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The South African Constitution commits government departments to the progressive realisation of socio-economic rights, including the right to education, healthcare, housing and social welfare, within available resources. The PSAM defines social accountability as the obligation by public officials and private service providers to justify their performance in progressively addressing the above rights via the provision of effective public services. 1 In order to effectively realise these rights through the delivery of public services, state departments and private service providers responsible for the management of public resources must implement effective accountability and service delivery processes. These include: planning and resource allocation processes; expenditure management processes; performance monitoring processes; integrity management processes; and, oversight processes. Together these processes combine to form a social accountability system , which acts as the central pillar of a responsive democratic state. The effectiveness of these processes can be established by monitoring their information outputs. To evaluate the social accountability system, the PSAM has developed a set of evidence-based tools for monitoring the information produced annually by each process. This Report focuses on the implementation of an effective expenditure management process by the government department under review. It provides an account of what funds were available and whether they were spent during the financial year under review.
This study reviews the monitoring and advocacy on the Eastern Cape Human Settlements Department by the PSAM’s Monitoring and Advocacy Programme (MAP) between 2009 and 2012. The main purpose is to examine whether the programme has achieved its objectives and what the impact does the programme have in the department, and the development or advocacy landscape in general in the Eastern Cape, especially on improving public resources management within the Department of Human Settlements. The Public Service Accountability Monitor’s vision is “to ensure that the right to social accountability is universally realised”. To realize this vision, the MAP conducts research, monitoring, advocacy and capacity building within 5 departments in the Eastern Cape. The activities of the MAP are aimed at analysing and identifying systemic challenges that inhibit the progressive realization of human rights that the Departments monitored are required to fulfil. The MAP engages in various forms of advocacy aimed at improving government transparency and accountability. The assumption being that this type of advocacy will improve the delivery of public services and ultimately reduce poverty. The PSAM is of the view that the Department will make significant strides in reducing housing backlog, whilst improving the quality and pace of housing provision if they: • Better manage its budget, spending it efficiently and effectively, • Plan adequately and correctly for housing needs, • Implement the Auditor General recommendations, • Deal decisively with corruption through disciplinary action and laying of criminal charges against offenders. 5 The study highlights some of the challenges that the MAP was faced with, while taking note that measuring the impact of advocacy initiatives can be particularly challenging because the work itself can evolve rapidly in response to political or environmental opportunities. The external atmosphere in which the advocacy takes place is changing all the time. The goal of some advocacy work, like the PSAM’s, is not just to change legislation and policies, but also attitudes, behaviours, and make maintainable changes in decision making processes. At times outcomes may take decades to come to fruition. The study found that there is evidence that over the study period the PSAM has achieved a level of success. There is evidence to show that the PSAM research outputs have reached and to some extent influenced some stakeholders over the study period. Through the outputs produced, the organization has led the way to strategic relationships being formed with key individuals within the Department. Some of the stakeholders influenced include Senior Managers and Directors of Programmes within the Department. Despite this success, the study also shows that there are areas in which the PSAM can improve. A challenge that is highlighted in this study is around engaging with key stakeholders. Despite the fact that the PSAM research reaches most of the targeted stakeholders, there is evidence that in many instances it has been difficult to ensure that those stakeholders engage with the outputs.
This report analyses the impact of policy priorities (national, provincial, sectoral and departmental) on the Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlement s 2013/14 budget and on its ability to implement effective and efficient service delivery and accountability systems in the up-coming financial year. In addition, assumptions informing both policy priorities and budget allocation trade-offs are analysed in terms of the Departments external and internal service delivery environment.
This brief evaluates government plans towards progressively realising the right to housing. It will do so by assessing the extent to which the Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlements five year strategic plan is taking reasonable measures to realize this right over the next five years.
For more information contact the PSAM, [email protected] Tel: (046) 603 8358, Fax: (046) 622 7215
This Policy Brief explores the Breaking New Ground Policy to eradicate informal settlements by 2014 through an analysis of the national and more specifically the Eastern Cape human settlements development budgets for 2014/15. The brief concludes by providing recommendations to address informal settlement challenges
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