State and The Individual

Question: Plato believes there is a parallelism between the state and the individual.

Question: Plato believes there is a parallelism between the state and the individual. What are the three elements of the individual soul and what is the nature of each element compared to the virtues of the city? STATE AND THE INDIVIDUAL Can a city be courageous or wise? It is obvious that there is a mutual relationship between the state and the individual and we can call a city wise or courageous according to the adjectives of its citizens. According to Plato there is a relationship between the city and the individual (Plato, 1992). He describes this relationship in his book Republic, so first I am going to introduce Plato’s Republic. Republic is the book in which Plato composes his “ideal city” and his ideal city consists of three parts: guardians, producers and the philosopher-king. Those parts are formed by individuals’ natural abilities. Guardians were chosen according to their strength in their childhood. Their duty was to protect and serve the city and they were both acting as police and soldiers. Guardians pass steps of exams for many years to become the philosopher-king. Finally one of them became the philosopher-king. The philosopher-king knows what the best is for the city was and he has to be the wisest. Lastly, the producer class completes the labor and they were the largest in number. Plato also divided parts of the individual soul into three: reason, spirit, and appetite. The spirited part is the part of a person that contains emotions, reason is the part of a person which thinks and appetite is the part of a person which desires. Plato explains that the philosopher-king is controlled by his reasons, guardians are dominated by their spirited part and the producers are dominated by their appetitive part. Finally Plato’s ideal city is wise, courageous, moderate and just. Justice is reached when everybody in the city do her/his own job without any meddling between classes. Wisdom is reached when the rulers are wise, courage is reached when the guardians are courageous and moderation is reached when everybody in the city act moderately. On the other hand Plato claims that producer class cannot think, so they cannot do anything else than obeying the guardians and the philosopher-king it is only in this way that they can be moderate. The most important thing is the harmony between the classes in the city and the harmony between parts of the individual soul because it is this harmony that generates a parallelism between the state and the individual soul. When a meddling between classes occurs and everyone does not do their own job the state will be destroyed and will be unjust. It is the same for the individual soul. When parts of the individual soul do not work as it should be, the individual would be unjust (Plato, 1992). In this instance there is a parallelism between Plato’s state and the individual because the state represents its society and there is a harmony both in the individual soul and the city but on the other hand it is not plausible to identify the producer class as they do not have the ability of thinking. First of all, Plato is right to claim that there is a parallelism between the state and the individual soul. Both are separated into three parts. The rational part of an individual is his/her wise part, so “Isn’t it appropriate for the rational part to rule, since it is really wise and foresight on the behalf of the whole soul” (Plato, 1992, p. 117) ? Yes it is appropriate because the philosopher-king and the rational part of the individual make declarations which are advantageous for each part of the state and soul. For this reason in the state and in the individual, rationality and reasons which is existed in philosopher-king dominate the other parts, spirited part and guardian class which is the middle part support the reason part and the third part which contains appetite and producer class has to be kept in moderation. It is obvious that states are formed by people. For this reason it is natural that a state is named by its ruler’s wisdom, courage or failure. For example if the ruler is wise then we can say that the state is wise because the ruler represent the society and the state also represent the society, so individuals and the state can be seen as similar. How a virtuous and wise man is always remembered, also a wise city (state) which had a wise ruler will be written in history. As the state is ruled by wise and courageous rulers it will be considered as wise and courageous, so it is the individual that determine the state’s status. Also “the city was just because each of the three classes in it was doing its own work. Then we must also remember that each one of us in whom each part doing its own work will himself be just” (Plato, 1992, p. 117). Consequently it is right to indicate that there is a parallelism between the state and the individual soul. They both reach justice when every part of them does their own job and they lose justice when there occurs a meddling between those parts. For this reason the parts of individual soul and the state are parallel and inseparable. Furthermore, although Plato is right in his view of parallelism there are questionable sides of the class system. Namely Plato is not completely right when matching the states classes and the soul parts. It is not plausible to identify the producer class as they cannot think. Those classes are divided according to individual’s natural ability and people chosen to the guardian class are determined when they were children and just by looking to their physical strength. For this reason we cannot say that a person who belongs to producer class cannot think we can just say that they are not educated and they are taught just to obey what guardians and the philosopher-king tell them. Modern science shows us that everybody has the rational part, spirited part and appetitive part but the important thing is which one is more dominant. For this reason it is unjust to say that producer class cannot think because they can. The issue here is that Plato is so strict about the idea that producer class cannot think. Guardians are chosen when they were children and then educated to pass exams in order to become the philosopher-king maybe if they were in the producer class they would also determined like people who cannot think, why do not we think also about educating the producer class, so that they can control their appetitive part like guardians control. Producer class has the ability of thinking but they are not allowed to. All in all, Plato’s ideal state is divided into three parts and the individual soul is also divided into three parts. There are a parallelism between the state and the individual because the state is remembered by the virtues of its ruler. If the ruler is controlled by his/her rational part this means that the ruler is like the philosopher-king, so that the city is wise. But the most important point is that both the state’s and the individual soul’s parts have to do their own job and have not to meddle with each other. If they do meddle they both lost the justice. On the other hand strictly mentioning that the producer class cannot think is not plausible. It is not because they are in producer class but because they are taught just to obey the guardians and not educated as the guardians. Still it is clear that there is a parallelism between the state and individual. REFERENCES 1.Plato. (1992). Republic. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. DAYLIK5 DAYLIK1