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1995, Iranica Antiqua
31 pages
1 file
-- brahma śabdatattvam ‘imperishable word principle’ fused in graphemic images of Indus Script Corpora to signify artisan instruments Fused on a potsherd with graphemes -- black-buck, stars, wavy-horn of flow of water kala ‘black-buck’ rebus: kal ‘gadget’, kali ‘learned, artisan’ kal ‘mechanical contrivance’ meḍha 'polar star’ (Marathi) Rebus: meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Mu.) medhā = dhana, Naigh. ii, 10.; medho ‘merchant’ पोळ pōḷa ’zebu’ rebus: पोळ pōḷa magnetite ferrite ore. pōlaḍu 'black drongo' (Telugu) rebus: poladu 'steel’ kāṇḍa 'water overflowing' Rebus: khaṇḍa 'metal implements’; ayas-kāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron’ or ‘excellent iron’ -- Pāṇini viii, 3, 48
Review of Educational Research, 2008
This article reviews the literature on culturally responsive schooling (CRS) for Indigenous youth with an eye toward how we might provide more equitable and culturally responsive education within the current context of standardization and accountability. Although CRS for Indigenous youth has been advocated for over the past 40 years, schools and classrooms are failing to meet the needs of Indigenous students. The authors suggest that although the plethora of writing on CRS reviewed here is insightful, it has had little impact on what teachers do because it is too easily reduced to essentializations, meaningless generalizations, or trivial anecdotes-none of which result in systemic, institutional, or lasting changes to schools serving Indigenous youth. The authors argue for a more central and explicit focus on sovereignty and self-determination, racism, and Indigenous epistemologies in future work on CRS for Indigenous youth. at ARIZONA STATE UNIV on October 22, 2010 Downloaded from Culturally Responsive Schooling
Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt
Bài viết này tập trung phân tích những nội dung cơ bản nhất vấn đề của người cao tuổi: Các đặc điểm tâm - sinh lý người cao tuổi và các chính sách và hoạt động hỗ trợ đối với người cao tuổi ở Việt Nam. Trên cơ sở mô tả các hình thức chăm sóc người cao tuổi cũng như các mô hình công tác xã hội với người cao tuổi ở Hoa Kỳ, bài viết này tham chiếu và tìm kiếm những mô hình chăm sóc người cao tuổi ở Việt Nam trong tương lai.
strategic management, 2021
Unii folosesc termenul "marketing" ca și cuvânt la modă pentru "vânzare". Desigur, vânzarea face parte din procesul de marketing, dar marketingul este mult mai mult decât atât. Alții utilizează acest termen pentru toate tipurile de promovare și publicitate. Iarăși, acestea fac parte din marketing, dar nu reprezintă totul. De fapt, marketingul este ceva mult mai vast decât promovarea, publicitatea și vânzarea. În sensul cel mai complet, marketingul este un termen general care include poziția unei întreprinderi printre concurenții de pe piață, avantajul său competitiv și selectarea unor segmente de piaţă viabile pe care se va concentra. Dacă au fost selectate anumite segmente de piaţă (și acestea au fost alese în mod pozitiv pentru a le evita pe altele), marketingul mai include comunicarea cu clientela de pe piețele selectate. Această comunicare este un dialog, nu un monolog. Cu alte cuvinte, marketingul include ascultarea clienților-sau cercetarea pieţei. Abia apoi vom trece la formularea unor mesaje precise, adaptate la necesităţile diverselor tipuri de clienți. Fiecare din aceste mesaje este transmis apoi utilizând cel mai potrivit mediu în situația respectivă. Aceste mesaje concrete de marketing sunt create și transmise conform unei tehnici numite "cei trei M ai marketingului". Deci trebuie să înțelegem că marketingul este mult mai mult decât promovare și vânzare. Este un mod de a analiza întreaga activitate în raport cu piețele. Utilizând toată gama instrumentelor de marketing, putem avea succes evitând în mod eficient concurenţii și deservind cu efect clientela. Pentru ca întreprinderea noastră să aibă succes, trebuie să utilizăm toate aspectele marketingului: marketing strategic, analiza concurenţilor, poziţionarea pe piaţă, cercetarea de piață și, în sfârșit, transmiterea mesajelor de marketing. Iată ce înseamnă marketingul. Valorificați la maximum ceea ce poate oferi marketingul, pentru ca întreprinderile creative să se dezvolte cu mai mult succes.
Armonía es una parte integrante de la Teoría Musical, cuyo objetivo es el estudio de los acordes (simultaneidad de tres o más sonidos) y las relaciones que se establecen en los enlaces de éstos.
Introduction to Law and Governance: Edited by Dr Varun Chhachhar, Dr Vijay Verma, ACUMEN PUB, Netherland, 2023
The present paper investigates the government's recent efforts in the form of the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 and the impending nationwide NRC with the help of anticipated NPR, as well as the impact of these actions on the social, economic, and cultural interests of India's Dalits and Tribals sections. Comparing advancement in social and economic life from the earlier phase of suppression, atrocities and apartheid-Dalits and Tribals are apprehensive and anxious by the latest development in the form of CAA coupled with NPR/NRC. This paper argues reasonably that the Dalits have achieved limited but important social and economic advances through affirmative action policies and they look the latest move of the government as an effort to stripping off their constitutionally mandated protections. Certain apprehensions and concerns of Dalits and Tribals about contentious CAA and impending NRC are legitimate and can't be rejected outrightly. The chief concern of India's highly oppressed section who has been subjected to caste-based subjugation and systematic tyranny from state is-how to preserve their rights, social, economic, cultural interest, and constitutional protection. This paper raises some pertinent questions about why and how CAA plus ambitious plan of nationwide NRC is a well-calculated intrigue against the social, economic, and cultural interests of marginalised sections especially Dalits and Tribals. The paper concludes with a broader discussion on the ill effect of CAA and NRC and how to tackle this challenge prudently and why collaborative efforts are essential to defeating this larger plot.
The objective of this study was investigating the interaction patterns among Basic English Language writing skills, the effects of peer review on improving the students " writing skills, and the inspiration aroused by writing in a peer reviewed writing environment. Forty-four accounting department students, Continuous Education Programme (CEP) attendants, were chosen randomly and were divided into two, experimental and control groups. , Both groups were taught Basic English writing skills for 3 months. The control group received teacher feedback, while, the experimental group received peer-feedback; the students were trained as how to assess peer " s work at the beginning of the semester. The process provided opportunities for the students to pick up good vocabulary, language use and style of writing from their peers. Students learned through an exchange of ideas during the discussions. Writers became more aware of the reader " s perspective. They also learned about their own errors as well that of their peers. The data were collected using a pre-test and a post-test for language proficiency and performance skills and Perception questionnaire towards peer feedback. The mean score of pre-test of experimental group and control groups were 61.66 and 65.64 respectively, while the mean score of post-tests of experimental and control groups were 73.045 and 68.82 respectively. Besides, the perception test results of the treatment group in pre and post-test were 3.06 and 3.48 respectively. It was found that the students " writing ability was improved significantly, at **p<.01 level. As the result, the writing performances of the students in the experimental group excelled those in the control group. Highly positive Perceptions towards the teaching technique were also found, in particular on the following aspects: the writing ability development, self-directed learning, cooperative learning, and self-confidence. It was concluded that peer review provides learners with an authentic audience, increases the students " motivation for writing and enables them to receive different views on their writing. Finally, the researcher recommended possible avenues for further works.
A key strategy for sustained competitive advantage is to have highly engaged employees. Results from previous researches revealed low levels of employee engagement in organizations. This study investigated how the use of employee voice will enhance job engagement in Nigerian Banking Industry. Quality circles was used as an empirical referent of employee voice; job design and line managers' supervisory role were used to measure job engagement. The result from a sample of one hundred and eighty-six participants showed a strong positive association between quality circles and job design; quality circles and line managers' supervisory role. Implications of these findings were discussed and recommendations proffered.
Este libro introduce las herramientas de gestión en el análisis de los fenómenos sociales y organizacionales. Se interroga acerca de dónde vienen estos instrumentos, cómo llegan a imponerse, qué cambios experimentan en su aplicación local y cómo afectan las relaciones sociales. Para ello revisa y confronta diferentes teorías que se han interesado en la temática a partir del año 1990, tanto desde la sociología, las ciencias políticas, la psicología social, como desde las ciencias de la administración. A partir de ello, propone un marco y una metodología propios que permiten abordar la problemática de manera integral.
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Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales
Tribology International, 2018
Ices Journal of Marine Science, 2020
Global Responsibility to Protect, 2009
The International Journal of Biotechnology, 2021
International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 2018
Linha D'Água, 2023