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2018, Journal of Information Management and Library Studies
10 pages
1 file
This major focus of this study is to examine the research productivity Technology. The research theses from 2014 to 2017 produced by undergraduate, graduates and postgraduates of this school of LIS were scrutinized. Bibliometric approach was adopted here. The findings shows that more than half of the theses are produced by graduate students followed by postgraduate. The contribution of male researchers are dominant as compared to female. Total 29 areas were addressed; however, the prominent topic was Library Resources and Services followed by Emerging Trends in Libraries. The most cited source was the Journal in these theses.
Article, 2019
from 2014 to 2017. As the Department operates undergraduate, graduates and postgraduates level programs, so research production at these levels is the major target of this study. Data for this paper was collected from the mentioned Department and quantitative tool "bibliometric" was applied for the completions of the study. The findings show that majority 38 (58%) of the theses are produced by graduate students followed by postgraduates 26 (40%). The contributions in research made by male and female students are with 2:1 respectively. Total 29 areas were addressed; however, the prominent topics were Library Resources and Services followed by Emerging Trends in Libraries. The most cited source was the Journal (36%) in these theses. It was recommended that female students should be encouraged to play their due role in research. To produce quality research, the students should be educated about topic selection, literature review, research design, reports writing and citation pattern.
Journal of Information Management and Library Studies, 2018
This major focus of this study is to examine the research productivity Technology. The research theses from 2014 to 2017 produced by undergraduate, graduates and postgraduates of this school of LIS were scrutinized. Bibliometric approach was adopted here. The findings shows that more than half of the theses are produced by graduate students followed by postgraduate. The contribution of male researchers are dominant as compared to female. Total 29 areas were addressed; however, the prominent topic was Library Resources and Services followed by Emerging Trends in Libraries. The most cited source was the Journal in these theses.
This bibliometric analysis represents the fifty six years (1965-2020) research productivity of Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS). Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) has been publishing a journal "Library Resources and Technical Services". It is a peer-reviewed journal and continuously serving from 1957. The research having aims to highlights the research outcomes/research productivity of the journal from the last fifty six years. Data was accumulated from Web of Science (core collection). Tools such as Biblioshiny, VOSviewer and MS Excel have been used for processing and data analysis. The assessment is based on various occurrences such as types of documents published, year wise distribution of documents, most productive authors, authorship pattern, organizations' contribution in publications, most productive countries, keywords used and highly cited articles. The study concludes the analysis in a statistical form and it enables the researchers to get updated
International Journal of Advance and Applied Research, 2022
An institution's academic progress is reflected in its research productivity. The current study attempted to investigate the research contribution of Savitribai Phule Pune University's library and information science department. The Ph.D. thesis records were extracted using the Shodhganga e-theses and dissertation databases. A total of 82 theses were obtained from the SPPU's LIS departments under Shodhganga repository. The study examined all LIS department records available in the Shodhganga repository from 1977 to 2021. MS-Excel was used to extract the data, after which it was analysed using various formulas. The study's major findings revealed that 2008 was the most productive year for the LIS department in terms of research. Dr. Neela J. Deshpande guided 15.85% of Ph.D. theses in the LIS department. Male researchers and guides predominate in the LIS department; 67% of males are research guides and 66% are research scholars. The majority of Ph.D. candidates organised their work into six chapters.
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This paper aims to know the impact of research trends on the Library Herald for nine years form 2006 to 2014. This paper has analyzed various factors such as authorship pattern, productivity, and collaboration among multiauthors, year-wise distribution of papers, institution and subject wise distribution and many more features. The result shows that the highest number i.e. 137 (54.37%) contributors have published a single author whereas the rest of lowest number i.e. 115 (45.63%) of papers were published by co-authors. The maximum number of 89.68% documents was published from Indian authors and the minimum numbers of 10.32% papers were published by foreign authors. The maximum numbers of (407) citations were in 2007 and the average citation per article was 12.33. The least number of citations was 156 and the average citations per article were 8.67.
The paper assessed growth trend of “Library and Information and Science” (LIS) literature based on the output of research publications indexed in the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) during the period from 1975 to 2012. An overall total of 311,886 records were retrieved on LIS including all forms of literature. The records were categorized under 23 types of documents. A scientometric assessment of the status of research papers is presented in the study by way of analyzing some of the features of publications of the study period; Year-wise distribution of publications on LIS , Form-wise distribution, Language-wise distribution, Annual output of publications, Geographical distribution, Subject dispersion, Institutional distribution, Sources preferred for publishing, Indian contribution to LIS, etc. The paper has given special emphasis for Indian LIS research output. The study certainly be useful to subject experts, analysts, scholars and policy makers for drafting effective policies on the basis of inferences drawn in this paper
Ins uficie ncia re s piratoria ag uda Ins uficie ncia re s piratoria ag uda Efe ctos s is té micos Efe ctos s is té micos De s cripción de un ve ntilador De s cripción de un ve ntilador Modos de s oporte ve ntilatorio Modos de s oporte ve ntilatorio Inicio de la ve ntilación Inicio de la ve ntilación Tratamie nto de l pacie nte Tratamie nto de l pacie nte S ituacione s e s pe cíficas S ituacione s e s pe cíficas Monitorización Monitorización Inte rrupción Inte rrupción Complicacione s Complicacione s Ve ntilación no invas iva Ve ntilación no invas iva Trans porte de l pacie nte Trans porte de l pacie nte APÉNDICES APÉNDICES Índice s y fórmulas Índice s y fórmulas Lis ta de abre viaturas Lis ta de abre viaturas B u s ca r B u s ca r Versión libro A p é n d i ce B A p é n d i ce B L i s t a d e a b r e v i a t u r a s L i s t a d e a b r e v i a t u r a s A/C Modo de ventilación asistida-controlada APRV Ventilación con liberación de presión en la vía aérea ATC Compensación automática del tubo BIPAP Ventilación bifásica C Distensibilidad CaO2 Contenido de oxígeno en sangre arterial CcO2 Contenido de oxígeno en sangre capilar pulmonar CMV Modo de ventilación controlada COHb Carboxihemoglobina CPAP Ventilación con presión positiva continua Cst Distensibilidad estática Ct Volumen compresible del circuito ventilatorio CvO2 Contenido de oxígeno en sangre venosa DC Ciclo de trabajo Pre s e ntación Pre s e ntación Autore s Autore s ÍNDICE ÍNDICE Cómo s e re s pira Cómo s e re s pira Gas e s e n s ang re Gas e s e n s ang re Ins uficie ncia re s piratoria ag uda Ins uficie ncia re s piratoria ag uda Efe ctos s is té micos Efe ctos s is té micos De s cripción de un ve ntilador De s cripción de un ve ntilador Modos de s oporte ve ntilatorio Modos de s oporte ve ntilatorio Inicio de la ve ntilación Inicio de la ve ntilación Tratamie nto de l pacie nte Tratamie nto de l pacie nte S ituacione s e s pe cíficas S ituacione s e s pe cíficas Monitorización Monitorización Inte rrupción Inte rrupción Complicacione s Complicacione s Ve ntilación no invas iva Ve ntilación no invas iva Trans porte de l pacie nte Trans porte de l pacie nte APÉNDICES APÉNDICES Índice s y fórmulas Índice s y fórmulas Lis ta de abre viaturas Lis ta de abre viaturas
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The volume consist the final evaluation of a four-year-long research prgramme, led by Eszter Bánffy, on the settlement history of a river basin with adjacent hills in the westenmost part oh Ungary, close to the Slovenian border. Beginning with the Neolithic up to high medieval times, we wre able to identify settlements andtraces of off-site land use, we coud reconstruct road networks from the Neolithic, the Roman period and the Middle Ages. The earlier fully white spot has gained a dense settlement history. Among the discoveries the early Neolithic site Szentgyörgyvögyl-Pityerdomb can be highlighted, as the missing link between Balkan farming groups and the LBK in statu nascendi.
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