Drawing Bodies and Passions of the Soul

"Drawing Bodies and Passions of the Soul" is about how Dmitry's fragmentary compositions or, as he sometimes calls them, body-part images relate to drawing manuals that were printed in seventeenth-eighteenth-century Europe. "I didn't learn to draw from those manuals – my first independent series of drawings was abstract and influenced by Constructivism – but they had an influence on collages I make now: Odoardo Fialetti's Il vero modo et ordine per dissegnar tutte le parti et membra del corpo humano, De excellentia et nobilitate delineationis libri duo, Artis Apellae liber, Scuola perfetta per imparare a disegnare tutto il corpo humano, Stefano della Bella's I principii del disegno, Neu-vollständiges Reiß-Buch, Pieter de Jode's Varie figure academiche, 't Licht der teken en schilderkonst, Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, Jahn's Zeichenbuch für Künstler und Liebhaber der freyen Handzeichnung, Luca Ciamberlano's Fondamento del latre de desegnia, Remondini's Prima elementa picturae, Charles-Antoine Jombert's Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a dessiner sans maître, and others like Charles Le Brun's Expressions des passions de l’âme (not entirely a drawing manual) which is referred to in the title of this show," explained Borshch, saying further, "Detached from religious, philosophical controversies of that time, by which these manuals were influenced, and art pedagogy then fashionable, my collages help me to essentialize their subjects, bare the not-readily-understood way they act through depiction of meaningful, striking gestures and vivid expressions."


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