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1996, Published in the Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. D. Levinson and M. Ember, eds. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
7 pages
1 file
Arts, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies” Nr 1 (13)/2024, s. 1–16, 2024
Lori Gruen and Robert C. Jones propose a binary typology of veganism, distinguishing two of its forms: aspirational and identity veganism. They point to one of them as preferred – aspirational veganism. It seems particularly interesting, but doubts arise as to the justification for its use, at least in the way proposed by the authors. Despite the accuracy of many of Gruen’s and Jones’ observations, the adopted terminology in the case of the second element of the typology, identity veganism, is not immune to criticism, either. This article, asks about the limits of veganism, and critically analyzes the classification of vegan attitudes proposed by the authors.
Founder, Publisher, and Managing Editor Liviu PENDEFUNDA Editor in Chief Octavian LAURENŢIU Mariana Al-Saleh. Israel Alon, Mirela Baciu, Lucreția Berzintu, Suly Bornstein Wolf, Costel Brejoi, Mihaela CD, Marinela Bellu Capșa, Melania Rusu Caragioiu, Alexandru Cetățeanu, Johnny Ciatloș Deak, Oana Cuzub, Theodor Damian, Sorin Diaconescu, Sudhakar Gaidhani, Ion Gănguț, Nicolae Grigorie Lăcrița, Cleopatra Lorințiu, Martha Lumbana, Bogdan Mandache, Irina Lucia Mihalca, Andrei Miroiu, Dorin Nădrău, Gheorghe Andrei Neagu, Ludmila Neagu, Tamali Neogi, Eugen Oniscu, Ștefania Oproescu, George D. Pites, Liliana Popa, Coca Popescu, Cristian Popescu, Alfred Rennert Poplingher, Daniel Revach, Cătălin Rădulescu, Vlad Scutelnicu, Tsipi Sharoor, Trandafir Sînpetru, Anca Sîrghie, Maria Eugenia Soberanis Nogueda, Petru Solonaru, Felicia AnaMaria Stan, Ada Stuparu, Anca Surugiu, Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana, Mircea Truică, Geo Vasile Photos by Cleopatra Lorințiu, Elleny Pendefunda, Some illustrations belong to the authors, whose opinions in their articles are tabu. © The Contact international Magazine for the whole world, born in Romania, conceived in Italy and developed in Germany, New Zealand and now in Canada Gloria Pacem, Romania – Ottawa, Canada
newsletter di L. Porpora, 2023
Altra perla di Sapienza di un grande Illuminato, : In questo mondo di Prakṛti, essendo predominante il rajo guṇa, c’è sempre movimento. Rajo guṇa è moto, è movimento, è attività. E’ parte della vostra natura, ma non è parte della vostra svarūpa (vera natura), che è paripurna (tutta piena). In paripurna non c’è movimento perché in essa non c’è necessità di movimento. Lì, non c’è necessità di conquista o raggiungimento perché è tutto raggiunto, tutta piena Realtà. La Sua totalità non può mai diminuire, non si può mai alterare, per la semplice ragione che è Satya, la Verità, la Realtà. Qualsiasi cosa che si altera non è Realtà. Quello che è Realtà è inalterabile e immutabile.
Through this paper we propose to know and reflect on therecent possibilities of organization, representation and retrieval of information provided by the advent of Web2.0, dealing with here, specifically, the use of tagging and folksonomy. We sought to explore conceptual representations, we sought to understand the potential of these concepts based on virtual systems of organizationand representation of information. Thus, we reflect onwhat it takes users to perform the tagging of Webresources and analyze how that motivation relates to the purpose of information retrieval. The research was based on a theoretical investigation with review of literature onindexing, users and knowledge representation schemeson the Internet. Generally, it requires the use of labelingvaries among individuals and the systems used. It's not often that the labels are assigned in order to have thehearing, sometimes what you want is to organize the dataitself. It is understood, by this study, each individual caseis one that requires special attention. It is not possible tostudy one by one, all groups and sections of informationusers. It is necessary to bring together groups withsimilar characteristics.
International criminal law review, 2024
This article displays the various ways that African philosophies have made a contribution to international criminal law. It shows that African philosophies have, to a certain extent, influenced the manner in which post-conflict African states as well as the African Union (au) address accountability for grave breaches of international law. This influence is evidenced in the setting up of traditional African approaches to accountability for international crimes in post-conflict African states as well as in some of the au initiatives which address accountability for grave breaches. The article begins by contextualizing the topic within traditional African cultures through a historical analysis of the practices, concepts and institutions that governed criminal accountability as well as an analysis of the African philosophies upon which these practices, concepts and institutions were anchored. It continues with the concern of ‘how’ and ‘to what extent’ African philosophies have influenced international criminal law. Moreover, it considers some of the controversial areas of international criminal law in which African philosophies are overlooked, despite their potential to make a valuable contribution. This section is supported by the belief that a combined approach to international criminal law, of both traditional African and Western concepts, offers a better solution to the current impasse experienced in certain areas.
D'Art, 1981
Una de les aportacions més destacades de I'arquitectura del segle XIX i comencaments del XX és, sens dubte, la introducció de nous materials, producte evident de la revolució industrial. Catalunya, que ben aviat s'integra dins del procés industrial, necessitava una serie de construccions, I'aspecte practic de les quals era molt més precís que I'estetic, fet que mena arquitectes i mestres d'obres a emprar tot sovint les noves aportacions tecniques. Puntualitzar el ritme d'introducció de la nova arquitectura és una qüestió molt complexa, ja que el tipus de material emprat no solia indicar-se graficament sobre els planols localitzats, i la majoria dels edificis han desaparegut o ens han arribat molt malmesos, endemés que les noves aportacions -segoris un corrent molt estes en aquella epoca- eren disfressades amb altres materials, que els atorgaven un aspecte més noble . Malgrat tot, partint de I'estudi dels edificis conservats i en gran part de I'analisi de fotografies, hom pot ressenyar amb forca precisió la progressiva aplicació dels nous procediments constructius a l'arquitecrura de Lluís Muncunill.
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