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This article describes the first months of Donald Trump's presidency. It presents his most important decisions on U.S. foreign and security policy, the voices of those critical and supportive of him, and possible implications for U.S. security. Even during his election campaign, some of Trump's proposals raised concerns among the international community and many questions about past alliances. He has announced the introduction of laws for the immediate removal of illegal immigrants from the United States, and the reintroduction of torture as a tool for fighting terrorism. He has criticized the current policy of cooperation with allies, and the provision of security to other countries at the expense of the United States. The decisions made during Donald Trump's first 100 days affect the internal situation of the United States, both in the context of national security and the political system, due to the emerging constitutional crisis and the friction between the executive and the judiciary branches. His decisions also affect relations between the United States and its allies, transforming America's role in the world and the impact of the superpower on the collective system of security.
Al llegar a su número 162, la Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas se ha consolidado y presenta en su haber 33 artículos académicos relacionados con Derecho Ambiental. El presente artículo analiza cada uno de ellos a través dos etapas evolutivas, la primera abarca el periodo comprendido entre 1980 y 1999, mientras que la segunda comprende del año 2000 al 2023.
Stoic fashion, ancient and modern
La sociología tiene por objeto de estudio la estructura y la función de la sociedad.
In: Horváth-Lugossy Gábor–Vizi László Tamás (szerk.): A Magyarságkutató Intézet évkönyve 2020. Budapest, Magyarságkutató Intézet, 515–536. (A Magyarságkutató Intézet Kiadványai 38.), 2021
Keywords: ethnic identity, prenational and national identity, the ecological community, prejudice, Hungarian national consciousness, Szeklers, Csángós from Gyimes Valley, Moldavian Csángós The population coming from the Eastern Catholic Szeklers, which settled in the valleys of the Eastern Carpathians in the 18th century, called Csángó by the Szeklers, lived in an ecological community with the Szeklers, but was economically subordinate to them. To ideologically justify the situation, a preconceived Csángó mythology emerged among the Szeklers, based on certain cultural manifestations (language, folklore, customs, material culture, etc.) of different cultural developments that were considered to be “Csángó”. Surprisingly, the symbolic manifestations of prejudices are strongest within the ecological system, where there are real economic and social relations between the Szeklers and the Csángós. This system of biased thinking came into being within the framework of a prenational identity structure, that is, even before the emergence of the modern national consciousness in the 19th century. The current functioning of prejudices can also be linked to this more archaic identity structure, which did not completely cease to exist among the Szeklers with the establishment of the modern Hungarian national consciousness, but still works intertwined and syncretically today. It always depends on a given life situation whether the old prenational, or the modern national identity structure is activated in the Szekler-Csángó relationship, or a practical relationship free of communal ideologies is established between the two communities. In everyday life, within the common ecological system, the relationship between the Szeklers and the Csángós is not determined by the old prenational or later national ideologies, but by a practical attitude.
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