Papers by Norliana Sarpin
Research in Management of Technology and Business, Nov 14, 2021
Penerbit UTHM eBooks, 2018
Research in Management of Technology and Business, Jun 12, 2021

Research in Management of Technology and Business, Jun 12, 2021
The Malaysian government has introduced several policies in increasing the economic dominance of ... more The Malaysian government has introduced several policies in increasing the economic dominance of the Bumiputera in Malaysia. Among the government's actions in this matter is to give specific government contracts to Bumiputera contractors only. But unfortunately, some Bumiputera contractors fail to last long in the construction industry in Malaysia due to financial problems. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the financial problems often faced by Bumiputera contractors during the construction phase, examine the factors of strong capital absence when starting construction work among Bumiputera contractors and suggest appropriate methods in improving the financial performance of Bumiputera contractors in the construction industry. The methodology of this study is qualitative method with the use of interview as instrument for data collection. Meanwhile, the scope of this study involves three Bumiputera contractor firms based in the state of Johor. The data collected were analyzed using content analysis. The results of the study found that the main financial problem faced by Bumiputera Contractors is the low liquidity of the firm. In addition, the study also found that unqualified contractors are a major factor in the lack of strong capital when starting construction work. Therefore, several suggestions have been identified in improving the financial performance of Bumiputera Contractors including to segregate company accounts and personal accounts. It is hoped that this study can benefit Bumiputera Contractors as well as increase the achievement of Bumiputera in the construction industry in Malaysia.
Research in Management of Technology and Business, Jun 12, 2021

Research in Management of Technology and Business, Jun 12, 2021
Road Maintenance is an important aspect to ensure the quality of roads is always in good conditio... more Road Maintenance is an important aspect to ensure the quality of roads is always in good condition. The problem of this study is the issue of poor road maintenance which has led to an increase in accident cases among users. This study aims to examine users' perceptions of the quality of Federal Road maintenance, identify the factors that cause damage to the quality of Federal Roads and describe the safety factors during Federal Road maintenance. This study focuses on users who pass through the Federal Road to the city center. The study location is at KM 12.7 Johor Bahru-Skudai which has a high traffic rate during peak hours because this route is the main link road. This study uses a quantitative approach using a questionnaire study instrument. A total of 94 respondents were involved in this study. The results of the study revealed that the majority of users' perceptions of the quality of Federal Road maintenance are not good which can contribute to road accidents. The main factor causing road damage is that trucks carrying excessive loads have caused road damage. Federal Road Maintenance requires improvements to the procedures used, especially involving road paving works. In conclusion, the quality of Federal road maintenance in terms of quality, is very important to ensure the safety of users.
Research in Management of Technology and Business, Jun 12, 2021

Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development, 2021
The achievement of quality is an important component in every handover of a residential project. ... more The achievement of quality is an important component in every handover of a residential project. Good quality plays an important role in creating a good identity for the developer as well as fulfill customer’s satisfaction level. Thus, Malaysian developers have started to implement quality assessment in their residential projects. Quality assessment is carried out to evaluate quality of project. However, even though quality assessment is implemented in most of construction projects, it is still a struggle to reach customer’s satisfaction level due to the number of defects in their residential properties. Therefore, this research carries the objective of investigate lacking of construction quality assessment and developing a framework on quality assessment to reduce defects in residential projects. This paper review requirements on construction quality assessment models which has been proposed by different researchers. The result of this study used to develop a framework on construct...

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
Malaysia is one of the countries which is growing rapidly and show a great result in construction... more Malaysia is one of the countries which is growing rapidly and show a great result in construction. In real terms, the Malaysian construction industry registered positive growth, supported by large-scale investments under the government’s 10th Malaysia Plan. The growth of construction industry increases the perception of client on Malaysia projects. In current scenario, client have a high level of awareness on quality of outcome. The higher the quality achieved in building projects ensure the marketability and enhance of clients. As such construction projects that are able to be completed with distinctive quality will definitely enable to delight their customers. Thus, this study aims to identify the lacking in quality assessment as a strategy to improve quality of residential project. Therefore, objective of this study is to investigate the implementation of construction quality assessment in reducing number of defects in construction projects. Apart from that, this study conducted ...

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
Facility managers can have a major influence on the sustainability agenda through operational and... more Facility managers can have a major influence on the sustainability agenda through operational and strategic management functions during the post construction phase. Sustainable practices in facility management can bring substantial benefits such as reducing energy consumption and waste, while increasing productivity, financial return and corporate standing in the community. Facility manager should be empowered with the necessary knowledge and capabilities at the forefront in facing sustainability challenge. Despite the potential, facility management practices have yet to embed sustainability ideas holistically. The lack of capabilities and skills and the existing knowledge gaps are believed to be among the barriers. Capabilities are vital to foster the competency of an organisation. To support sustainable practices, facility managers need to be empowered with the necessary knowledge, capabilities and skills. This paper aims to develop a guidelines for strategic capabilities to support sustainability in facility management practice. Starting with a total of 10 critical strategic capabilities factors identified from previous questionnaire survey, the authors conducted an interview with 7 experts in facility management to assess the perceived importance of these factors. The findings reveal a set of guidelines for the enhancement of strategic capabilities among facility managers by providing what can be done to acquire these factors and how it can support the application of sustainability in their practice. The findings of this paper are expected to form the basis of a mechanism framework developed to equip facility managers with the right knowledge, to continue education and training and to develop new mind-sets to enhance the implementation of sustainability measures in FM practices.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) was expected to bring improvement in curre... more Implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) was expected to bring improvement in current practices of Malaysian construction industry. In the design phase, there is a lack of a ready pool of skilled workers who are able to develop BIM strategic plan and effectively utilise it. These create boundaries for BIM nature in Malaysian construction industry specifically in the design phase to achieve its best practices. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to investigate the current practices of BIM implementation in the design phase as well as the best practices factors of BIM implementation in the design phase. The qualitative research approach is carried out through semi-structured interviews with the designers of different organisations which adopt BIM in the design phase. Data collection is analysed by executing content analysis method. From the findings, the best practices factors of BIM implementation in design phase such as the incentive for BIM training, formal approach to monitoring automated Level of Detailing (LOD), run a virtual meeting and improve Industry Foundation Class (IFC). Thus, best practices factors which lead to practices improvements in the design phase of project development which subsequently improves the implementation of BIM in the design phase of Malaysian construction industry.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Nowadays development of construction in Malaysia has been effect to the increasing of constructio... more Nowadays development of construction in Malaysia has been effect to the increasing of construction waste. Additionally, the production of construction waste from construction projects has given negative impact to the environment especially in illegal dumping activities. The increasing number of illegal dumping activities from construction projects in Malaysia gives a sign that Malaysian construction waste management needs to be concerned. To date, a comprehensive criterion for construction waste management, particularly for a construction project in developing countries is still not clearly defined. Therefore, construction waste management in Malaysia needs further research. The objectives of this paper are to explore illegal dumping activities, and discuss the contributory factors of illegal dumping activities. Hence, this research conducted an interview with expertise in the area of construction waste management in order to scrutinise illegal dumping activities in Malaysia. The data from semistructured interviews were analysed by content analysis. Findings from this research will help to find out the strategies to reduce the illegal dumping activities. The final result also expected to increase the awareness and better solution for reducing illegal dumping activities in construction projects among construction players.

International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 2021
The role of project manager become more complex as the construction industry is focusing on susta... more The role of project manager become more complex as the construction industry is focusing on sustainable development. Competencies of a project manager are critical in reducing the encountered challenges in improving sustainable construction project success. However, lack of competency among project managers and mismanagement are among critical problems in the Malaysian construction industry. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify the key competencies needed by the project managers in managing the sustainable projects, to examine the key challenges for the project manager and to suggest the strategies for project managers in undertaking a successful sustainable construction project. The scope of this research is among the sustainable construction project practitioners in Kuala Lumpur due to the highest number of sustainable projects registered as recorded in the latest executive summary of the Green Building Index (GBI). The quantitative method was used to collect d...

The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Feb 15, 2021
The construction industry is an important business sector providing physical equipment and infras... more The construction industry is an important business sector providing physical equipment and infrastructure through supply and demand patterns that have a strong indirect impact on other industries. Construction projects require materials and products from other industries such as production and buildings and infrastructure for the benefit of those industries. In terms of economic growth, the building industry is economically important and has strong ties with other segments of the economy especially an important sector of economic growth and expansion in developing countries. The capital market is one of the most important parts of the economy, that it is not covered they're important to anyone (MIR et al., 2020). Sustainable development issues are more than ever focused today on how communities view growth and the responsibility of the government to create ways to adapt to growth and to reduce the carbon footprint of human settlements. This paper has established a methodological basis for potential analysis in the construction industry with a view to the scale of application of green supply chain management in Algerian construction industry. The significance and scope of the study are explained in the paper.

The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Mar 3, 2021
Sustainable construction involves the creation of buildings using best-practice cleansing and res... more Sustainable construction involves the creation of buildings using best-practice cleansing and resource-saving technologies from the extraction of raw materials to the removal and disposal of their components. Construction activities always involves some adverse environmental impacts, although sustainable construction should reduce it to a certain degree. Management scholars researched organizational environmental practices in 1990s and advocated more holistic and responsible practices in the supply chain. The aim of the study is to improve the use of green supply chain in construction industry sector in Algeria. Firms that are targeted in this study are Suppliers, Managers and Contractors in Algeria. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is still in its infancy in the construction industry, but some philosophical awareness is evident. Suppliers, contractors and subcontractors are not integrated, they lack teamwork and they are not team-oriented. GSCM can play an important role in architecture. The adoption of GSCM provides general guidelines for

International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2021
Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology has been well received by the Malaysian construct... more Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology has been well received by the Malaysian construction industry, yet the adoption is still in stage 2. Malaysian construction industry is still in implementation of CAD to BIM in design phase. The competency of BIM Modeller in fully utilising BIM is still lacking and this has curtailed the usage of BIM during design phase. According to CIDB, in order to adopt BIM, organisations need to invest in BIM tools such as BIM modeller course. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify the benefits of competency among BIM modeller during design phase, to determine the competency needed by BIM modeller and to propose recommendation to improve BIM modeller competency during design phase. The primary data were collected from interview with 4 BIM Modeller to achieve the first and third objectives and subsequently, the second objective was achieved based on 40 received questionnaires from BIM modeller. The data analysis method used are co...

International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 2021
In a global competitive environment, technical changes are rapid, volatile and very complex. Nowa... more In a global competitive environment, technical changes are rapid, volatile and very complex. Nowadays, technology is labelled as a weapon towards organization for performance and productivity, which made absorptive capacity (ACAP) an important aspect. Absorptive capacity refers to an organization’s ability to recognize, capture, assimilate, transform and exploit the new technology within the organization. In order, to allow technology transfer to be successful, the organization is required to have a strong ACAP. However, a previous study has outlined that the level of ACAP in the construction industry is relatively low and this has made the technology transfer process in the industry very challenging. Thus, this research aims to explore the ACAP level and technology transfer activities in a construction project. The objectives of this paper are to identify the factors that enhance ACAP in the technology transfer process, to measure the level of ACAP in the technology transfer proces...

International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 2021
The energy demand growth every year for existing building due to the natural lifecycle of the bui... more The energy demand growth every year for existing building due to the natural lifecycle of the building performance. Systematic strategy in retrofitting is proven to revamp the energy building performance. However, the retrofitting process is facing several of unknown risk as early in pre-construction stage to achieve optimum energy efficiency design strategy. The risk requires strategic assessment to minimize the impact towards the efficiency level in retrofitting. This study aims to examine the risks and the potential impact towards design strategies by conducting a semi-structured interview from six internal stakeholders in the retrofit project. The result derived from the interview revealed that there are 13 of major risks involve in retrofit project and divided into planning stage and design stage. All the risks are proven to provide a potential impact towards energy efficiency design strategies.

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2018
New product design and process design are vital aspects for a company to survive in in global com... more New product design and process design are vital aspects for a company to survive in in global competition market. Product design determines in the success of a company through how product design can accomplish in today's marketplace and customer needs. Nevertheless, many new products which have been developed from research and development fail to compete in global market due to product performance issue such as quality, cost and delivery. Besides, many new product design is not capable to match with the process design and machine capability in production process. The objective of this paper is to identify the relationship between new product design and new product process design towards new product performance in manufacturing industry. Random sampling techniques have been used by distributing questionnaire to 400 companies in Malaysia manufacturing sector. 80 companies had replied with the respond rate of 20%. The result shows that the extent level of new product design and pro...
Papers by Norliana Sarpin