Promessa e Sigillo Necessità della profezia in Avicenna

The paper aims to analyse the role of prophecy and prophetology in Avicenna's philosophy. It starts by providing a brief excursus on Greek, Hebrew, Christian and Islamic sources regarding divination, soothsaying and prophecy, which can be considered relevant for Ibn Sina's thought. It then examines the "Risala fī iṯbāt al-nubuwwāt wa ta’wīl rumūzi-him wa amṯāli-him" - a work of uncertain Avicennian attribution - to present Avicenna's argument for the necessity of prophecy. Finally, this argument is compared with those expressed in the last three books of the al-Ilāhiyyāt from Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifā’. After pointing out the physical and metaphysical roots of prophecy, it appears that prophecy is the necessary medium between God, the angels and mankind, and the prophet embodies the necessary teacher of truth for both the learned elites and the common people.

SCUOLA DELLE SCIENZE UMANE E DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche e Storiche Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche Promessa e Sigillo Necessità della profezia in Avicenna TESI DI LAUREA DI Richard Mangano 0675597 RELATORE Prof. Giuseppe Roccaro ANNO ACCADEMICO 2019 - 2020