Internet of Things Based Smart Agricultural System for Farmers

2021, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the present and future of every industry, shaping everyone's life by speeding up everything. It's a set of standalone devices that power a self-configuring network. The latest developments in Smart Farming with the help of IoT are slowly but steadily spinning the features of traditional agriculture procedures by not only making it an option, but also by lowering the cost for farmers and decreasing the time it takes to harvest. The aim is to offer a technology that can send messages to farmers through various programmers. Farmers will benefit from the results because they will be able to collect data from the field in real time (temperature, humidity, soil moisture, UV index, and IR) and use it to start doing smart farming by growing crop yields and conserving water. The study presented in this paper makes use of the ESP32 Node MCU, DHT11, and Soil Moisture Sensor, GSM Module, and live data feed can be monitored on Things of Speak an IoT platform. This will have allowed farmers to control their plants in accordance with modern farming methods. [1]

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology ISSN : 2456-3307 ( doi : Internet of Things Based Smart Agricultural System for Farmers Raja Venkatesh Gurugubelli1, Dilleswararao Nettimi1, Vidya Sagar Gorle1, Sairam Panda1, Anil Kumar Navuluri1, Rosepreet Kaur Bhogal2 1 Lovely Professional University Phagwara, India Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University Phagwara, India 2 ABSTRACT Article Info The Internet of Things (IoT) is the present and future of every industry, shaping Volume 7, Issue 3 everyone's life by speeding up everything. It's a set of standalone devices that Page Number: 535-540 power a self-configuring network. The latest developments in Smart Farming with the help of IoT are slowly but steadily spinning the features of traditional Publication Issue : agriculture procedures by not only making it an option, but also by lowering the May-June-2021 cost for farmers and decreasing the time it takes to harvest. The aim is to offer a technology that can send messages to farmers through various programmers. Article History Farmers will benefit from the results because they will be able to collect data Accepted : 20 June 2021 Published : 25 June 2021 from the field in real time (temperature, humidity, soil moisture, UV index, and IR) and use it to start doing smart farming by growing crop yields and conserving water. The study presented in this paper makes use of the ESP32 Node MCU, DHT11, and Soil Moisture Sensor, GSM Module, and live data feed can be monitored on Things of Speak an IoT platform. This will have allowed farmers to control their plants in accordance with modern farming methods. [1] Keywords : ESP32s, DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Soil Moisture Module (SI1145), Digital UV Index, GSM Module, Relay, IR sensors. I. INTRODUCTION Despite the detail that the concept of the Internet of Things is not new, it has grown in popularity in Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected sharp computers that are capable of recent years, owing to the advancement of technologies that support it, such as the upgrading of interacting with one another and producing precise hardware with the resulting reduction in size and data about the situations under which they function. power usage, the upgrade of networking with the Thus, in the context of IoT, every computer which Internet and between components through wireless capable of establishing a connection to the Internet, connections, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, such electronics, and big data. All of these scientific elements work agricultural, or industrial machinery, may be called together to create a network of sensors that can a "item." share data and knowledge and work actively based as household equipment, Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited 535 Sitanshu Kumar et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 535-540 on network inputs. According to, the architecture of trend in farms such that appropriate crops can be IoT systems is similar to that of other computer cultivated at specific times. [2] II. PROPOSED SYSTEM systems, but it must take into understanding the paradigm's unique features, such as applications, detection and control of remote components, Our project's goal is to begin smart agriculture, processing functions and recognition. Agriculture is which entails reducing manpower and addressing the groundwork of human civilization since it is the issues in cropping and some agriculture farms. And, primary source of food grains and other raw thanks to the internet of things, the data is sent materials. It is vital to the growth of the country's income. It also provides people with a sufficient immediately to the appropriate location (IoT). The project employs a Node MCU, as well as a Wi-Fi number of job opportunities. module capable of linking to a network. The agriculture sector must develop in order for the A. Data from the Climate country's economy to improve. Unfortunately, many As soil moisture sensor detects moisture from the farmers continue to practise old farming practises, soil, and the moisture content of the soil is which result in low crop yields and. However, determined in a proportion The humidity and wherever IoT automation was used and humans temperature are measured in percentage and Celsius, were replaced by digital computers, the yield was respectively higher. Agriculture-related issues have always been Temperature a hindrance to the country's growth. Smart determined in candela by a light sensor. by the Sensor. DHT22 The Humidity light and intensity is agriculture, which involves modernizing current agricultural practices, is the only solution to this A rain sensor in millimetres determines the rain issue. The proposed framework is useful for tracking level. field data as well as managing field activities, and it offers versatility. The aim of the project is to make B. Micro-controller agriculture more efficient and productive by using automation and Internet of Things (IoT) It is the components of the planned system's Microcontroller assembly. This Micro-controller assembly technologies. [2] is the system's hardware, and it controls data A. Monitoring acquisition through the sensors it contains. The Sensors are placed along the farms to detect microcontroller's function is to connect with cloud variations in sun, precipitation, temperature, moisture, and soil acidity. Every animal or person servers, and it has an embedded Wi-Fi module with a range of up to 300 meters, which aids in observed by the infrared sensors is analyzed, and the information propagation across the network. farmer is alerted. As a result, distant sensing can help to deter disease spread and monitor crop B. Cloud development. [2] Storage the network is in charge of sending data to cloud storage, which analyses and performs B. Climate changes calculations with sensor data obtained in raw form Sensor data on humidity, temperature, precipitation, and displays it on the IoT interface. The network and dew identification aids in deciding the climate between the hardware components and the cloud can be built in one of two ways: via MQTT agents Volume 7, Issue 3, May-June-2021 | 536 Sitanshu Kumar et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 535-540 and the MQTT protocol, or via HTTP modules and the HTTP protocol. MQTT is favoured to HTTP because it is message-based, while HTTP is document-based, making MQTT more dependable. [12] C. IOT Interface IoT APIs are used to communicate with applications and IoT devices, and logical connectors are used to link them. APIs display data that allows certain machines to send data to the application, effectively serving as a data interface. They also allow the app to take control of the smartphone and serve as a user interface. B. Hand held Device The Data can be monitored using a web-based or smartphone device. These applications are run on cell phones that have an LCD or OLED display for displaying data. Fig2.Circuit Block diagram III.EXPERIMENTAL WORK Implementation of IOT in the field: By 2050, the world's population is projected to reach ten billion people, posing a significant challenge for agriculture. Despite problems such as extreme weather, riots, climate change, and farming's environmental impact, the need for additional food must be addressed. Agriculture must adapt to modern technologies in order to fulfil these growing demands. New IoTenabled smart farming apps can help the agriculture industry reduce waste and increase productivity. It is the incorporation of emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) into agriculture. A device is designed for tracking the harvest area with the help of sensors in IoT-based smart farming (temperature, light, soil moisture, humidity etc.). Farmers can monitor field circumstances from any location. [9] Implementation of Soil moisture Sensing part in smart irrigation: Water is a necessary and vital aspect of agriculture and farm development, as well as a critical component of our quality of life. Soil moisture sensors senses the water level of soil with high precision with rich index . Microwave radiation is influenced by soil moisture and is utilized in hydrology and irrigation for remote Fig.1(flow chart of Proposed System) sensing. Farmers may use movable probe devices. Soil moisture sensors aid in efficient irrigation. Irrigation control that is done correctly produces Volume 7, Issue 3, May-June-2021 | 537 Sitanshu Kumar et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 535-540 healthier seeds, uses less inputs, and improves technology to provide a data-link to a Remotely profitability. Soil moisture sensors help irrigators Located network. From the viewpoint of the mobile figure out what's going on in a crop's root zone. As a telephone result, the amount of water used will be reduced. [6] fundamentally identical to an common mobile network technology , they are phone, as well as the want for a SIM to find themselves to the network. GSM modems usually IV.COMPONENTS provide TTL- level serial interfaces to their host. NodeMCU: The ESP8266 is a small module that They are typically utilized as element of an enables microcontrollers to link to a Wi-Fi network and establish basic TCP/IP connections using Hayes- embedded systems. style commands. However, there was absolutely no Soil Moisture Module: This soil moisture sensor English-language literature available at first for the module is utilized to identify the moisture of the soil. chip and the commands it could accept [2]. Many It measures the volumetric content of water inside hackers were drawn to the module, the chip, and the soil and gives us the moisture level as output. the applications on it, as well as to translate the The module has both Digital and Analog Data outs Chinese documents, because of the low price and as A0 and D0 outputs and a potentiometer to adjust the fact that there were few external components on the limit the level. the module, which meant that it could ultimately be Relay Module: An electromagnet operates a power very inexpensive in volume. relay module, which is an electronic switch. A Arduino: A wide-ranging of microprocessors and separate low-power pulse from a microcontroller Micro controllers are used in Arduino board designs. activates the electromagnet. The electromagnet pulls The boards have digital and analog input & output to open or close an electrical circuit when triggered. (IO) pins that can be connected to various extension Water pump Module: With a 12V power supply, the serial networks interfaces, including Universal Serial DC Water Pump module is very common. It's a boards ('shields') or bread boards (for prototyping) as well as other circuits. The boards include serial completely submersible water pump with a variety of uses, including water, soda drink, project job, and communications scientific model applications. interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, which are also utilized for loading programs. The micro-controllers DHT11: The DHT11 is a simple digital temperature can be programmed using the C and C++ programming languages, using a standard and humidity sensor with a low price tag. It measures the ambient air with a capacitive humidity Application Programmable Interface which is also sensor and a thermistor and outputs a digital signal known as the "Arduino language". In addition to on the data pin (no analogue input pins needed). It's using the easy to use, but data collection necessitates careful development scheduling. The only major drawback of this sensor environment (IDE) and a command line tool is t you are able to only get new data from it for (Arduino) developed in Go Language .[3] every 2 seconds, so sensor interpretations can be up conventional Arduino provides compiler an tool-chains, integrated to 2 seconds old while using our library. GSM Module: A GSM Modem or Module is a hardware device that uses GSM mobile phone Volume 7, Issue 3, May-June-2021 | 538 Sitanshu Kumar et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 535-540 Rain sensor module: Raindrop Sensor is a tool reduced manpower, water waste, and updating the used for sensing rain. It comprises of two Sub farmer on the live condition of the field on a mobile Modules , a rain board that detects the rain and a screen. 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