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A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d in the 1960s in England which led to focus on busines s in English. This is the developme n t s in the world economy in 1950s and 1960s. Actually, it was the first original flowering in the ESP moveme nt. So, ESP is a kind of newly born in the area of inquiry. The first focus should be on the definition of regist e r analysis which refer s to the study how frequent ly gramma t ic al structur e s are used in texts. 2.3Tr ends in Engl i sh for academi c purpo s e s. We mentioned for trends which are 2.3. 1Re g i s t e r analys i sIt is the product of 1960s which focuses on scientific and technic al gramma r in English. and-it manifes t ed in the lexico s t a t i s t i c s approa c h defined by Swales (1988) according to focus on using semi-or sub-technic al vocabula ry which are applied const ant ly, such as 'contain', 'consist of' and 'enable'.-The first example of textbooks, relating to the registe r analysis, is published by J. Hebe r t (1965) called The struc tur e of techni c a l Engl i sh. The book consist ed of rathe r long especially technic al reading texts with technic al topics and a numbe r of exercise s focusing mainly on gramma r and semi technic al vocabula ry. In this book there is no attention to the skill of reading and the compr eh e n s ion.-Actually based on Swales (1988) rema rke d in that book: The main advant ag e is that cover s the semi technical vocabula ry well designed manne r. This is to be admir ed, privilege but the nega tive point s on that book were the passage s were too long and the lack of authent ici ty and the diagr am followed in the passage s were not related to the passage s. There were not suppor tive of the mate r ial s discus s ed in the passage s and the exercise are more repeti tive. Thus, it was a pret ty difficult book actually. The othe r negative point is mainly focused on gramma r rathe r than use or communic a t ion. Due to these problems mentioned above, the first trend left outside and subs titut ed with second trend.
Functions of Language, 1998
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(4), 1784-1802, 2020
Promoting students' knowledge of the reading process as well as their metacognitive awareness of reading strategies has become a crucial issue of ESP teaching and undoubtedly an obligatory subject in higher education. Relevant to this, the present paper tries to examine Algerian ESP students' awareness and use of reading strategies, especially while reading academic material in English. The study is realized through the administration of Mokhtari and Sheorey's (2002) Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) to 100 students enrolled in first year engineering classes at the National Higher School for Hydraulics (ENSH), mainly to find out: (1) frequency of students' reported use of different reading strategies (Global, Problem-solving and Support reading strategies); (2) difference(s), if any, between female and male students' reading strategies use; and (3) students reported use of any other strategies which are not included in the SORS. Findings reveal that Algerian ESP students, as medium users of reading strategies in general, tend to use Problem-solving more than other categories of reading strategies; the absence of significant differences between males and females reported use of reading strategies; meanwhile, students report use of some strategies other than those mentioned in Mokhtari and Sheorey's Survey. Consequently, an adapted version of the SORS is designed to fit the Algerian context of EFL for specific purposes.
ESP Today, 1(1), 1-4.
This paper attempts to define 'English for specific purposes' (known as ESP for short) area language teaching, as well as its historical background, its typical features, a general distinction between GE (General English) and ESP, the significance of the ESP teacher will be drawn. In the last part, the definition of needs analysis and its significance will be mentioned. It is obvious that teaching English for General Purposes and teaching English for Specific Purposes have a lot in common since both of them carry necessary considerations in linguistic improvements, teaching methodologies and techniques. However, what really differentiates ESP teachers from their colleagues teaching General English is the need to consider the requirements of other areas of professions and the motivation to adapt these requirements into the language classroom. This paper also focuses upon the types of ESP, the importance of needs analysis and its two main types namely known as Target Situation Analysis (TSA) and Present Situation Analysis (PSA). Moreover, this paper focuses the significance of the ESP teacher and the important roles an ESP teacher plays. Key words: ESP (English for Specific Purposes), GE (General English), EGP (English for General Purposes), EAP (English for Academic Purposes), needs analysis (NA). Özet: Bu araştırma, özel amaçlı Đngilizce (ESP) terimini tanımlamaya çalışmaktadır. Ayrıca, bu araştırmada, özel amaçlı Đngilizce öğretiminin tarihi alt yapısı, tipik özellikleri, genel Đngilizce ile özel amaçlı Đngilizce öğretimi arasındaki genel farklar ortaya konulmaktadır. Ayrıca, özel amaçlı Đngilizce veren öğretmenlerin öneminden bahsedilecektir. Son olarak ise ihtiyaç analizi'nin ne olduğundan ve öneminden bahsedilecektir. Son derece açıkdır ki, özel amaçlı Đngilizce öğretimi ile genel Đngilizce öğretimi arasında dilsel gelişimler, öğretim metodları ve teknikleri bakımından pek çok ortak nokta bulunmasına rağmen, özel amaçlı Đngilizce öğreten öğretmeni, genel Đngilizce öğreten meslektaşından ayıran unsur, belli bir mesleğe yönelik olan dilsel ihtiyaçların ve bunların saiklerinin (sebeplerinin) sınıfa uyarlanmasıdır. Ayrıca, bu çalışma, özel amaçlı Đngilizce'nin türlerini, ihtiyaç analizinin önemini ve hedef durum analizi ile mevcut durum analizinin ne olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak, bu çalışmada, özel amaçlı Đngilizce veren öğretmenlerin öneminden ve üslendikleri rollerden de bahsedilecektir. Anahtar kelimeler: Özel amaçlı Đngilizce, genel Đngilizce, Akademik amaçlı Đngilizce, özel amaçlar, ihtiyaç analizi.
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 2016
Recently, SAMT (the public organization for researching and publishing academic textbooks in humanities) has witnessed a revival in publishing high-quality books, related to language teaching, under the supervision of Professor Mahmoud-Reza Atai, Kharazmi University, Iran. An instance is Understanding Research in Applied Linguistics. As a primer intended mainly for undergraduates in the field, the volume includes five parts with respective chapters. Besides the necessary content, the chapters also include relevant material in the boxes: 'tasks' and 'exhibits' with further materials from other sources, and 'moment of reflection' with quotes and anecdotes to engage and motivate the readers. These useful accessories, within boxes, provide interesting, funny, illuminating, and relevant materials to the readers. Part I, Introduction and Background, contains four chapters that intend to introduce some basic concepts, or "a general background" (p. 5), Chapter 1, Science and Research, briefly discusses key issues and assumptions of scientific inquiry, clarifies the concept of research, and highlights ethical considerations. Chapter 2, The Research Process, touches upon the steps in conducting a study, e.g., choosing a topic, developing questions, data collection, etc. Chapter 3, Applied Linguistics Research, does not seem to fit in Part I or in any part of the book, however, since it addresses the scope of the field of applied linguistics, rather than a concept in research. The chapter introduces the readers to the different areas of the field in other courses, within which they can find suitable topics for research. Therefore, it should be removed in the following editions.
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