absence of a clear association may also be due
to varying size of the contact networks.
It is especially interesting to note that Ø2
had reported Ø1 as a contact, but still had not
been captured by the contact tracing around
Ø1. In Figure 1 we can see that the outbreak
possibly could have been avoided if the contact tracing around Ø1 had succeeded in finding all the infected persons and referring
them to preventive therapy before they fell ill.
The contact tracings around the D cases in
this material were largely undertaken in
resourceful and well-integrated environments, while the environments around the Ø
cases were more varied and to some extent
resource-deficient or with a loose affiliation
to Norwegian society.
The personnel involved in the implementation of the different contact tracings had
varying experiences. Some of them reported
that the work was extremely challenging, in
particular with regard to the tracing of some
of the Ø cases. Some of the networks included many recently arrived immigrants, there
was little trust in the health services, some
did not have a permanent place of residence,
did not read Norwegian or for various reasons failed to report to the right place at the
right time, even after repeated attempts to
establish contact and communicate information. Reaching out to those who do not want
to be examined may be extremely resourceintensive or even practically impossible.
An additional feature that may have amplified the difference between these networks is
that an examination for latent tuberculosis
requires a fairly considerable effort on the
part of the person to be examined. Until October 2014, a Mantoux test was required before
the IGRA test was taken, meaning that the
patient needed to attend on three occasions
in order to be diagnosed with tuberculosis.
Chest x-ray and an outpatient examination, if
required, would need additional attendances.
In this material we can see that despite the
impressive efforts made in the resourceful
environment around D1, altogether 34 persons who took the Mantoux test failed to take
a repeat test at least eight weeks later or failed
to take a conclusive IGRA test. We assume
that if the IGRA test was the only one that
needed to be taken, this might simplify the
Preventive therapy and vaccination
The risk that latent tuberculosis will develop
into active tuberculosis is at its highest immediately after exposure. At the same time,
it is crucial that active tuberculosis is excluded before initiation of preventive therapy.
In this material, three of those who were
ill had already been diagnosed with latent
tuberculosis, but for various reasons no preventive therapy had been initiated. This may
serve as an argument for the importance of
quickly assessing preventive therapy for
newly infected persons.
BCG vaccination was taken out of the
vaccination programme in 2008/09. This
change was introduced after most of those
included in this outbreak had already received the vaccine.
Delayed diagnosis contributed to an uncommon outbreak of tuberculosis in nine young
people in Eastern Norway in 2013, seven of
whom were students at the same educational
institution. As expected, we found an association between the exposure category and
the number of ill and infected persons among
the reported contacts with the first patient at
the educational institution. Another 13 tuberculosis patients in Eastern Norway in the
period 2009 – 2013 are considered as belonging to the same outbreak. The first of these
was discovered during a routine screening of
The scope of the contact tracings reflected
the infectiousness of the index patients to a
varying degree. This may be due to different
contact networks, varying attendance for
examination in the communities where the
contact tracing is undertaken, or differences
in the efforts undertaken by the personnel
responsible for control of communicable
diseases in the municipality.
Among those who were examined for
latent tuberculosis, there were some who
never received any answer as to whether
they were infected. We assume that simplified diagnostics of latent tuberculosis may
increase attendance for examination.
We wish to thank Ingunn Haakerud, Henriette Egebakken, Janne Oseberg Rønning, Camilla Rytterager Ingvaldsen, Hege S. Bjelkarøy and Irene Teslo
for their contributions to the discussions, collection of data and analysis of samples at the initial
stage, and Brita Winje, Bernardo Guzman, Einar
Heldal and Karin Rønning for reviewing the manuscript and providing important comments.
Trude Arnesen (born 1967)
MD, PhD, public health specialist with a master’s degree in public health. She is a senior
consultant and head of the tuberculosis programme at the Norwegian Institute of Public
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
Siri Seterelv (born 1975)
specialty registrar in public health medicine
and working with surveillance of communicable
The author has completed the ICMJE form and
declares no conflicts of interest.
Gunnstein Norheim (born 1975)
cand.pharm., PhD and researcher at the National Reference Laboratory for Mycobacteria.
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
Sigrid Ryg Helgebostad (born 1953)
specialty registrar in public health medicine
and district medical officer in Asker municipality.
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
Turid Mannsåker (born 1946)
specialist in medical microbiology and former
head of the National Reference Laboratory
for Mycobacteria at the Norwegian Institute
of Public Health.
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
Tidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 23 – 24, 2015; 135
Ingvild Nesthus Ly (born 1946)
senior consultant and head of department.
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
Else Johanne Rønning (born 1962)
senior consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases.
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
Tore W. Steen (born 1950)
MD, PhD, public health specialist and city medical officer
The author has completed the ICMJE form
and declares no conflicts of interest.
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template for success. Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2011;
91: 510 – 23.
Received 11 June 2014, first revision submitted
19 December 2014, accepted 19 October 2015.
Editor: Siri Lunde Strømme.
Tidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 23 – 24, 2015; 135