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2021, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology…
6 pages
1 file
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the present and future of every industry, shaping everyone's life by speeding up everything. It's a set of standalone devices that power a self-configuring network. The latest developments in Smart Farming with the help of IoT are slowly but steadily spinning the features of traditional agriculture procedures by not only making it an option, but also by lowering the cost for farmers and decreasing the time it takes to harvest. The aim is to offer a technology that can send messages to farmers through various programmers. Farmers will benefit from the results because they will be able to collect data from the field in real time (temperature, humidity, soil moisture, UV index, and IR) and use it to start doing smart farming by growing crop yields and conserving water. The study presented in this paper makes use of the ESP32 Node MCU, DHT11, and Soil Moisture Sensor, GSM Module, and live data feed can be monitored on Things of Speak an IoT platform. This will have allowed farmers to control their plants in accordance with modern farming methods. [1]
Australian Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2022
Traditional farming is labour-intensive, and the need to constantly check crops may be a strain on farmers. On another side, agricultural yield space is shrinking by the day. So, without a question, managing a huge amount of food that is legally right for us is a very difficult problem for any human being. There may always be a footprint available to meet the high demand. By achieving the idea of smart farming based on new technology by using the Internet of Things (IoT), the authors have presented a strategy in this study work by which a farmer may manage water irrigation, detect the total amount of brightness, and monitor the moisture level of soil and current status of crops using IoT. By utilizing such a technology, the farmer would obtain an auto lighting system, an auto water irrigation system, prohibit external vehicles, and conserve electricity by utilizing real-time data obtained from various types of sensors and utilizing a Wi-Fi system. The suggested system's hardware is all directly linked to the NodeMCU ESP8266. An algorithm has been created to manage the entire project. The solar panel will supply the entire system's necessary electric power, allowing us to save money, conserve electricity, and make the total system more environmentally friendly. This work’s suggested system can identify meteorological conditions that are beneficial to agriculture. This proposed concept has exceptional performance potential as an interface between sensors as input and the IoT as an output medium. The suggested system is compared to other existing systems in a variety of ways.
nternational journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering, 2023
Over decades, agriculture has seen tremendous revolution. The development of farm machineries such as tractors, harvesters, improved irrigation systems have contributed immensely to food security and sustainable economy. The development of Computers has contributed significantly in improving our daily activities, and agriculture is not an exception. New technology called Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing to light amazing developments in process automation, process control, data collection, and real-time response to events. It has helped in home automation, self-driving cars, Unmanned Aerial vehicles and many more. IoT can be applied in agriculture by means of sensors aimed at field monitoring, disease detection; temperature, humidity and soil moisture monitoring, automatic irrigation system, IoT based drones, farm animals monitoring etc. The change of climate in the Sahel, caused largely by global warming and desertification, has affected so much of production and farm output, we aim in this research to apply IoT technology in climate monitoring such as the temperature and humidity, soil moisture monitoring, crop management, precision farming practice, , farm management using End-to-End Farm Management System. The result shows an interesting output of the variations in temperature, humidity, soil moisture, sunlight levels and probable rain drops in the experiment site. The result were shown directly on the LCD screen attached to the Arduino microcontroller and at the same time transmitted over the internet to the IoT cloud and displayed on the Arduino IoT remote application. This research was implemented on a small part on an irrigation site and can thus be expanded to accommodate larger components for use on large farm site.
IJCSMC, 2019
Agriculture is a sector that contributes highest to India's GDP. The present necessity is that the utilization of water must be efficient and effective. As the population is growing rapidly and there is rapid urbanization and climatic changes, the stress for managing the water resource has been increased. When there is mismanagement of this natural resource in the fields, it not only leads to water scarcity but also affects the crops in the field due to under or over watering. The human interpretation in fields leads to wastage of energy and time. And also the human calculations regarding the soil moisture, water content in the fields cannot be accurate. So, there is need of optimizing the water consumption, where for the irrigation process, a control system and a monitor is required. In our paper, we have focused on the automation of irrigation process aiming on higher growth of crops and efficient use of water. The hardware consists of DHT11 sensor which measures the surrounding air, soil moisture sensors which estimates the volumetric water content and a raspberry pi. Furthermore, the model also monitors the weather conditions and ensures the water is used smartly.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of smart sensors that can be used to control and monitor objects from anywhere on the Internet. This sophisticated method can be utilized to boost modern farming's production and quality. As a result, the goal of this study was to offer a novel smart farming application based on the Internet of Things. In this study, a smart agricultural prototype was created to assess the humidity in paddy bags placed in various locations across a farm. The NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller and the DHT11 temperature and humidity, MQ135 sensor, Soil moisture sensor, and LDR sensor were used to communicate data to the Blynk server through a Wi-Fi network in this smart capsule. The Dc water pump, exhaust fan, cooling fan, and LED bulb are also some appliances that are also connected can be controlled manually or automatically based on the data collected from the sensors. The Arduino IDE was being used to write the microcontroller's C++ code. The cloud-bas...
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2021
Agriculture has become an important growing sector due to the constantly increasing population throughout the world. In the agricultural sector, enhancing farm quality and farm productivity is a massive task without continual record keeping ensuring a high and quickly expanding food demands. Except for the growing population, climate change is a serious concern in the agriculture sector as well. To deal with such situations smart farming system using the cloud and Internet of Things is the best solution proposed in this research work. Smart farming can be used that may offer a collection of useful data i.e temperature, humidity. The Paperwork represent a smart device for farm field tracking that controls soil, humidity, and temperature. Based on these principles, it takes appropriate action after obtaining the sensor readings without human involvement. Soil temperature and moisture are gathered here, and sensed values are processed for future data processing in the cloud.
Farming has long been the most important occupation on the planet. Nonetheless, the migration of people from rural to urban areas has hampered agriculture. To address this issue, we will employ smart horticulture strategies in light of IOT. This project incorporates GPS-based remote observing, dampness and temperature detection, interloper scaring, security, leaf wetness, and legal water system administrations. It makes use of remote sensor organisations to continuously monitor soil properties and natural factors. Various sensor hubs are distributed throughout the homestead in various locations. These constraints are imposed by any remote gadget or organisation access, and the tasks are completed by connecting sensors, Wi-Fi, and a camera to a microcontroller. This concept is packaged as a product and distributed to Farmers can use that remote regulator to monitor the results of the field and grow their harvests as well. These clever agribusiness methods help ranchers finish their work efficiently and increase their yields. IoT sensors can provide information about horticulture fields. The goal of this project is to use developing technology.
India is the crop growing based country. Our ancient publics entirely depended on the farming realizing. Agriculture is a cause of living of mainstream Indians and has great control on the economy of the country. In dry zones or in situation of lacking rainfall, irrigation comes to be difficult. So, it wants to be involuntary for correct produce and measured at all for farmer protection. Horticulture is a sub-sector of agriculture which plays significant role in economy, human nutrition, gender mainstreaming and employment. Horticultural commodities include fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices and condiments, which have grown steadily and turn into a major segment in agricultural trade. The objective of Horticulture system is to keep measure on food security and the aim of automatic irrigation control system is to minimize the efforts of the human operator (gardener) in Horticulture activities.Over the years, monitoring soil moisture levels of farmlands has been performed manually. This is often time-consuming and inefficient, necessitating a solution that is efficient in controlling and monitoring soil moisture conditions. This work therefore proposes an Internet of Things IOT-based soil moisture monitor that observes soil moisture level using an ESP32 consist of inbuilt Wi-Fi module to send data from the board to the user's cell phone or laptop. The soil moisture monitor works by observing the water level of the soil and alerts the farmer when the predefined threshold rate of the moisture sensor goes above or below, thus indicating overwatering or underwatering.This control system is built around Arduino programmed using embedded C language.This process also involves sending data from the sensor to the cloud and then to the database server. Evaluation of the proposed soil moisture monitor using Thingspeak shows that the system is dynamic and efficient as it ensures water is not wasted. It is also cost effective as it eliminates the huge budget for hiring farm workers.
IRJET, 2022
Agriculture has been the primary source of income or primary occupation in our country from ages. But recently due to unpredictable weather conditions and availability of good land there has been hindrance in agriculture. As a result, food security has become a major concern for our country and also most other countries. So, to overcome this we go for Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Agriculture system to enhance the productivity and operation efficiency in agricultural sector. The feature of this system is developing a system that can monitor moisture, temperature, humidity and even might movement of animals which might annihilate the resources in agriculture field via sensors using microcontroller and in the case of any discrepancy send an alert message using Wi-fi/3G/4G module to the farmers' smartphone. As it has low cost, it allows every farmer to afford it and because of its various features it has a potential to be helpful in water limited areas. In this paper we are proposing an efficient and lowcost sensor network technology to get the soil moisture, temperature, humidity and manually operable motor to distribute water in the field as per the need and take the decision accordingly.
The agriculture field plays a vital role in the development of agriculture. In a country like India, this issue is very important because almost 60% of peoples are depending on agriculture, and these peoples are from rural areas. For that instance, there is a solution to this problem is by doing smart agriculture by considering the current traditional methods of agriculture. Hence, this proposed paper aims at making IoT Based Smart Agricultural System. Using sensors, analyze, monitoring, and selection of crops, etc. The controller takes the input data from the sensors, and then it processes the entire system after integrating all the peripherals along with the software. This project is working in three phases, [1] Taking the data from the sensors, Sending that data to the Atmega 328 pi controller, and Controlling the device as per the data obtained. The software used for this is Arduino UNO. In this Paper, Sensors are used for sensing the different parameters such as Humidity and Te...
IRJET, 2022
In India, Now a day Agriculture plays the most important role for human to survive in this world. From the beginning agriculture has suffered, lots of changes to improve productivity of foods and crops. Agriculture has been affected by weather conditions such as extreme temperature and humidity. The next step is to develop the agricultural by proposing the technology called Internet of things. The solution for this problem is solved by smart agriculture monitoring system using IOT. IOT technology is the complete solution to increase the productivity of crops in agriculture. The main advantage of this project is to implement the IOT technology will optimize the usage of fertilizer , will helps to identify the weather conditions of the field by using sensors, we can also easily identify the moisture content of the soil ,will assist to provide the ripening stages of the vegetables and also helps to know the movement of the animals while entering into the field.GSM modem is used to send SMS notification which displays the current status of the agricultural fields to indicate the farmers.
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