International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)
Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021, pp.743-748 Article ID: IJARET_12_02_074
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499
DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.12.2.2021.074
© IAEME Publication
Scopus Indexed
R. Odaiah
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
M. Krishna
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
T. Sai Ganesh, A. Vineeth, M. Bhaskar Yadav
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
Digital signal processing applications often use major mathematical operations
such as multiplication, which consume more power and time. Operations like Fast
Fourier Transform, Convolution and correlation depends heavily on a large number of
multiplications. There are many techniques available to perform multiplications. One
such technique is logarithmic multiplication. logarithmic multiplication is achieved by
adding the binary logarithms of two numbers and deriving the antilog of the result. In
this paper, an efficient algorithm for logarithmic multiplication is presented with the
use of adders, decoders, multiplexers and a few combinational circuits that effectively
reduce the power and area of the multiplier.
Key words: Logarithmic number system, Digital Signal Processing, logarithmic
multiplication, Verilog HDL, Multiplexer.
Cite this Article: R. Odaiah, M. Krishna, T. Sai Ganesh, A. Vineeth and M. Bhaskar
Yadav, Design of an Area Efficient 16-bit Logarithmic Multiplier, International
Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 12(2), 2021,
pp. 743-748.
Multipliers play an important role in today’s digital signal processing and various other
applications. With advances in technology, many researchers have tried and are trying to design
multipliers which offer either of the following design targets– high speed, low power
consumption, regularity of layout and hence less area or even combination of them in one
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Design of an Area Efficient 16-bit Logarithmic Multiplier
multiplier thus making them suitable for various high speed, low power and compact VLSI
implementation. The common multiplication method is “add and shift” algorithm.
In order to reduce the error generated by the Logarithmic Number System, techniques such
as iterative and non-iterative methods are used.
Mitchell algorithm (MA) is one of the non- iterative multiplication methods are used. In
MA, log(1+m) is approximated as m to reduce the complexity of logarithms. Here m represents
the mantissa of a number. But MA is proved to be generating nearly 11% error in the product
as stated.
To overcome such errors, an iterative algorithm similar to Mitchell algorithm was proposed.
In this method, the product is given by the sum of the approximate product and error. The error
here refers to the residues that are discarded in the process. These residues are again fed into
the algorithm and the products are added to get result with the least possible error. In our
presented architecture, we optimized the performance of the algorithm by redesigning the
shifter and leading one detector.
A Logarithmic number system is introduced to simplify multiplication, especially in cases
when the accuracy requirements are not rigorous. As shown in figure 1. general blockdiagram
of logarithmicnumber system. In LNS two operands are multiplied by finding their logarithms,
adding them, and after that looking for the antilogarithm of the sum.
The logarithm of the product is: Log2(N1. N2) =K1+K2+log2(1+X1) +log2 (1+X2)
where K1 and K2 represents the places of the most significant operands’ bits with the value
of ‘1’For 16-bit numbers the range is from 0 to 15. The fractions X1 and X2 are in range(0,1).
In this section, Mitchell’s algorithm based logarithmic multiplier is explained. Mitchell’s
Algorithm based Logarithmic multiplier is shown in fig 2
2.1 Steps
Inputs N1, N2 are n-bit binary numbers to be multiplied, Output Papprox is product
of that two numbers with 2n-bits.
N1, N2 are taken as inputs to the Leading One Detectors (LODs), outputs of LODs
will be 2^x1 and 2^x2. Where x1 and x2 are the leading one positions of N1 and N2.
With inputs as 2^x1 and 2^x2, encoders calculate the values of x1 and x2.
4. (N1 – 2^x1) and (N2 – 2^x2) are the outputs of the two XOR banks, where the
operands and output of LODs are given as input.
By using Barrel Shifters, (N1 2^x1) is left-shifted by x2 bits and (N2 – 2^x2) is leftshifted by x1 bits then the obtained result is (N1 – 2^x1)2^x2 and (N2 – 2^x2)2^x1.
The above result is added using 32-bit adder to obtain the resultant sum as:
(N1 –2^x1)2^x2 +(N2 – 2^x2)2^x1.
The values of x1 and x2 obtained in step-3 are added and the result is given as an
input to the Decoder which gives the output as 2^x1+x2.
The results obtained in the step 6 and step 7 are added to give output as 2^x1+x2
+ (N1 – 2^x1)2^x2 +(N2 – 2^x2)2^x1.
The outputs of XOR banks are taken as error operands and repeat the above same
procedure, the accurate product can be achieved at some iteration.
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R. Odaiah, M. Krishna, T. Sai Ganesh, A. Vineeth and M. Bhaskar Yadav
Figure 1 Mitchell’s algorithm based logarithmic multiplier
Array Multiplier is well known due to its regular structure as shown in the fig- 2b. Multiplier
circuit is based on add and shift algorithm. Each partial product is generated by the
multiplication of the multiplicand with one multiplier bit.
The partial product are shifted according to their bit orders and then added. The addition
can be performed with normal carry propagate adder. N-1 adders are required where n is the
multiplier length.
Although the method is simple as it can be seen from the below example shown in the fig
2a. Example of 4- bit multiplication. The addition is done serially as well as in parallel. To
improve on the delay and area the CRAs are replaced with Carry Save Adders, in which every
carry and sum signal is passed to the adders of the next stage. Final product is obtained in a
final adder by any fast adder (usually carry ripple adder). In array multiplication we need to
add, as many partial products as there are multiplier bits
Although the method is simple as it can be seen from the below example shown in the fig
2a. Example of 4- bit multiplication. The addition is done serially as well as in parallel. To
improve on the delay and area the CRAs are replaced with Carry Save Adders, in which every
carry and sum signal is passed to the adders of the next stage. Final product is obtained in a
final adder by any fast adder (usually carry ripple adder). In array multiplication we need to
add, as many partial products as there are multiplier bits.
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Design of an Area Efficient 16-bit Logarithmic Multiplier
Figure 2a Example of 4bit multiplication
Figure 2b Structure of array multiplier
Figure 3 Logarithmic multiplier output
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R. Odaiah, M. Krishna, T. Sai Ganesh, A. Vineeth and M. Bhaskar Yadav
Figure 4 Braun array multiplier output
Table 1
Levels of logic
Total Gates count
AND gate count
OR gate count
NOT gate count
XOR Gate count
From the above parameters compared in the table comparison of various parameters, we can
come to a conclusion that all factors like Delay, gate count and Levels of Logic are very less
for the Logarithmic Multiplier designed using Mitchell’s algorithm than that of Braun Array
Multiplier. Hence, the logarithmic multipliers can be used in the Signal processing applications
so that the area can be reduced and more efficient output can be observed.
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Design of an Area Efficient 16-bit Logarithmic Multiplier
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