The Periodicals of Dermatology

1981, International Journal of Dermatology

Six years ago we first undertook to gather and list the periodicals of Dermatology.'-^ We had no aspirations, at the time, of continually updating the list. Within recent months, however, we have found certain areas that require enough alteration to warrant revisions. Curiously, other information is much the same. Japan Acta Dermatologica, Kyoto (Acta Dermatol.) Hifubyoh-shinryoh (Hif-shin.) Japanese Journal of Clinical Dermatology (Jap. J. Clin. Dermatol.) (Rinsho Hifuka) Japanese Journal of Dermatology Series A (Jap. J. Dermatol.) Journal of Dermatology (J. Dermatol.) Eng.

Education The Periodicals of Dermatology Revised Through 1981 LAWRENCE CHARLES PARISH, M.D.,* ANTHONY CASPARI, M . D . , + JEROME RAUCH, M . L . S . , * ALBERTA D . BERTON,§ AND K. BERNICE O D O M From the Department of Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,* The Medical Service, Ceisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pennsylvania,^ the Serials Department of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia,^ and the Medical Documentation Service of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pehnsylvania% States. Whereas the number of dermatological publications has remained the same or decreased around the world, in the United States there has been an influx of several periodicals, both general and specialized. Our search for listings has once again included the resources of the Library of the College of Physicians ot Philadelphia, SERLINE (a data base containing bibliographic information for about 6000 high-usage medical journals). In addition, we have consulted Excerpta Medica, The Index of NLM Serial Titles, Bowker's Irregular Serials and Annuals, An International Directory, and Ulrich's International Periodical Directory. Six years ago we first undertook to gather and list the periodicals of Dermatology.'-^ We had no aspirations, at the time, of continually updating the list. Within recent months, however, we have found certain areas that require enough alteration to warrant revisions. Curiously, other information is much the same. The most significant change has been the increase in controlled publication emanating from the United Method Journals have been listed according to the country of origin. An abbreviation of the title has been given according to the guidelines for the American National Standard for Abbreviation of Titles of Periodicals (Z39 Committee).^ Editors may change periodically without notification; because of this, there may be discrepancies. The volume number and frequency of publication are given with 1981 data. Where current information is not available and the publication is thought to be extant, the date has been included to indicate the volume number. Supported in part by the Herman and Ruth Goodman Foundation, New York, NY. Address for reprints; Lawrence Charles Parish, M.D., 1601 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Country of Origin, Title Editor Society of Origin Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Argentina Actualizaciones Terapeuticas Dermatologicas (Actual. Terapeut. Dermatol) Leon Jaimovich (Buenos Aires) Archivos Argentinos de Dermatologia (Arch. Argent. Dermatol.) Santiago J. Mosto (Buenos Aires) Juncal 1177 5(1-12) Span. 31(1-4) ISSN 00666750 Span. Eng. sum. 1°B 1062-Buenos Aires H. Yrigoyen 2192 1089-Buenos Aires 0011-9059/81/0700/0436/$00.95 © International Society of Tropical Dermatology, Inc. 436 No. 6 Country of Origin, Title Revista Argentina de Dermatologia (Rev. Argent. Dermatol.) Australia Australasian journal of Dermatology (Australas. J. Dermatol.) PERIODICALS OE DERMATOLOGY Editor Society of Origin 437 Parish Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Pedro H. Magnin (Buenos Aires) Asociacion Argentina de Dermatologi'a Hospital Ramos Majia, Gral. Urquiza 609 Buenos Aires 62(1-4) Span. Eng. sum. Rex Becke (Sydney) Australasian College of Dermatologists 271 Bridge Road Glebe, NSW 2037 22(1-3) ISSN 00048380 Eng. R. D. Azulay (Rio de laneiro) Sociedade Brasiieira de Dermatologia Caixa Postal 389 Rio de Janeiro 56(1-4) Port. Eng. sum. Institut de Dermatologie 1 rue G. Sofiiski 1431, Sofia 20(1-4) Bulg. Donald Rosenthal (Hamilton, Ont.) Canadian Dermatological Association Louis Vogel 3300 Sartelon St. Laurent, Ouebec H4R 1E3 Irreg. Er. Z. Stava (Prague) Czechoslovakian Dermatological Society Avicenum U nemocnice 2 Psc 120000" Prague 2 56(1-6) ISSN 00090514 Czech. Eng. sum. Harry Levin (Copenhagen) Dansk Psoriasis Forening S0lvgade 30 DK-1307 Copenhagen K 8(1-4) Dan. Huberto Bogaert Diaz (Santo Domingo) Instituto Dermatologia, and Sociedad Dominicana de Dermatologia Instituto Dermatologia Aportado de Correos 1090 Santo Domingo 15(1-2) Span. Eng. sum. J. Civatte (Paris) Societe Erangaise de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie et de I'Association des Dermatologistes et Syphiligraphes de lange Erangaise Association des Medecins Praticiens Masson et Cie 120, bd. St. Germain E. 75280 Paris Cedex 06 108(1-12) ISSN 01519638 Er. Belgium Dermatologica See entry under Switzerland Brazil Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (An. Bras. Dermatol.) Bulgaria Dermatologiya i Venerolgiya (Dermatol. Venerol.) Canada Canadian Dermatological Association Bulletin (Canad. Dermatol. Assn. Bull.) Eng. Czechos/ova/c/a Ceskoslovenska Dermatologie (Cesk. Dermatol.) Denmark Dansk Psoriasis Tidsaksift (Dansk Psor. Tidsak.) Dominican Republic Revista Dominicana de Dermatologia (Rev. Domin. Dermatol.) France Annales de Dermatologie et Venereologie (Ann. Dermatol. Venereol.) Dermatologie du Praticien (Dermatol. Pratic.) International Journal of Cosmetic Science (See entry under Great Britain) Y. de Prost (Paris) Masson et Cie 120, bd. St. Germain E. 75280 Paris Cedex 06 Eng. sum. Er. 4J0 Country of Origin, Title INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OE DERMATOLOGY Editor Germany (German Democratic Republic) Dermatolgische MonatsN. Sonnischen (Berlin) schrift (Dermatol. Monatssch.) Germany (German Eederal Republic) Aktuelle Dermatologie (Aktuel Dermatol.) Archiv fijr Dermatologische Forschung (Archives for Dermatological Research (Arch. Dermatol. Eorsch.) Society of Origin Gesellschaft fur Dermatologie der Demokratischen Republik G. Brehm (Ludwigshafen) H.-J Heite (Ereiburg) E. G. Jung (Mannheim) H. Zaun (Bremerhaven) G. StiJttgen (Berlin) Derma-Report (Derma-Rep.) H. Grimmer (Weisbaden) Dermatosen in Berijf und Umwelt (Occupational and EnvironmentalDermatoses) (Eormerly Berufdermatosen) (Dermatos. Berijf Umwelt) Der Hautarzt (Hautarzt) H. Ippen (Gottingen) K. H. Schuiz (Hamburg) H. Tronnier (Dortmund) O. Braun-EaIco (Munich) Extracta Dermatologica (Extract Dermatol) Volker Misgeld (Berlin) Kongress-Sonderd ienst der "Zeitschrift Haukranheiten" H/G Vol. 20 July-August 1981 Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Johann Ambrosius Barth, Salomonstr. 186, Postfach 109 DDR-7010 Leipzig 167(1-12) ISSN 00119083 Ger. Eng. sum. George ThiemeVerlag Herdweg 63 Postfach 732 D-7000 Stuttgart 1 Springer-Verlag KG Heidelberger Platz 3 D-1000 Berlin 33 7(1-4) Ger. Eng. sum. 270(1-4) 271(1-4) 272(1-4) Ger. Eng. Grosse Verlag GmBH Kurfurstendam 152 D-1000 Berlin 31 1/3(1-12) 1979 Ger. Editio Cantor D-7960 Aulendorf 29(1-5) Ger. Eng. Er. Springer-Verlag KG Heidelberger Platz 3 D-1000 Berlin 33 Acron Verlag Potsdamer Strasse 89 D-1000 Berlin 30 32(1-12) ISSN 00178470 5(1-6) Ger. Eng. Southeastern German Dermatology Society Berlin Dermatology Society Grosse Verlag GmBH Kurfstendamm 1 52 D-1000 Berlin 31 56(1-24) ISSN 03010481 Ger. Baroness Masham of Itton Countess of Swinton (Northampton) J. Burton (Bristol) The Psoriasis Association 7 Milton Street Northampton NN27 5JG (24-27) 1980 Eng. British Association of Dermatologists Netherlands Association for Dermatology and Venereology Blackwell Scientific Osney Mead Oxford OX2 OEL 104(1-6) 105(1-6) ISSN 00070963 Eng. A. E. Wilkinson (Middlesex) Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases British Medical Association BMA House Tavistock Sq. London WC1H 9JR 57(1-6) Eng. G. Steigleder Zeitschrift fiJr Hautkrankheiten (Cologne) (Eormerly Zeitschrift fiJr Haut-und-Geschlechtskrankheiten) (Z. Haut.) German Dermatological Association Ger. Great Britain Beyond the Ointment (Bey. Oint.) British Journal of Dermatology (Br. J. Dermatol.) British Journal of Veneral Disease (Br. J. Vener. Dis.) No. 6 Counlry of Origin, Title Editor Contact Dermatitis (Cont. Dermat.) C. Calnan (London) Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (Clin. Exper. Dermatol.) Martin M. Black (London) International Journal of Cosmetic Science (Int. J. Cosmet. Sci.) J. M. Blakeway (Argenteuil, Erance) Major Problems in Dermatology (Maj. Probl. Dermatol.) Willan Library Bulletin (Willan Lib. Bull.) A. Rook (Cambridge) 439 Parish PERIODICALS OE DERMATOLOGY Society of Origin Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Munksgaard 35 Norre Sogade DK-1370, Copenhagen K 7(1-6) ISSN 01051873 Eng. St. John's Hospital Dermatological Society Blackwell Scientific Osney Mead Oxford OX2 OEL 6(1-4) ISSN 03076938 Eng. Society of Cosmetic Scientists Societe Erangais de cosmetologie Blackwell Scientific Osney Mead Oxford OX2 OEL 3(1-6) Eng. W. B. Saunders Co. 12 Dyott Street London WCIA 1DB Blackwell Scientific Osney Mead Oxford OX2 OEL Irreg. Eng. Irreg. Eng. Magyar Dermatologiaia Maria u. 41, Borklinika 1085 Budapest VIM 57(1-4) ISSN 00067768 Hung. Rus. sum. Eng. sum. Ger. sum. Skin Institute N-Block, Greater Kaiiash New Delhi-11048 1(1-6) Eng. Committee of the Indian Journal of Dermatology 78, Lenin Sarani Calcutta 700013 CMC Hospital Vellore-632 004 26(1-4) ISSN 00195154 Eng. 47(1-6) Eng. A. Rook (Cambridge) British Journal of Dermatology (supp.) Sandor Korossy (Budapest) Hungarian Dermatological Society Dermatology Times (Dermatol Times) P. N. Behl (Delhi) Skin Institute Indian journal of Dermatology (Indian J. Dermatol.) J. Majumdar (Vellore) Indian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology and Leprology (Indian J. Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol.) Rachel Mathai (Bombay) Er. Hungary Borgyogyaszati es Venerologiai Szemele (Borgy. Venero. Sz.) India Italy Annali Italiani di Dermatologia Clinica e Sperimentale (Ann. Ital. Dermatol. Clin. Sper.) • Indian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists and Leprologists M. Binazzi (Perugia) 35(1-4) Instituto di Clinica Dell Dermosifilopatica Universita di Perugia 06100 Perugia Ital. Eng. sum. Bolletino dell'Istituto Dermatologico Sen Gallicano (Boll. Istit. Gall.) Eerdinando Ippolito (Rome) Istituto Dermatologico S. Gallicano Via S. Gallicano 25/A 00153 Roma 11(1-2) Ital. Eng. sum. Chronica Dermatologica (Chron. Dermatol.) Rino Cavalieri (Rome) Associozione Dermatologi Ospedalieri Italiani Istituto Dermopatico dell'immacolata. Via Monti di Creta 104 00167 Rome 12(1-6) ISSN 00111759 Ital. Eng. 440 Country of Origin, Title Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia: Minerva Medica (G. Ital. Dermatol.) Italian General Review of Dermatology (It. Gen. Rev. Dermatol.) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OE DERMATOLOGY Editor G. Zina (Turin) Society of Origin Societa Italiana di Dermatologia e Sifilografia Emiliano Panconesi (Elorence) Vol. 20 July-August 1981 Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN 116(1-12) Casella Postale 491 Corso Bramante 83-85 10126 Torino Arti Grafiche and Viale Corsica 41 R 50127 Eirenze 15(1-3) ISSN 0021292x Kawahara-cho 53, Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606 77(1-4) ISSN 00651176 3(1-12) ISSN 03877531 Language Ital. Eng. Ital. sum. Japan Department of Dermatology Kyoto University Acta Dermatologica, Kyoto (Acta Dermatol.) S. Imamura (Kyoto) Hifubyoh-shinryoh (Hif-shin.) T. Yasuda (Tokyo) Japanese Journal of Clinical Dermatology (Jap. J. Clin. Dermatol.) (Rinsho Hifuka) Japanese Journal of Dermatology Series A (Jap. J. Dermatol.) H. Hatano (Tokyo) S. Kagawa (Tokyo) Japanese Dermatological Association Journal of Dermatology (J. Dermatol.) M. Seiji (Tokyo) Japanese Dermatological Association Nishinihon Journal of Dermatology (Nishinihon J. Dermatol.) Rinshoi Derma (Tokyo) (Rinsho Derma) H. Urabe (Fukuoka) Nishinihon Dermatological Publications E. Nonami (Tokyo) Skin Research (Skin Res.) M. Yasuhara (Osaka) Korea Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology (Bull. Dermatol. Venereol.) Korean Journal of Dermatology (Kor. J. Dermatol.) Mexico Dermatologia: Revista Mexicana (Dermatol. Rev. Mexicana) Osaka Dermatology Association Kyowa-kikaku, tsushin, 2-20 Shinbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 Igaku-shoin Ltd. 5-24-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 11 3 Taisei-Biru 3-14-10 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 Taisei-Biru 3-14-10 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 11 3 3-1-1-Umaide Higashi-ku Eukuoka 812 Kanehara Shuppan Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-91 1-1 Eukushima Eukushima-ku Osaka 553 Jpn. Eng. sum. Jpn. • 35(1-12) ISSN 00214973 Jpn. 91(1-13) ISSN 0021499X Jpn. 8(1-6) ISSN 03852407 Eng. 43(1-6) ISSN 03869784 23(1-13) ISSN 00181404 23(1-4) ISSN 00181390 Jpn. Eng. sum. Jpn. Jpn. Korean Dermatological Association KPO, Box 664 Seoul 13(1-6) Kor. Joong Huan Kim (Seoul) Korean Dermatological Association Young Pio Kim Kang-Nam St. Mary's Hospital 505, Bangpo-Dong Kangnam-Ku, Seoul 19(1-6) Kor. Eernando Latapi (Mexico City) Mexican Association for Leprosy Control Centro Dermatologica Pascuna Dr. Vertiz 464 Mexico 7, D.E. 25(1-4) Span. Eng. sum. Er. sum. No. 6 Country of Origin, Title PERIODICALS OE DERMATOLOGY Editor Society of Origin 441 Parish Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Netherlands British Journal of Dermatology See entry under Great Britain Current Problems in Dermatology (Curr. Prob. Dermatol.) J. W. A. Mali (Nijmegen) S. Karger AG Arnold-BoeklinStr. 25 4011 Basel Irreg. Eng. Excerpta Medica: Dermatology and Venereology Section 13 (Excerpt. Med.) R. R. Blanken P. Van Essen (Amsterdam) P.O. Box 1126 1000 BC Amsterdam 35(1-10) ISSN 00144177 Eng. Polish Dermatological Association Koszykowa 82a Klinika Dermatologiczna, Warsaw 68(1-6) Pol. Eng. sum. Rus. sum. Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology Hospital do Desterro Lisbon 2 39(1-4) Port. Eng. sum. Er. sum. Society of Dermatologists Editora Medicala Str. Progresului nr. 8 Sectorul 7 Bucharest 26(1-4) Rum. Eng. sum. Academia Espafiola de Dermatologia y Sifiliografia Colegio Iber-Latino Americano de Dermatologia E. G. Sicilia Londres, 1 7 Madrid-28 Talleres Graficos Juan Pueyo Monmay 49 Barcelona 72(1-12) ISSN 00017310 5(1-6) 1977 ISSN 03771245 Span. Eng. sum. Nils Thyresson (Stockholm) Society for the Publication of Acta Dermato Venereologica Box 62 S-101 20 Stockholm 1 61(1-6) ISSN 00015555 Eng. J. DeBersaques (Gent) R. Schuppli (Basel) Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fdr Dermatologie und Venereologie, Societe Suisse de Dermatologie et de Venereologie, Belgian Society Dermatology and Syphilography S. Karger AG Arnold-BoeklinStr. 25 4011 Basel 162(1-6) 163(1-6) ISSN 00119075 Ger. Poland Prezglad Dermatologiczny (Przegl. Dermatol.) Krystyna Moskalewska (Warsaw) Portugal Trabalhos de Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia (Trab. Soc. Port. Dermatol Venereol.) Rumania Rivista de DermatoVenereologica (Rev. Derm.-Venereol.) Spain Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas (Actas Dermosifiligr.) Medicina Cutanea Ibero Latino-Americana (Med. Cutanea Ib. Lat.-Am.) Jose Mascaro (Barcelona) Jose Mascaro (Barcelona) Span. Eng. sum. Er. sum. Sweden Acta Dermato-Venereologica (Acta Derm. Venereol.) Switzerland Dermatologica (Dermatologica) Er. Eng. 442 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OE DERMATOLOGY Vol. 20 July-August 1981 Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Editor Society of Origin Adem Koslij (Istanbul) Turkish Dermatology Society 1. U. Cerrahpasa Tip Fakultesi Deri Hastaliklari ve Erengi Klinigi Aksaray-lstanbul 15(1-4) Turk. Eng. sum. N. Stscherklakor (Moscow) Nauczno Issledowatelski Institut Dermatogil U l . Kaorlonko 3 Sokolniki 57(1-12) ISSN 0042- Rus. Eng. sum. American Journal of Dermatopathology (Am. J. Dermatopath.) A. Bernard Ackerman (New York) International Society of Dermatopathology Masson Publishing USA, Inc. 133 E. 58th St. New York NY 10022 3(1-4) Eng. Archives of Dermatology (Arch. Dermatol.) Erederick D. Malkinson (Chicago IL) American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn St. Chicago IL 60610 117(1-12) ISSN 0003987X Eng. Contemporary Review (Contemp. Rev.) Richard L. Dobson (Charleston SC) Medical University of South Carolina 171 Ashley Ave. Charleston SC 29403 7(1-4) Eng. Current Concepts in Skin Disorders (Curr. Con. Skin Disord.) Allan Lorincz John W. Rippon (Chicago, IL) Professional Communications Associates, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60610 2(1-4) Eng. Cutis (Cutis) John McCarthy Yorke Medical Group 666 Eifth Ave. New York NY 10019 27(1-6) 28(1-6) Eng. Dermatologic Capsule and Comment Thomas B. Eitzpatrick (Boston MA) HP Publishing Co., Inc., 575 Lexington Ave., New York NY 10022 3(1-10) Eng. Dermatology and Allergy (Dermatol. Allerg.) Craig G. Burkhart (Toledo OH) Didactic, Inc. Suite 2080 1603 Orrington Ave. Evanston IL 60201 4(1-12) Eng. Dermatology News (Dermatol. News) Leo Orris (New York NY) 275 Madison Ave. New York NY 10016 14(1-10) Eng. Dermatology Times (Dermatol. Times) Robin Rutsky (New York NY) Murray Communications, Inc. 95 Madison Ave. New York NY 10016 2(1-12) Eng. Scientific Communication Office, National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, Bethesda MD 20014 13(1-12) Eng. Country of Origin, Title Turkey Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology (Turk. Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol.) U.S.S.R. Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii (Vestn. Dermatol. Venerol.) U.S.A. Eugene Traub (New York NY) (Dermatol. Cap. Com.) Index of Dermatology (Ind. Dermatol.) No. 6 Country of Origin, Title PERIODICALS OE DERMATOLOGY Editor International Journal of Dermatology (Int. ). Dermatol.) Lawrence Charles Parish (Philadelphia PA) International Psoriasis Bulletin (Int. Psor. Bull.) Eugene M. Earber (Palo Alto CA) Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (J. Am. Acad. Dermatol.) J. Graham Smith, )r. (Augusta GA) Journal of the Association of Military Dermatologists (J. Assoc. Milit. Dermatol.) Raymond L. Garcia (Lackland TX) Journal of Cutaneous Pathology (J. Cutan. Pathol.) Leopoldo E. Montes (Birmingham AL) Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology (J. Dermatol. Surg. Oncol.) Morris Leider (New York NY) Journal of Investigative Dermatology (). Invest. Dermatol.) Society of Origin International Society of Tropical Dermatology 443 Parish Publisher Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language J. B. Lippincott Co. East Washington Square, Philadelphia PA 19105 20(1-10) ISSN 00119059 Eng. Schering Corporation USA Kenilworth NJ 07033 8(1 rrg) Eng. American Academy of Dermatology C. V. Mosby Co. 11830 Westline Industrial Dr. St. Louis MO 63141 4(1-6) 5(1-6) ISSN 01909622 Eng. Association of Military Dermatologists 7(1-2) Miles Laboratories, Inc., 400 Morgan La. New Haven CT06516 Eng. Munksgaard 35 Norre Sogade DK-1370 Copenhagen K 8(1-6) ISSN 0303 6987 Eng. American College for Dermatologic Surgery, American College of Chemosurgery, International Society for Dermatologic Surgery 475 Park Ave. South New York NY 10016 7(1-12) Eng. Ruth K. Ereinkel (Chicago IL) Society for Investigative Dermatology and European Society for Dermatological Research Williams and Wilkins Co., 428 Preston St. Baltimore MD 21202 76(1-6) 77(1-6) ISSN 0022202X Eng. Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem.) Leszek J. Wolfram (Stamford CT) The Society of Cosmetic Chemists 1995 Broadway Suite 1701 New York NY 10023 32(1-7) Eng. Ger. National Psoriasis Eoundation Bulletin (Nat. Psor. Eound. Bull.) Glennis McNeal (Portland OR) National Psoriasis Eoundation Suite 200 6415 SW Canyon St. Portland OR 97221 12(lrreg.) Eng. Notable Notes for Dermatologists' Nurses (Notable Notes Dermatol. Nurses) Progress in Dermatology (Prog. Dermatol.) Robert A. Briggaman (Durham NC) Lowell A. Goldsmith (Rochester NY) Schoch Letter (Schoch Lett.) Harry L. Arnold, Jr. (Honolulu HI) Ervin Epsetin (Oakland CA) Dermatology Eoundation 5(1-4) Hoechst-Roussel Sommerville NJ 08876 Eng. 828 Davis St. Evanston IL 60201 15(lrreg.) Eng. Schoch Letter, Inc. 17 E. Grace St. Richmond VA 23219 31(1-12) ISSN 04876520 Eng. 444 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OE DERMATOLOGY Country of Origin, Title Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Abstracts & Bibliography) (formerly Current Literature on Venereal Disease) (Sex. Trans. Dis.) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (formerly Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association) (Sex. Trans. Dis.) Editor Society of Origin Anne A. Olin (Atlanta CA) William McCormack (Boston MA) Skin and Allergy News (Skin Allergy News) William Rubin (Washington DC) Year Book of Dermatology (Year Book Dermatol.) Richard L. Dobson (Charleston SC) July-August 1981 Publisher Center for Disease Control, Bureau of State Services State Services Atlanta GA 30333 American Venereal Disease Association Vol. 20 Volume Number, Frequency and ISSN Language Eng. (1-3) 8(1-4) J. B. Lippincott Co. East Washington ISSN 01485717 Square Philadelphia PA 19105 Eng. American Medical News Service, 12230 Wilkins Ave. Rockville MD 20852 Year Book Medical Publishers, 35 E. Wacker Dr. Chicago IL 60601 12(1-12) Eng. Annual Eng. Venezuela Dermatologia Venezolana (Dermatol. Venez.) Yugoslavia Acta Dermatovenereologica lugosiavica (Acta Derm. Venereol. lugo.) Rafael Medina (Caracas) Venezuelan Society of Dermatology Apartado de Correos 75764 El Marque's107 Caracas 19(1-4) Span. J. Eettich (Belgrade) Association of Dermatovenereologists of Yugoslavia 61000 Ljubljana Komenskega ul.4 8(1-4) ISSN 03024466 Yugos. Eng. sum. Acknowledgment References Harry L. Arnold, Jr., Honolulu, Hawaii; Lalit K. Bhutani, New Delhi, India; Luciano Dominguez-Soto, Mexico City, Mexico; David Grinspan, Buenos Aires, Argentina; A. Hidano, Tokyo, Japan; Niels Hjorth, Copenhagen, Denmark; and Karl Holubar, Vienna, Austria. Beatrice Davis and Hilda Rifkin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, provided valuable assistance. 1. Parish LC, Berton AD, Odom KB; The Periodicals of Dermatology. IntJ Dermatol 14;516, 1975 2. Hidano A: Japanese Journals. Int J Dermatol 15:461, 1976 3. Charen T, Gillespie CJ; Medlars abbreviations for medical journal titles. Bull Med Libr Assoc 59:420, 1971 Lice in the Novel "Morgan," Brock said. "I've to hand it to him—the young nipper be growed up. Yes. My boy be the one, and I'm mortal proud." He scratched contentedly at the lice that were a way of life.—Clavell J: Tai-Fan: A Novel of Hong Kong. New York, Dell, 1966, p 110