2021, 23rd Congress of Thermal Science and Technology (ULIBTK 2021)

Wood and other agricultural residues are used as cogeneration plants (CHP; combine heat power) fuel (or equivalent fuel) in the industry to produce steam and electricity and also can be used in residential and commercial heating. Sustainable development is an important part of life and sustainable environmental waste from agricultural activities, unfortunately, appears to be an important environmental issue. While solving environmental problems, we need to use their energy potential. Thus, we can solve the problems created by agricultural wastes and these problems can be turned into a useful energy source. The purpose of this study is to determine the conversion possibility of agriculture and forestry wastes into clean energy as an alternative and renewable fuel in Turkey. For this reason, we will investigate the feasibility of plants/facilities that will enable the utilization of agricultural waste and forestry wastes, which are available intensely in Turkey, as Energy products, and propose the construction of a plant. In this study, to determine the potential of renewable energy in agriculture and forestry waste for energy-producing sample will consist of a gasification plant syngas amount, calculating the cost of renewable energy potential and the system, focuses on the importance of renewable energy. Incentives provided by law to be installed plants and other renewable energy applications with gasification will return be much shorter periods determined by the analysis. After the first observation of biomass characteristics with the optimum characteristics of a plant feasibility studies are discussed for the waste to energy process using biomass. Additionally, the economic analysis of different power capacity from up to 20 MWel using gasification and combustion systems with combined heat and power station will be set up for energy conversion of the residues Turkey was calculated and designed. The investment will become profitable at the economic analysis results was determined included feasibility studies, sensitivity analysis, net present value, internal rate of profitability, pay-back ratio, benefit/cost ratio, internal ratio etc. The cost of electricity produced from the power station by biomass energy systems were calculated as quite reasonable for investment at this moment in Turkey.

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ENERGY PRODUCTION WITH BIOMASS IN TURKEY Mustafa Tolay*, Cemil Koyunoğlu** *TOLAY Energy, 19 Mayıs Mah. Halaskargazi Cad. Feza Apt. No: 192, D:8, Şişli, Istanbul, e-mail:[email protected] **Energy Systems Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Cinarcik Road 5th km, Central Campus, Yalova University, 77200, Yalova, [email protected] Özet: Biyokütle esaslı malzemeler enerji üretimi için hem doğrudan biyokütle hem de biyoyakıt olarak kullanılmaktadır. Odun ve diğer tarımsal artıklar, endüstride buhar ve elektrik üretmek için kojenerasyon tesisi (CHP; kombine ısı gücü) yakıtı (veya eşdeğer yakıt) olarak kullanılır ve ayrıca konut ve ticari bina ısıtmasında da kullanılabilir. Tarımsal atıkların yarattığı çevresel sorunlar enerjiye dönüştürülerek çözülebilir ve bu sorunlar faydalı bir enerji kaynağına dönüştürülebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de alternatif ve yenilenebilir yakıt olarak tarım ve ormancılık atıklarının temiz enerjiye dönüşme olanaklarını belirlemektir. Bu nedenle Türkiye'de yoğun olarak bulunan tarımsal atıkların ve ormancılık atıklarının Enerji Ürünü olarak değerlendirilmesini sağlayacak tesis/tesislerin fizibilitesini araştıracak ve bir tesis inşa edilmesini önereceğiz. Bu çalışmada, tarım ve ormancılıkta yenilenebilir enerji potansiyelini belirlemek amacıyla enerji üreten örnek bir gazlaştırma tesisinde üretilen sentez miktarı, yenilenebilir enerji potansiyelinin maliyetinin hesaplanması ve yenilenebilir enerjinin önemi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Kurulacak santraller ve gazlaştırma ile diğer yenilenebilir enerji uygulamaları için kanunla sağlanan teşvikler, analizle belirlenen süreler çok daha kısadır. Biyokütle özelliklerinin ilk gözleminin ardından, bir tesisin optimum özellikleri ile biyokütle kullanılarak atıktan enerjiye süreci için fizibilite çalışmaları tartışılır. Ayrıca, Türkiye’deki atıkların enerji dönüşümü için kurulacak kombine ısı ve elektrik santrali ile gazlaştırma ve yakma sistemleri kullanılarak 20 MWe'e kadar farklı güç kapasitesinin ekonomik analizi hesaplanmış ve tasarlanmıştır. Yatırım, fizibilite çalışmaları, duyarlılık analizi, net bugünkü değer, iç karlılık oranı, geri ödeme oranı, fayda/maliyet oranı, iç oran vb. tespit edilen ekonomik analiz sonuçlarında karlı hale gelecektir. Biyokütle enerji sistemlerine göre sunulan tesis şu anda Türkiye'deki yatırım için oldukça makul şekilde hesaplanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tarım ve ormancılık atıkları, biyokütle enerjisi, yenilenebilir enerji, akışkan yatak, gazlaştırma, enerji üretimi, ekonomik analiz, fizibilite çalışması. Abstract: Wood and other agricultural residues are used as cogeneration plants (CHP; combine heat power) fuel (or equivalent fuel) in the industry to produce steam and electricity and also can be used in residential and commercial heating. Sustainable development is an important part of life and sustainable environmental waste from agricultural activities, unfortunately, appears to be an important environmental issue. While solving environmental problems, we need to use their energy potential. Thus, we can solve the problems created by agricultural wastes and these problems can be turned into a useful energy source. The purpose of this study is to determine the conversion possibility of agriculture and forestry wastes into clean energy as an alternative and renewable fuel in Turkey. For this reason, we will investigate the feasibility of plants/facilities that will enable the utilization of agricultural waste and forestry wastes, which are available intensely in Turkey, as Energy products, and propose the construction of a plant. In this study, to determine the potential of renewable energy in agriculture and forestry waste for energy-producing sample will consist of a gasification plant syngas amount, calculating the cost of renewable energy potential and the system, focuses on the importance of renewable energy. Incentives provided by law to be installed plants and other renewable energy applications with gasification will return be much shorter periods determined by the analysis. After the first observation of biomass characteristics with the optimum characteristics of a plant feasibility studies are discussed for the waste to energy process using biomass. Additionally, the economic analysis of different power capacity from up to 20 MWel using gasification and combustion systems with combined heat and power station will be set up for energy conversion of the residues Turkey was calculated and designed. The investment will become profitable at the economic analysis results was determined included feasibility studies, sensitivity analysis, net present value, internal rate of profitability, pay-back ratio, benefit/cost ratio, internal ratio etc. The cost of electricity produced from the power station by biomass energy systems were calculated as quite reasonable for investment at this moment in Turkey.   Keywords: Agricultural and forestry wastes, biomass energy, renewable energy, fluidized bed, gasification, energy production, economic analysis, feasibility study. 23rd Congress of Thermal Science and Technology (ULIBTK 2021) 08-10 Sept. 2021, Gaziantep, Turkey ?