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2020, Risk Assessment of Crawler Crane Operation
8 pages
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Risk assessment is a tool that supports decision making and as such supports risk management. Risk management comprises the safety optimization of the system, the verification process and risk acceptance, which support safe crawler crane operations.
Safety Science, 2008
A logical model for quantifying occupational risk in case of collapsing or overturning cranes, falling loads or falling objects struck by cranes developed under the Workgroup Occupational Risk Model (WORM) project is presented. It simulates the logical and stochastic interdependences of the various events involved with the fall of an object or crane and its consequences. This logical model consists of two main parts (a) the part incorporating the events preceding the falling object/crane on a person consisting mainly of preventing measures; and (b) the part incorporating events following the fall of the object/crane on a person and consisting mainly of measures mitigating the effects of the accidents. Safety measures engineered or procedural aimed at preventing the fall of an object on a person, mitigating the impact of this event on a person and influencing the consequences of a given impact are presented along with the required data for quantification of the logical model. Three levels of consequence severity are considered; lethal injuries; non-lethal permanent injuries; and recoverable injuries. Quantification results are presented for the risk of contact with collapsing, overturning cranes and falling loads from cranes.
In work environments, risk assessment is essential to prevent injuries and health problems. This created the necessity to identify criteria for evaluating the results of such analysis, in terms of completeness and depth of assessment. In the construction industry there are, perhaps more than in others, important issues to take into account to conduct a proper RA. The aim of this paper is to present a checklist framework to evaluate the RA process completeness and adequacy of results, in terms of quality (fitness for use) in the construction industry. Specifically, we will address questions related with hazards and respective contributing factors; accuracy of risk assessment; preventive or protective measures needed; available data and information; safety barriers against damages and work injuries.
Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, 2021
Various tools and methods are used for the assessment of risk. Some of these tools and methods are here presented. As presented in Sect. 3.1.2, risk assessment includes (Fig. 4.1): • Risk identification • Risk Analysis • Risk Evaluation 4.1.2 Risk Assessment Techniques as Per ISO/IEC 31010:2009 "ISO/IEC 31010:2009 Risk management-Risk assessment techniques" is a standard dedicated to risk assessment techniques. It is a supporting standard for "ISO 31000 Risk management-Principles and guidelines" and guides how to select and apply systematic techniques for risk assessment. It includes 31 different techniques, although some techniques converge. It is not critical that managers know all of them but knowing more about these techniques will help managers better align the risk assessment process with the risk assessment objectives. The risk assessment techniques can be classified as following (Fig. 4.2) • risk identification • risk analysis
Typically, oil production activities contain many hazardous scenarios which could cause catastrophic disasters such as loss of asset, human fatalities or injuries and environmental pollutions. Essence of designing a safe process plant and delivering sustainable performance makes an efficient risk management plan necessary for promoting safety in hazardous industries such as oil production. Risk management activities including hazard identification and risk assessment support decision makers to manage the relevant risks and take appropriate actions to reduce the critical risks levels and contribute sustainable development. In spite of abundant number of tools, techniques and methodologies to apply risk management, there are still some difficulties to address uncertainties associated with decision making during different phases of a project life cycle. Furthermore, in most decision making models, there isn't a clear distinguish between the key components of risk management process e.g. risk, uncertainty, hazard, and feeling threat. The aim of this paper is an attempt to present an efficient model to provide an appropriate decision making approach under the uncertain situation. An oil field development plant is selected as a case study to apply the presented model and assess related risks and uncertainties during the basic design phase of the project in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the model. Three main categories are identified as the major causes of hazard situations in the oil field development plant which are technical causes, organizational causes, and political issues. The required considerations and appropriate actions to reduce the level of risks levels as a result of identified variables have been analyzed for the selected possible hazardous scenarios.
PT. X is a company engaged in the oil and gas sector that applies a rigorous Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system because the place and work environment are very high risk, including the operation of cranes. Improvement of the OHS management system requires analysis and identification of OHS risks. Analysis and identification of OHS risks in crane operation using the SWIFT (Structured What-If Technique) method. The SWIFT method identifies OHS risks through interviews and brainstorming. Then, perform an assessment analysis using the Risk Rating Number (RRN) to determine risk priorities, risk priorities prediction in 2026, and recommendations for improvement. Some conditions that had to be improved were the mobile crane and rafter crane. The factors that need to be considered in 2021 to 2026 from mobile cranes usage are operator complaints, damage to the sling, damage or errors occur, and mobile crane lights are damaged. While the use of rafter cranes usage that needs to be considered are operator complaints, damage or errors occur, leaking hydraulic hoses, and damage to seals and hoses on the outrigger.
The construction projects are prone to several risk variables that will affect their key features such as precise goals, time limits, financial restrictions, special organizational and legal requirements, etc. However, there are varying severity of effects due to the different risk factors on these projects' key features and if these risk factors are not taken into consideration or overlooked during various project phases, then the construction project is probable to exhibit the issues of time and cost overruns. This main paper aims to identify risk management tools, techniques, and their applicability on a construction project. Risk factors are identified through literature and case studies. Simultaneously critical activities are identified and the impact of risk factors on those critical activities are loaded. After identification, stage qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk factors and simulation is performed to compare the scheduled duration, deterministic duration, and actual duration. This analysis is required to identify the applicability of the risk management process applied. The findings confirm the existence of gaps in the process of risk management in case study projects. Accordingly, mitigation strategies are proposed to make the current risk management process robust.
Safety Science, 2020
The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries worldwide due to deadly fatalities and accidents recorded yearly. Though many countries have established and implemented safety programs, the situation does not seem to have been mitigated. This study aims at developing a risk assessment approach that can be used to enhance the safety performance of construction projects. The study has employed pair-wise comparisons and weighting-by-ranking surveys to establish risk scores and weights for the various construction accidents, and their potential causes. Data has been collected from safety professionals in 15 large construction sites across the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The study revealed that the type of accident with the highest risk score is "falling objects", while the most significant cause is excessive winds on the project site. The developed approach was applied on an ongoing car park construction project. Results showed that slips, trips and falls had the best safety performance. Furthermore, based on six sigma evaluation, the average project safety performance was at 2.33-sigma which implies that 228,739 accidents may occur in every million opportunities. The paper also provided recommendations to improve the safety performance of the case study.
Abstract. In this paper an introduction to and description of the risk assessment tools that are freely available for companies in The Netherlands is given. It is explained in what way the tools can and should be used and how the level I checklist for physi-cal load and the level II instruments are related. The two instruments that-in 2011- made this ‘Dutch toolbox ’ complete, are the checklist physical load and the Working Posture Risk Assessment Tool (WRAP 1.0). The content, the development process and some examples of these tools are explained. The toolbox is complete but does need additional evaluation to improve the quality of the assessments and the usability in practice.
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