Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
DOI 10.1007/s00267-008-9254-8
A System Model for Water Management
Colin Schenk Æ Bastien Roquier Æ Marc Soutter Æ
André Mermoud
Received: 31 July 2007 / Accepted: 14 December 2008 / Published online: 29 January 2009
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
Abstract Although generally accepted as a necessary step
to improve water management and planning, integrated
water resources management (IWRM) methodology does
not provide a clear definition of what should be integrated.
The various water-related issues that IWRM might
encompass are well documented in the literature, but they
are generally addressed separately. Therefore, water management lacks a holistic, systems-based description, with a
special emphasis on the interrelations between issues. This
article presents such a system model for water management,
including a graphical representation and textual descriptions of the various water issues, their components, and their
interactions. This model is seen as an aide-memoire and a
generic reference, providing background knowledge helping to elicit actual system definitions, in possible
combination with other participatory systems approaches.
The applicability of the model is demonstrated through its
application to two test case studies.
Keywords Integrated water management Water
planning Water issues System model Systems
approach Systems thinking
Water management and planning issues are under intense
scrutiny, as shown by the abundant related literature and
conferences. Many articles call for a new approach to
replace the traditional, sectoral way (Baron and others
2002; Gleick 2003a; Niemczynowicz 2000; Postel 2000).
The latter emphasizes for instance that if the 20th century’s
C. Schenk (&) B. Roquier M. Soutter A. Mermoud
Ecohydrology Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
[email protected]
heavy investments in massive infrastructures (dams,
aqueducts, centralized treatments, etc.) brought undeniable
benefits to billions of people, it also often came with
unexpected social, economical, and environmental costs.
The recommended and now commonly accepted methodology (Carter and others 2005) to address water
management and planning is the integrated water resources
management (IWRM) approach. In many cases, the
implementation of IWRM provided encouraging results,
such as in New South Wales (Anderson and Iyaduri 2003),
where it allowed identifying opportunities that were not
previously apparent, as well as in other Australian states
(Mitchell 2006), where reductions in the impact of the
development on the water cycle were observed. However,
in general, integrated resources management programs’
effectiveness is still difficult to assess; frameworks for
evaluation seem to be generally lacking (Bellamy and
others 2001). Jeffrey and Gearey (2006) also argued that
the gap between theory and practice remains extensive and
that the benefits of IWRM have not been clearly demonstrated yet.
An important difficulty regarding the implementation of
IWRM is the identification of what to integrate. The
probably most quoted definition of IWRM, provided by the
Global Water Partnership, states: ‘‘IWRM is a process
which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to
maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an
equitable manner without compromising the sustainability
of vital ecosystems’’ (GWP 2000). What does ‘‘water, land
and related resources’’ exactly imply? In practice, there are
a large number of varying interpretations of what to integrate (Biswas 2004), including various blends of
components and concepts such as surface water and
groundwater, water supply and demand, various uses,
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
different administrative levels, policies, equity, education,
health, and so forth (Biswas 2004; Mitchell 2006).
The integration of these components and concepts
requires understanding the way they interact as a system.
Mitchell (2005) proposed two basic interpretations for this
systems approach: (1) comprehensive, implying an exhaustive inventory of the variables and relationships, and (2)
integrative, focusing on the identification of key variables
and relationships. He mentioned that if the former generally
shows the drawback of being very time-consuming, the
second one might present the risk of overlooking important
elements. In parallel, systems approaches might show features of ‘‘hard’’ or ‘‘soft’’ methods (Stephens and Hess 1999),
or blends of both. The former strive toward quantification
and objectivity, whereas the latter includes qualitative
analysis and tends to capture stakeholders’ knowledge
through participatory processes.
Recently, a number of promising studies and applications promoted—although they recognize the difficulties—
the inclusion of complex, ‘‘soft’’ aspects (linked with some
of the social, environmental, or economic fields) within
water or other natural resources management (Bosch and
others 2007; Collins and others 2007; Ekasingh and Letcher 2008; Mendoza and Martins 2006; Pahl-Wostl 2007).
The major advantages put forward by these methods are the
social learning brought by the process and the gain of a
deep understanding of the complex problems tackled.
However, one of the drawbacks is the time requirement due
to the participatory process, especially when water issues
are complex, as the latter might involve numerous components, influences, conflicts, and feedback interactions. In
this regard, the scientific literature might provide some
background help, as it proposes many references about
water issues, such as basic and other household needs,
industrial, agricultural and energy uses, natural requirements, transportation and recreational purposes, waterrelated risks, management, planning, and governance
issues, as well as relations with poverty, health, education,
and equity issues (Falkenmark and others 2004; Gleick
2003b; Niemczynowicz 2000; UNDP 2006; UNESCOWWAP 2006; Zehnder and others 2003). However, and
although these water-related issues are well documented,
they are generally described separately. Therefore, it is
difficult to extract the relationships among elements to
apprehend the system holistically.
To sum up, the path in IWRM going toward a comprehensive systems approach including ‘‘soft’’ elements
can really lead to very rich and interesting insights and
robust outputs, but it requires investigation time, for eliciting the components and interactions to be integrated. To
facilitate this elicitation process, and therefore reduce the
time it necessitates, this article proposes a generic conceptual model for the water management system. The
model synthesizes as exhaustively as possible the generic
components and interactions involved in water-related
issues within a graphical view. It also comes along with an
exhaustive review of the water issues, of their related
components, and, with special emphasis, of their interrelations. This article also presents two test case studies that
demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the model.
Modeling Methodology
Inventorying Issues
In order to scrutinize exhaustively the water management
system, the selected methodology consists in a top-down,
issues-components approach, starting with the inventory of
the water-related issues. This inventory is provided by
reviewing the literature.
In this article, issues are to be understood in a general
way. They embody different stakeholders’ various needs,
such as freshwater demand and flood protection, as well as
ecosystem requirements. They also include governance and
management issues, such as water pricing or stakeholder
participation rules. Finally, there are also issues beyond the
strict field of water, such as health and tenure rights
problems or the state of electric infrastructure.
Inferring the Components
Although issues are no concrete objects, they correspond to
real components that are their physical response. These
components generally appear in the literature about water
issues; for instance, the ‘‘safe water’’ issue directly relates
to the water resource and to some kind of water supply
system infrastructure. Therefore, combining literature
information and basic analysis provides the inventory of
In this article, components are concrete objects, classified into two categories: structural elements (such as
surface water, sanitation networks, or dams) and nonstructural elements (like framework for capacity building,
water rights, and knowledge database).
Sketching the System Model
Once components are inventoried, the last step consists in
organizing them in a clear and logical way, into the system
model. As a very important addition, the relationships—
structural or functional—must be shown among components during this process. The way to achieve this is a
mental exercise of abstraction. The results of such
achievements can always be controversial, as there is no
unique solution. Different organizations, classifications,
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
and generalisations can indeed be imagined, along with
different levels of details.
The solution pursued here is a versatile system model. It
is meant to enable the addition of further levels of details
and possible new components and new relationships.
Water Management System Model
Graphical Output
The developed water management system model is shown
in Fig. 1, which is described as follows:
Rectangular blocks are components, which belong to
one of the two groups: structural (on the right) or
nonstructural (on the left) elements,
Arrows terminated with a diamond indicate a specialization relation (a relation in which n given objects are
subcategories of only one hierarchically upper
Arrows terminated by a triangle indicate a functional
relation, whose nature is documented by one or a few
keywords and generally by a reference to text descriptions (for instance, A12 refers to point 12 of issue A;
text descriptions are given in the next subsection).
Arrow-terminated relations might be bidirectional, in
which case the keywords for both directions are
separated by line symbols (——–),
The large gray background rectangle outlines the waterspecific domain. As developed in the next subsection,
water-related elements indeed often have connections
to elements beyond the strict field of water, such as
energy or poverty issues.
Content Overview
The system model shows a relatively dense components
and interrelations network, with no particular reading
order. In fact, any point is a possible reading entry point,
from which it is possible to navigate, following the interrelations. This is further developed in the section regarding
the uses of the model through the example of a hydropower
plant. To understand the model in its whole, seven main
water issues are hereafter used as perspectives:
A. Safe water and sanitation
B. Water for agriculture and other food production
C. Water for industry, energy, and transport
D. Water for recreational, amenity, and spiritual purposes
E. Aquatic ecosystems: benefits and pressures
F. Water-related events and hazards
Managing and sharing water
In these sections, the coded annotations (such as B2 or
G9) refer to the interrelations of the model (Fig. 1).
Safe Water and Sanitation
Access to freshwater is required for people, their households, and the public buildings. It is necessary for
consumption and hygiene purposes, in relevant quantities
and qualities. Access to safe basic sanitation is also necessary for people, as a fundamental hygienic, privacy, and
convenience need.
This issue has obvious impacts on the human health
(A1), which, in turn, influences the poverty (A2) issue (for
instance, through missed days of work). It is also a factor of
inequalities, including between genders (A3), when women
and girls are in charge of collecting water from distant
sources for instance. Sick children and busy girls cannot
attend school and, therefore, this issue also has indirect
repercussions on education (A4).
Improving access to water and sanitation might in some
cases be achieved through indirect measures. When people
do not feel confident enough or lack the funds for investing
into infrastructures for their household (such as in slums,
where houses have no legitimacy), acting on tenure rights
(A5) or providing microcredits, for instance (A6), might
prove efficient.
Regarding the legal framework, there are general issues,
such as the way institutions are organized, including centralization or decentralization trends, that obviously
influence the efficiency in the way infrastructures are
managed (A7). People might sometimes be directly
involved in projects realization, through construction and
maintenance of facilities (A9). Some policies, such as
standards (for instance, regarding water quality), also play
important roles [e.g., for health protection (A8)].
Safe water and sanitation infrastructures are, of course,
strongly linked to the water resource, withdrawing it,
pouring it back, and modifying its quality (A10). They
deliver water to and retrieve (and treat) wastewater from
different consumers, including private and public buildings, swimming pools, and so forth, and provide watering
to gardens, sport fields, and so forth (A12). This possibly
also involves storage infrastructures (A11).
Water for Agriculture and Other Food Production
To produce food, agriculture needs water. Agricultural
productivity (including also nonalimentary production)
might particularly be enhanced by irrigation facilities.
However, irrigation accounts for about 70% of human
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
May help mitigate hazards’ impacts on (F6)
Non-structural element
Land-use and planning
Law and policy
Sustainability considerations
Economic considerations
Social considerations
Ecosys tem consideration
Influen ces
plannin g
quali ty of
(F8, G6)
Water-related demands
Change considerations
Climate change
Water availability change
Refers to
Protects (E4)
Environment protection
General framework
Bases on (G7)
May sugge st
---------Influen ces
the operation of (G7)
Aquatic environment
refer to
Tax , subsidies , investment ,
fines , import / export policies
Tax, subsidies and
investment for water
Enforcement framework
Self-encouraging policies
have an
impact on
of (B5)
May chang e
beha viour of
(G8, G9, G10)
Water-related standards
and controls
Biotechnology framework
Various framework
Building codes
Property and tenure rights
Regional / transboundary
Sharing framework
Water rights
May influen ce
(equi tabl e) impacts
of (A5, B2)
Influences design
and operation of
(A6, A8, C5, D3,
G8, G9, G10)
Water regional /
transboundary agreement
WS Network
Rural hinterland / urban
May enhan ce
collabo rations
Capacity building framework
Enhan ces capacities
of (G12 )
Water treatment
May buil d (A9)
---------Have effects on
(heal th, equi ty,
jobs, security etc.)
(A1, A3, A4, A8, B1, B2,
C2, D1, F4, F5)
Administrative framework
De- centralisation framework
May refer
to (F6)
May refer to
WS Reservoir
treatment plant
Emergency water
Disaster preparedness
and response framework
Participatory framework
Help sensitising, have an impact
on (decision’ s) equi ty (G1, G2)
Integrated water
management policies
Sensitization / communication
May enhan ce
collabo rations
(A7, G3, G4)
Decision making
May work in (G12)
Exert pressure
on (C3, G1)
well-bein g
Garden , park &
sport field
Implements and manage s (G12)
Operational entity
Swimming pool
and spa
decisions for
Need horizontal/ vertical integration
with each other (G3, G4)
Development and
Feeds (G11)
Provides earlyhazard warning (F9)
Analyse (G11)
Fig. 1 System model for water management
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
May be a hazard for (F2)
Structural element
May be required for the production of each other (C1)
Atmospheric water
(virtuall y)
Contain (B3, C4)
Surface water
Food & Goods
May gene rate
Snow and ice
(F9, G11)
Fauna and
or relea ses
componen ts
(E1, E5, F1)
regula tion
May requi re, use
and produce
(A10, B1, C1, C5)
Requi res
Is within
Ecosys tem
Coastal area
Marine area
Use, produce,
modify quali tyof
(A10, C1, C5
E1, E2, E5, F2)
Produces (C6)
May interact (competition,
synergies, protection)
(E3, F2, F3)
Need concilia tion with
each other (G2)
Has nega tive (or positive)
impacts on (E1, E2, E5, F2, F3)
---------May protect
again st hazards (F1)
Human environment
Water-related objects
May requi re, protect again st hazards (F1)
Water supply IS
Drainage IS
Irrigation IS
May reuse water
from (C5)
Power network
Water supply and sanitation
infrastructure (IS)
Transport network
IT network
requi re
Sanitation IS
Hydropower plant
On-water equipment
Requi re
Storage and regulation IS
Retention basin
Require resources
Induce change s
through behaviour
chang e
(B4, C1, C3, G1)
Dredging platform
Monitoring station
Administrative division
Domestic and
public consumer
Water consumer
requi re
(A12, B6)
May offer
oppo rtunities
Water-linked objects
Recreational zone
Fishing zone
Agricultur e
Navigable zone
Protected aquatic area
Are requi red
for investment
and operation
---------May gene rate
return on
(A2, B1, C2,
D2, F7)
Provides well-bein g,
may protect
again st hazards,
provides gene tic
(F1, D1, E7)
Hazard-related area
Waste disposal IS
Contaminated zone
Take measures in case of
emergency to protect (F6)
Fig. 1 continued
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
water use (IFAD 2006). Aquaculture and capture fishing
require water as well, with sufficient quantity and quality.
Whereas infrastructure is thus used to supply water,
waterlogged areas might conversely benefit from drainage
equipment (B6).
This issue is interrelated with people’s health through
the occurrence of hunger. As for other health problems,
hunger further fosters poverty. Conversely, irrigation or
aquaculture facilities might reduce both hunger and poverty in rural areas, directly, through increased food
production but also through secured access to water,
employment, and increased area attractiveness (B1).
However, depending on land and water tenure rights, certain people (e.g., women) might not be allowed to access,
maintain, and benefit from these facilities, which could
therefore create new disparities. Furthermore, they might
foster the occurrence of water-borne diseases (B2).
Producing food through irrigation consumes water.
Feeding and taking care of livestock further requires water.
This leads to the concept of virtual water: producing 1 kilo
of cereals or beef requires a certain amount of water—
much more in the latter case. Where water is scarce,
importing food with high virtual water content might be an
alternative to local production (B3). This also means that
food consumption patterns have an influence on water
consumption; for instance, eating less meat would mean a
diminution of its production and therefore less water consumed (B4).
Impacts on water consumption in food production might
also be induced very indirectly. Although this is controversial, biotechnologies might lead to changes—for
instance, through the possible finding of organisms resilient
to water scarcity (B5).
Water for Industry, Energy, and Transport
Industries need water for product or services generation. It
uses this resource in very different ways, such as for a
constituent part of the product (like beverages), for cleaning, for cooling, to generate steam, and so forth [virtual
water content of produced goods (C4)]. For transport
activities, the need for water is different: The waterways,
depending on their geographic features, might enable
ships’ circulation.
Water is thus also required to produce energy, as a cooling
agent or for turbine motion in the case of hydropower plants.
The latter might further require additional infrastructures,
including dams, in the case of large-scale production (C6).
Conversely, energy is required by water infrastructures—for
instance, to provide freshwater (pumping stations), to treat
wastewater, or to operate devices like dishwashers. Therefore, saving energy might enable water savings and vice
versa. This also involves possible savings both ways at the
consumers’ level (C1). Consumers might also influence
water use—and more generally companies’ behavior relative to the environment—through the exertion of pressures
(e.g., purchasing eco-products) for environmentally friendly
practices (C3).
Industries provide employment and generate production.
For the operation, they require both water and energy.
Therefore, water has an indirect positive influence against
poverty. Furthermore, access to reliable electricity provides
other opportunities such as powering irrigation systems or
enabling activities requiring light after dusk (C2).
Regarding water consumption, reusing wastewater (after
a possible treatment) in industries (as well as for irrigation
or domestic purposes) offers a technical possibility to save
water (but it might require energy). Such measures might
be fostered or discouraged by the enforcement framework
regulating them directly (reuse standards) or indirectly
(water price, subsides, general standards) (C5).
Water for Recreational, Amenity, and Spiritual Purposes
Watering sport fields and parks, feeding fountains, swimming pools, and spas, providing bathing, sport fishing,
navigation, sightseeing, and other water-related activities
opportunities—these are all uses of water that might play an
important social role, providing well-being (D1). Additionally, possibly multipurpose objects might provide
entertainment opportunities; for instance, dams might provide people with a lake area, for instance for bathing, fishing,
or windsurfing. All of these aspects of water might also be of
economic importance through tourism activities (D2).
Regarding enforcement policies, standards are especially important. They might protect human health through
the identification of safe recreational areas, such as beaches
showing proper water quality for bathing (D3).
Aquatic Ecosystems: Benefits and Pressures
Aquatic ecosystems are required by animal and vegetarian
species as habitats. They provide goods and services,
needed for socioeconomic activities, and they might play a
role in risk protection. Conversely, the anthropogenic
activities put aquatic ecosystems under pressure, sometimes endangering or even destroying them, along with
their animal and vegetarian populations and thus also along
with their goods and services.
Anthropogenic pressures on the aquatic ecosystems are of
different types: increased sediment loads, pollutions, flow
fragmentation (e.g., dams or locks), invasive species, overuse, and so forth. Pollutions might occur from point sources
(e.g., accidental spills, wastewater outlets) or from diffuse
sources (e.g., agricultural fertilizers, soils contaminated by
domestic or industrial wastes) (E1). However, certain
infrastructures or works might also have positive effects,
such as wastewater treatment plants or bank vegetation
rehabilitation activities (E2). Moreover, these pressures
might also apply to other users, other infrastructures
downstream, or those sharing a common water resource; for
instance, sediments loads upstream might cause damages or
wear to extraction pumps downstream (E3).
Regarding legislation, aquatic ecosystem protection
depends on a wide range of policies and standards, at
international, regional, and local levels. It also depends on
the way these texts are enforced (E4).
Ecosystems provide a wide range of different benefits.
Production aspects are discussed in the subsections discussing issues B and C, related to food, industry, and
energy. Recreational aspects are mentioned in the subsection discussing issue D, focusing on that topic. The
following subsection, which discusses issue F, covering the
hazards related to water, mentions the role played by
ecosystems with that regard. Ecosystems also have degradation or dampening capacities of certain components they
are exposed to, such as organic loads or sediments. However, conversely, such components might be naturally
present in some ecosystems and therefore be released into
water (E5). At more global levels, ecosystems are involved
in the important functions of climate regulation (E6) and
genetic resources reservoir (E7).
Water-Related Events and Hazards
Floods, wave surges, droughts, and avalanches are waterrelated events that might endanger human lives and infrastructures. They might therefore trigger further disasters,
like technological hazards. Conversely, other disasters, like
earthquakes, wars, or windstorms might also trigger water
emergencies, such as water-lacking refugees’ camps, dam
breaks, or distribution network failure. Finally, technological hazards might occur, such as pollutant spills (for
instance, cases of oil spills caused by foundering vessels),
damaging aquatic ecosystems and possibly other water
users (F2).
These events might heavily damage ecosystems. Conversely, flooding events might contribute to the spatial and
temporal variability of aquatic ecosystems and, therefore,
to their richness. Ecosystems might also play an important
protection role against hazards (for instance, mangrove and
coral reef might lessen the strength of waves) (F1).
People could be hit by such events immediately, and
also afterward, due to possible subsequent critical conditions: lack of access to water, water-borne diseases, and
disruptions of support infrastructures such as roads or
health equipment (F4). Poor countries and poor people are
generally the most vulnerable to such events, which
therefore tend to further increase inequalities (F5).
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
Regarding protection against water-related hazards,
infrastructures might provide mitigation measures: dikes,
channels, embankments, retention basins, dams, and so
forth (F3). Investments in protection might prove beneficial, as it is usually less expensive to invest in protection
than to pay for fixing the damages afterward (SudmeierRieux and others 2006) (F7).
On the other hand, nonstructural measures include preparedness, emergency management, and response
management. Land-use measures, like provision of hazards
maps, might prevent constructions in dangerous areas.
Building codes might ensure good resilience of the construction. Capacity building efforts will provide managers
with the necessary competencies (F6). Monitoring stations,
beyond their useful role of general data provision, might
also play an important role by providing early warning
information (F9).
Another important aspect regarding the management of
water-related events and hazards is the consideration of
future changes. In particular, climate change might lead to
wetter or drier conditions and, therefore, to different or
increased risks (F8).
Managing and Sharing Water
As outlined in the previous sections on the issues, water
resources are needed for very different uses, including
ecosystems safeguarding. These uses might enter into
competition with regard to quantity or quality aspects.
Therefore, proper management and sharing are required.
As stated earlier, the present generally recognized
approach for water planning and management is the integrated water resources management (IWRM). This
integration will occur along different complementary axes:
People: They might be informed and sensitized about
water issues, with possible subsequent involvement and
behavior changes. They might be included in the
decision process, therefore possibly improving its
effectiveness (G1).
Stakeholders’ interests: As water users and related
stakeholders might have antagonistic or competitive
interests, integrating their views might help to leadg to
solutions taking, at best, all stakes into account (G2).
Sectoral institutions (horizontal operational integration): Where different water issues, such as water
supply, wastewater treatment, fishing or aquatic systems protection are managed by different institutions,
integrating their possibly conflict interests might lead to
globally best solutions (G3).
Hierarchical levels (vertical operational integration):
When local measures are planned, they will be in line
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
with higher-level strategies regionally, nationally, and
internationally (G4).
Spatial extent: Watersheds and aquifers—if often not
coinciding with political boundaries—might represent
natural delimitations for water management, as they
gather users of a common resource. Therefore, transboundary agreements might play a role in international
integration. Moreover, some considerations, like virtual
water (import/export) or migrations, might involve
larger scales (G5).
Time and sustainability: In order to avoid conflicts
between present and future users, time dimension will
be taken into account. It might mean the application of
sustainability criteria, integrating the economic, social,
and ecological aspects (G6).
Legislative framework: Making decisions requires an
integrated knowledge of the different legal texts and
policies, at all levels (i.e., international, regional, etc.)
in order to act concordantly (G7). Then this legislative
framework needs to be enforced. This might be based
not only on strict controls and standards (G8) but also
on economic instruments (water pricing, subsidies,
fines policies, etc.) (G9) and on self-encouraging
incentives (e.g., publication of results, labeling) (G10).
Data and knowledge: Integrating various kinds of local
data is required to provide an information basis on which
make decisions. Furthermore, thanks to access to centralized databases, consulting global knowledge, about
successes and failures or best management practices for
instance, might help in finding solutions (G11). Additionally, improving local knowledge and local
competencies, through ‘‘capacity building,’’ is important
to promote work outputs of good quality (G12).
investigated; for instance, upstream users or activities might
release sediments that could, in the long term, fill the storage unit or wear the turbines, downstream fishing zones
might be heavily disrupted, and so forth (4). As water is
used for the production of energy, its quality might be
modified (5), with possible subsequent impacts on the
ecosystem (6). The effects of the dam on the latter will also
be investigated: It could provide benefits to the ecosystem
through protection against floods, but a variability decrease
might endanger the habitats (6). Of course, this analysis
could be further performed along any other connections and
could, for instance, involve funds (required for investment),
people (they might benefit from recreational aspects of a
dam lake, but sport fishing or navigation, or beach activities
downstream might suffer from it), operational entities,
capacity building and disaster frameworks (availability of
specialists able to properly implement and operate the plant,
including in emergency cases), methodological frameworks
(if not all of the stakeholders are represented through a
participatory framework, clashes might occur), and so forth.
This fairly straightforward case—impacts of a hydropower plant—was proposed to illustrate the navigation in
the model. However, the latter is designed to help naturally
as well within more complex problems, such as ‘‘How
could the water supply network’s performance be
improved?’’ or ‘‘How can one solve agricultural water
needs shortages?’’ At that level, as shown with the
hydropower example, the model provides a way of scanning conceptually—as exhaustively as possible—the space
of interrelations and components involved more or less
directly in a given issue, possibly pinpointing less intuitive
elements that might play a role in it.
Test Case Studies
Using the Model as a General Reference
The model, as such, can be used as a reference for a better
understanding of the water management system; for
instance, it could be used to answer questions such as
‘‘While implementing a hydropower plant, what components will undergo repercussions?’’ This example is
illustrated in Fig. 2, which is a detailed look into the system model (Fig. 1), showing some of the most directly
involved components related to hydropower and their
The hydropower plant (1) might require the implementation of storage components, such as dams (2), unless it is a
run-of-river plant. It will produce hydropower, which
belongs to the energy group (3). As part of the on-water
equipment and of the water-related group, interrelations
with other members of these components will be
The model has been applied to two case studies: (1) Birmingham, England, which accounts with its surrounding
municipalities for almost 5 million inhabitants, and (2)
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, which accounts for around 2.5
million inhabitants. In both cases, the objectives were to
test the correctness and the relevancy of the water management system model through the following:
The development of a high-level, holistic, overall
system representation
The derivation from the overall view of some usable
and concise thematic views.
Application Steps
In both cases, the studies were mainly carried out by one
person who drove the process. The very first step
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
May be required for the production of each other (C1)
Atmospheric water
(virtuall y)
ontain (B3, C4)
r ace water
Food & Goods
May gene
ene rate
Snow and ice
(F9, G11)
Fauna and
May requi re,
e use
and produce
(A10, B1, C1, C5)
Requi res
or relea ses
componen ts
(E1, E5, F1)
Is within
Ecosys tem
Coastal area
Marine area
Use, produce,
modify quali ty of
(A10, C1, C5
E1, E2, E5, F2)
Produces (C6)
May interact (competition,
synergies, protection)
(E3, F2, F3)
Need concilia tion with
each other (G2)
Has nega tive (or positive)
impacts on (E1, E2, E5, F2, F3)
---------May protect
again st hazards (F1)
Water-related objects
May requi re,
e protect again st hazards (F1)
May reuse water
from (C5)
Water supply IS
Water supply and sanitation
infrastructure (IS)
e IS
Sanitation IS
IT network
Hydropower plant
r network
requi re
Irrigation IS
Power network
On-water equipment
Requi re
Storage and regulation IS
Retention basin
Dredging platform
Require resources
Induce change s
through behaviour
chang e
(B4, C1, C3, G1)
Fig. 2 Components and interrelations of the system model that are closely linked to the hydropower plant element
undertaken by this person was the identification of the
stakeholders, through discussions with key people. Then an
iterative process started, consisting of a three-step cycle:
Analysis of documents and data
Implementation of components and interactions
Submission of the developments to the stakeholders
for discussion.
The analytical and implementation steps made use of the
water management system model with the method described earlier: The model was used as a reference to
exhaustively inventory the system elements. On that generic basis, real components and interactions were derived.
To help manage the thereby created voluminous information mass, components and interactions were introduced
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
into a prototype software, which basically allowed storing
them—along with some of their features, such as name,
icon, or color—in a database and displaying them as
The last step was the creation of thematic views,
extracting selected information from the overall system
network, to provide easier to read, focused views on a few
subsystems related to chosen water issues.
In both cases, after an effort of a few months, an overall
definition of the water management system has been elicited. In Birmingham, not less than around 700 components
and 450 interactions were identified. In Belo Horizonte,
around 250 of both were inventoried. The difference can be
partially explained by the availability of more information
in Birmingham, where a large number of various and
detailed studies have been conducted.
Of course, the diagrams showing all these elements are
not directly usable as a communication tool. Thematic
views were then created to provide readable outputs,
focusing on a given topic and therefore showing only the
most relevant, linked information extracted from the
overall system. Such a thematic view, proposed in Birmingham to illustrate governance issues, is shown in
Fig. 3. This view shows, at a very high level, the stakeholders’ responsibilities regarding the water as a resource
(central components). This is an example of a very global,
partial diagram: It was arbitrarily chosen to display only a
small number of components and relationships for clarity;
the overall systemic view contains indeed much more
details vertically (e.g., components, subcomponents, and so
forth within the ecosystem or the water-linked infrastructures) and horizontally (e.g., relationships with the laws
and policies or with studies). A distinction was made
between the influences relationships (light thin connectors)
and the money fluxes (darker thick connectors).
The developments of the holistic overall system and of
the thematic views provide very rich system-related
knowledge base for further developments. They hereby
also serve the purpose of demonstrating the applicability of
Fig. 3 Thematic view: high-level, partial view over the water governance in Birmingham (currently under the validation process)
the water management system model as a generic
The overall, holistic water system definition in Birmingham and Belo Horizonte was produced mainly on the basis
of one person’s leadership, who analyzed the situation,
proposed implementations, and submitted them to the
stakeholders in an iterative manner. However, more participatory application steps (e.g., through stakeholders’
platform meetings) could be followed as well. In that sense,
the hereby proposed generic model approach is not mutually exclusive with other systems-based approaches.
Rather, it is considered as a tool facilitating the process by
providing background knowledge.
There are many methods and tools used in systemsbased approaches used to capture stakeholders’ knowledge
through participatory approaches; for instance, Bosch and
others (2007) presented cases in which stakeholders were
involved in systems thinking, using techniques and tools
such as influence diagrams construction, blackboard-supported modeling, participatory matrices elaboration, and
computer-based modeling. Pahl-Wostl and Hare (2004)
applied different techniques in a participatory approach,
including mental models building, hexagon modelling, and
card sorting to elicit respectively individual representations, system data, and actors’ network. Collins and others
(2007) applied a systems approach through an iterative
process that involved the formulation of systems of interest
to take into account the multiple stakeholders’
The water management system model, because it proposes a generic structure, might therefore be used within
other systems-based approaches applied to water management. In any case, be it a more expert-oriented or a more
participatory system elicitation approach, the water management system model might arguably bring important
benefits. First, it might reduce the time requirement for the
system elicitation process, through the provision of generic
background knowledge. This is especially true on longerusage terms: Once a system is described holistically (e.g.,
in a city), it might act as a reusable source of information.
Indeed, thematic views, focusing on any topic of interest,
might be extracted from this repository. Additionally, as it
strives to be as exhaustive as possible, the model provides
an aide-memoire helping to not forget possibly important
interrelations. However, one potential consequence of
using this feature too tightly could be overlooking possible
unusual interactions, not inventoried in the model; therefore, this point should always be considered in the
discussion and submission processes with the stakeholders.
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
Finally, and as mentioned earlier, one of the major
advantages of participatory processes is the social learning
it brings. If the water management system model is to be
used in a more expert-oriented approach, this is an aspect
that should be taken into consideration.
Although the water management system model would
benefit from further applications at other scales and in
contexts other than large cities, the experiences in Birmingham and Belo Horizonte gave encouraging results,
with the creation of rich, reusable, and holistic systems
definitions, along with some related thematic views.
Conclusion and Perspectives
In this study, the issues related to water are reviewed as
exhaustively as possible, their related components are
inferred, and their interrelations are emphasized. This
analysis allows subsequent sketching of the elements into a
general model for water management. The latter was
applied to two test case studies: two large cities. It enabled,
as a generic reference, one to derive many components and
interrelations, in order to define their overall water system.
From this holistic definition, thematic views were proposed, extracting selected information to provide more
readable displays, focusing on given topics.
Whereas water-related issues are well known, the analysis into components and interrelations for the realization
of a holistic graphical model is an original contribution.
This model can be used as an aide-memoire, a generic
reference. It can be applied in conjunction with other
systems-based, participatory methods or in a very expertoriented manner, allowing reductions of time requirements
for systemic analysis. This might be particularly relevant
in situations for which an overall system definition is
required, because in such cases, the very rich holistic
repository of inventoried components and interactions
might be reused. In conclusion, this model might help
undertaking a comprehensive systems approach, including
‘‘soft’’ system elements, in integrated water management.
Regarding the perspectives, an important aspect
emphasized by the test case studies is the need for an
advanced tool to help manage the complex and numerous
system-related data. This software might not only allow
storing and displaying components and interactions but
also dealing with related data, such as numeric values,
comments, problem notifications, and so forth. It could
therefore lead to the realization of an information system
dedicated to the management of systems-based data, an
‘‘information system on the system.’’ Such an information
system might enable the creation of interesting advanced
thematic views featuring, for instance, proportional fluxes
arrows and problems structures views.
Environmental Management (2009) 43:458–469
Acknowledgments This work was financed by the EU within the
frame of the SWITCH project (Sustainable Water Improves Tomorrows Cities’ Health). The reported study was performed in Theme 1
focusing on the Urban Water Paradigm Shift. It benefited from the
invaluable contributions of Mr. Ph. Brandenberg and Mr. J.-J.
Dessimoz regarding the model application to the test case studies.
Very insightful comments from Dr. Geoff Syme and from other
anonymous reviewers were also greatly appreciated.
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