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This study examined the relationship between humor styles and loneliness among a sample of Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese. A total of 159 Hong Kong undergraduates and 178 Hangzhou undergraduates were recruited to complete a survey composed of the Humor Styles Questionnaire and the Emotional and Social Loneliness Scales. Multiple regression analyses showed that self-defeating humor explained significant variance in both social and emotional loneliness for Hong Kong students, but only in social loneliness for Hangzhou students. Hong Kong students scored significantly higher on aggressive humor and self-defeating humor, and scored significantly lower on affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor than did their counterparts in Hangzhou. This could be attributed to the greater influence of Confucianism in Mainland China than in Hong Kong.
Europe’s Journal of Psychology
The relationships between self-report loneliness and the four humor styles of affiliative, aggressive, self-defeating, and self-enhancing were investigated in 15 countries (N = 4,701). Because loneliness has been suggested to be both commonly experienced and detrimental, we examine if there are similar patterns between humor styles, gender, and age with loneliness in samples of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Across the country samples, affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles negatively correlated with loneliness, self-defeating was positively correlated, and the aggressive humor style was not significantly related. In predicting loneliness, 40.5% of the variance could be accounted. Younger females with lower affiliative, lower self-enhancing, and higher self-defeating humor style scores had higher loneliness scores. The results suggest that although national mean differences may be present, the pattern of relationships between humor styles and loneliness is consistent acr...
Psychological Thought
This study investigated whether the different humour styles mediate the relationship between self-esteem and loneliness. A sample of 689 undergraduate students completed self-report measures of self-esteem, humour styles and loneliness. Previous research (Cacioppo Patrick, 2009) indicates an inverse relationship between self-esteem and loneliness and factors within the social environment have been argued to play a role in this relationship. Humour styles used in social interactions have been found to be associated with different levels of self-esteem and loneliness. Significant specific indirect mediation effects were found for all four humour styles. The interpersonally beneficial humour styles contributed to lower perceived loneliness, whereas use of the interpersonally detrimental humour styles resulted in higher experiences of loneliness. The results are discussed in terms of the individual and social consequences of the humour styles.
Acta Psychopathologica
This study examined the effects of humor styles on self-compassion and life satisfaction. Two hundred and seventy-seven adults in Hong Kong completed the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SLS). Results showed that self-compassion and life satisfaction were positive predicted by self-enhancing humor but were negatively predicted by self-defeating humor. Self-enhancing humor style partially mediated the relationship between self-compassion and life satisfaction. Affiliate humor and aggressive humor did not show any significant effect on either self-compassion or life satisfaction. These findings demonstrate how different humor styles affected self-compassion on life satisfaction and provided directions for future studies on humor.
The European Journal of Humour Research, 2016
In the current study, the Humour Styles Questionnaire Children Version (HSQC) was translated into Chinese. The psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Humour Styles Questionnaire Children version (C-HSQC) were examined. The C-HSQC and psychological measures on humour, self-esteem, depression, and coping behaviors were administered to a sample of 361 primary-five and -six students in Hong Kong. Confirmatory factor analyses, concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity were assessed to examine the construct validity of the questionnaire. The results indicated a moderately strong fit of the model of the hypothesized four-factor structure of two adaptive (i.e., affiliative and self-enhancing) and two maladaptive (i.e., aggressive and self-defeating) humour styles. Results provided good support for the use of the C-HSQC in measuring humour of Hong Kong children.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2014
This study examined the relationship between humor styles, self-esteem and humor perception in India. The Humor Styles Questionnaire and the Rosenberg Self-esteem scale were used to survey 102 university students in India. Participants were also required to rate on importance of humor and their own level of humor. Results indicated that Indian university students tend to use more adaptive humor styles (affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor) than maladaptive humor styles (aggressive humor and self-defeating humor). The findings also showed that the more adaptive humor styles Indian students used, the better they felt about themselves. The humor styles, self-esteem and humor perception provide useful suggestions for future interventions. The present study needs to be interpreted with caution as it is only based on university students.
Little research has examined the aggregation of humor expression among adolescents. The purposes of this study were to understand the natural clusters of types of humor expression among youth in Taiwan and to discover any related background factors that may shape these aggregations of humor styles. A nationwide survey was conducted of 1,639 students in the seventh to ninth grades. Participating junior high schools were randomly selected in Taiwan. Cluster analysis was used to explore types of humor expression. Multinomial logistic regression modeling was used to examine factors related to types of humor expression. The sample was divided into four clusters based on humor expression and personality: (a) frequent use of various humor types (16.1%); (b) used of deprecating humor group (26.7%); (c) non-hurtful witty group (22.4%); and (d) serious or austere (or rarely use of humor) group (34.9%). Individual (e.g., grade, birth order, academic performance, perceived stress and allergy-re...
Academia Medicine, 2023
The launch of a new broad-scope scientific medical journal in the current market, crowded with existing journals, many that are long-established, some more recent arrivals, may appear to be foolhardy. However, Academia Medicine is enthusiastically taking up this challenge, guided by two core goals: inclusiveness and quality. These ambitious but critical goals will guide the journal’s daily work and provide the philosophy that underpins the publication.
The overarching logic of the book is intuitive-organized around answers to the what, where, why, and how of international business.
The role of project management in the modern organization has grown significantly. The effective management of project portfolios that include numerous short-term projects, large multi-project programs or both has become a growing challenge for the industry. Many organizations have identified a need to formalize the practice of project management and develop centres of coordination and excellence for project management. Organizations have therefore implemented an organizational entity, the Project Management Office (PMO) to help to steer projects to completion, while ensuring the overall success. This paper defines the PMO concept, describes its structures, functions, and outlines its lifecycle. This paper describes five stages of PMO capabilities along a competency continuum. The paper also discusses the major processes that are essential to make Project Management Offices work and key success factors to improve the performance of the PMO. The paper also discusses the measurement approaches for getting value out of a PMO and the challenges to sustain the PMO.
Ed törler ÖN SÖZ kentler hüviyetine yükseltmiş, medeniyetlerin hafızasında "Korunaklı Şehir" marka kimliğiyle yer edinmiştir. Ankara; kendine has iklim koşullarının sunduğu olanaklar neticesinde, sadece bu iklim içerisinde ipeksi parlak yünler verebilen tiftik keçileri sayesinde sofu dokumada dünya şehirleri arasında ün yapmış, dünya şehirlerinin giyim-kuşamda yüzyıllar boyunca ihtiyacını karşılamış, dünya medeniyetinin tescilli giyim-kuşam belleğidir. Ankara; günümüzden yaklaşık altı asır önce, henüz daha dünyadaki kentler cumhuriyet rejimiyle tanışmamışken, Ahi Cumhuriyeti dönemi sayesinde cumhuriyet yönetimine aşina olmuş, altı asırlık cumhuriyet belleğidir. Millî mücadele yıllarında üstlendiği misyonla Türk halkının örgütlenmesindeki öncü rolü sebebiyle Ankara; aynı zamanda da dünya şehirleri arasında lider kent belleğine sahip şehirler arasındadır. Bütün bu özellikler Ankara'nın; dünya şehirleri arasında karizmatik kent belleğini oluşturan dikey yönelimleridir. Ankara'nın yatay belleğini oluşturan unsurların başında ise Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kentleri arasında her şeyden önce devlet yönetiminin merkezi olması, sembol yapıları, tarihi binaları, kurum ve kuruluşlarıyla ülkenin nabzının attığı bir kent belleğine sahip olması gelir. Başkent olması sebebine de bağlı olarak Ankara'nın bu ayrıcalıklı konumu, onu şehirler arasında nirengi belleğini oluşturan yatay yönelimlerini inşa eder. Ankara'nın kent kimliği bağlamında üçüncü bellek halkasını oluşturan unsurlar ise Şair Orhan Veli'nin "Yazık Oldu Süleyman Efendi'ye" dizesiyle günlük hayata işaret ettiği, insan-mekân birlikteliğinde Ankara insanının oluşturduğu yönelimlerdir. Yatay döngüsellik içerisinde günlük yaşamda Ankaralıların; tarihi/kültürel/ popüler yönelimleri, kültürel üretiminin gerçekleştiği hanı, hamamı, çeşmesi, okulu, parkı, caddesi, lokantası, pastanesi, mesire yerleri gibi kent kimliğine, kent hafızasına katkı sağladığı oluşumlardır. Elinizdeki bu çalışma; Cumhuriyet'in 100.Yılına armağan niteliğinde hazırlanmış, tematik bir Ankara ansiklopedisidir. Bu çalışmada Ankara'nın merkez ve taşra ilçeleriyle birlikte bellek halkalarının her birine nüfus edebilecek bilgiler sunul-ÖN SÖZ muştur. Çalışmada; Ankara'nın tarihsel misyonundaki belleği, başkent belleği ve Ankaralıların günlük yaşamda kent belleğine nüfus ettiği unsurların tamamı okuyucuların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Bütün bunlardan hareketle Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün "Ankaralıların benim gözümde ayrı bir yeri vardır" sözü, çalışmanın hazırlanmasında temel motivasyon kaynağımız olmuş, disiplinler arası bakış açısıyla çalışma vücuda getirilmiştir. Çalışmanın hazırlık süreci içerisinde geniş kapsamlı envanter çalışması hazırlanmış, yazılı kaynakların yanı sıra dijital kaynaklar ve sözlü kültür ortamında görüşme-mülakat teknikleri bağlamında elde edilen veriler de çalışmanın hazırlanmasında kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ortaya çıkmasında emeği geçen bütün hocalarımıza teşekkür ederiz. Dizgi, mizanpaj, tasarım sürecindeki emeklerinden dolayı Tuğrul Atasoy ve ekibine teşekkür ederiz. Çalışma sürecinde Ankara'ya dair belleksel zenginliklerinden yararlandığımız Haluk Balaban'a, Dericizade Faruk Küçük'e, Orhan Altıntuğ'a, İbrahim Öcal'a, "Ankara Hatırası" sayfasının değerli kurucuları Hilmi Sedefoğlu ve Erdoğan Güngör'e katkılarından dolayı teşekkürü bir borç biliriz.
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