Session: 3

A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d in the 1960s in England which led to focus on busines s in English. This is the developme n t s in the world economy in 1950s and 1960s. Actually, it was the first original flowering in the ESP moveme nt. So, ESP is a kind of newly born in the area of inquiry. The first focus should be on the definition of regist e r analysis which refer s to the study how frequent ly gramma t ic al structur e s are used in texts. 2.3Tr ends in Engl i sh for academi c purpo s e s. We mentioned for trends which are 2.3. 1Re g i s t e r analys i sIt is the product of 1960s which focuses on scientific and technic al gramma r in English. and-it manifes t ed in the lexico s t a t i s t i c s approa c h defined by Swales (1988) according to focus on using semi-or sub-technic al vocabula ry which are applied const ant ly, such as 'contain', 'consist of' and 'enable'.-The first example of textbooks, relating to the registe r analysis, is published by J. Hebe r t (1965) called The struc tur e of techni c a l Engl i sh. The book consist ed of rathe r long especially technic al reading texts with technic al topics and a numbe r of exercise s focusing mainly on gramma r and semi technic al vocabula ry. In this book there is no attention to the skill of reading and the compr eh e n s ion.-Actually based on Swales (1988) rema rke d in that book: The main advant ag e is that cover s the semi technical vocabula ry well designed manne r. This is to be admir ed, privilege but the nega tive point s on that book were the passage s were too long and the lack of authent ici ty and the diagr am followed in the passage s were not related to the passage s. There were not suppor tive of the mate r ial s discus s ed in the passage s and the exercise are more repeti tive. Thus, it was a pret ty difficult book actually. The othe r negative point is mainly focused on gramma r rathe r than use or communic a t ion. Due to these problems mentioned above, the first trend left outside and subs titut ed with second trend.

Session: 3 A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d in the 1960s in England which led to focus on busines s in English. This is the developme n t s in the world economy in 1950s and 1960s. Actually, it was the first original flowering in the ESP moveme nt . So, ESP is a kind of newly born in the area of inquiry. The first focus should be on the definition of regist e r analysis which refer s to the study how frequent ly gramma t ic al structur e s are used in texts. 2.3Tr ends in Engl i sh for academi c purpo s e s . We mentioned for trends which are 2.3. 1Re g i s t e r analys i s - It is the product of 1960s which focuses on scientific and technic al gramma r in English. and - it manifes t ed in the lexico s t a t i s t i c s approa c h defined by Swales (1988) according to focus on using semi- or sub- technic al vocabula ry which are applied const ant ly, such as ‘contain’, ‘consist of’ and ‘enable’. - The first example of textbooks, relating to the registe r analysis, is published by J. Hebe r t (1965) called The struc tur e of techni c a l Engl i sh . The book consist ed of rathe r long especially technic al reading texts with technic al topics and a numbe r of exercise s focusing mainly on gramma r and semi technic al vocabula ry. In this book there is no attention to the skill of reading and the compr eh e n s ion. - Actually based on Swales (1988) rema rke d in that book: The main advant ag e is that cover s the semi technical vocabula ry well designed manne r . This is to be admir ed, privilege but the nega tive point s on that book were the passage s were too long and the lack of authent ici ty and the diagr am followed in the passage s were not related to the passage s . There were not suppor tive of the mate r ial s discus s ed in the passage s and the exercise are more repeti tive. Thus, it was a pret ty difficult book actually. The othe r negative point is mainly focused on gramma r rathe r than use or communic a t ion. Due to these problems mentioned above, the first trend left outside and subs titut ed with second trend. 2.3. 2Rh e t o r i c a l and discour s e analys i s -The definition of Rhetori c ; refer s to the study of how written or spoken texts are effective in persua ding reade r or listene r s to accept their argume n t . - Discour s e analys i s ; the study of how sentenc e s in spoken and written languag e from large r units at a level above the sentenc e s , for example in paragr a p h s , whole conver s a t ion and written texts. - Rhetorical and discour s e analysis was popular in early 1970s. actually, it tried to focus on the point how sentenc e s were combine to form paragr a p h s , text or passage s rathe r than making gramma t i c al and lexical items and as discus s e d later on by widdison in 1970s. Here the trend more focus on communic a t ive aspec t s of languag e and use par t of languag e learning rathe r than the usage of langua g e form par t of it. - The first pedagogic al book series called THE FOCUS SERIES. Actually, it focused on the put the idea into practic e and instead of empha s izing on key gramma t ic al and semi- technical lexical items. They empha sized on key function in scientific and academic writing, function including definition, classification, description, hypothe sizing …. They also paid attent ion to cohesion and cohesive devises and how sentenc e s and ideas link togethe r by means of gramma t ic al devises and paragr a p h texts. Here I like to open parenth e s e s and make a notion by definition of Function, the term function is used at the first time by Wilkens in his functional- notional syllabus refer s to how we path the knowledge of languag e to use, what we do with the knowledge of languag e , usually we use the knowledge of languag e in other to car ry out some action like asking the favors, inviting someone to the par ty, put in the complaint . Placing an apology, classifying some thing. The focus series which designed in the second trend, the main empha si s was placed on function, this book might not be succes sful. - The next book called Nuc l eu s Seri e s book was much more succes sful than previous book which was designed in the univer sity of Tabriz in Iran. They included functions like description and notion and key concept s based on Wilkens” ideas and The advant ag e s of this book was the content of the series were derived from real teaching situation and real experienc e s , the avoided the monotony boredom and predict ability of the previous books, they had good visual and was suppor t e d by the diagrams and figure s and mate r ial s. The main disadvant a g e s of that book were that it is mainly conce rn e d with teaching languag e not use of languag e , they lacked focus on specific skills. 2.3. 3Analy s i s of study skill s As the name sugge s t e d the empha s i s was placed on study skills eithe r oral skills for instanc e for busine s s people who were conduc ting with interna t ional trans a c t ions or other skills like reading and writing depending on the demand for situation and learne r needs. In this trend for the first time the attention was paid to how text could be relevant to the intere s t of the learne r s’ needs and the authent icity of text was raised for the first time. 2.3. 4Analy s i s of learnin g ne eds The last trend is analysis of learning needs. Actually, it got popula r i ty in the late 1970 and early 1980. Mainly was based on Munby s’ model (1978), He see the need of communic a tive proces sor model. Hutchinson and Water s actually discus s e d the model of situation in which ESP could not be conside r e d as; .ESP is not mat te r of teaching ‘specialized varieties ‘English - ESP is not just a matt e r of scienc e words and gramma r for - .scienti s t s , hotel words and gramma r ESP is not different in kind from any other form of languag e - teaching, so it should be prepa r e d in the first instanc e on .principles of effective and efficient learning Here in this trend specially in applied linguis tics star te d to pay - attention to learne r s needs as well as learning skills Inste ad of empha sizing on the produc t or performa n c e of .- learne r s we shold pay attention to unde r line performa n c e that .the learne r s need to acqui re Here actually we have the impor t anc e of learning- cente r e d, and - whole proces s of learning actually come to play. In this approa ch they believe different learne r s should learn in different styles. And sufficient attention should pay to the learne r’s differenc e s .and the context of EAP .2.4Auth e n t i c i ty of text and authe nt i c i ty of purpo s e s Here, the author claim that the previous authent icity was conside r e d as unsimplifiedne s s or genuinene s s of texts. The fact that a text is returne d by native speake r s . Howeve r , recently the genuinen e s s of the text is not the sole equivalent to authent icity. Quite recent ly people believe that the text in terms of purpos e would be authent ic. For example, the unsimplified texts and mate r ial s should be designed for school pupils and they are not authent ic and appropr i a t e for the student s at the univer si ty levels. The authent ici ty not only include the text which refer s to as genuinen e s s or unsimplifiedne s s of the text of the fact that for the native speake r but also it include s authent icity of purpos e which refer s to the point if the text is used actually in the .situations and for the purpos e s have been designed originally Hutchin s o n and Water s (lang ua g e for spe c i f i c purpo s e s ) Page 6- 9 In this chapt e r the author s discus s e d thre e main reasons for the appe a r a n c e and emerge n c e of ESP. 1- A deman d of brave new world - Unpre c e d e n t e dly, the expansion of scientific, economic and technic al activities at the end of second world war in 1945, the intera c tion scales by domina t ing two forcing reasons , comme r c e and technology, were creat e d. - Such massive progre s s actually creat ed a demand for interna t ional languag e and since the America had become a supe r power do to its economic power and the post war era, this role follows the English languag e . -Here we witnes s e d the student s who are star ting the learning English not for pleasur e and pres tige, but it is a way to communic a t e interna t ionally. -Here we see busine s s woman and female who needed to sell their produc t s to people who spoken English, so they neede d to learn English and needed to study brochur e s and catalogue s , rese a r c h articles and scientific books in the field of enqui ry, and the majority of these sourc e s are in English, they need to learn in English for shor t time. - And also some jobs such as engine e r s , mechanics , doctor s with different learne r s’ needs should be awar e of their learning needs. - on the other hand, oil crisis of the 1970s culminat e d in or led to huge flow of money and Weste rn exper ti se into oil-rich count rie s. So people were living or working oil-rich count r ie s needed to learn English in the pret ty shor t time. So rapidly needed arose for the creation in design of methods in ESP approa c h e s to languag e teaching and learning. 2- A revolut i o n lingui s t i c s - The second reason behind of the emerg e nc e of ESP as discus s e d by Hutchinson and Water s refer s to the Revolution linguis tics. -Before this the study of languag e mainly limited to study of English usage and how English is used in terms of gramma r but due to developme n t in linguistics and theore t ic al developme n t s mainly raised by linguist s like Widdison , attention star t e d to shift from languag e usage to languag e use and communic a t ion and attent ion star t ed to shift from form to meaning and context. - since langua g e varies from on situation to anothe r , it should be possible dete rmin e featur e s and char a c t e r i s tics of each specific situation and design cours e s based on the requi r eme n t s and demand s of such situations to have specific learning needs . 3- Focus on learne r -The last reason for appe a r a n c e of ESP is the focus on the learne r . Actually, the developme n t on the educ a tion, psychology and the empha si s place on the cent r al role of learne r s and the styles and intere s t s and needs and attitude s to learning and applied linguistics and the developme n t of mate r i al s star t ed to pay attention to learne r needs and inter e s t s which could also foster and improve learne r motivation. - It actually turned out mate r i al s and designs based on learne r needs and intere s t s foster motivation of learne r s . .