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Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1987
In three experiments, 469 subjects watched a short videotape of a bank robbery and later estimated the duration of the tape. Subjects invariably overestimated the durations. Accuracy of time estimation was unrelated to amount of free recall (Experiment 1) or accuracy of memory (Experiment 2). Females overestimated to a greater degree than males . A more stressful version of the event produced greater overestimates than a less stressful version (Experiment 3). The relationship between induced arousal and time estimation appears to be different for men and women.
Acta Psychologica, 2017
This study investigated relations between judgments of passage of time and judgments of long durations in everyday life with an experience sampling method. Several times per day, the participants received an alert via mobile phone. On each alert, at the same time as reporting their experience of the passage of time, the participants also estimated durations, between 3 and 33 s in Experiment 1, and between 2 and 8 min in Experiment 2. The participants' affective states and the difficulty and attentional demands of their current activity were also assessed. The results replicated others showing that affective states and the focus of attention on current activity are significant predictors of individual differences in passage-of-time judgments. In addition, the passage-of-time judgments were significantly related to the duration judgments but only for long durations of several minutes.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2016
This study examined relations between passage of time judgments and duration judgments (DJs) in everyday life, in young and elderly people, with an Experience Sampling Method. The DJs were assessed by verbal estimation and interval production measures. The results showed no difference between young and elderly people in judgments of rate of passage of time, a result contrary to the conventional idea that time passes more quickly as we get older. There were also no significant relation between the judgment of passage of time and the judgments of durations. In addition, the significant predictors of individual differences in the judgment of passage of time (emotion states and focus of attention on the current activity) were not predictors of judgment of durations. In sum, passages of time judgments are not related to DJs.
Acta Psychologica, 1994
The present research examines the predictive value of memory storage-size, cognitive change and attentional models with the aim of discovering which of them best explains the human experience of duration under conditions of intentional attention to time and under immediate and remote time estimation conditions. An independent measurement was also made of the processing effort invested in experimental task performance. A completely randomized 3 x 2 X 2 between-subject factorial design was applied to 192 students of psychology at the University of Salamanca. The results, obtained by means of ANOVA methods and orthogonal contrasts between means, showed (1) that changes in the cognitive context operate as the main determinants for making judgments of time, and (2) that the distinction between immediate and remote prospective time estimation is crucial because it causes a shortening or lengthening of duration judgments by human beings. The significance of the results for time estimation models is discussed.
PloS one, 2018
In this study, individuals estimated interval times of several minutes (from 2 to 32 minutes) during their everyday lives using a cell phone they kept with them. Their emotional state, the difficulty of the activity performed during this interval, and the attention that it required were also assessed, together with their subjective experience of the passage of time. The results showed that the mean time estimates and their variability increased linearly with increasing interval duration, indicating that the fundamental scalar property of time found for short durations also applies to very long durations of several minutes. In addition, the emotional state and difficulty of the activity were significant predictors of the judgment of long durations. However, the awareness of the passage of time appeared to play a crucial role in the judgment of very long duration in humans. A theory on the emergence of the awareness of the passage of time and how it affects the judgment of interval du...
Current psychology letters
Perception & Psychophysics, 1999
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
How do people represent the duration of an event in memory and which mechanisms except timing are involved in processing and maintaining temporal information within the cognitive system? The speakers of this symposium will address this and related questions. Anne-Claire Rattat focuses on long-term retention of durations in children and adults. Ruth Ogden discusses executive functions that are involved in timing and time perception. Hedderik van Rijn and Niels Taagten show how general principles of memory and attention can be connected with theories about time perception. Finally, Daniel Bratzke reviews prominent ideas about how temporal information is coded within and across sensory modalities. The titles and abstracts of the four talks are given below.
Acta Psychologica, 2002
This study presents evidence for the role of knowledge of results (KR) in the estimation of medium time intervals (4-12 s durations). Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that KR operates at the same stage of temporal processing as attention. The absence of an interaction of attention and KR is taken as evidence against this hypothesis. Experiments 2 and 3 further studied the effects of KR in a reproduction and a production task, respectively. The effects of KR were small in the reproduction and substantial in the production task. The results are interpreted in terms of a clock-based timing model and the findings taken together converge on the interpretation that KR affects the reference memory (RM), rather than the other components of the model.
Memory & Cognition, 1987
Judgments on the subjective duration of simple and complex imagined situations are studied. Four facets, concerning the evaluation ofthe situation (pleasantJunpleasant) and the characteristics of its events (many/few, variable/monotonous, difficultJeasy), are taken into account. These facets proved significant for duration judgments in previous studies in which subjects were exposed to situations varying with respect to one of them. In this paper, we study whether these timeperception facets have comparable effects on the symbolic temporal basis of duration judgments, that is, whether they allow one to account for differences in the beliefs about duration experience in imagined situations. Two approaches were chosen: (1) Three groups of subjects compared the durations of all possible pairs of situations characterized by facet elments x and y. The confusion probabilities could be scaled in one dimension for all groups. The facet elements defined intervals that were hierarchically nested. (2) The facets allowed us to distinguish 24 structuples. For each of them, a concrete situation was described in writing. Seventy-six subjects rated the subjective durations of the situations. The structuples led to a partial order that corresponded well to the duration ratings. Moreover, three of the facets showed significant main effects, and the fourth interacted significantly with two others. Finally, the facets were useful in explaining the similarity structure of the duration ratings. There is a fairly large but somewhat confusing literature on the effects of so-called nontemporal variables on duration judgments. The varied findings are partly due to differences in experimental tasks (e.g.,
Equilibrio social: perspectivas de análisis y mejora para las sociedades del siglo XXI , 2023
G. Miolli, L. Illetterati (edited by), The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy, London: Bloomsbury, 2021
Square one Advertising and Design Limited, 2023
KRITERION, Belo Horizonte, no 153, Dez./2022, p. 613-634., 2022
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016
Journal of Higher Education …, 2010
BioChip Journal, 2011
Yayasan Laksita Indonesia, 2024
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación
Procedia Computer Science, 2015
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2011
International Journal of Livestock Research, 2017
Revista Medica De Chile, 2018
Acta Arachnologica, 2001
Feministische Studien, 1995
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1993